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The Student Voices continued...

Senior said, “My best experience with Church was when I received the Holy Eucharist and was able to receive the body and blood of Christ for the first time ”

Freshman said, “When I first received first communion It was a big moment in my life, and it felt great to be apart of such a huge congregation It was also the first time I received the body of Jesus. I felt special and apart of something bigger than myself.”


Senior said, “My best experience with the Church was my Confirmation a few years ago. It solidified my faith and set me up on my journey to be a lifelong Catholic.”

Freshman said, “I was really happy when I got confirmed because I felt the goodness of the holy spirit wash over me ”

Freshman said, “My best experience was probably my Confirmation last year. It was a very meaningful and great experience because it was like having baptism but I could actually remember it. It also helped open myself up to God.”


Freshman said, “My best experience with the Church was when I got baptized, because I felt connected in faith with Jesus I was then officially part of the Christian faith, and I believed in Jesus Christ. I was washed away of my sins, and I felt that it was a start to a new beginning.”

Sophomore said, “I watched my new born cousin get baptised while surrounded with my close family It was a magical moment that made me contemplate my faith on a deeper level In that moment, I felt a joy that was unique from other happy experience that do not involve faith ”

Sophomore said, “My best experience with the church was when i got baptized by a priest, when i got baptized i felt like a whole new person because all my sins were cleansed and i became closer with god.”