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After the start of the new school year, students are reevaluating back to school schedules and how they’ve changed since last year


by Izzy Munn design by Aidan Brown

The sound of an alarm cuts through the silence and marks the start of a new day. A backpack brimming with school supplies waits by the door. The promise of a fresh start fills in the air. On the first day of school, the change and excitement of the year ahead make almost anything seem possible.

With the start of this school year, some students have taken the time to evaluate the differences between their previous schedules and their current schedules. One of these students is sophomore Emmerson Logston.

“I definitely have classes that I enjoy a lot more this year,” Logston said. “And it’s much easier now, especially because I understand how to do my homework, set up my planner, that sort of stuff.”

Another student evaluating his back-toschool routine is junior Christian Cardoso. Cardoso is on the boys’ soccer team and has had to balance keeping up with all of his schoolwork and continuing to improve his soccer skills.

“My homework schedule is after practice, I go home and eat,” Cardoso said. “Then [in the evening] is when I try to get my schoolwork done. On Sundays, I try my best to get a lot of things done after work too.”

Cardoso also says that despite having practice five days a week, soccer will not prevent him from getting schoolwork done.

“Practice after school is something I always look forward to, and then after practice is when I get my schoolwork done, even if that means staying up late at night,” Cardoso said.

The same goes for sophomore Michael Crossman, who is a member of the boys’ tennis team. Crossman, like Cardoso, has to keep up with both a back-to-school schedule and after-school sports.

“I have less time to do homework, but I always try to get it done whenever I can,” Crossman said.

Although back-to-school schedules and routines are changing, students here are persevering to achieve all of their goals, both academically and through extracurriculars.


PHOMORE Algebra II Honors Welding I Resource French IV S O English 10 ACC LOG Yearbook Sociology AP Physics Pre-Calculus Honors Welding II Resource French V English 11 ACC LOG Yearbook AP Psychology AP US History

photo by Jocelyn Aguilar