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Beta Gamma Sigma

As a benefit of our accreditation, we are one of only a few Canadian universities with a chapter in the prestigious international honour society, Beta Gamma Sigma (BGS), which recognizes academic excellence.

If you are in the top 20 per cent of your class, you will be invited to the chapter as a Beta Gamma Sigma member. In addition to distinguishing yourself from other business students, members are given exclusive access to a specialized job board, membership discounts and leadership opportunities, including a chance to attend the annual Beta Gamma Sigma Global Leadership Summit. betagammasigma.org


Our program provides many opportunities for MSc students, to attend conferences that help enrich their learning and provide space for networking, as well as provide events to present their research. Conferences are a time for students to position themselves as a subject matter expert, encounter new and innovative research, while also providing an opportunity to network with their peers and industry experts.

One such conference opportunity is Brock University’s own annual conference, called Mapping the New Knowledges (MNK). The first MNK conference was held in 2005 as an opportunity to showcase the depth and breadth of research and scholarship being pursued by graduate students in Brock’s academic Faculties. The Faculty of Graduate Studies and the Graduate Students’ Association provide graduate students with the opportunity to connect with researchers and colleagues across Faculties and disciplines in a professional, supportive and welcoming setting.


Students in our MSc program have had great success being published during their master’s program with Goodman. It’s clear that their success, and yours, is due to our invested professors. At Goodman, students can expect access to top scholars, engaging and interesting courses, and informative lectures to inspire their research. Our program is designed to give students access to publication opportunities, which will make a strong impression on any PhD admission committee or future employer.

Notable MSc student publications:

• Agyemang, I., Bay, D. D., Cook, G. L., & Pacharn, P. (2018). Individual donor support for nonprofits: The roles of financial and emotional information. Behavioral Research in Accounting, 31(1), 41-54. doi:10.2308/bria-52233

• Anwar, A., Thongpapanl, N., & Ashraf, A. R. (2020). Strategic imperatives of mobile commerce in developing countries: The influence of consumer innovativeness, ubiquity, perceived value, risk, and cost on usage. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 1-21. doi:10.1080/0965254x.2020.1786847

• Ashraf, A. R., Thongpapanl, N., Anwar, A., Lapa, L., & Venkatesh, V. (2021). Perceived values and motivations influencing m-commerce use: A nine-country comparative study. International Journal of Information Management, 59(3), 102318. doi:10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2021.102318

• Ayadi, M. A., Ben Omrane, W., Lazrak, S., & Yang, J. (2017). The dynamics of currency, savings, and investment rates. International Review of Finance, 18(1), 3-33. doi:10.1111/irfi.12138

• Bai, W., Liu, R., & Zhou, L. (2020). Enhancing the learning advantages of newness: The role of internal social capital in the international performance of young entrepreneurial firms. Journal of International Management, 26(2), 100733. doi:10.1016/j.intman.2020.100733

• De Clercq, D., Rahman, Z., & Haq, I. U. (2017). Explaining helping behavior in the workplace: The interactive effect of family-to-work conflict and Islamic work ethic. Journal of Business Ethics, 155(4), 1167-1177. doi:10.1007/ s10551-017-3541-3

• Elayan, F. A., Brown, K., Li, J., & Chen, Y. (2019). The market response to mandatory conflict mineral disclosures. Journal of Business Ethics, 169(1), 13-42. doi:10.1007/s10551-019-04283-9

• Thongpapanl, N., Ashraf, A. R., Lapa, L., & Venkatesh, V. (2018). Differential effects of customers’ regulatory fit on trust, perceived value, and m-commerce use among developing and developed countries. Journal of International Marketing, 26(3), 22-44. doi:10.1509/jim.17.0129

One of the best aspects of studying at Goodman is the continuous support you receive from your professors, whether you want to conduct research or complete a course project. They take enough time to walk you through the process and answer all your questions. Whether you want to pursue a career in the industry or continue your education at a doctorate level, Goodman’s got you covered! ”

— Ahmadreza Rabbani, Research and Analytics Associate at Sklar Wilton & Associates MSc ‘21 Alumnus (Marketing)