The Churchill Newsletter 2015

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Churchill Welcome! Meeting Churchill alumni has been one of the highlights of my first year as Development Director. I have spent this year learning from you more about our community, what it means to be a Churchillian and our ambitions for the future. Thanks for making my transition from the wild west of Canada to the dreaming spires of Cambridge less traumatic than it otherwise might have been.

With this year being the 50th anniversary

will enable us to house all the 4th year

of the state funeral of our Founder Sir

undergraduates and free up some rooms

Winston Churchill it is a particular privilege

for graduates. The project has received

to have joined Churchill College. From a

great support from alumni, Fellows and

fundraising perspective this year presents

friends over the past seven years with

opportunities to meet with major donors

684 gifts generating over £4 million.

and alumni with a whole series of events

We are continuing to raise funds for this

that recognise his contribution to the

£10.6 million project.

country. Development and Alumni office

to announce a gift of US$750,000 from

Fahle and Livia Harriman contributed with

a former Gulbenkian graduate Scholar

their support on the very successful phone

who is making a major philanthropic

campaign, student enterprise competition

gift to thank the Calouste Gulbenkian

and many alumni events with a strong

Foundation (one of the original donors to

international flavour. The international reach

the College in 1958) and Churchill College.

of our excellence is supported by our new

Funds were added to the Gulbenkian

Master, Professor Dame Athene Donald,

studentship in memory of Dr. Adam Yuval,

during the recent high profile trip to New

Berlin 1912 – Jerusalem 2003. Dr Yuval

York where she was featured as part of the

served in the Royal Army Medical Corps

University’s “Women of Success” based on a

in the western desert during WW II; served

book which she co-authored celebrating the

in the Israel war of independence and

achievements of women at the University.

served in the Yom Kippur war. His son

Raising money for the College is my

“Raising money for the College is my main priority and I have been struck by the strength of the appeal of the College to alumni and friends.”

As we go to press I am also pleased

staff members Hilary Stimpson, Sarah

Gideon Yuval was in Churchill 1967-1969

main priority and I have been struck by

as a graduate student. He told me

the strength of the appeal of the College

that his experience at Churchill changed

to alumni and friends. We set up a new

his life and he would like to make sure

Development Board. It is led by the Chair

others have the same opportunity. The

Michael Cowan (U70 Engineering) and

enhanced endowed award will be called

raising funds for the College is its priority.

the Gulbenkian Yuval Studentship to

We are already on course to surpass our

support graduate overseas students

average achievement of £1.9m per annum

at the College and help to ensure that

in the past five years and achieve a target

Churchill continues to attract the very best

of £3.69 million this year.

Ph. D students.

Construction has just begun for the new court development of rooms for

John Pennant

Churchill undergraduates and which

Development Director


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