Luna Córnea 9. Minoría de edad

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Revista Contenido, Oct.Dec. 1971. Olimpia Farfán Morales, "El susto, una enfermedad popular entre los Fidencistas." June Macklin, "Folk Saints, Healers and Spiritist Cults in Northern Mexico." Revista Interamericana, No. 4,1974 . Barbara June Macklin, "El Niño Fidencio: Un estudio del curanderismo en Nuevo León," New London, Connecticut, 1967. Anita Brenner, ídolos tras los altares, Editorial Domés S.A. , Mexico City 1983. Dr. Manuel Terán Lira , El Niño Fidencio, Editorial Macondo , Mexico City 1993. Alabanzas al Niño Fidencio. Dore Gardner, Niño Fidencio, A Heart Thrown Open. Museum of New Mexico Press, 1992. Nicolás Echevarría, notes for the documentary "El Niño Fidencio."

themselves "Iittle receptaeles," the men simply "receptacles." They are bodies, receptors and transmitters who heal with Fidencio's power . When Fidencio comes to them "their museles relax, the voice is transformed to that of a boy." Every October, Espinazo becomes an en campment of suffering bodies . Thousands of pilgrims come to touch his tomb. His followers enter into a trance and , guided by Fid encio 's spirit, bathe patients in the Sacred Pool, where Fidencio once treated the insane. On their knees or carried on


the backs of others, they retrace the path that links the Piru tree , where Fidencio cried in hunger and grief, to

was buried. "Good-bye young Fidencio / I must take leave my friend / as I set off from your holy land / may we meet againl"


Excélsior. El Universal. Revista de Revistas. Revista Hoy . Luis Manuel Ortiz, "Fidencio al descubierto" in

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