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Life Discovery Conference 2023

Please consider sharing this opportunity with high school teachers in your network. Selected applicants will receive stipends, professional development, classroom materials, and curriculum resources. e application link can be found on the PlantingScience.org homepage.

Plans are underway for the 8th annual Life Discovery Conference, which will take place March 22-25, 2023 at Florida A&M University in Tallahassee, Florida. is educationfocused conference is organized as a joint e ort between the Ecological Society of America, the Society for the Study of Evolution, and the Botanical Society of America. Educators who teach high school, community college, and undergraduate courses in life sciences are invited to take advantage of this unique opportunity to network with educators at the various levels. is year’s theme is ‘”Variants in Biology Education: What can we learn from pandemics” Find more info at https://www. esa.org/ldc/.


e California Botanists Luncheon, started back in 2008, is an ongoing event at the Botany meetings for anyone interested in California plants to get together, mingle, and hear about important events in California botany such as projects, funding, and new positions. is year’s short presentations included the progress of the California Consortium of Herbaria projects (CCH1 & CCH2.org), the state’s allocation of major funding for "biorepository upgrades and orphan collections," updates in the Jepson eFlora, and noti cation of the upcoming Southern California Botanists meeting (hosted by CalBG.org). A er the three-year hiatus, it was wonderful to see in person some of our community of California botanists. We hope to see many of you next year in Boise!

California Botanists Meet in Anchorage