Cibare Issue 20

Page 38

the windows and that light is shining off a big yellow truck. The Cheese Truck to be precise! The Cheese Bar started its life as the Cheese Truck, going round markets and food festivals and, well, it’s made a comeback big style! Whilst we isolate in our homes dreaming of cheese, we can simply get on line to get our fix. You can place an order for incredible British cheese, charcuterie and of course wine, beer and cider and have it delivered to your door! You barely have to move from your sofa except to pick it up from your doorstep on your very special delivery day. POW!!! The cheese night is back in the room!! They have a great selection and did I mention IT’S ALL BRITISH CHEESE!!! So whilst we sit in our homes to save the NHS, to save our friends’ and families’ lives potentially, we could be ordering British produce to save these small producers from going out of business whilst looking after The Cheese Bar/Truck too! It’s never been easier to buy local and British as it is right now and they have such an amazing variety of cheese and charcuterie that why would you go anywhere else? PICTURE CREDITS: Nic Crilly-Hargrave

But! Enjoy your nights out whilst being in. Get your mates or partners to order some too and make an online party of it. Why not! Get online now at and enjoy!


Cibare Magazine

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