Adopted Central Main Plan

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Building frontage zone of sufficient width to allow pedestrian activity at entrances, window shopping, displays, and seating for restaurants and cafes, as needed (in mixed-use settings). Furnishing zone of sufficient width to accommodate street trees in landscape planters or tree wells, street furniture, bicycle racks, public art, utilities and as necessary, seating for restaurants and cafes; landscaping will use a uniform palette.

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Edge zone of sufficient width to accommodate public signage and/or utilities. Pedestrian crossing distance should not exceed 100’ and enhanced crosswalks should be utilized at all signalized intersections. Compatible Building Form and Development Character Types include: Urban Gateway, Transit Adjacent – Village, Transit Adjacent – Residential, and Neighborhood Evolution.

REGIONAL ARTERIAL The Regional Arterial Street Character Type is intended to create walkable segments of regional major streets that intersect with Main Street, but in areas less influenced by light rail. A Regional Arterial should help encourage pedestrian and bicycle use into transit station areas, while still allowing higher traffic volumes and speed. Land uses on a Regional Arterial would typically consist of low- to medium-intensity residential and single-use developments. The Regional Arterial accommodates significant vehicular traffic, non-vehicular activity, and bicycle facilities. Common characteristics of a Regional Arterial include: 1. 2.

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Design speed of 40 to 45 mph. Three travel lanes with typical widths of 10’ to 11’, in each direction; dedicated center turn lane with typical width of 10’ to 11’; may include one or two left turn lanes at signalized intersections. No on-street parking. Bicycle lanes with a typical width of 6’ and designated with pavement markings. Building Side should be a combination of continuous landscape planter and hard surface detached from the street; typical width of 8’ to 12’ that accommodates: • Pedestrian through zone of sufficient width to allow two people to walk side by side (typically 6’).

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Furnishing zone of sufficient width to accommodate street trees in continuous landscape strip and utilities; landscaping can include multiple species. • Edge zone of sufficient width to accommodate public signage and/or utilities. Pedestrian crossing distance should not exceed 100’ and enhanced crosswalks should be utilized at all signalized intersections. Compatible Building Form and Development Character Types include: Commercial/Mixed-Use Node, Employment District, Evolution Corridor, and Neighborhood.

COLLECTOR STREET The Collector Street Character Type is intended to create walkable segments of local streets that should help encourage safe pedestrian and bicycle use from residential areas into the downtown area and to the light rail system. Collector Streets generally have lower traffic volumes and speed. Land uses on a Collector Street would typically consist of low- to medium-intensity residential, single-use commercial developments, and limited mixed-use. The Collector Street accommodates moderate vehicular traffic, non-vehicular activity, and bicycle facilities. Common characteristics of a Collector Street include: 1. 2. 3.

Design speed of 30 to 35 mph. One travel lane with a typical width of 10’ to 11’, in each direction. On-street parallel parking with a typical parking space width of 8’ accommodated wherever feasible.



Bicycle lanes with a typical width of 6’ and designated with pavement markings; when adjacent to parallel parking, the combined width of parking and bicycle lane should be no less than 13’. Building Side should be a combination of continuous landscape planter and hard surface detached from the street; typical width of 8’ to 12’ that accommodates:


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