The Arkansas Lawyer magazine Summer 2000

Page 39

Realinic Jury Service Continued From Page 17 America (ATLA) • The Defense Research [n"irute (DRI) • The Federation of Insurance and Corporate Counsel (FlCC) The International Association of Defense Counsel (lADe) The International Academy of Trial Lawyers (lATL) • The Northern California Defense Association (NCDA) Who has been against the one-day/onetrial system? A few judges and clerks who believe that the change wiU create toO much "work" for them, or those who have not really had an opporruniry to become familiar with this practice and how it has improved the administration of justice in other states. If it works in Mississippi where the judges and clerks have given it wholehearted endorsement, then why would it not work in Arkansas? The states are similar in the composition of their rural and more populous court districts. Last year, before the legislative session began, ATLA's Legislative Committee set up a meeting with the Circuit Clerk's Association in Little Rock to which the state's circuit judges and the state's sheriffs were invited. A Mississippi circuit judge and circuit clerk spoke to this group about jury service. They did a commendable job in explaining the success and benefits from M.ississippi's institution of the one-daylonetrial system. The Arkansas Judicial Council has done the same, hearing from a Mississippi circuit judge about the huge benefits of reduced jury service and the other measures that have been instituted. In order to improve the image and the process of the Civil Justice system in Arkansas, it becomes the dury and responsibility of every lawyer in the state to educate his and her trial judge and circuit clerk about the success of the one-day/onetrial system in states around the nation. The Arkansas Trial Lawyers Association is actively working with the Arkansas Bar Association's Judicial Council Liaison and the Arkansas Judicial Council Education Committee in order to bring about these Improvements. AJI la\'''yers and legal organizations must work together to restore the American public's respect for its lawyers and legal system and especially so for trial lawyers and me civil trial practice. The jury system is a

fundamental right ensured in the constitucion of the United States and it is an essential and dynamic element in the American traditions of justice. To ensure that the jury system remains a vital part of our democratic structure inro the next century, courts and legislatures must be sensitive to the changing needs and expectations of the American people and individuals called to serve as jurors. Don't be against change simply because it represents a new way of doing things. Keep an open mind about these proposals and give them the same consideration you would a client's case or a trial. Let'S give these jury service proposals a chance. ENDNOTES 1. Boatright is a research associate at the American judjcarure Society and a Ph.D. candidate in political science at the University of Chicago. The American judicature Society pmmotes the effective administration of justice at all levels. To this end, Aj$ publishes the journal and other literature, conduet5 and disseminates empirical

research, produces educational programs, and maintains an information service. AjS operates the Elmo B. Hunter Citizens Center for judicial Selection. the Center for judicial Independence, and the Center for judicial Conduct Organizations. Its Board of Directors is comprised of State Supreme Court justices, judicial Conducr Executive Direcrors, Coun Administrators, Lawyers. State Trial judges, U.S. Attorneys, Law Professors, Private Business men and women, Court derks, and the Executive Vice President of the Board of Scate Farm Insurance.

Amendment 3 on November 7, 2000

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years has come to you for assistance with an international joint venture to market his product in Japan. He wants you to draw up the paperwork so Customs won't be a probkm andprovide advice about sales taxes. MU~te1J

s .uoy;ilcliem II (10 ' :want tojose. Learn how to keep those clients who are "going global" out of troubled international waters. Plan now to attend the Fall Legal Institute - International Law 2000 coming to Northwest Arkansas on November 3rd.

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