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Editors Block

“If it weren't for the rocks in its bed, the stream would have no song.” Carl Perkins

While it’s hard to swallow the fact that we’ve turned the page into another new year and the Coronavirus is still spinning its viral web, we must applaud the immense and tireless work that the medical community has physically and emotionally invested into the health of humanity. And while we travelers have itchy feet and souls that lust for adventure, the transportation, tourism, and hospitality industries have been fighting a non-stop battle of obstacles to accommodate us, diligently treading water to stay viable.

Travel is possible, and thankfully it is happening. But yes, it’s different and full of detours … the stuff that builds character, creates memorable moments, and gives us those humorous stories to share later. As Jack London famously penned, “Life is not a matter of holding good cards, but sometimes, playing a poor hand well.”

This issue of Parks & Travel Magazine takes us from a private boating adventure across Alaskan waters to hiking in Acadia National Park, the crown jewel of coastal Maine. The front cover story beckons you to explore historically rich and naturally beautiful Natchitoches, the oldest settlement in Louisiana. There are also stories and travel tips on experiencing the mountain magic and prairie country of Colorado, the lush Pacific Northwest and Northern California, the rugged and awe-inspiring Desert Southwest, and the surprising delights of Coastal Mississippi. We also feature interviews with park artists-inresidence, authors and, and tourism and hospitality industry experts. FRONT COVER IMAGE: Sibley Lake in Natchitoches, Louisiana. Story is on page 40.

Happy Adventuring in 2022!

Nancy J. Reid & Lisa D. Smith Big Blend’s mother-daughter team in park travel, publishing, and podcasting

BIG BLEND MISSION STATEMENT: Big Blend is a company based on the belief that education is the most formidable weapon that can be waged against fear, ignorance and prejudice. It is our belief that education starts at home and branches outward. Education leads to travel, and travel leads to understanding, acceptance, and appreciation of cultures and customs different to our own, and ultimately to world peace. Our company is further based on the principle that networking, communication, and helping others to promote and market themselves leads to financial stability; thus paving the way to better education, travel, and the spirit of giving back to the community. This magazine is developed by Big Blend Magazine™, copyrighted since 1997. No part of it may be reproduced for any reason, without written permission from Big Blend Magazine. Although every effort is made to be accurate, we cannot be held responsible for inaccuracies or plagiarized copy submitted to us by advertisers or contributors. PAGE 5