Transport & logisitics

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on we lost a lot of drivers because they knew the game was up,” Thornton comments, “and we fired everyone who tested positive. Then after a few months there were no more problems.” Putting all these programmes in place has resulted in significantly increased consistency of service, which is appreciated by customers who are prepared to avoid the ‘discount transport trap’ in return for the safety and reliability. 333 Management took over halfway through 2009; and the figures speak for themselves. “Our net debt has been reduced from $71.8 million to $36.6 million over the past 18 months,” Thornton says. “And we see plenty of opportunities to expand. As we’ve differentiated ourselves in our three business areas, more and more business has been coming towards us.” But the company is remaining true to its principles: it will not accept every contract on offer. “We will not be all things to all people,” Thornton concludes. “We are very specific about what we offer, and we’re very disciplined in how we deliver it.” BE

128 Transport & logistics

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