11 minute read



ideas for New Year’s ResolutionS


By Mary Jeneverre Schultz

Have you thought about your New Year’s resolutions? After another difficult year, 2022 brings us an opportunity to make some changes. It takes 30 days to build a habit, but a week to tear it down.

Exercising and dieting tend to be common resolutions that people end up ditching. It’s never too late to change things up and take one day at a time. Here are some ideas to consider for 2022:

1. Read more books by reading

around the world. Each month, pick a different country and research the top authors of that country. Platforms such as GoodReads are the perfect way to keep track of books, authors, and genres you are reading. The online community of readers can provide recommendations too.

2. Reduce screen time by track-

ing the minutes. Set up a timer on your phone for 15 minutes or 30 minutes. In fact, Instagram tracks the length of time spent on scrolling your feeds and phones will also provide real-time reports.

3. Share your gratitude. It could be sending a quick text to someone who helped with your car or sending a note to the manager for excellent service received from wait staff. Or, writing a personalized card to your friend or colleague of ten years plus for their friendship and loyalty.

4. Declutter one area at a time.

With the popularity of Marie Kondo, removing clutter allows open spaces and brings in more abundance. Break down your spaces such as starting with one drawer in the kitchen or one category such as socks or hair pieces. It’s easier to organize a little at a time.

5. Send a personal birthday, anniversary, or missing you card.

2022 gives us a chance to reconnect. Posting happy birthdays messages on Facebook has evolved into an impersonal reminder. Taking the time to send a card snail mail shows affection and effort; it also provides a human touch.

6. Cook a new dish from

around the world weekly. During the pandemic of 2020, more people started baking bread, learning new dishes, and taking the time to make healthy dishes from scratch. if you are back to work, starting once a week could help you manage your time initially. Virtual platforms like Zoom have enabled chefs like Ming Tsai to teach you how to cook from the comfort of your own kitchen.

7. Meditate daily. Meditation is different for everyone. It could mean yoga for 20 minutes, saying a prayer, watching a religious program at a designated time daily. Other ideas might mean waking up a few minutes before sunrise to reflect on the joys of the day or taking a few minutes to soak in the sunset. Conduct an Internet search for daily meditations and you’ll find platforms such as Calm or Let’s Meditate.

8. Track 10,000 steps a day. Setting a goal of daily steps is a good start to get moving. Offer to walk your neighbor’s dog if you don’t have one. Walk briskly around the neighborhood – it might be a great chance to meet your neighbors. MyFitnessPal is a popular app that tracks more than steps, but also serves as a food diary and space to store recipes.

9. Drink a minimum of eight

glasses a day. A simple change to make in 2022 is to up your water intake. Foods and beverages, such as juices, can also help with hydration. Staying hydrated regulates your body temperature, prevents infections, delivers nutrients to cells, and improves sleep quality, cognition, and mood. Get a water bottle that helps you track how much you drink each day. Mary Jeneverre Schultz uses New Year’s, Lent and first day of the month to reset her resolutions. Follow her @jeneverre.



Every year, people around the wold celebrate Lunar New Year and prepare for new beginnings by gathering with their family and loved ones. In terms of Chinese New Year, there are many traditions that are passed down from generation to generation.

Q: What is Chinese New Year?

A: Chinese New Year, also known as the Spring Festival, marks the beginning of spring and start of the new year according to the lunar calendar.

Q: How did Chinese New Year begin?

A: The celebration originated from legends of an ancient battle against the Nian, a half-dragon monster. In this battle, the scary beast attacked people and ate children. To scare the beast away, the people used firecrackers and put up red decorations to scare away the beast. Chinese new year is a time to celebrate the start of the lunar calendar and it sets a time for farmers and workers to rest from their year-long labor.

Q: Why is Chinese New Year so important?

A: In Chinese culture, it is one of the most important times in the year for family gatherings. Family members will travel long distances to make it home. It also is a time to ensure fortune and wealth in the upcoming year.

Q: What Asian countries celebrate Lunar New Year?

A: Asian countries that celebrate Lunar New Year include Indonesia, The Philippines, Vietnam, South Korea, Malaysia, North Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, and Brunei.

Q: Where else is Chinese New Year celebrated?

A: One out of every five people in the world have Chinese descent. Millions of overseas Chinese and those with Chinese heritage celebrate Chinese New Year, including large parades and events in San Francisco, London, and Sydney.

Sydney, Australia

Q: Why doesn’t Chinese New Year fall on January 1?

A: The Chinese New Year is

never on the first day of January. Lunar New Year changes dates each year because it is determined by the lunar calendar, 21 – 51 days behind the corresponding Gregorian calendar date. Lunar New Year could fall between January 21 to February 20.

Q: How is Chinese New Year celebrated?

A: Through a ‘Reunion Dinner’ on the eve, extended family sit around a table for a meal that includes numerous lucky food such as fish and dumplings.

Traditions include: cleaning houses, visiting family members, decorating, giving gifts and red envelopes, setting off firecrackers and offerings to ancestors.

Q: What are the forbidden activities on New Year’s Day?

A: Showering, sweeping, haircuts, using scissors, knives, and other sharp things, arguing, swearing, saying unlucky words of death and sickness, breaking things, and throwing out garbage. One doesn’t want to wash away the good luck.

Q: How long are Chinese New Year celebrations in 2022?

Lasting for 16 days, celebrations will begin on the eve of the new year on January 31. Festivities will end February 15.

Q: What do people wear on Chinese New Year?

A: Red or brightly colored apparel are usually worn on New Year’s Day. Red, a power color, is good luck as it is believed to scare away bad fortune.

Q: What is the Chinese zodiac and the animals associated?

A: The Chinese zodiac includes 12 years represented by animal signs in the order: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig. 2022 is the year of the Tiger.

Q: What does the lion dance symbolize?

A: It scares evil spirits away and brings good luck.

Q: Why are dumplings a Chinese New Year’s specialty?

A: The dumplings are usually the shape of silver and gold coins. Chinese believe eating dumplings will bring more prosperity. Regionally, it is more common in northern China.

Q: Why is fish found during a Chinese New Year’s feast?

A: Fish is considered lucky because the silver color brings good luck, wealth, and prosperity. Fish also hatch numerous eggs, which represents abundance.

Q: What about noodles?

A: Like on Filipino tables, noodle dishes such as Pancit, are eaten because they represent long life. Do not break or cut them while cooking. Chinese noodles also symbolize longevity.

Q: What is the significance of red envelopes?

A: Red symbolizes good luck. Giving and receiving red envelopes is like giving Christmas cards with money. Typically, red envelopes are given to children or passed between employer and workers and/or friends and colleagues.

Q: What are the New Year greetings in Chinese?

A: In Mandarin, Xin Nian Kuai Le means Happy New Year. A popular message is also to wish good wealth, which in Hong Kong and Cantonese-speaking regions, is said, Gong Hei Fat Choy. In Mandarin Chinese, it is Gong Xi Fa Cai.

Compiled by Mary Jeneverre Schultz. Share your traditions and superstitions with us @asianavemag.

2022 What’s in store in YEAR TIGER OF THE

2022 is the Year of the Tiger, starting February 1, 2022 and ending February 21, 2023. As the King of the beasts, it’s only natural to think those born in this year will be strong, brave and a natural risktaker.

This upcoming year brings positive changes. It may mean robust business or finances will flow into the household. It is also promising for new love and relationships.

Rat - 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020

For Rats in 2022, the best months will be April and August. You will work hard to achieve success in their career. You will also learn how to rest and reset, probably seeking professional help in this area. Trust is difficult for Rats and there will be opportunities to grow in this area.

Ox - 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021

Those born under the year of the Ox will be flexible throughout the year with changes. The Ox will have a great winter season, while May and September are luckiest months. 2022 in general will be a lucky year for you. Real estate will be a great investment vehicle. Career goals will be achieved with hard work.

Tiger - 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022

The fall season will be the best time of the year for those born in the year of the Tiger. The best careers for those born under this sign include advertising, travel, acting, writing, art, music, and comedy. Lots of changes will make you adaptable to all circumstances. Watch your love life by trying not to be all or nothing. Compromise will be part of keeping your love alive and kicking.

Rabbit - 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023

While March and July will be the luckiest months of the year, spring is the best season for those born under the Rabbit. Making money will be easy for you and peace will be part of your life. Patience is needed to get you through challenges this year. Romance may be memorable this year.

Dragon - 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024

The best months for the Dragon include April, August, and December. Abundance is part of 2022. Be careful about arguments. Think of the consequences and end result before ending the fights. Stay healthy by keeping up with doctor check-ups.

The spring season will be the luckiest time of the year, marking May and September as the most abundant months. Stubbornness may be your downfall. Heed all advice before executing them. Take care of your relationships and stop taking the solo route.

Horse - 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026

While the Horse will experience abundance in 2022, the summer months are the most fruitful. Income will be abundant in numerous opportunities. Stay active to keep healthy but watch out for extreme sports when in the driver’s seat or handling unknown sharp tools.

Goat - 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027

The summer is the most abundant months for the Goat. You will be lucky this year. Love will be romantic in existing relationships or new romance will come along. Watch your financial pockets and keep saving and being smart with your money.

Monkey - 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028

Luckiest months include April, August, December, marking summer as the best season. Prepare for the unexpected, especially in your career and work life. With great discipline and high optimism, positive vibes will follow. This will be a year to enjoy the fruits of your work.

Rooster - 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, 2029

Fall is the best season, with May and September as the luckiest months. Watch your punctuality in everything, from work to social engagements. Check in on your relationships with others. Don’t delay checkups as it pertains to health and wellness.

Dog - 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, 2030

The fall season marks the most bountiful time for those born under the years of the Dog. The three best months are February, June, and October. Heed advice from your elders. Your loyalty will be rewarded. Good intentions will triple your outcomes. Try to stay out of the court system.

Pig - 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019, 2031

Those under this sign will experience both fall and winter seasons. Economically, personal and career will be in abundance. Closing the doors on the past will be a plus. Take in some fresh air and don’t stay inside all the time.

Compiled by Mary Jeneverre Schultz

How did 2021 treat you? Do you believe in zodiacs and horoscopes? Asian Avenue wants to hear from you. Send us a tweet or message on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram @asianavemag.