Globalisation and privatisation: The impact on childcare policy and practice

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Bernard van Leer Foundation P.O. Box 82334 2508 EH The Hague The Netherlands Tel: +31 (0)70 331 2200 Fax: +31 (0)70 350 2373 Email:

About the Bernard van Leer Foundation

community-based organisations. Documenting,

The Bernard van Leer Foundation, established in

learning and communicating are integral to all that

1949, is based in the Netherlands. We actively engage

we do. We are committed to systematically sharing

in supporting early childhood development activities

the rich variety of knowledge, know-how and lessons

in around 40 countries. Our income is derived from

learned that emerge from the projects and networks

the bequest of Bernard van Leer, a Dutch industrialist

we support. We facilitate and create a variety of

and philanthropist, who lived from 1883 to 1958.

products for different audiences about work in the field of early childhood development.

Our mission is to improve opportunities for vulnerable children younger than eight years old, growing up in

Information on the series and sub-series

socially and economically difficult circumstances. The

Working Papers in Early Childhood Development is a

objective is to enable young children to develop their

‘work in progress’ series that presents relevant findings

innate potential to the full. Early childhood development

and reflection on issues relating to early childhood

is crucial to creating opportunities for children and to

care and development. The series acts primarily as a

shaping the prospects of society as a whole.

forum for the exchange of ideas, often arising out of field work, evaluations and training experiences.

We fulfil our mission through two interdependent

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The findings, interpretations, conclusions and opinions expressed in this series are those of the

Making grants and supporting programmes

authors and do not necessarily reflect the views

for culturally and contextually appropriate

or policies of the Bernard van Leer Foundation.

approaches to early childhood development;

Reproduction of material from the publications by photocopying or electronic means for non-commercial

Sharing knowledge and expertise in early

purposes is permitted. However, it is requested that

childhood development, with the aim of

the author(s), Working Papers in Early Childhood

informing and influencing policy and practice.

Development and the Bernard van Leer Foundation are cited as the source of the information. If copyright

The Foundation currently supports about 150 major

is indicated on photographic or any other material,

projects for young children in both developing and

permission to copy these materials must be obtained

industrialised countries. Projects are implemented

from the original source.

by local actors which may be public, private or

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