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system is fixed in space and is set relative to the orthogonal directions of the modeling environment. The local axis is set based on the reference point’s “hosted” element. It is important to note that the local axis is able to be rotated while the global axis is not. The global axis is represented by a green, red and blue colored axis as shown in Figure 4. The local axis represented by an orange and red colored axis. You are able to toggle between the global and local axis by clicking the space bar.

What if your spline needs to have 100’s of points? It would be a pain to have to individually click all those points. Therefore, it may be more convenient to use the second method. The second method for creating splines thru points is to select pre-drawn points and then click the “spline through points” command. What path do the points take? Well, I have finally gotten an answer from the developers on how this works. See Figure 5

feature focus


Figure 5- Points and the Path the Spline takes through the points

Think of the points as a group with an average “path” similar to a linear regression line. This is represented in Figure 5 with an arrow. The spline will take the path through the points that are closest to this average path. It is not recommended you use the second method if your spline is circular because the spline will have a serpentine pattern.

Forms and Voids Create Forms In the traditional family editor you were only allowed to model five basic masses as shown in FIGURE 6. Figure 4- 3D View of Reference plan, Reference line and Reference point with global axis

Reference Lines Reference lines in Revit 2011 are similar to the previous reference lines used in the traditional family editor. The major difference is that reference lines can now be curved. Curved reference lines only have reference planes at their ends while straight reference lines have four reference planes as shown in Figure 4. It is important to note that any spline curve is able to be converted to a reference line. Reference Planes Reference planes are the same in the mass editor as the traditional family editor. It is important to become very familiar with using the reference plane because it is the fundamental ingredient when modeling any complex geometry in Revit. Reference planes have the ability to be used as work planes. Splines and Surfaces Splines and what path thru the points is it taking? There are two methods for creating splines. The first method for creating a spline is by clicking individual points. By clicking the “spline through points” command then placing control points one at a time the spline will follow a set path.


Figure 6- Form creation tools in the traditional family editor and the mass modeler

The new conceptual mass modeling tools allow you to model these five basic types and much more using only one tool called the create form tool as shown in FIGURE 6. The program is smart enough to know for example which of the five mass types you want to create based on what you have selected prior to clicking the create form button! FIGURE 7 shows what form elements are created when certain types of spline/curve elements are selected. I will not go into any more detail about how to create these types of forms however I will point out that you would these same procedures to create


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