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Conversation with Author Marc Graham

Marc Graham

Conversation with an Author

On this episode of Big Blend Radio, awardwinning author Marc Graham discusses his writing career and two latest releases, “Son of the Sea, Daughter of the Sun,” and “Runes for Writers: Boost Your Creativity & Destroy Writers Block.” Listen here in the YouTube player or download/listen to the podcast on Spreaker.com .

Marc Graham is spreading his talent by releasing the latest in his line of successful historical fiction titles and bringing new insight into the battle against writer’s block. Utilizing his in-depth research, Graham takes readers back to the Mediterranean in 610 CE in “Son of the Sea, Daughter of the Sun,” mixing elements of romance, myth, and expert storytelling. In “Runes for Writers: Boost Your Creativity and Destroy Writer’s Block,” Graham shares his groundbreaking system to help storytellers more easily access the realm of ideas.

Marc Graham was raised in Michigan before attending Rice University in Texas, where he studied mechanical engineering. After spending several years traveling the country with his wife, he eventually landed in Colorado where he lives along the Rocky Mountains. His first novel, “Of Ashes and Dust,” won the Paul Gillette Memorial Writing Contest and National Writers Association Manuscript Contest. Graham is an actor, speaker, story coach, shamanic practitioner, and whisky aficionado. When not on stage, in a pub, or bound to his computer, he can be found traipsing about the foothills and mountains with his wife and their Greater Swiss Mountain Dog. More: https://www.marc-graham.com/ . PAGE 11