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The Chatter 2021

Teamwork Key to Substation Security Upgrade Projects

By Nate Lancaster

Cianbro’s Power & Energy team continues to support utility customers with various security upgrades at existing substation facilities. The team recently wrapped up security upgrade projects in Florida.

Both projects began construction in November of 2020 and required security enhancements, as they fell under the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) standard, CIP 014, for critical infrastructure.

The projects were large, 230 kV substations, and the scopes were quite similar and consisted of replacing the existing 7-foot tall chain-link fence with a new 10-foot-tall, high-security fence with animal mitigation characteristics. This fence is unique in that not only is it robust, but its design prevents animals, including snakes, from climbing the exterior. Animals are a nuisance for substations and cause more power outages and reliability concerns than most people might know. The project also consisted of numerous other security features intended to protect the public and the substation from a threat of forced entry. These features included new perimeter lighting, cameras, access controls, and an intrusion detection system (IDS). Additionally, new pre-cast security buildings were installed, along with a station service upgrade required to support the new systems.

Both projects also had unique challenges. To start, on one of the projects, the team learned that work would need to come to a halt. The plant facility was planning a generator overhaul that was scheduled for March through May. Unfortunately, access to the substation became hindered, forcing the Cianbro team to de-mobilize offsite for four months. Thankfully, the team could join forces with the crews at the other project site to help accelerate construction at that project in the interim.

In addition, the heat posed a significant challenge at both sites. Much of the work occurred in the summer, and all tasks were outside with little protection from the sun. It was common for the heat index to top 100 degrees for most of the week beginning in June. By looking out for each other, the team persevered through the summer months, completing both projects by the end of the year.

A special thanks goes out to the talented, hardworking team members willing to travel and support these projects across multiple states. The teams continued to focus on safety and quality, having secured two more projects with the client.

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