1 minute read

Meet Our Representative - Rachael Marchant

CRY has been a big part of my life for years. They were my first port of call when I was experiencing cardiac issues. Not only do they support families who have suffered an unimaginable loss, but they also support people like myself.

Team myheart are a small group of individuals who have genetic heart conditions that are managed by certain treatments, drugs and ICD’s.

This group offers support, comfort and the opportunity for us to be in the majority and not the minority, which is where we usually are.

CRY is a very valid charity to me and the reason why I chose to become a CRY Representative.

If you would like more information about the myheart network and the support services that we offer, such as the literature we provide and information on different cardiac conditions, you can visit the myheart website at www.myheart.org.uk.

There is also the myheart YouTube channel, which includes content such as videos sent in by members sharing their experiences of being diagnosed or undergoing certain tests, as well as myheart cardiologist Dr Michael Papadakis answering a range of frequently asked questions. You can go to the myheart YouTube channel here: https://bit.ly/2QjiTyl