2013-14 Student Handbook

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students can involve themselves in including dorm Bible studies, chapel services, nursing home ministry, summer mission opportunities, community projects, conferences and several special events each semester. The Baptist Student Center is open from 9:00 a.m. until 11:00 p.m. for students to come and enjoy. Cost is free! Choir, Sojourners & Ambassadors Sponsors: Shaw Furlow (601-643-8353/shaw.furlow@colin.edu) Denise Riley (601-643-8434/denise.riley@colin.edu) The Co-Lin Concert Choir is open to all students who are interested in singing a wide variety of vocal music. Rehearsals are at 1:00, Monday through Thursday, and attendance is required. Sign up for MUO 1211 51 on your class schedule. The Sojourners Show Choir and the Ambassadors Vocal Ensemble are selected from an audition at the beginning of each semester. Members of the Sojourners and Ambassadors are required to join the Concert Choir. Generous scholarships are awarded for participation in all choral music groups. Co-Lin Centurions History Club Sponsor: Dr. Brett Shufelt (601-643-8396/brett.shufelt@colin.edu) The purpose of the Centurion History Club organization is to encourage academic study and enjoyment of history for its members. We offer a variety of activities including lectures, trips, and social events. Membership is open to any CoLin student who holds an interest in the study of history, regardless of race, creed, color, religion, sex, national origin, handicap or current program of study. Our goal is to promote historical awareness, intellectual growth, and social welfare of the Copiah-Lincoln Community College Campus, and to promote appreciation for the aim and objectives of Copiah-Lincoln Community College. A secondary purpose is to facilitate interaction between students of history, and Co-Lin’s History Department faculty, thereby allowing a wider discussion of history, its uses and meanings. Co-Lin student society for MLt Sponsors: Mary Shivers (601-643-8391/mary.shivers@colin.edu) Cindy Higgs (601-643-8395/cindy.higgs@colin.edu) Copiah-Lincoln Student Society for Medical Technology is an organization dedicated to those students interested in a career in medical technology. The association members at the Wesson Campus sponsor activities, fundraisers, and promote the medical laboratory profession. The MLT Club provides appropriate student organization activities including leadership development and critical thinking skills. The club sponsors a blood drive each semester. Students are affiliated with the American Society of Clinical Laboratory Science-Mississippi allowing opportunities to interact with other laboratory professionals on both the state and national level. Co-Lin Student Nurses’ Organization (CLSNO) Sponsors: Pam Earls (601-643-8418/pam.earls@colin.edu) Leigh Ann Creel (601-643-8420/leighann.creel@colin.edu) 48

Copiah-Lincoln Community College Student Handbook

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