Cirque, Vol. 2 No. 2

Page 31


Vo l . 2 N o . 2

Anne Millbrooke

Christopher Lee Miles



A little rhythm and a little rhyme, lyrical smitham, measured and metered, everything in its place and in its time.

You, who are lost to me, I’m finding you in the tawny grasses, the pale cinder.

function not form

What you left behind begins growing. I follow like roots, like a mangy calf.



over under and in the clouds

or range, but some quadrant far beyond time. There, every color is you, enfolding

words fly

here you in purple, yellow waxing your face. You, who are beneath the grass, are above

here and over there content with content

Hills, I know you are beyond them, sleepless, Touching a dimension that is not height

the ground. I lose and lose you, I who keep finding you, facing you, and finding you.

Tim Troll

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