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Fall Sports



Design By Samantha Dearing


Lax to the Max CNHS lady LAX-ers experience their first year on the new team

By Kaitlyn Ayres Design By Myleigh Munn

The dream was big when sophomore Liberty Jones decided to help co-start a women’s lacrosse team.

“I started planning [the team] in about 8th grade, but it didn’t come to reality until this year,” Jones said.

Since has never had a female lacrosse team, Jones and sophomore Savannah Morris had to build it from the ground up, which presented its own set of challenges.

“The hardest part was getting the school to cooperate,” Jones said. “I registered us in the Indiana Women’s Lacrosse League, and I started talking to a lot of people around Columbus to help set up the organization.”

Sophomore Jayden Cross also recounts the difficulties of forming the team.

“Liberty played lacrosse when she was younger and she was on a guys team, which she did not want to do [again],” Cross said. “She tried [to make a team] last year and not enough girls wanted to be on the team, but this year there were enough girls.”

One of those girls was junior Carly McCawley, who took a bit of convincing before she joined the team.

“My friend said she was interested in it, so I decided I would do it with her,” McCawley said.

Unlike McCawley, Cross wanted to try the team for a different reason.

“My cousins play lacrosse, and I’ve been to a couple of their games,” Cross said. “And it just seemed really fun, so I wanted to try it.,” said Cross. Players weren’t the only thing needed to make a team, the girls also needed a coach. “Our coach is Maddyisn Wiseman,” Jones said. “We got her by my mom contacting people on Facebook and she ended up being interested because she played lacrosse in high school.” The team now has twenty-four players, but they are still looking for new members. “You can contact me on any form of social media,” Jones said. “We’re going to end up putting flyers up with our coach’s information, so you can contact her.” Even though the official season is in the spring, the girls are excited to get started with preseason practices.

“I think it’s a really cool sport,” McCawley said. “it’s exercise and an activity you can be a part of.”

In the end, Jone’s dream of the female lacrosse team came true. The team is ready to dominate their upcoming season and encourages anyone interested to join.

“It’s a new sport, and it’s really fun,” Jones said. “I would definitely say that it can be difficult at times, but if you’re down to try something new, you should definitely try [lacrosse].”

The Game Explained The crosse also known as a stick or wand is usedin the game of lacrosse in order to throw the ball

The ball its round and it hurts. the ball is every players pride and joy. solid rubber or what is also know as vulcanizing rubber

The gear all it takes is a mouth guard and aface covering which is more commonly known as a lacrosse helmet.

The goal every players one true target each goal is worth one point. in professional lacrosse there is a two point line you can make.

The team the team consist of 24 players. the four main positions. attackers, defenders, midfielders and goalies.


the defensive area

wing area wing area