BRAUS September 2015

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INTO THIN AIR Lessons in PR from the Malaysia Airlines tragedies | September 2015

TOP 10







Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates once said, “If I was down to my last dollar, I would spend it on public relations.” As the wealthiest man in the world, that is no small claim. And as one of the world-famous entrepreneurs listed in this month’s top 10 feature, it is safe to say that the strategic businessman knows what he’s talking about. Malaysia Airlines does, too. For this month’s marketing piece, we look at the most effective PR practices in crisis management situations, focusing on what not to do by highlighting one of the greatest mysteries in aviation history surrounding the infamous airline. Finally, the issue wraps up by discussing omni-channel marketing and the impact this mobile phonefocused medium has on customer satisfaction (and brand opinion). Is this new approach helping or hindering the retail industry?





Chris Ball: The new visionary behind TGOOD Australia

14 Marketing

24 Technology

What Malaysia Airlines can learn from one of modern aviation’s greatest mysteries

Mobile in the middle:

32 Top 10

Entrepreneurs Who Found Fame From Their Business

32 Top 10

COMPANY PROFILES Shamrock Civil Engineering



Transfield Worley Power Services





CWP Renewables


September 2015






40 CouriersPlease

84 CWP Renewables 94 Transfield Worley


Power Services

54 Civmec 74 Shamrock Civil



108 Austmine 114 Minecorp






The new visionary behind T W R I T T E N B Y: J E N N I F E R W H I T E

6 September 2015



TGOOD Australia 7

CEO PROFILE “OVER THE NEXT 10 years, it is going to be interesting to see how major market leaders will be challenged by new emerging companies that are allowed to think differently than the ‘way it has always been done,’” said TGOOD Australia’s CEO Chris Ball. Claiming one of the spots as a “major market leader” is TGOOD Global, the No. 1 prefabricated electric power solutions corporation in the domestic Chinese market. As part of its parent company TGOOD Global, TGOOD Australia is able to provide customers with the fastest, most costeffective power transmission and distribution solutions in the region. The company asked Ball to join the team as TGOOD Australia’s CEO in June 2015, an opportunity that was quite well-timed. As energy industry continues to grow, the anticipation of being able to help shape this growth as a global presence is nothing short of exciting. “I think we are in the middle of a major shift in what roles organisations will perform in the energy industry,” said Ball. “Operators, end users, suppliers and EPCs all make up the mix of delivering projects; however, 8 September 2015

the clearly defined boundaries of expertise do not exist anymore.” A new path in energy Being offered the position of CEO at TGOOD Australia also made sense for the progression of Ball’s career within the energy sector: With an unblemished reputation and incomparable market reach, the brand was a natural fit for the leader. After spending six years in account management and sales for the food and beverage industry, Ball joined Shell Australia, where he was first introduced to the “downstream” world of energy, i.e., the commercial trading and selling of energy. He then spent some time at GE Energy as the sales director for Australia and New Zealand industrial solutions before joining Siemens as the national sales lead, first in the power distribution division and then in energy management. But the ambitious executive wanted more. “I wanted to round-out my industry and market knowledge by moving to upstream/project side of the market,” he explained. TGOOD Australia was the perfect opportunity.

According to Ball, every customer deserves to have expectations exceeded, a value that he shares with the TGOOD team 9


I have been fortunate enough to have worked with some very talented people who have helped coach and mentor me 10 September 2015


Global presence at a local level Founded in 2004 by a team of German and Chinese engineers, TGOOD Global’s rapid expansion within the mining, energy and exploration sectors has been a focal point of the strategic growth plan from the beginning. After becoming the first company listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange in 2009, TGOOD Global expanded operations to become a worldwide presence: In 2014, TGOOD North America was established as a global engineering centre, with Hong Kong as a hub for globalisation. By 2015, the corporation placed regional headquarters in the Middle East, Africa, Australia, Central Asia and South America. “Globalisation has always been in the German-Chinese joint venture vision; however, the first milestone was a successful model in a very competitive Chinese market,” Ball said. “The executive board now feels like that can be expanded.” Taking a customer-centric approach Establishing a presence in these new territories also aligns with the customer-

centric attitude practiced by both the corporation as well as Ball himself. “The industry has often seen different suppliers try to sell from a global headquarters, but few actually regionalise their business. TGOOD Global realised that to move to the global platform, [we would] need to regionalise with local companies and employees, and listen to the customers on a local level.” According to Ball, every customer deserves to have expectations exceeded, a value that he shares with the TGOOD team, and one that he is able to expand at an even larger level in his new role. “I have mostly worked in large multi-national companies with all of their varying internal complexities— during that time, I have always been connected to the customers, and the main message is always the same: Customers are looking for quality suppliers to listen, be responsive and provide cost-effective equipment that meets their needs. I believe TGOOD has the DNA to offer this on a global and regional platform.” Leading by example In addition to his experience with 11


With an unblemished reputation and incomparable market reach, TGOOD Australia was a natural fit for the leader 12 September 2015


strategic management and power distribution, Ball’s approach toward leadership and fundamental core values align well with TGOOD Australia’s corporate culture—and for the latter, one stands out among the rest: integrity. “Without integrity, all the other values are meaningless. This is very much consistent with my own values— if you can continue to be good to your word with employees and customers, partnerships can flourish,” he said. “Generally, I can only inspire people if I am passionate about something,” Ball continued, “and I think people can only be inspired if there is alignment of personal and professional values and beliefs.” As a manager, Ball prides himself on his ability to adapt leadership styles based on an employee’s individual personality and needs—and he is quick to give credit to those who came before him. “I have been fortunate enough to have worked with some very talented people who have helped coach and mentor me, support me through tough times, and work with me and others as a team to achieve some special results.” Likewise, when asked how his prior

Q&A WITH CHRIS BALL What inspires you? I definitely have a goal-oriented approach both personally and professionally, but building something substantial to ensure my family is given a great opportunity in life sits at the core of my daily inspiration. Who is your role model? I have really taken an interest in both Richard Branson and Elon Musk. Both have very different approaches and represent that one size does not fit all when it comes to building successful ventures. What book are you currently reading? Personal: Born to Run Business: Getting Things Done What do you do to unwind? Family time away in the great outdoors is my key to gaining balance in a hectic world. Leaving the world behind and spending quality time with the family helps me keep in touch with what’s important and what’s not

roles helped prepare him for this new venture, he was quick to give credit back to this previous experience. “I have a lot of respect for the companies that I have worked for—they have their own unique strengths that they have offered and contributed to help me prepare for my current role at TGOOD,” he explained. “It is this experience that I continually try to give back to the people with whom I work.” 13



How Malaysia Airlines botched two W R I T T E N B Y: E R I C H A R D I N G


o of modern aviation’s great mysteries

MARKETING HANDLING CRISIS SITUATIONS is undesirable for even the largest of companies. Crisis management is an important task for management. And while nearly every organisation has a plan and strategy for these unforeseen events, some circumstances present larger challenges than others. Malaysia Airlines disasters Malaysia Airlines (MAS) is in the process of rebranding itself with new ownership, as the airline attempts to recover from two of the largest air disasters in aviation history, which took place over a four-month stretch—one of which is likely the greatest mystery in the history of air travel. Flight MH370 inexplicably disappeared in March 2014, and has still yet to be found. Meanwhile, flight MH17 was allegedly shot down by a missile while flying over Ukraine in July 2014. The two cases are each very different, thus requiring separate ways of handling them. The Malaysia Airlines brand actually benefitted from the media coverage of MH17, as most of the focus was on Russian separatists 16

September 2015

who allegedly shot it down. Therefore proving that when it comes to terrorism, most of the focus is usually on the perpetrators. A further example of this idea is when 9/11 occurred in the United States back in 2001-- neither American Airlines nor United Airlines suffered damage to its brand. On the other hand, Malaysia Airlines faced one of the toughest tests imaginable following the MH370

crisis. Although people expected the worst when the Boeing 777 jet mysteriously went missing, airline tragedies are often looked upon as random misfortunes rather than incompetence on behalf of the airline. Public relation blunders Experts quickly pointed out several public relation blunders made by the airline, especially how quickly all of the information regarding the

disappearance was revealed to the public. It was even via text message that the airline confirmed to the passengers’ family members that their loved ones were deceased. “Malaysia Airlines deeply regrets that we have to assume beyond any reasonable doubt that MH370 has been lost, and that none of those on board survived,” read the text. According to several experts, this was an easy way to turn a 17


Malaysia Plane Memorial catastrophic event into a PR nightmare for the brand. “The most important stakeholder in an aviation crisis is the family,” said Carreen Winters, executive vice president of the U.S.-based public relations firm MWW. “Malaysia Airlines checked off the box, but didn’t figure out a way to 18

September 2015

communicate with families in a way that was human to tell them their loved ones were presumed dead.” David Johnson, CEO of Strategic Vision, took it a step further when he described it as, “One of the worst crisis communications efforts in recent history. It was a textbook case of what not to do that will be studied for years.”


The consensus is that representatives for both the Malaysian government and airline had incomplete and inconsistent accounts of what happened, which angered relatives of the passengers and diminished their confidence in future announcements. They also seemed unprepared for questions from a demanding international media. These missteps gave credence to rumors, speculation and conspiracy theories surrounding the travesty, making the government and airline

“It was one of the worst crisis communications efforts in recent history. It was a textbook case of what not to do that will be studied for years” — David Johnson, CEO of Strategic Vision

look even worse than the event itself. It made both appear like they had something to hide. James Lee, CEO of U.S.-based Lee Strategy Group Inc.—which specialises in aviation crisis management—believes the most blatant miscue was keeping relatives in hotel rooms in Malaysia for weeks following the plane’s disappearance. “You created a media-feeder every day where family members would come out after daily briefings and became more emotionally distraught,” Lee said. “I’m sure from Malaysia’s standpoint, it was viewed as a sign of compassion. But the problem is there’s a difference between compassion and prolonging agony.” PR crisis strategies As more details from each of the two situations continue to emerge, more and more scrutiny will certainly shift back to the airline. So what should the company do to handle it? One strategy is to bring in a communications or PR agency from the outside to help with both its short and long-term rebranding process, 19



Month 2014


which Malaysia airlines has been reluctant to do. It could also select a spokesperson to address concerns of consumers and media, in addition to purchasing additional advertising in the airlines’ top markets to address the tragedies. In addition, having past passengers interviewed to express their confidence in Malaysia Airlines would be very beneficial, and of course, having a social media strategy in place to reinforce the message given to the media. Public relations crisis management is generally considered to have three phases— the prevention phase, the response phase and the recovery phase. Prevention phase Prior to a crisis taking place, the general approach is to prevent it from happening. In the prevention phase, the amount of effort that goes into crisis prevention usually depends on how important the company’s management considers crisis prevention to be. Since crises are unexpected events, this disaster most likely wasn’t predicted beforehand.

Because of this, the company may have implemented some type of safety measure that was initially deemed adequate, presenting a false sense of security that a crisis had been prevented. It is advised to build a level of trust with your customer base to help the company during the next phase - the response phase. Response phase When prevention strategies have failed and a crisis occurs, the company’s top priority should be to limit the damage done to property, stakeholders, the environment and the organisation itself by responding. After deciding how you want to interpret varying reports from the media, the PR team must swiftly decide how they want to handle the situation. Because these situations usually come with a time crunch due to the pressure a company has to deal with, the PR team must choose between gathering information and taking action. The quality of the action taken early in the response phase can have an affect on everyone involved in the 21


malaysia plane memorial situation. If the company takes too long to react, the media may accuse it of either ignoring the problem or being irresponsible. Other than giving stakeholders instructions of how to protect themselves, showing concern for the victims and their family is considered one of the basics of successful crisis management.


September 2015

Recovery phase Once there is no longer any risk of further damaging the company or its stakeholders, the organisation enters the third and final recovery phase. Here, the company looks to learn from what has happened, manage the public’s perception and repair any damage done to its reputation. What companies say during the recovery phase of crisis


communication has an impact on the way the public perceives both what happened and the organisation itself. Because of this, you should downplay the severity of what took place and influence the perception of stakeholders to show remorse. Moving forward Despite being notorious for two separate disasters within 191

days of each other, new chief executive Christoph Mueller said the rebranded company will be similar to a “start-up.” “It’s not a continuation of the old company in disguise,” Mueller said. “Everything is new.” Mueller said he plans to stop the bleeding in 2015, while stabilizing the business next year and striving for growth by 2017. 23




As omnimost effe marketin

W R ITTE N BY SHO PU LAR.C 24 September 2015



-channel is proving to be one of the ective – and intrusive – means of ng, mobile may get the blame.

: N A V N E E T LO I W A L , C E O O F COM 25

TECHNOLOGY OMNI-CHANNEL IS REDEFINING 21st century marketing because it has created a more results-oriented way for branders to reach and relate to intended audiences – one that offers a stronger intuitive connection with the consumer, and greater interactivity and collaboration among buyers and sellers than ever before possible. And no single tool within this new marketer’s palette is better poised to direct the dialogue than mobile, and in particular smartphone devices. The mobile invasion Mobile truly is the lynch pin within the omni-channel environment. It is the predominant way for retailers to interject into the consumer’s mindset in-store, making it the most powerful medium for reaching in-state, on-the-go shoppers (with the possible exception of aisle display and end-cap interactive advertising). In a recent survey, close to half of shoppers admitted to browsing retailers’ own sites or apps in-store. [1] Because most of these mobile shoppers are highly mindful of activity on their smartphone versus other devices, it is the most interruptive tool 26 September 2015

within a brander’s arsenal. Research has revealed that mobile usage can literally “double the value of in-store visit.” [2]. Also, according to Google, smartphone devices have “given retailers more opportunities to build brand loyalty: 51 percent said they used digital devices to look for additional information after buying.”[3] This ability for branders to now reach consumers at sequential points of influence across their lives and their shopping experience has irrevocably changed the marketing equation. The days of linear advertising simply

no longer exist, and retailers who fail to utilize myriad channels – simultaneously – to reach desired targets will sadly lose competitive advantage. While multiple digital tools within the omni-channel spectrum have emblazoned the marketplace, mobile in particular is at the heart of this new marketing world order because it has the opportunity to impact nearly every aspect of the retail experience. Consumers It’s empowering them with more

information and up-to-the-minute purchase opportunities. Retailers It’s opening up a bonanza of untapped revenue generators that challenge them to better optimize each link within their profit cycle. And at the center of this omnichannel marketing evolution sits the mobile phone because it meets the needs of both parties in a reciprocal fashion. Optimizing omni-channel 27


Not only does omni-channel mobile marketing encourage increased spending, it also helps to stretch the discretionary dollar further, a feel-good by-product of the mobile revolution that’s healthy for the American economy and retail industry overall. Below are four observations that will shape marketing strategy as it relates to the omni-channel spectrum and mobile’s place within this increasingly intricate new communications horizon: 28 September 2015

1. Holding the dialogue in real-time is becoming increasingly critical, as decisions are made and influenced on the fly. Shoppers will gravitate to retail brands that demonstrate genuine caring about their lifestyle, shopping preferences, and desired means of communication. Thanks to today’s busy lifestyle, the average consumer is typically shopping when they are already energy and time-strapped. By engaging with them via apps, text


messaging and email, as a complement to in-store kiosks and other prominent “out-of-home” marketing channels, merchants have a greater opportunity to derive a meaningful dialogue that can direct purchase behavior in the moment. 2. The conversation must be truly two-way. Because the omni-channel environment is highly interactive, brand marketers must be listening far more than they’re talking. This requires a

dual dialog with built-in mechanisms to monitor the conversation. It also mandates that marketers respond with more agility around the way sales and marketing messages are created. Each communication needs to deliver measurable value for the consumer. Consumers – by design – have overwhelmingly adapted mobile as the two-way communication tool for these purposes; after all, we broadcast messages and instant message via our smartphones because the technology 29

TECHNOLOGY is quick and easy and the devices are always with us, wherever we go. 3. The omni-channel medium the consumer chooses is dependent on time, location, and necessity, but “the message” must transcend these boundaries. Channel preference is conditional based on user behavior, but what must remain consistent – regardless of whether it is being transmitted online, via mobile or across more static, traditional marketing channels – is the quality of the message across the selected channel. As long as it is effectively delivered to qualified audiences in

30 September 2015

a timely fashion, marketing content that is aligned with a brand’s unique value proposition and that provides unified equity, across the marketing spectrum, will set the retailer up for greater success. 4. With omni-channel, it’s easier to monitor shopper activity outside of the store and to effectively target consumers to come into the store. Mobile is the at-the-ready technology that will make this possible. As reported in RetailWire, “thanks to beacons, geo-fencing and other quickly-maturing technologies, it has become much easier for marketers


to monitor where customers are shopping and to customize those shopping experiences based on specific locations.”[4] Because there are multiple channels that consumers actively use, the volume of feedback from these varied touch points is now greater than ever, providing merchants with a robust set of metrics by which to calibrate marketing offers and customize their sales outreach. But, it’s mobile that is truly at the heart of this equation because no other medium can accompany the consumer on his or her purchase journey in quite the same highly interactive way – offering a real time pulse point that can Engage the shopper, Elicit information, and Influence decision-making all at the same time. Omni-channel mobile marketing and beyond Advances in omni-channel marketing are truly a multi-dimensional “gift” to national retailers because it gives them more integrated branding opportunities and cost-effective delivery methods literally at their fingertips. And it allows them to hand feed their messages, with greater

laser precision, to intended targets. There is a method of access for nearly every retailer to easily reach a highly qualified and segmented consumer. From laptops, to wearable devices, to smartphones, e-billboards, live chat, social media and more, the possibilities are almost endless – and attainable in a budget range to accommodate most every brander’s price point. As long as the quality of the message remains worthy of the medium, the omni-channel environment is going to “open” up the marketplace for businesses on a whole new level – and in a sense will help to level the playing field to create a more inclusive overall commerce environment. Merchants have good reason to polish their storefront shingle. The marketing landscape is more alive and diverse as it has been in decades and mobile, given its ubiquity, is the player up at bat with the strongest opportunity to deliver relevant, contextualized information to a hungry marketplace. Navneet Loiwal is the CEO of, a free mobile shopping app for Apple and Android. 31

TOP 10

TOP 10


Entrepreneurs Who Found Fame From Their Business Business moguls who became famous from their entrepreneurial work Written by: Eric Harding


TOP 10

They say success breeds success. Being an entrepreneur is more than just about how much money you’re able to make, it is also about putting others in a position to succeed. Some traits that all successful entrepreneurs seem to have in common are leadership, innovation, passion, willingness to take risks and being unfazed by setbacks. And as it turns out, those who portray these characteristics at the highest possible level, wind up being house-hold names. While this isn’t a ranking, below you will find a list of the world’s most famous entrepreneurs who became wellknown from their various businessness efforts.


A computer programmer and Internet entrepreneur, Mark Zuckerberg is best known as chairman and CEO of Facebook. The most famous of the five co-founders of the social networking site, Zuckerberg has a net worth of approximately US$38.6 billion. Named one of the 100 wealthiest and most influential people by Time magazine, and at age 28, he was the youngest person on the Fortune 500 list in 2013.

Mark Zuckerberg


Oprah Winfrey

The wealthiest African American of the 21st century with a net worth of over $3 billion, Oprah Winfrey is known by many as the most influential woman in the world. Aside from her world-renowned 34 September 2015

T O P 1 0 E N T R E P R E N E U R S W H O F O U N D FA M E F R O M T H E I R B U S I N E S S

television show, Winfrey has also had success with her own cable network, OWN, as well as her media company Harpo Productions. In 2014, Winfrey’s self-help seminar “The Life You Want” tour sold out stadiums around the country. As the only African-American woman on The Forbes 400 Richest Americans list, Winfrey has also donated hundreds of millions of dollars to educational causes, such as scholarships to Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), as well as her all-girls school in South Africa.


Hugh Hefner

An American adult magazine publisher who is mostly known for being the founder and CEO of Playboy Enterprises, Hefner is worth over $43 million. Creator of the adult magazine Playboy, the brand also includes a vast publishing, television and Internet empire. Since the 1990s, Hefner began devoting a lot of his time toward his philanthropic and civic projects, such as starting the Playboy Foundation to begin handing out the Freedom of Expression Award, which is given annually at the Sundance Film Festival. In recent years, Hefner has received awards for both the publishing industry as well as his contributions to society.


Warren Buffet

Described by some as the most successful investor of the 20th century, Warren Buffett is an American entrepreneur, investor and philanthropist. He is most known as chairman, CEO and the 35

TOP 10

largest stakeholder of Berkshire Hathaway, a multinational conglomerate holding company that owns Geico, Fruit of the Loom, Helzberg Diamonds among others, with significant minority holdings in American Express, Coca-Cola and more. Buffett is consistently ranked among the wealthiest people in the world, taking the No. 1 spot in 2008 and placing third in 2015 with a net worth of $67 billion. In 2006, Buffett announced he would donate his entire fortune to charity, which is the largest charitable donation in United States history at an estimated $62 billion. In recent years, Buffett has also purchased Heinz, Burger King and a portion of Anheuser-Busch. In 2013, he was ranked No. 15 on

36 September 2015

Forbes magazine’s World’s Most Powerful People list.


Richard Branson

An English businessman and investor, Richard Branson is mostly known as the founder of Virgin Group, which is made up of over 400 companies. His entrepreneurial projects began in the music industry, as he founded Virgin Records in 1972. Branson later launched Virgin Atlantic airline in 1984. Today, Virgin Group has companies in over 30 countries, including Australia, the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Asia, South Africa and other parts of Europe. In 2009, Branson found

T O P 1 0 E N T R E P R E N E U R S W H O F O U N D FA M E F R O M T H E I R B U S I N E S S

himself on Forbes’ “World Billionaires” list with $2.5 billion in self-made earnings, which includes two private islands. He has an estimated net worth of $4.9 billion.

general secretary of the Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev. His other best-selling books include Unlimited Power and Awaken the Giant Within. Today, his net worth is estimated at $480 million.



Tony Robbins

A motivational speaker, personal finance instructor and life coach, Tony Robbins is best known as an author of self-help books. Popular for his publicized “firewalk” seminars where participants walk over hot coals, Robbins has coached several world leaders including Princess Diana, U.S. presidents George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton, as well as former

Elon Musk

Born in South Africa, Musk is best known as the CEO and product architect of Tesla Motors. He’s also the founder of PayPal, founder, CEO and CTO of SpaceX, as well as chairman of SolarCity. He made headlines when SpaceX launched a rocket that wound up being the first commercial vehicle to reach the International Space Station. Most recently, Musk released a new idea of


TOP 10

transportation called Hyperloop, which in five to eight years down the line will allow people to commute between major cities through tubes at 1,126.5 kilometres per hour. Today, Musk has a net worth of $13.6 billion.


Donald Trump

Best known as a real estate mogul, Donald Trump is the chairman and president of The Trump Organization, owner of Trump Plaza and the founder of Trump Entertainment Resorts. When he opened the Grand Hyatt in New York in 1980, Trump became one of the city’s most famous developers. Today, he has become an American celebrity as

38 September 2015

host of the television show The Apprentice, in addition to his recent candidacy for President of the United States in 2016. His net worth is $4.1 billion.


Mark Cuban

Owner of Landmark Theaters, Magnolia Pictures and the National Basketball Association’s (NBA) Dallas Mavericks, Mark Cuban is the definition of a self-made billionaire. His first business was a consulting company called MicrosSolutions, which he eventually sold to the firm CompuServe for $6 million in 1990. He later created,

T O P 1 0 E N T R E P R E N E U R S W H O F O U N D FA M E F R O M T H E I R B U S I N E S S

which went public in 1998 and had its stock rise to $200 a share before selling to Yahoo! for nearly $6 billion. In 2000, Cuban purchased the Dallas Mavericks for $285 million and saw the franchise win its first NBA championship in 2011. Today, Cuban is also famous for his role as an investor on the hit television show Shark Tank.


Bill Gates

Best known as the co-founder of Microsoft, the world’s largest PC software company, Bill Gates is also a business tycoon, philanthropist, investor and inventor. Gates first earned a place on Forbes’ World’s Wealthiest People list back in 1987, and then took the top spot each year from 1995-2014. Currently the richest man in the world, Gates’ wealth more than doubled between 2009 and 2014, as he has an estimated net worth of $78.9 billion.


CouriersPlease Pty Ltd

Delivering excellence one parcel at a time Discover how Australia’s number one metropolitan express parcel delivery service is leading the way Written by: Cutter Slagle

Produced by: Glen White




ustralia’s leading metropolitan express parcel delivery service provider CouriersPlease has grown and transformed itself since it was founded in 1983. As any entrepreneur can attest, success isn’t always an easy, attainable goal. However, CouriersPlease has found its unique way to success 42

September 2015

through strategic partnerships, technical innovation, adapting to changes and most importantly, customer centricity. “Our business is all about satisfying the customer,” said CEO Brian Roberts, who is a veteran with more than 30 years of industry experience and knowledge, in a recent interview. Roberts discussed


the company’s expansion strategies, detailing how CouriersPlease has built a name for itself to take advantage of the rapidly growing ecommerce logistics market. “It’s important to stay focused on what we do best: deliver excellent service to customers.” It is in this way that CouriersPlease has managed to stay ahead of the competition throughout the years.

“Singapore Post is turbo charging us” –Brian Roberts, Managing Director

w w w. c o u r i e r s p l e a s e . c o m . a u




SingPost: turbocharging CouriersPlease In December 2014, CouriersPlease was acquired by Quantium Solutions International (QSI), a wholly-owned a subsidiary of Singapore Post Ltd (SingPost). QSI specialises in eCommerce logistics and fulfillment services in the Asia Pacific. With an established network in 12 countries and access to over 220 countries/ territories, QSI provides businesses with a comprehensive range of services to suit customers’ needs and budgets. SingPost is the leading eCommerce logistics provider in Asia Pacific. “With SingPost’s now fully-owning and supporting it, CouriersPlease has embarked on a



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C O U R I E R S P L E A S E P T Y LT D number of initiatives, to take the high ground in the eCommerce logistics space. This includes the launch of new international products as well as domestic Air express and sameday metro services. These will make CouriersPlease a true full service parcel / express player. In addition, CouriersPlease is expanding regionally within Australia, working with partners like Hubbed who have a physical nationwide network.” “These will help provide a wider product offering, superior service and additional delivery choices to our customers, as well as investing in a new suite of technology enable


solutions,” said Roberts. “We are rapidly expanding our domestic foot print, having recently opened new operations in Albury, Coffs Harbour and Cairns. We have also recently acquired facilities in Perth that will be ready to serve our customers from August 2015,” Roberts added. CouriersPlease is known for its excellent metro and domestic road express services provided by the franchisees, and has developed a very loyal customer base, especially in the SME segment. With its new international and metro services, it will become a truly one-stop shop

w w w. c o u r i e r s p l e a s e . c o m . a u


C O U R I E R S P L E A S E P T Y LT D for their customers. Firstly, the company has introduced a premium money back guarantee for same day metro services. Secondly, it has launched an overnight Air Express product across Australia. CouriersPlease will enter the domestic Air Express market for the first time. The company has also launched two international products: • International air express, partnering with DHL to offer customers an express product to and from the world, and

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• Economy international air express, partnering with QSI as the international arm and a fully owned subsidiary of SingPost. Roberts said, “Now, all of our customers can get their domestic and international shipping needs dealt with by the same, very customer centric company.” In June 2015, SingPost invested in Hubbed, a one-stop eCommerce aggregator that has built a network of some 680 newsagents to provide a parcel delivery service in every major city across Australia. Combined with this, CouriersPlease is fast tracking the deployment of POPStations, that are 24/7 parcel lockers. Dr Sascha Hower, CEO of QSI, said, “We are pleased to be supporting CouriersPlease as it invests in the eCommerce logistics ecosystem in Australia. Ecommerce is all about having multichannels - for speed and getting parcels to customers at the times that suit them. People in Australia are busy and active, and working professionals won’t be home during work hours to receive their parcels. We want to make their lives

easier by offering them flexibility through CouriersPlease, they enjoy a nationwide door-to-door delivery service across Australia. We are glad that we can help provide a significant enhancement in convenience and flexibility to customers in the expanding markets.” Hower, who is also the Group COO of SingPost, further explained, “We are pleased to be supporting CouriersPlease as it invests in the eCommerce logistics ecosystem in Australia. We want to enable endto-end solutions from warehousing to convenient touchpoints, flexible doorstep delivery and track and trace features. Our smart-lockers or POPStations provide customers with a physical drop-off / pick-up point as an additional option to the door-to-door delivery service which we currently provide.” At present, there is a pilot PopStation unit available at CouriersPlease’s main depot located in Rosehill, Parramatta. Customers who have direct their parcels to the depot are able to collect their parcels from the POPStation anytime at their own convenience. SingPost has already

w w w. c o u r i e r s p l e a s e . c o m . a u




rolled out over 100 PopStations all over the island state of Singapore. [Depending on timing of article: For its part, CouriersPlease is considering/ planning a roll out of a parcel locker network. Online shoppers can choose between direct door-door delivery, or shipment to the news agency network which is open typically from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., seven days a week. Alternatively it could also be directed to a POPStation which is available for collection around the clock seven days a week. In addition to 1st delivery, redeliveries, POPStationscan be used for parcel returns, posting of parcels and has many distinctive features including ‘air unlock’ using the POPStations application. Hubbed also intends to launch more parcel products through its outlets in the near future. Getting innovative through SingPost’s technology “With all its service innovations, the technology backbone is critical. SingPost has been on a technology transformation path for many years and

“It’s important to stay focused on what we do best: deliver excellent service to customers” – Brian Roberts, Managing Director w w w. c o u r i e r s p l e a s e . c o m . a u



we are able to implement their stateof-the-art technology solutions to further enhance our systems and gear up for the future,� Roberts added. CouriersPlease is implementing SingPost technology solutions that include their next generation operations system coupled with Android mobile phone technology for its franchisees – the solution has also recently won the CIO Innovation Award 2015 presented by CIO Asia. Some of the features in the 52

September 2015

new system include API integration with third party vendors, guided flow of parcels, tracking across borders, multilingual capabilities, integration with parcel lockers, among others. It has also launched a brand new website in August with a range of new features, such as sending and receiving of parcels on a single system within Australia and Worldwide, user-friendly tracking capabilities as well as an accessible and easy to use booking process.


“This really enhances the overall customer experience while improving our operational efficiency,” said Roberts. But it’s not just technological advances that aid in meeting this target—it’s also ensuring that the right team is in place for the task at hand. “In our business, it’s definitely critical to get the right people and then to motivate them and develop them. We have good people from the industry knocking on our doors to join us. To me, this is the sign that we are on the right path,” Roberts added. The importance of change for the future CourierPlease’s ability to evolve not only makes it stand out from other companies in the industry, but it gives the company a firm foothold for the future. “We are an organization that embraces change and thrives on it,” said Roberts. For the future, CouriersPlease is aiming to be the exceptional leader in eCommerce by delivering the best customer experience. Roberts added, “Specifically, the company plans to be the preferred supplier of choice— whether ordering takes place out of the United States, the United Kingdom, China or Australia. With the growing importance of eCommerce and the consumer / B2C market, many companies face a pain point with customers not available at the point of delivery. CouriersPlease wants to provide the solution to this.”

Company Information INDUSTRY


Rosehill Industrial Estate, Building C South, Level 1, 5-7 Shirley Street, Rosehill New South Wales Australia , 2150 FOUNDED




specialised metropolitan parcel delivery business

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Civmec Global strategy, universal success

CEO Pat Tallon discusses Civmec’s history of growth, current projects, and plans for the future Written by: Sasha Orman Produced by: Bryan Giles




stablished in 2009, Civmec has seen a rapid rise to the top of its game. With a keen business strategy and a multi-disciplinary approach, it has become a leading construction and engineering services provider to Australia’s booming resources and infrastructure industries. With several major projects under its belt, Civmec is now poised for even further growth at home and on the global stage.

Civil works site at Marandoo

Strategy from the start Civmec has enjoyed growth quarter after quarter, and not by happenstance. Strategy has been built into the company from Day One, starting with location. “When we established this business in 2009, a big component for us was to secure a location at the Australian Marine Complex so we had direct access to the wharf to offer greater transport options for our clients,” says Civmec CEO


Pat Tallon. Since constructing a 29,300 square metre manufacturing workshop as a home base at the wharf, Civmec has since expanded to more than 120,000m of prime waterfront land, through the further establishment of a Surface Treatment Facility, Specialist Subsea Facility and Operational Readiness Facility. But location is just one of three key factors that Civmec attributes to its swift success. Another key is its focus on collaborative partnerships,

whether with clients and employees or valued subcontractors and suppliers like steelmakers BlueScope Steel and Onesteel. “We work with them to develop innovative solutions that will increase productivity and ultimately reduce cost,” says Tallon. Working closely with clients and suppliers, Civmec creates an invaluable environment of transparency and trust. “We picked the right clients and the right partners,” says Tallon.

w w w. c i v m e c . c o m . a u


PROUD SUPPLY PARTNERS OF CIVMEC BlueScope Distribution is proud to be associated with Civmec, providing quality steel products and supply solutions. As the market leading sales and distribution arm of BlueScope Limited, partnering with local businesses to deliver a reliable, Australian made product is our priority. Our depth of stock available for next day-delivery is unrivalled in WA, and allows us to support our customers facing increasingly constrained delivery schedules. The scale of our operations and warehouse delivers a competitive price and industry leading range. Having an experienced team of steel professionals working with our customers allows us to deliver supply solutions to combat increasingly competitive landscape of the Australian steel market. BlueScope Distribution’s core products and markets: • • • •

Mild Steel Plate High Tensile Plate Laser Plate Quench & Tempered Plate



• • • •

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BlueScope Distribution

9 Bradford Street, Kewdale WA 08 6250 1000

BlueScope Distribution, XLERPLATE® and XLERPLATE LITE® are registered trademarks of BlueScope Limited.


Since 1915 the steel industry has been an essential part of Australia and its economy. BlueScope’s heritage traces back to the very beginning. Our history has always been in steelmaking - but the future lies in selling Australian innovation, technology and expertise to the booming Asian and global growth markets. BlueScope’s business has been built on the strength of our global partnerships, global networks and global brands. Our track record of successful global partnerships enables us to prosper in widely diverse markets. In India, we have established a joint venture with the highly respected Tata conglomerate, a joint venture in Saudi Arabia is opening new opportunities in that expanding market, in North America, our 50:50 North Star BlueScope Steel joint venture with Cargill continues to perform strongly, and our joint venture with Nippon Steel - NS BlueScope Coated Products - will open exciting new markets and opportunities in Asia. Equally important are our successful partnerships with our customers. Many of our customers are Fortune 500 companies, and we can help them realise significant savings in the total cost of their buildings by reducing construction schedules. Our global networks are another great BlueScope strength, with more than 100 facilities in 17 countries, employing over 16,000 people serving thousands of customers. Website:



“We grew fast but it is sustainable and with every move into new areas—whether it be location or capability—we ensured the business was ready for it.” The right projects Civmec has been involved in an array of ambitious key projects that highlight its interdisciplinary strengths, from metro-based infrastructure in Elizabeth Quay to refractory installation with INPEX’s Ichthys Project in Darwin. Civmec’s capabilities are tested even further with progressive projects under current construction like Shell’s Prelude Floating Liquefied Gas Facility (FLNG). Civmec was awarded a master service order contract by frequent collaborator Technip in August 2014. “This is one of the most exciting projects globally as it is the first FLNG project in the world,” says Tallon. “Our involvement includes the supply, fabrication and testing of subsea components for the development. The main challenge is to deliver these products to the high quality and high specification expected from our client, Technip, and the owner, Shell.”

CEO Pat Tallon CCIWA Presentation

SMP Works on Yandi Sustaining project

“Every Civmec location is strategic to ensure we are well-positioned to service our clients and the sectors” – Pat Tallon, CEO w w w. c i v m e c . c o m . a u


“An Australian First” at Esperance Port Esperance Port had a specific remit for suspended (hanging) scaffold on a planned shutdown for the blasting and painting of a conveyor structure over the water. The required scaffold was to be 25m long x 8m wide x 12m high with 5 working platforms on both sides and a full dance floor deck top and bottom. We also had to achieve a maximum dead load weight of 450kgs per linear metre, which was impossible with conventional steel scaffolding. Due to an approaching deadline there was little time to achieve this. SMS came to the rescue with 'SCAFFMAN 9 - ALLOY 220 SCAFFOLD SYSTEM' The result was a set of 3 craneable and light weight scaffolds rated at 450kgs SWL (Medium Duty), which comfortably complied with the dead load weight restrictions whilst allowing major works to be performed based on the working duty required. The craneable engineered design reduced the build time by 50% and the dismantling time by 70% resulting in massive time reductions and down time for the conveyor. SMS director Mark Welsh said ‘’We were set a technical challenge that I knew our Scaffman 9 Alloy 220 system scaffold was perfectly suited to. This is a first in Australia and I am very happy with the result, as is the client. I look forward to taking this concept to a wider field of customers as the benefits are phenomenal!’’

Scaffolding Management Services

Ph: 08 6424 8012 63-67 Division Street Welshpool WA 6106 Email:




Even more recently, Brookfield Multiplex Engineering and Infrastructure Pty Ltd awarded Civmec with the new Perth Stadium Steelwork Package contract, a contract that includes the fabrication and installation of roughly 14,500 tonnes of steelwork for the highly anticipated new Perth Stadium. “This project is evidence of how globally competitive Australia can be when it comes to fabrication, while providing client surety of delivery,” says Tallon. Pursuing growth abroad As a key part of its efforts to stay competitive and offer a high level of service, Civmec has been expanding to meet the needs of clients overseas. “Civmec growth strategy has always involved expanding overseas when the business was



Scaffolding Management Services’ was formed in 2001 and has established itself as a professional organisation supplying scaffolding and access services to the Industrial, Mining, and Resource sectors, both onshore and offshore Australia wide. SMS is a privately owned West Australian company, with quality assurance acreditation to AS/NZS ISO 9001:2001. We operate under our own Health, Safety and Environment system which is compliant with AS/NZS 4801. Since 2001, we have provided our customers with ‘Project Access Management Solutions’, with the ability to quickly and effectively introduce specialist equipment and personnel to any site any-where at short notice. SMS have demonstrated our capabilities on numerous projects over the past 14 years with some significant achievements under our corporate belt. Website: w w w. c i v m e c . c o m . a u



Onsite Rental Group congratulates Civmec on being awarded “Company of the Year” by Subsea Energy Australia. And just quietly, we’re stoked that Civmec has chosen us to be their sole equipment rental solutions provider and we support the shared growth of our businesses. 





ready,” says Tallon. “We have been successful in making Civmec competitive here so naturally we want to ensure the expansion overseas provides the same result.” To help in ensuring a smooth and successful expansion plan, Civmec has looked to smart strategic partnerships with synergistic businesses like Technip. “Through various projects including Prelude and the Wheatstone spool package, we have developed a strong working relationship with Technip,” says Tallon, noting that acquisition of Technip’s Indonesian subsidiary PT Global Industries is currently in the due diligence phase. “If complete, this acquisition will strengthen our working relationship and offer Civmec further opportunities to work with Technip on projects


Henderson workshop


Our Knowledge, Your Choice is the tagline that sums up Onsite’s philosophy. Onsite employs product specialists for every product in every region of Australia to offer expert advice on equipment application (Our Knowledge). Onsite also remains 100% independent of equipment manufacturers so our product specialists are free to offer unbiased advice on the right product for your project or application (Your Choice). Our Knowledge Your Choice underpins every aspect of Onsite’s business. Website:

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Proudly supplying Civmec projects


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we can. Perth

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worldwide—as well as giving us the opportunity to expand our offering to other clients globally.�

new offices in Sydney and Gladstone. According to Tallon, the Sydney office will allow Civmec to further pursue infrastructure projects Increasing growth domestically along the Eastern Seaboard, While Civmec has turned its sights sustaining capital and maintenance overseas, cementing opportunities in opportunities in the mining and Australia is as high a priority as ever. oil and gas sectors, and defence To maximise its domestic growth work through Civmec DLG, an strategy, Civmec recently opened incorporation in conjunction with

Civmec Henderson, WA w w w. c i v m e c . c o m . a u



Aerial view of Civmec facilities in Henderson

When Quality & Service Matter

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September 2015

local Indigenous company David Liddiard Group. While initially taking a short-term lease at Gladstone, this will allow Civmec to deliver maintenance and refractory projects within the region to leverage off already delivered and ongoing projects —in the area to ensure the Gladstone site becomes a permanent strategic location . “Every Civmec location is strategic to ensure we are wellpositioned to service our clients and the sectors,” says Tallon. “The offices in Sydney and Gladstone feed into our growth


Accropodes for Wheatstone project

strategy as we look to expand our geographic footprint nationally.” The multi-disciplined Civmec difference The traits that set Civmec apart from the competition are the same traits that are considered at Civmec to be true points of pride for the company. “Our main differentiator is our multi-disciplined service offering, where we are able to apply our ever-expanding capabilities across sectors,” says Tallon. “Additionally, we pride ourselves on our ability to treat all parties—whether client, subcontractor, supplier or employee—as stakeholders.” This stakeholder state of mind extends to Civmec operating on an “open door” policy of transparency and honesty, ensuring that

“We have identified many infrastructure opportunities all across Australia and we are targeting to win” – Pat Tallon, CEO

w w w. c i v m e c . c o m . a u


Welding super duplex LNG piping

CIVMEC clients and employees have access to senior management. Civmec’s commitment to continually reinvest in its capabilities is a principle that applies to its people as much as its technology. “At Civmec, we really foster personal and professional growth,” says Tallon. “My philosophy when it comes to people management is to challenge people to be innovative and give them the direction and freedom to realise their true potential. Of course there is also the smart logistics of its geographical positioning—all means to better serve clients. “Our strategic location at the Australian Marine Complex provides direct access to the wharf,” notes Tallon. “Combined with our various other strategic locations, this enables us to mobilise to site faster which gives Civmec a competitive


edge.” Building and moving forward Civmec already has a strong history of growth, but that growth is far from over. Moving into the future, Civmec has designs for multiple development paths. “A large focus for Civmec moving forward is to increase our market share in the Infrastructure and Subsea sectors,” says Tallon, citing a desire to maintain the momentum it has established through its recent and ongoing projects. “We have identified many infrastructure opportunities all across Australia and we are targeting to win.” Further growth in the Subsea sector will be facilitated through Civmec’s recently completed Specialist Subsea Facility in Henderson, which will help the company meet a rising demand for

“The future looks bright as we grow our geographic footprint and continue delivering vertical packages thanks to our multi-disciplinary, ever-expanding capabilities” – Pat Tallon, CEO w w w. c i v m e c . c o m . a u



Gorgon Wharf Construction Caissons


September 2015


Company Information INDUSTRY

Construction and engineering modularization HEADQUARTERS

16 Nautical Drive Henderson WA, Australia 6166

ability to work with exotic materials and subsea manufacture. “With involvement on Gorgon, Wheatstone and Ichthys with clients such as Technip, FMC Technologies and GE, we hope to grow this business and our reputation for delivering high quality subsea structures to the oil and gas industry,” says Tallon. In any discipline, Civmec understands that the most significant key to growth is the relationships that it cultivates. “Civmec continue building strong working relationships with clients to ensure ongoing works,” says Tallon. “The future looks bright as we grow our geographic footprint and continue delivering vertical packages thanks to our multi-disciplinary, ever-expanding capabilities.”



1500 approx REVENUE



w w w. c i v m e c . c o m . a u


Shamrock Civil Delivering Certainty: Shamrock Civil

CEO Andrew Kerr discusses recent and upcoming projects, the company’s expansion into PNG, as well as highlighting Shamrock Civil’s commitment to client relationships and safety. Written by: Robert Spence

Produced by: Bryan Giles



Manus Island Project


hamrock Civil operates across five offices in Australia and Papua New Guinea, delivering services to the gas and mining, transport infrastructure, commercial, defence and government development sectors. Their civil construction services include bulk earthworks, roadworks, demolition, large scale electric, plumbing and communications services. Shamrock Civil has been providing safe, sustainable and smart solutions since 1994. Along with the company’s comprehensive service offering, they are committed 76

September 2015

to their clients and place value and emphasis on creating and maintaining long term relationships. Projects at hand Shamrock Civil is currently engaged in a variety of new projects in Australia. The latest is a $16 million infrastructure project in Papua New Guinea to upgrade road and bridge links in the Manus Province “The project involves the upgrade of 26 kilometres of road from the airport to the township,” said Andrew Kerr, CEO of Shamrock Civil. The scope of works includes earthworks, pavement, road repairs


Kin Kora Stage

and reconstruction, bridge repair, construction of road furniture, kerb and channel, bitumen sealing works, stormwater drainage works, and bank protection. According to Mr Kerr, the company has been awarded additional scope of work due to its exceptional performance on the project. “The Repairs and Renovations contract on Manus Island have launched us into the international construction arena,” Mr Kerr said. The project is estimated to be completed by January 2016. Shamrock Civil has recently expanded its geographic footprint down the eastern seaboard to Melbourne, where the company is currently performing works for Transpacific Cleanaway. As principal contractor on the Victory Road Cell 4B

“We work hard to attract and retain quality employees so that clients, partners and our people gain the advantage of having access to both seasoned experts and promising young talent” – CEO Andrew Kerr.

w w w. s h a m ro c k c i v i l . c o m . a u


(Phase 2) project, the scope of works involve landfill cell reconstruction, subgrade works groundwater collection system, clay liner and leachate collection system. Next in line is the New Generation Rolling Stock (NGRS) Maintenance Facility in Wulkuraka. The project, which aims to increase train fleets to meet the growing demand for rail services in Queensland, will see the company perform a wealth of services, including cut and fill earthworks, pavements and inground services. 78

September 2015

“The project has achieved over 140,000 hours without LTI (Lost Time Injury) and MTI (Medical Treatment Injury),” said Mr Kerr. “This is a significant accomplishment that represents our commitment to the ‘Safety for Life’ initiative, which promotes the links between health and safety at work and at home.” Another project in the works for Shamrock Civil is the Kin Kora Stage 2 Intersection Upgrade. According to Mr Kerr, the project involves replacing an existing roundabout with traffic signals in one of the



busiest intersections in Gladstone. “Construction to date has included installation of new stormwater drainage lines, vegetation removal, earthworks, installation of temporary concrete footpath and bus stop and the installation of a 600mm RCP under road bore,” said Mr Kerr. “We are on track to open to traffic in early 2016,” he added. In addition, Shamrock has completed the Ocean Drive Slope Stabilisation project in NSW, their first contract in the region. Although the company encountered 20 days of wet weather, it was delivered ahead of schedule.

“The works were performed for Richmond Valley Council and consisted of slope stabilisation using gabion baskets and boulder walls along the shore line of the Evans River,” said Mr Kerr. “The 20 days of wet weather was mitigated by sequencing the gabion basket installation works and selfperforming critical elements of the works ourselves.” Projects in Papua New Guinea In an effort to expand its horizon while showcasing its versatility, the company has recently established

Making safety a priority on site w w w. s h a m ro c k c i v i l . c o m . a u


Manus Island Project 2



a local company in Papua New Guinea, named Shamrock PNG Ltd (SPNG). “We have over 10 employees established in our two offices, one in Port Moresby and one on Manus Island to cater for the growing demand in PNG,” said Mr Kerr. For Mr Kerr, it’s only the tip of the iceberg. The company was recently awarded the Tari to Komo Highlands project for the Department of Works and Implementation. “The project is comprised of upgrading and sealing a 42 kilometre section of road, as well as culverts, bridge works and services in the Hela Province.” In addition, the company recently completed a $76 million joint-venture project for leading natural gas explorer and producer QGC. “The BCIX Ponds Package project reached completion in March 2015,” said Mr Kerr. “We saw some outstanding results from our teams delivering the scope of works to the client’s design specification, 1000 days LTI and MTI free, eight weeks ahead of schedule, on budget and without any variations.” Mr Kerr added, “We maintain a strong working relationship with Golder Associates and QGC and look forward to working with them into the future.”

Andrew Kerr CEO

Leslie Zeeman Director

Winning culture Shamrock Civil is committed to attracting and retaining the best employees in the business by investing in them over the long term. That w w w. s h a m ro c k c i v i l . c o m . a u



philosophy has cultivated into a winning culture. “We work hard to attract and retain quality employees so that clients, partners and our people gain the advantage of having access to both seasoned experts and promising young talent,” said Mr Kerr. According to Mr Kerr, diversity is another aspect the company continuously seeks to improve. “Shamrock Civil strives to create an inclusive culture in which difference is recognised and valued. We understand the significant of 82

September 2015

fostering a diverse workforce and are committed to increasing the representation of women, and achieving a greater balance of gender, ethnicity and nationality throughout our operations.” With employees in mind, the company has implemented a wide range of programs to further the skills and opportunities for their staff. “We offer our employees opportunities to practice and extend their professional capabilities through tertiary education, apprenticeships, course and


graduate programs.” Two components close to Shamrock Civil’s core are safety and community. “The health and safety of our people is our number one value,” said Mr Kerr. “Our strong health and safety culture can be attributed to our ‘Safety for Life’ initiative, which focuses on providing a supportive working environment for our employees, subcontractors and partners. The Safety for Life Program has been effective throughout the company by reminding employees to stop and think twice about what they are doing and if their activity is safe. Practicing this daily can save a life.” Last but certainly not least, Shamrock Civil is committed to leaving a lasting legacy in the communities in which it operates. The company is keen on assisting local communities through infrastructure, employment and training. “We are active participants in our local community, sponsoring fundraisers such as the Camp Quality Charity Golf Day. Our employees dedicate their time into helping those who need it most, with all of our proceeds from the Golf Day going to children living with cancer.” The company delivers tangible benefits as well. Shamrock Civil has recently donated $10,000 to Our Lady of Sacred Heart International School in Kavieng, Papua New Guinea. This support took the rugby league students to the Confraternity Cup in Brisbane, to play with local Brisbane students.

Company Information INDUSTRY


195 Cobalt St Carole Park, Queensland, Australia, 4300 FOUNDED




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CWP Renewables Success in a changing environment

At the forefront of renewable energy development, CWP Renewables have made their mark Written by: Eric Harding Produced by: Vince Kielty



Bombala blade display-students of Bombala primary and secondary schools joined wind farm staff in Bombala to get up close to a 48 metre long blade on its way from the Port of Eden to Boco Rock Wind Farm


fter building landmark projects in Europe, Continental Wind Partners came to Australia in 2008 where it partnered with Wind Prospect and created CWP Renewables. With over two decades of renewable energy development experience from 3,500 MW of installed capacity across 10 countries, CWP Renewables brings world-class renewable energy development expertise to Australia. The company has developed a substantial wind energy portfolio throughout NSW, complimented by a fresh expansion into medium to large scale solar in NSW and Queensland. CWP Renewables 86

September 2015

development strengths lie in excellent stakeholder relationships and well sited projects. Migration From Europe Before entering the Australian industry, Continental Wind Partners was established in Europe in 2006, specializing in wind and solar development in the new EU countries such as Poland, Romania and Bulgaria. In 2012 came the completion of the Fantanele Wind Farm, the company’s flagship project valued at €1.3 billion, the largest ever private investment in Romania and Europe’s largest wind farm development. “We initially focused on Eastern


Turbine components for Boco Rock Wind Farm’s 67 turbines travelled 179 km from the Port of Eden to the project site

European countries, where we saw a good opportunity to bring renewable energy into the mix,” said Alex Hewitt, CWP Renewables’ Managing Director and co-founder of Continental Wind Partners. “These countries had recently become aligned with European renewable energy legislation. The time was right and we responded - we founded the company, built a team and established a network of offices across the region. “We raised capital from a mixture of funds and individual investors, and embarked on the development of a wind portfolio in that region. Within 20 months we had started construction of our first wind farm”

“We have a closeknit dynamic team at CWP Renewables, and our biggest strength lies in our strong communication and team work” – Alex Hewitt, Managing Director

w w w. c w p re n e w a b l e s . c o m . a u


C W P R E N E WA B L E S Boco Rock Wind Farm: “Delivering Energy. Powering Communities.” Closer to home, Boco Rock Wind Farm in southern NSW is the company’s first completed Australian project and a testament to the company’s development and asset management expertise. The 113MW project was developed by the company’s Newcastle based office from 2008. The same team then saw the project through financing and construction before

delivering the fully operational wind farm in January 2015. CWP Renewables, working with GE and ANZ, successfully financed the project for $360 million, bringing together a lending consortium of five banks, and the Electricity Generating Public Company Limited (EGCO) through the sale of equity. Boco Rock enabled EGCO to expand its renewable portfolio and enter the Australian market. In 2014 the project won Wind Finance Deal of the Year for the Asia-Pacific

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region by Project Finance Magazine in recognition of the complexity of the financing in what was a challenging time. CWP Renewables retained the role of asset management of the project, and oversaw the GE/Downer construction consortium through construction and then through operations. The company’s dedication, tenacity and innovative problem solving saw the project successfully constructed ahead of schedule, with positive outcomes for all stakeholders. The hard work that went into maintaining a social license to operate was recognised by the Clean Energy Council when the peak industry body awarded CWP Renewables the 2014 Community Engagement Award for their work at Boco Rock Wind Farm. “It’s a project we’re very proud of and more importantly so are the local community” said Hewitt. “We’ve got a dynamic team, who confidently met the challenges of developing, financing, constructing and operating Boco Rock Wind Farm. And we’re ready to do it all again.” “We’ve got another four projects in the pipeline, and with renewed bipartisan support for the Renewable Energy Target, we’re getting on with the job of making them a reality. We’re eager to start financing the next project within 6 months.” Sapphire Wind Farm At the top of the company’s list is Sapphire Wind Farm, a 320 MW project in the Northern

Turbine installation at Taralga Wind Farm

“We’ve had a very successful run because our development team work hard to genuinely engage and consult with the community” – Alex Hewitt, CWP Renewables managing director

w w w. c w p re n e w a b l e s . c o m . a u


Boco Rock Wind Farm



Tablelands of NSW. “Sapphire Wind Farm is a fantastic project with a lot of potential. We are also planning to incorporate solar and potentially pumped hydro within the project. It’s fully approved and our team is now talking to investors,” said Hewitt. The company’s other projects; Crudine Ridge Wind Farm, Bango Wind Farm and Uungula Wind Farm, are also waiting in the wings. “We develop great projects, and we’re looking forward to steadily rolling them out over the coming years,” said Hewitt.

Alex Hewitt and Ed Mounsey celebrate as CWP Renewables wins the Clean Energy Council’s Community Engagement

The CWP Renewables team Hewitt believes success comes from having the right people that can work cohesively as a unit and CWP Renewables has that “A team.” “We have a close-knit dynamic team at CWP Renewables, and our biggest strength lies in our strong communication and team work,” said Hewitt. “We work on a common platform and collaborate to solve problems, develop innovative solutions and work to our strengths. Our managers mentor and nurture new employees, and drive ownership and confidence. We’re a responsive and adaptive team as well. While the last 18 months saw a freeze in the large scale wind energy market, we took the opportunity to effectively expand into asset management operations and large scale solar development,” said Hewitt.

Award in 2014

More than 1000 people turned out to meet staff and tour the wind farm at Boco Rock’s Community Open Day held in November 2014

w w w. c w p re n e w a b l e s . c o m . a u



CWP asset manages Taralga Wind Farm

Collaborating for success CWP has also excelled in creating a good relationship with its supply chain, which Hewitt believes is a basic principal of a good business. “We like to engage our key suppliers early in the process,” said Hewitt. “They have a lot to contribute to project design and efficiency, particularly the turbine manufacturers and construction contractors. It makes sense to engage them early to use their experience and knowledge, and that goes for every market.” CWP Renewables isn’t just 92

September 2015

another face in the crowd of the renewable energy industry. The company separates itself from its competitors by working very closely with the communities it does business in, placing an emphasis on stakeholder engagement and building a strong social license to operate. “We’ve had a very successful run because our development team work hard to genuinely engage and consult with the community,” said Hewitt. “We strive to deliver projects that are well-liked by the local community and a wide range of


project stakeholders, and we’ve managed to build a great track record with that”. Looking to the future One of the aspects that excites Hewitt most is that the renewable energy industry is still relatively new and fragmented. Although CWP Renewables is classified as a mid-sized developer, it has seen massive growth over the years, and continues to adjust and seek out new opportunities. CWP has expanded into Asia during the last 18 months and is looking to create a large portfolio of mixed renewable energy generation, combining wind and large-scale solar power as well as small to mid-size diesel replacement initiatives. The company has opened an office in the Indonesian capital Jakarta, while also entering a joint venture to build a significant wind farm portfolio across Indonesia. CWP is also establishing relationships and screening potential projects in the Philippines. “The last 18 months have been a difficult time for our business and the entire sector in Australia,” Hewitt explained. “But while Australia has slowed down, we’ve expanded into Asia and have started building tremendous opportunities over there. The demand for electricity and in particular renewable energy in the SE Asian countries is huge.” “We have an exciting future ahead of us both in Australia and abroad.”

Company Information INDUSTRY


Floor 6, 45 Hunter Street Newcastle, NSW, Australia, 2300 FOUNDED


Renewable Energy

w w w. c w p re n e w a b l e s . c o m . a u


Transfield Worley Power Services The leader in power generation

With experience covering over 10,000 megawatts across 43 sites, TWPS is the largest independent operations and asset services provider to the power generation market in Australia Written by: Stephanie C. Ocano Produced by: Bryan Giles



Collie Power Station


ince its establishment in 2004 as a specialist provider of operations and asset services to the power generation sector in Australia, Transfield Worley Power Services (TWPS) has led the industry with innovation, expertise and skill. Working for large-scale utility owners, project developers, institutional investors, private equity firms, mining and oil and gas owners that require power generation for remote facilities, TWPS continues to support the needs of clients such as AGL, Synergy, Genesis Energy, and BHP Billiton to deliver energy safely, 96

September 2015

efficiently, and cost effectively. In a recent interview, David Taylor, Executive Manager of Strategy and Development at TWPS, discussed the company’s expansion into New Zealand and Southeast Asia, the art of customer attraction and retention, and how one company continues to lead the provision of operations and asset services to the power generation sector. Q. How has TWPS managed to remain a leading force and what separates it from the competition?


Kemerton Power Station

The two key things that make TWPS so different from everyone else are definitely safety and innovation. TWPS has a very strong track record, particularly in the improvement of safety outcomes over the last three years, and is now leading the power industry sector. The second key factor is the innovation that is shown by everyone throughout the organization, and the ability to develop new solutions and approaches that either enhance safety, increase productivity or deliver cost savings to our clients. Q. What is the relationship between TWPS and its parent companies Transfield Services and WorleyParsons? TWPS is a fully-incorporated company with both of those companies each owning 50 per cent of

“When we need some support, it is great to have [Transfield Services and WorleyParsons] standing behind us” – David Taylor, Executive Manager of Strategy and Development

w w w. t w p s . c o m . a u



TMH is based in Perth and Bunbury, employs over 26 personnel and has been established in Western Australia for over 25 years. TMH is considered a specialist in the conveyor industry, providing market leading conveyor products and a 24/7 service for installation and ongoing maintenance. Our conveyor products offered include: • All types of conveyor belting, smooth or chevron, rubber or PVC • Mechanical belt fasteners • Bucket elevators and their components • Belt cleaners, belt positioners, belt trackers and impact beds • Conveyor pulleys, idlers, rollers and frames • Sanki conveyors • Powered roller and gravity conveyors TMH employs a team of highly skilled conveyor technicians and provides a 24/7 service covering: • Hot or cold vulcanising of conveyor belts • Rubber lining and pulley lagging • Installation of all conveyor products provided • Breakdown service for all conveyor and belt repairs • Conveyor condition auditing and reporting • Hiring of Sanki conveyors

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TRANSFIELD WORLEY POWER SERVICES the business. We have a board of directors comprising representatives from both WorleyParsons and Transfield Services, and an executive management team responsible for the management of the business We -regularly engage with our shareholders—whether it be from a strategic perspective, a business development and marketing perspective, or from an operational execution perspective. Our ability to draw on the depth of expertise and resources of both of the shareholders as required enables us to mobilize to sites quickly and


access world class expertise in power generation. WorleyParsons has worked on over 190,000 megawatts of power generation around the world, so we have access to that global expertise. With Transfield Services, we leverage their systems for delivery and resources in three countries around the world. When we do need support, it is great to have those two large companies standing behind us, and this also provides comfort for our clients


TMH is especially proud of its association as a trusted supplier to TWPS Collie Power Station. TMH has been providing TWPS Collie Power Station with rubber conveyor belting and belt conveyor products such as cleaners and positioners and providing round the clock service for breakdowns, repairs and installation of the conveyor products provided. TMH has an unblemished safety record at TWPS Collie Power Station and prides itself on its responsiveness, understanding and solution of TWPS Collie Power Station conveying requirements. TMH is an authorised agent for Sanwest, Flexco, 4B and Forbo Movement Systems in Western Australia. Website:

w w w. t w p s . c o m . a u


Loy Yang A Power Station

When Quality & Service Matter

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Q. How does TWPS ensure customer satisfaction and retention? The major focus we have in terms of retaining our customers is ensuring that we successfully meet the safety, performance and commercial outcomes that our customers have engaged us to deliver. Our business is structured around four key values: Commitment, Performance, Innovation and Collaboration. Based on these values, we ensure that we perform to the requirements of our contracts. We make

TRANSFIELD WORLEY POWER SERVICES sure that the safety of everyone is at the forefront of our minds and everything we do. Our other key focus to ensure customer satisfaction and retention is on maintaining strong relationships with our clients, right from the top of the organization down to the site—then comes the innovation. The combination of all those four values really goes a long way to us retaining our contracts and our customers. Q. What led to the venture into Southeast Asia? Southeast Asia is experiencing strong economic growth and demand for power, and therefore we see that there is a lot of potential to deploy our knowledge, systems, processes and expertise to assist clients in the management of new power generation assets, as well as enhancing the performance of existing assets which may not be achieving the levels of performance envisaged during design and commissioning. Southeast Asia is very much our growth engine. Q. How do you plan to enter this


new market? There are two components. The first will be assisting customers to improve the efficiency and output of existing power stations—really applying our expertise in how to improve the availability of power generation assets, how to improve the efficiency and output and fix problems or issues that they currently have. That will mobilize us to develop our presence and our brand name in Southeast Asia. The next phase will be to deliver full operation management services to owners, and particularly financial and institutional investors, in power generation assets in the market. Q. You recently expanded into New Zealand last year—what is the 5-year agreement between TWPS and Genesis Energy? Genesis Energy engaged TWPS to carry out routine maintenance and outages across their portfolio of thermal and hydro assets throughout New Zealand. Q. How do both corporations benefit from this relationship? For us, it was very much part of our w w w. t w p s . c o m . a u



Kwinana Power Station

“We have a very loyal group of people that are passionate about power generation” – David Taylor, Executive Manager of Strategy and Development 102

September 2015

growth strategy to establish ourselves outside of Australia. From our perspective, gaining such a major contract in New Zealand gives us a strong foothold and a strong presence that will enable us to grow over time. For Genesis, the real advantage was achieving cost savings for them from a much more streamlined contract than they had before. They had around 80 suppliers covering their maintenance before and now they’ve got one—


us. The contract is also very flexible and allows for Genesis to change the generation profile and we respond to that in terms of our labour and maintenance profiling. We can bring a lot of expertise to the table in how to drive productivity efficiency and that was one of the major gains that Genesis Energy was looking for.

Q. Safety is a top priority in the power generation field—what initiatives do you have in place to offset risks? We have a robust safety management system across our business. We place a large focus on hazard identification and reporting, which aims to eliminate any safety risks before they occur, w w w. t w p s . c o m . a u



Loy Yang A Power Station

and controlling the risk as much as possible. There are daily toolbox meetings that discuss any safety issues and every job has a JSA (Job Safety Analysis) prepared that identifies potential risks associated with a particular task being carried out. Q. How does the leadership team recruit and maintain a solid workforce at TWPS? 104

September 2015

We have a very loyal group of people that are passionate about power generation. Being one of the largest employers in the power generation sector in Australia also creates its own benefits in terms of attracting and retaining employees. We also maintain databases of casual employees that we can call upon as required to meet peaks in demand such as during outage


season. They understand our culture and how we do things so that when they come onto a site, they know how TWPS operates, which reduces risks and improves delivery outcomes. We also provide opportunities for people to progress throughout the company, which provides career paths for people resulting in higher retention rates.. On the

innovation perspective, we run an internal program called “The Better Ways Program” where individuals are rewarded for coming up with innovative solutions for clients. It’s a monetary award as well as a recognition award. Q. TWPS engages in a broad range of sectors—from coal to wind power—can you give me a w w w. t w p s . c o m . a u



Townsville Power Station

breakdown of your work within these? Coal fired power stations represent around 40 per cent of our business at this point in time, with gas around the same (40 per cent) and 106

September 2015

renewables is the remaining 20 per cent. Globally, there’s a much larger push towards renewables and our business is certainly seeing more requests from customers to assist


them with their renewable assets. We expect that over the long term that mix might change to an even share between the three, but it really comes down to a large number of market, regulatory, environmental and social factors. If there is a major shift away from coal fired power stations, which we don’t see in the short to medium term, then we will respond to that. Q. What can consumers, competitors and industry insiders expect to see from TWPS in the next year or so? We will definitely be establishing a local presence in Southeast Asia to engage with clients and start to build our business in that region. I expect that we will be putting people up there to solve some of the operational problems that the plants are having in the next year or so. From a New Zealand perspective, we will continue to work closely with our key client, but we will also be looking to see how we can leverage some of the lessons that we’ve learned in the in the last 12 months and helping other customers outside Genesis Energy to improve their productivity. In terms of services to our customers, our focus will continue on delivering safe and efficient operations and asset services, but we will also have a greater focus on how we can leverage our expertise asset management to optimize the performance of our customer’s power generation assets.

Company Information INDUSTRY


Level 13, 111 Pacific Highway, North Sydney, NSW, Australia, 2060 FOUNDED




Power generation

w w w. t w p s . c o m . a u



Written by Megan Edwards, Mem



mbership and Communications Manager

d by: Jeffrey Bailey


Austmine Board and exec staff


ustmine is the peak industry body in Australia for the mining equipment, technology and services (METS) sector and we are proud to lead such a dynamic and innovative sector. We promote the advancement and competitive positioning of Australian technology and collaboration and innovation in mining and resources. Austmine has been in existence since 1989 and 110

September 2015

has grown significantly over the past two and a half decades. We currently have over 300 corporate member companies, made up of large OEMs, Engineering Firms and major contractors, innovative SMEs across technology, services, software and equipment and exciting start-ups. Our vision is to make Australia the true global hub for METS and continue to create opportunities for members globally.


In 2015, Austmine conducted a national survey of the METS sector, as an update to our 2012/2013 survey which discovered METS was a $90 billion a year industry, employing over 340,000 people. Naturally the state of the market has evolved significantly since our original survey, so in 2015 Austmine focused on how METS companies were adapting to and evolving in light of the current mining industry.

The big focus for many is currently on the customer and reinforcing existing relationships, whether with the end client (67% of companies work directly with the miners), or a partner/contractor. Others however see expansion as the key driver; new industries being targeted are oil and gas, infrastructure and renewable energy; new geographies are the top strategy for some, with the 6 most successful export regions for w w w. a u s t m i n e . c o m . a u



Australian METS being Indonesia, USA, New Zealand, Philippines, Chile and PNG. 66% of Australian METS now export, vs. 55% in 2013. “We are pretty proud of our METS sector in Australia and rightfully so. It is a globally focused, highly innovative, world leading sector,” said Chris Gibbs Stewart, CEO of Austmine. “The Australian Federal 112

September 2015

Government has recognised the importance of METS and this year the METS Growth Centre will be launched which will provide a platform for collaboration and bring together industry leaders to solve the big issues which the industry is facing. This will be a very important initiative as Austmine believes that


collaboration is the key – both from a strategic and tactical point of view. A close working relationship and open dialogue between miners and suppliers is needed to not only look at today’s issues, but to look further down the road and really understand where we will be in 10 or 20 years’ time. “Without a doubt miners are facing unprecedented challenges, and now more than ever the METS sector is critical to the on-going sustainability of mining.” Over the last year, Austmine has been fortunate enough to work closely through events with Rio Tinto, Gold Fields, CMOC Northparkes, Anglo American, Roy Hill, Sirius Resources, PanAust, Glencore, Peabody Energy, AngloGold Ashanti, Newcrest and more, providing our members direct access to senior decision makers within these organisations. Innovation is one of Austmine’s core values and a fundamental value the sector needs to embrace in order to remain competitive and increase productivity in the future. 63% of companies surveyed reported that innovation was core to their business strategy, driven mostly by a need to remain competitive, but also due to a direct customer request, or a desire to improve internal efficiencies or cost management. Austmine drives and recognises innovation through our biennial innovation awards, our themed events and webinars and our Innovation Champion profiles, amongst a range of other initiatives currently in planning stages.

Company Information INDUSTRY


Suite 206, 80 William Street, Sydney, NSW, 2011 FOUNDED


300 company members PRODUCTS/ SERVICES

Mining Equipment and Technology Services (METS) industry body

w w w. a u s t m i n e . c o m . a u


Minecorp Shifting gears

From supplying high-quality vehicle equipment to the mining sector to working with the Australian’s Defence Force, Minecorp proves it can roll with an evolving market Written by: Eric Harding

Produced by: Vince Kielty



Minecorp vehicle fleet


or fleet managers searching for outstanding quality, great results and full regulatory compliance, look no further than Minecorp. The Australian leader in safe, sturdy and compliant fleet vehicle modification, Minecorp manufactures and installs fit-out solutions for all commercial fleets, while working with customers to ensure a customised solution with quality automotive accessories, components and a complete vehicle conversion that is fit for purpose when customers need it.


September 2015

A proud member of its Thailandbased parent company RMA Group, Minecorp traditionally has been heavily involved in the mining and resource sector. A world leader in design, manufacture and installation of light and heavy duty vehicles, purpose-built modified vehicles and fleet solutions, RMA Group has supplied over 45,000 vehicles to a diverse global customer base including major mining sites, nongovernmental orgainisations (NGOs), the United States government as well as corporate clients. As one of Australia’s top suppliers of fleet applications, Minecorp is


Minecorp vehicle yard

firmly entrenched as RMA’s only company in the Australian automotive division, and creates a mutually beneficial business environment and the highest possible standards of industry knowledge and service delivery. With its Australian headquarters located in Brisbane, along with a satellite facility in Perth that conducts vehicle modifications and warehousing in the west Australian market, Minecorp has invested heavily in research and development (R&D) in recent years. Today, Minecorp caters to much more than just the mining industry. The company has expanded into other commercial fleet markets such as service and utilities vehicles, local government, emergency services and military.

“We promote it pretty heavily externally in terms of our products providing safety for our clients, and we back that up pretty heavily with internal safety systems” – Angus McIntyre, Minecorp general manager

w w w. M i n e c o r p . c o m . a u


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MINECORP Adjusting to the market Most of the company’s expansion is due to the recent downturn of the mining sector, but as all the top companies do, Minecorp has adjusted on the fly and branched out into other industries. The fall of the industry was a blow to the company’s primary revenue stream, but Minecorp General Manager Angus McIntyre acknowledged the company has always had aspirations of diversifying into other sectors. “The downturn of the mining sector has both forced us and allowed us to start that


diversification process, which is a good thing long term,” said McIntyre. “But it certainly has been tough and has had a big affect on revenue and turnover.” Making the transition has had many obstacles, such as ensuring its products are the right fit for these new industries. “It’s been a challenge in changing that mindset. At the end of the day, there are sectors out there that we probably don’t fit into—that are completely cost-driven, or don’t consider safety and functionality as important as other factors.

Minecorp Manufacturing plant w w w. M i n e c o r p . c o m . a u



Minecorp employees, Sepember 2014

“The challenge is proving to some of these newer sectors that the product and the offering that we provide still can fit the purpose of their industry,” said McIntyre. “Their mindset is that we’re mining and therefore probably too expensive for their requirements. Part of the diversification process has been to make sure we’ve got fit-for-purpose products for these other industries as well.” 120

September 2015

Branching out Minecorp successfully completed a project for the Australian Defence Force last year, which was the company’s first direct supply project for the military organisation. Minecorp has also turned its focus to commercial construction and civil infrastructure. Making these contracts even more impressive is how difficult doing business in Australia has been


compared to other parts of the world. “For the industry as a whole, the Australian economy is just a tough operating environment, and probably has been for a good 2-3 years,” said McIntyre. “Some of our strengths in terms of what might be different from overseas markets is Australian corporations historically put safety at the forefront of business operations That seems to have taken a backward step in the last few years.” “Cost seems to be the main driver in a lot of less developed markets,” McIntyre continued. “But at Minecorp, we like to think of ourselves as a leader w w w. M i n e c o r p . c o m . a u



Angus McIntyre – General Manager

in the industry when it comes to functional, safe operational fleet vehicles. We like to offer good value for money, but quality and functionality is very important in terms of our client base and what we offer.”

“We promote it pretty heavily externally in terms of our products providing safety for our clients, and we back that up pretty heavily with internal safety systems,” said McIntyre. “We spend quite a bit of time promoting that with the staff and making sure we have safe work In-house safety and quality practices in place. We keep that in As important as functionality is for mind as we’re delivering projects to Minecorp, the company’s main goal is clients.” making safety the priority. As McIntyre Minecorp values putting its described, safety is at the forefront of employees in the best position to everything Minecorp does. succeed. The company provides 122

September 2015


comprehensive induction programs, as well rehabilitation opportunities for non-company employees who may struggle returning to the workforce whether due to an injury or another incident in their lives. A very integrated business, Minecorp has its own in-house research and development team while also practicing CNC technology in its manufacturing process. Further expansion In the future, Minecorp plans to continue expanding into other sectors, as well as building on its core client base. A large part of that process is its R&D capability and technical knowledge when it comes to vehicle functionality and vehicle safety, as some of the company’s long-term aspirations revolve around emergency services and the military. In addition, branching out into other sectors such as the agriculture industry may also be on the horizon, according to McIntyre. “One of the benefits we offer clients is a customised package our R&D team can put together that helps meet operational requirements,” McIntyre said. “A lot of what we’re doing in terms of marketing is trying to promote this customisation, and utilise some of the examples we’ve created over the last two years.” In today’s ever-changing culture, it’s good to do business with a company that embraces the transition as adeptly as Minecorp.

Company Information INDUSTRY


37 Murdoch Circuit Acacia Ridge QLD, Australia, 4110 FOUNDED



$15 million AUD

w w w. M i n e c o r p . c o m . a u


PPC Moulding Services (LJ Wallace Pty Ltd)

Pursuing Growth

Managing Director Grahame Aston discusses new technologies, a focus on people, and leading his team to success in the medical device subcontract industry Written by: Sasha Orman Produced by: Rob Benson


P P C M O U L D I N G S E R V I C E S ( L J WA L L A C E P T Y LT D )

PPC MS Factory Floor


he PPC Group acquired Moulding Services in 2007. Then the company was small but successful. Today that success is exponential: PPC Moulding Services has grown from 18 to 250 employees, seeing year on year growth and potential ahead as it consolidates itself as a leading player in the medical device market. Filling potential by finding a niche A critical element of PPC Moulding Services’ success in recent years has been its focus on an development in the medical device 126

September 2015

manufacturing. The prior industry knowledge of Managing Director Grahame Aston and the quick assembly of a strong management core has allowed PPC Moulding Services to push forward and rapidly improve its service in the sector. “We’ve focused on things that aren’t easy to do—things that not everybody out there does—and we’ve been able to exceed the expectations of those challenges, identifying new technologies and new opportunities” says Aston. “We travel the world to ensure we are up to date with the latest technologies available in injection molding and


PPC MS Clean Room

we’ve been able to keep up with the trends and go beyond them.” These trends include everything from automation in manufacturing to new temperaturecontrolled techniques that allow PPC to work with more exotic materials, working closely with partners like Arburg in Germany for the latest machinery to realize its visions. “By looking at these new technologies,” says Aston, “we’ve been able to extend ourselves into new markets and using more exotic materials that actually see benefits for our own customers.” A joining of quality and skill One major trait that sets PPC Moulding Services apart from the competition is its range of talent. “We’ve been to assemble a tremendous range

“It gives our customers a lot of confidence that we’ve got a focus on quality… if the parts you’re making are going out with issues, you’re not helping yourself and you’re not helping your customers” – Grahame Aston, Managing Director

w w w. l j w a l l a c e . c o m . a u




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P P C M O U L D I N G S E R V I C E S ( L J WA L L A C E P T Y LT D ) of skill sets in house,” says Aston, pointing out a strong depth of knowledge between the company’s executive team and workers who are skilled in everything from machine tool making to robotics. The company also believes in exercising the wisdom to know when outside sources are required to ensure that customers receive the best work possible. “We’ve never walked away from a challenge

that a customer has presented us with—but we never claim to know something that we don’t,” Aston points out. “We have the ability to research and to partner with the right people that can easily help bring the skill sets that we may not have on board.” PPC also has the certifications to back its commitment to quality, gaining ISO9001 and ISO13485 accreditation. “That’s given our

Grahame Aston, Managing Director w w w. l j w a l l a c e . c o m . a u


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P P C M O U L D I N G S E R V I C E S ( L J WA L L A C E P T Y LT D ) customers in the medical industry the confidence that we’ve got the right quality policies and procedures—that we understand the importance of traceability and that every product that goes out the door meets these specifications,” says Aston. “It gives our customers a lot of confidence that we’ve got a focus on quality. At the end of the day, if the parts you’re making are going out with issues, you’re not helping yourself and you’re not helping your customers.” According to Aston, many PPC customers have acknowledged this commitment to quality with

consistent recognition as a top supplier. “It’s satisfying to get these awards and to be able to share them with our internal team knowing that what we’re doing in-house is actually reaching and benefitting our customers,” he says. Focusing on people “You’re only as good as the last job that you do,” says Aston. “If you excel at that, then you get an opportunity on the next project when that arises.” With this principle in mind, PPC Moulding Services makes people a high priority. This starts with

Stephen Donohue, General Manager w w w. l j w a l l a c e . c o m . a u


P P C M O U L D I N G S E R V I C E S ( L J WA L L A C E P T Y LT D )

Chloe Aston, Payroll Administration and Quality Officer

a strong philosophy of people management, from the hiring process to training, and an emphasis on developing the right mix of people across all functions. “We’re continuing to invest into the training of our staff in the business, and that’s not just training courses within Australia—we’ve sent many of our moulding technicians to Arburg in Germany for continued training, to ensure we get the best results and understand everything that our machines have to offer,” says Aston. “It’s a challenging thing to keep up with, but we are very focused on making sure that everybody maintains that continued level of training. We’re also expanding our executive team, and we’re looking for people with the right skill sets who are going to enhance not only our business but the support and backup we offer our customers.” But providing good service is about more than having good people in-house. As PPC understands, it’s also about understanding each job as it comes—and that originates with


listening well to the clients you serve to ensure that everyone is working together toward the best end product possible. “We do have a focus on making sure that we listen to our customer, and that everyone within the business is the right person and can provide the required solutions for our customers,” says Aston. “Without supporting our customers there’s no business to have. But if they’re totally happy with the service we offer, there’s no reason why our growth shouldn’t continue.” Looking into the future PPC is certainly on the right trajectory for continued growth. “We see our future as a strong future,” says Aston. “We’re looking at globalizing our footprint—we’re looking at different markets around the world where we can satisfy not only our current customers, but also potentially new customers.” In addition to this global growth, PPC is also pursuing further growth on the home front. “We see that our business in Australia will continue to grow—we’ve had good growth this year, we’ve expanded our workforce this year and we see that as continuing as well,” notes Aston. “We’re certainly budgeting for future growth. With the projects and opportunities we’re still seeing on a weekly basis, we’re confident that this growth is certainly achievable.”

Company Information INDUSTRY

Injection Moulding and Medical Device Manufacture HEADQUARTERS

25 Miowera Rd Villawood, New South Wales Australia, 2163 FOUNDED




Injection Moulding and Medical Device Manufacture

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