Colby Magazine vol. 93, no. 1

Page 42


Alumni at large


i\laine Gov. j ohn Baldacc i's D iri go hea lth refo rm bill includ es the appointm ent of a nj11 e- member committee to exa min e th e way hospitals in Ma ine are run. C haired by Wimam E . Haggett ' 56, the co mmittee will attempt to rein in hea lth ca re ex'Penditures ·:· T he U ni versity of Miami threw a pae ll a party in O ctober to salute Phillip and Patricia Orr Frost ' 59's 33-milli on gift, the largest in the univer ity's hj story, to the School of Music.

IIM!!tit.J~i¥11 Denths: Robert C. Burkhart ' 50, May 11, 200 1, in G reensboro, .C., at 74 ·:· E llis T. C arpenter Sr. '50, J uly 31 , 2003 , in Va lh all a, N .Y., at 76 ·:· Homer D. Achorn Jr. '51 , September 6, 2003, in Rockport, Maine, at 77 ·=· JohnS.Lawton '5l , O ctober ll ,2 003, iJ1Danbury,N.H .,at 73 ·:· Paul A. Cote Sr. ' 52 , October 12, 2003 , in Lewiston , Maine, at 73 ·:· Eli zabeth " Kit" Kistler Wallace ' 53 , September 17, 2003, in San Francisco, Calif., at 72 ·:· John H . Megquier ' 54, October 10, 2003, in Dall as, Texas, at 71 ·:· D avid F. Mills ' 54, O ctober 28, 1999, in Pennsylva ni a, at 66 ·=· Bernard L. Wexler ' 54, August 20, 2003, in Li vings ton , Pa. , at 71 ·:· Scott D . Ferguson Jr. ' 55, D ecember 29, 2002, in Pueblo, Colo., at 73 ·:· John S. Dulany ' 56, September 8, 2002, in Connecticut, at 68 ·:· C harlotte Wood Scully ' 56, October 10, 2003, in Waterbury, Corll1., at 68. Zambello . J o hn claims L o u contin ues to loo k grea t and has reta ined hi s se nse of hum o r. That's strange, j o hn , I always thought Kathy was th e better lookin g of th e t:wo 1 ... Judy H o ltz Levow has settl ed into her new surroundings in D elray Beach, F la. H er so n lives nea rby and is a teac hing go lf pro. (Anyone need help with their go lf game?) H er youn gest granddau ghter, 16, auditioned and won tl1 e female lead in Tbe Bucksters, a fi lm made by independ ent m oviemakers tl1 is past winter in Lowe ll , Mass. The sc ript ea rn ed an " ho no rable menti o n" in a prestigious fi lm co mpetition and as of September was being fi lmed, ed ited and subm itted to so me of th e larger film festivals in th e .S. and Ca nada. \Vatch for it, then go see it 1 . . . 'Ta lk abo ut tim eliness. On September 9 I received an article take n from Tb e Le1.viston Sun-Joumal dated May 2, 2003. The article is all about th e appearance of the featured Maine hum o ri st J oe P erham . I t's a great article, chron icling j oe's credits, past performances, awa rd s, ro les, etc. A self-proclaimed student of the privy and a regular reader of the Sears Roebuck cata logue since before you had to purchase it, he has clone exte nsive study in sma ll-building construction and in th e co rncob business of the ea rly ,\ Iai ne farmer. I don't kn ow about th e rest of you, but the image of the j oe Perham that I remem ber (a funn y and cia;., act) i'> one ofj oe sitti ng in hisselfbuilt pri'·) in\\'. Pari s, ,\ Iaine, smokin g his corncob pipe and studyi ng for his role~ as ll amlet and \ \ l llie Loman , both of" hich he has portrayed. Pi cture both of tho'>e character "ith a







20 0 4

strong i\llaine accent! A funn y, funny man- I ce rtain ly ho pe he is plannin g fo r o ur 50tl1 reuni o n .... A final bit of news: Joann e Bailey was married o n Ju ly 26,2003, to \ Villiam Ca mpbell , a lo ng- tim e resident o f Kato nah , N. Y. , and , ahem, a H arva rd grad uate. All three o f Bi ll 's chi ldren, th eir spouses and grand chi ld ren and j oa nn e's so n and grandson helped celebrate this joyo us occasio n at th e ir ho me in Ma in e. Congran li ations to botl1 . \Ve look fo rward to mee ti ng Bi ll in J un e '05 .... \ Vl1en you receive tl1i s issue o f Colby, yo u wi ll have celebrated tl1 e ho lidays associated 'vi tl1 C han ukah , C h ri stmas and Kwanzaa- my apo logies if I' ve fo rgotte n any. M ay you all have th at which means tl1 e most to yo u-yo ur fam il ies, your healtl1 and the good wi shes of all tlwse who surro und you. Have a g rea t '04 and remember, o ur 50th is less th an 17 mo nths away.

- Kw Van Pmag


vVe are gea rin g up to get th e 50tll reunion o rga ni za tion off and running, and some of you ma y have bee n contacted already. This wi ll be a special event if a lot of yo u put it on your priority list. New face s and o ld woul d make for such a wonderfu l celebratio n of life .... Summer's news wa s in short supply, but l know I speak for all tl1ose who wenr o n the Colby trip to Tu sca n~· that we are so grateful tO know that our Colby professo r, Larissa T.1ylor, walked away from a pectacular three-ro ll o,·er blowout o n th e ,\I ain e Turnpike this summ er. .\n d we are proud to sa~· that a a nearly

new dri ve r ; he boug ht anotl1er ca r and "got ri g ht back up on the horse." ... \Ve ha I o ur seco nd annu al lu nch with j o hn '55 and j ane Daib Rei sman '58 tl1i ss umm er but dicln 't see man y other Colby people afte r ou r big dinn er in Bootl1bay inJun e. T hi s gro up included J o hn Jubinsky and Tess, H arry and Lynn Broo ks Wey, D avi d and R osie Cro utham e l Sortor, Hop e P almer Bramha U and P eter, Barbara Na rd ozzi Saxon , L arry Pug h and J ean Va n C urran Pug h '55 and Lou '55 and me. In spite of 13 at th e tab le we had a memorable evenin g and watched firewo rks from the Boothbay Yacht C lu b afterwards . ... Ruthann Simmo nds Mac Kinn o n ca ll ed me at tl1 e end of summer to tl1ank me for my work for the class, and tl1i s was great for me to hea r. I love writin g t hi s co lumn , but I need to ge t news from some new folk-som e lo ng- los t fo lk. Any new sto ri es' E-ma il me just to say hi .

- Kmby ,1/cCouaugby Zmnbello


You may have noticed thatth ere was no '57 column in the last issue, and tl1at was d ue to o nl y o ne reason-lack ofyourn ews! Recentl y, your e- mail has improved and we won 't threate n to go o n strike! ... It was good to hea r from F red H o nd , who te lls us that he was indu cted into the Beverl y, Mass., Hi gh School Sports H all of Fame last March . F red coac hed track and field at the sc hool fo r 20 yea rs; he also taught hi story courses at the Exp lo rer's Institute fo r Life- Lo ng Lea rnin g associated witl1 Sa lem State College, and he plays teno r saxopho ne in th e D ane Street Conce rt Band , whi ch performs in th e Beverly area seve ral ti mes a yea r. Fred saw Dick Adl e r at the ir 50tl1 hi g h sc hool class reuni o n. .. . On o ur ann ual August trip tO E llie Shorey Harris's ca mp at C hi na Lake, Maine, we visited with Bob and Sue Fairchild Bean ; Kathy Sfe res E raklis joined us for a wonderful da y! The ladies decid ed to go to the Colby art muse um to see the exh ibit Cberisbed Possen-iom: A New England Legacy from the Society for the Preservation ofNew E ngland Antiquiti es' renowned collection of art and artifacts. vVe ho pe that all of yo u traveling to no rthern Tew England did the sa me thing 1 ... Shi rl ey T rans ue Cra m writes tl1at du rin g England 's mass ive hea t wave in ugust (no ai r co nditi o nin g) she spent I 0 cla ys in Canterbury to pre pare fo r a conce rt of Brahm s and Mozart in Canterbury Cathedral. Shirl ey sin gs with the Berks hire (Niass.) Cho ral Fe rival.. . . ud rey H ittinge r Katz

has the mo'>t exuting news ever - h birth of three grandchildren within 1 month s. Sheld on and Audrey tra\el extensively, although they are both still in vo lved in their software company. ... Art and lfi e Gray Gatenby were in New England for a week to attend her 50th class reuni o n and have been in touch with seve ral Colby classmates in the Massachusetts area ... . Mikki ChomiczMa nno writes th at she has a new g rand son born last spring, making a total of three grandchildren to enjoy. She spent a lot of time at the J ersey shore during the summer a well as a weekatTanglewoocl in th e Berkshires. ... \ Ve have received infom1ation about Annie P ro u lx, who became a literary sensatio n with her novel Tb e Sbipping Ne-UJs. The book's extraordinary prose won it two m ajo r Am erica n prizes for fiction , tl1e Pulitze r Pri ze and the Natio nal Book Award. We also enjoyed her novel Acc01·dion O·imes. . . . As we all know by now, "va riety is the spice of life" and also of this column ' I twas good to hear from some differe nt classmates for this edi ti o n. vVe app reciate all who took tl1e time to se nd us news 1

-Guy and Elermo1· Ewing Vigue


Allow me to begin my duti es as class co rres po nd ent by th anking! Maggie Smi t h H e n ry fo r her yea rs of dedicated se rvice. Let it be known yet aga in that the C lass of ' 58 is th best! ... Burt Angrist writes tl1 at h enjoyed getti ng back fo r reun io n an parti cul arl y " meetin g" so me fo lks h hardl y kn ew when he was at Colby By the way, Burt, now retired, is rock climber who trave ls the worl in sea rc h o f new chall enges . . . Jim Bis hop is do in g co mm entar) for Arizona public radi o, ho pi ng t go nati o nal soo n. H is last topic wa. th e scourge of ga mb lin g add ictiOJ sweepi ng wo men in th e So uthwest; hi. next o ne is what to do when mee ti n a mo untain li o n in th e deep wi ld 1 .. Sin ce 1968, Nancy D e rd e ri an Bag d asa rian has lived with her husba nd Bob, in \ Ve ll esley, M ass., where th e raised two daughters, both of who n atte nd ed D eni son ni ve rsitya ncl no' live in Sa lt Lake C ity. Of co urse tha mea ns lo ts of g rea t trips to Uta h t keep track of their five g rancl chi lclreJ T hey've beco me avid go lfers and spe1 six weeks in H awa ii last spring cloin what else 1 ... J an e G ibbo n s is se m retired in Main e, where she wo rks pa time as a chaplai n fortl1eAndroscoggi H ome I Iea lth and Tl ospicc. lnJu ly,s l climbed Mr. Ab raham in Ma ine an

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