Young Southern Student Writers-Winners of 2013

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4650 Buccaneer Trail, Chattanooga, TN 37411 Mr. Bischell

Ashes of Germany Oh pure Aryan fate, what have I done today? Inform me of my fallacies, and then drag my away Indent on all of my luggage your yellow starry stamp Then ship me off to my vacation in your concentration camp We'll pray to our god to save us all, and shelter us from the pain Yet instead of eternal paradise, we only receive acid rain No matter how much we beg of you, and our Messiah on His cross It seems that we'll all perish in this never-­‐ending Holocaust What are we Jews but lowly dogs, exiled from the NSDAP? We're the piece, the defective piece, that just doesn't quite fit here in Nazi Germany At least that's what every true German citizen is taught With every copy of Mein Kampf, composed of doctrinal truth, that's bought So come all ye curious to Auschwitz, when the fires begin to burn bright Come to witness the fall of the ashes of Germany, throughout this blackened night We're left with nothing but hollow Stars of David, burned out of their light Hamp Patty Grade 11 Boyd-­Buchanan School 4650 Buccaneer Trail, Chattanooga, TN 37411 Mrs. Roland Fog and Rain In a fog, Can't see back, Can't see front, Can't see 'round. In a fog, What to do, Push on through Or turn around? Go back to life The way it was then, Or just keep going Until the end. Go back into hiding, Can't keep confining, The pain, the hurt, and suffering, 250

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