The Jews of Baltimore - Vol 1/2

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Daughter of Moses and Betsy Friedenwald Wiesenfeld, was born in Baltimore City on December 29, 1857. Her father was a wliolesale merchant, a man of great prominence and

Hebrew Benevolent Society. Mrs. Eosenfeld was educated at Baltimore and has b'^en secretary of the Hebrew Ladies' Sewing Society, director of Women's Hospital, chairman on Committee on Religion of Jewish Council of Women, founder of .Jewisli Newsboys' Association and founder, president and director of the Ladies' Auxiliary Association of Chizuk Emunah Congregation and director of the Chizuk Emunah Congregation. Mrs. Eosenfeld is a woman of great mental activity and humanitarianism, devoting her time largely to causes which have as their end the betterment of the condition of her fellow creatures, and her favorite recreation is found in music. On January 24, 1877, she became the wife of Col. Goody Rosenfeld, and they have one son, Moses W. Rosenfeld. Mrs. Rosenfeld by marriage and by blood is connected with three of the oldest and most prominently known Jewish families in Baltimore, the Wiesenfeld, Friedenwald and Rosenfeld at one time president of the

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SAMUEL ROSENTHAL Son of Sigmund and Bettie Rosenthal, was born in Baltimore City .January 6, 1855, his education in the public schools, Knapp's Institute and Sadler's Bryant & Stratton Business College. At the age of fourteen he worked for his uncle in the dry goods business as cashier. Mr. Rosenthal has been connected with the clothing manufacturing house of Strouse & Bros, for forty years, during twenty-five years of which time he has been a partner. For the past ten years he has also been a firm member of the Washington house of Parker, Bridget & Co. Mr. Rosenthal was president of the Clothiers' Board of Trade, president Credit Men's Association, State Board of Charities, and is a director of the Drovers' and Mechanics' National Bank of Baltimore. The Phoenix and Suburban Clubs were both organized by Samuel Rosenthal, of the former he was president for ten years and of the latter he is the first and only president that club has had. He attends the Oheb Shalom Temple and contributed the Samuel and Emma Rosenthal Memorial Cottages to the Epstein Hospital for Consumptives. Mr. Rosenthal has been a consistent contributor to law, credit and business magazines of national scope and has accumulated a valuable library of scientific, philosophical and poetical works, of which subjects he is an ardent reader. "To love your work so well as to understand its every detail and thereby become master of all its problems" is the sapient and salient suggestion which Mr. Rosenthal gives as the secret of human success. Samuel Rosenthal married Emma May on May 2, 1876, and has had three children, two of whom are living. receiving



Son of Isaiah and Fanny (Schapero) Rabinowitz, was born in Russia March 21, 1882. The early influence of home surroundings made a student of young Elias. He attended the Central High School of Philadelphia from 1895 to 1899, Haveford College from 1899 to 1903 and Jewish Theological Seminary from 1904 to 1908, receiving the degrees of A.B. and rabbi. He began active work as principal of Talmud Torah in 1909, having been also connected with the Jewish Protectory in 1908 and an instructor in the Jewish Theological Seminary during the winter of 1908-1909.



Rabbi Isaac Hochheimer. was Iwrn on October 3, 1818. at Ansbach, Middle Fran his grandfather. Rabbi Guggenheimer, and Rabbi Hirsch, of Munich, receiving his Ph.D. at L^niversity of Munich. Rev. Hochheimer was, from 1844 to 1849, assistant rabbi to his father in Schenhausen; from 1859 to 1892 was rabbi of Oheb Israel, Baltimore, and made rabbi emeritus in 1892. Rev. Hochheimer has contributed extensively to the Je^\ish press, especially in Germany. He married Miss Rosalia Hocheimer and has had four children, two of whom are living.




He was educated under


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