[Winter 08] Commentary

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>> T h e P resi dent pon ders coker c h ampions an d economic realities

>> C A M P U S I S S U E W I N T E R ’ 0 8

VOL . 36 NO. 4


contents >> C ampus news | 4 >> O n the Road WITH FRANK | 8 >> Development | 10 >> Athletics | 14

14 DIABETES DOESN’T STOP WOMEN’S SOCCER PLAYER Volume 36, Number 4 w w w.coker.edu

The Commentary of Coker College is published four times a year in the fall, winter, spring and summer by the Coker College Office of Marketing & Communications. 843.383.8018 Periodicals postage paid at Hartsville, SC 29550 and additional mailing offices USPS Pub. No. 599-590 POSTMASTER: Forward and send address changes to: COKER COLLEGE Office of Marketing & Communications 300 East College Avenue Hartsville, SC 29550-3797

>> J ames Jolly Director of Marketing and Communications jjolly@coker.edu >> K yle Saverance ’0 6 Publications and Web Designer ksaverance@coker.edu >> C hristian S try ker ’0 4 Sports Information Director cstryker@coker.edu >> C ontributors: Henna Koponen ’10 Shannon Townley ’09


It is hard to have a conversation these days without the economy becoming part of our discussions. There is no question that Coker College is not immune to the economic realities of our time. Like other colleges nationally, Coker is being impacted negatively by the economic downturn. Yet there is good news. At Coker College, we have not extended our fiscal resources beyond the limits. Historically, we have been fiscally conservative and it will be easier for us to stay the course during these difficult times. Be assured that Coker College is firmly committed to maintaining its reputation of excellence for providing the highest quality living and learning environment for its students. However, the reality is that we do still need your support. Our Fall 2008 enrollment is off-target and the value of our endowment has plummeted with the stock market. This translates to a reduction in revenue from these sources. As a result, your gift to the Annual Scholarship Fund this year is more important than ever. With your generosity, a strong and viable Annual Scholarship Fund will help Coker College students through these tumultuous times. As I ponder the future of the College, I see a place where “Coker Champions” — dedicated leadership donors, alumni, friends, parents, faculty and staff — work together to provide educational experiences for students that prepare them for a demanding workforce and world. No doubt, there have been other recessions in Coker’s 100-year history. There has also been during those times an outstanding sense of commitment from the College’s leadership donors, alumni, friends, parents, faculty and staff. Ultimately, what we enjoy today is an exceptional academic community created out of the determination expressed by Coker Champions, even during the most difficult of times. Unquestionably, the months, even years, ahead will require of us our best thinking and actions to preserve what has been created here over the past century. We are grateful for 1.0: The new granite bench on campus your continued support recently donated by Louisa E. Tobias of and stewardship of Coker Columbia in memory of Margaret Watson College. Best wishes for Cooper, granddaughter of Major James the New Year. Lide Coker, founder of the College.

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