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Earth Hour: Saturday, March 25th, 2023, 8:30 - 9:30 PM

What is it?

Earth Hour is a movement that is organised by the WWF (World Wildlife Fund – an establishment that emphasises the need for change to protect nature) and it, (Earth Hour) began in 2007. Its first largescale action occurred in Sydney, Australia, with a ‘lights out’ event involving 2.2 million individuals, across the city taking part. Since then, it has spread to over 192 countries with now over a billion participants annually. What began as a grassroots project now aims to help save our planet, one small step at a time.

Each year for just 60 minutes towards the end of March, communities, businesses, and cities are encouraged to turn off any non-essential lights as a symbol of their commitment to preserving the planet. The WWF hopes that Earth Hour creates a powerful movement to help tackle climate change, as it brings attention to the issues we currently face that endanger our planet and encourages governments to act now!

For just one hour on the evening of March 25th, households and buildings all around the world will participate in a unified switching off the lights. The theme this year is ‘Shape our Future’, a very poignant idea, especially now more than ever before, as we reach a stage where we must adapt ourhabits to help preserve our world. With every action taken or not taken, literally ‘shaping our future’

How can Chigwell School contribute?

Between 8.30 - 9.30 pm on March 25th, we encourage all pupils, parents, and staff to join in with this event in a bid to help our planet; turn off the lights and enjoy some downtime to reflect on what youcan do to save our planet. Together our changes, big or small, can make a big difference.

Harry Moore and Isabel Iley, Lower Sixth, Swallow’s