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Hundreds of thousands of pounds of metal have been saved by using ARMOR’s Metal Rescue® to remove rust. Metal Rescue® Rust Remover BATH is a water-based rust remover designed to remove rust from iron and steel. It doesn’t use harsh chemicals or acids; just safe, water-based rust removal. It’s the most e ective, environmentally friendly, biodegradable, non ammable, fume free rust remover on the market.

ARMOR utilizes recycled content whenever possible, without sacri cing performance. As recycled resin technology continues to improve, recycling gains more ground each year. Using recycled content makes sense from both an environmental and business mindset.

ARMOR has a minimum of 30% post-industrial recycled content in our DEFENDER™ and CRUSADER™ Films and 50% in all of our ARMOR POLY® Films.

Recycling is a good positively impact ment. It reduces caused by waste the use of virgin Vast amounts of needed to make from raw materials, recycling requires energy and preserves natural resources.

Nearly all ARMOR recyclable including WRAP® Papers and POLY® Films.

in their Waste waste prevention. manufacturer to use (co-extruded) lms to the three-layer lm that strathe metal part, and added down-gauged by 25-30%. at’s 25introduced into the environment. waste.