DO IT AT COTUIT: Jan-April, 2014

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exceptional People exceptional art by Dale Silva

Amidst all the major public theater, music, and gallery events taking place at Cotuit Center for the Arts, another exceptional program has been quietly serving the community for the last 10 years. Every Tuesday morning, from September through May, staff member Michelle Law provides art instruction to a group of individuals with developmental disabilities in conjunction with the May Institute Center for Adult Services in nearby Mashpee. The classes include approximately 10 students, ranging in age from 20 to over 60 years old. Many of these students have been attending the class for several years, returning each September with renewed anticipation for the next year’s program. While the folks at the May Institute normally determine which of the day programs are viable options for each individual, the students themselves choose which of those programs they wish to attend. Coming to Cotuit to learn is the personal choice of each student. As Michelle has stated, “The Cotuit Center has always welcomed people of all artistic abilities who want to create art.”

Above: Instructor L. Michelle Law


In this class, each student works at their own pace rather than on specific group projects. Over time, Michelle will determine their specific likes and dislikes, ultimately leading them into work that they love to do. In this way, the students look forward to each class with enthusiasm. As a student progresses in capability, the value of this type of program becomes obvious. One example involved a student who initially would simply sit and paint on just one spot on a piece of paper, requiring the teacher to move the paper around under the student’s brush. Gradually, the student expanded capability, not only to paint on a full sheet, but also to go to the supplies area, choose the

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