1 minute read

Pan Con Tomate

By David J Rickett

Ingredients: 3 high quality tomatoes Good quality olive oil 1 ciabatta loaf 1 large garlic clove A pinch of flaked sea salt Method: Cut the tomatoes in half and grate them over a bowl. Season with salt and add a good glug of olive oil.

Slice the ciabatta loaf in half lengthways and cut into suitable portions. Brush with a good quality olive oil and arrange on a baking tray. Toast about 6 inches from the grill element until the slices are golden brown.

Assemble the tomato bread. When the bread is ready, rub the peeled garlic clove over the hot bread. Spread the grated tomato over the bread and then serve.

This deceptively simple recipe is all about treating top quality ingredients with the respect they deserve… it also makes a delicious starter or side dish.

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