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It is an important time to be a TWU member


By Tim Dawson | Branch Secretary


There has never been a more important time to be a member of the TWU.

In the last two years the strength and resilience of transport workers has been tested.

If it wasn’t COVID-19, it was flooding of major freight routes, cancellation of flights, understaffing in an industry desperate for transport workers, rock throwing and anti-social behaviour on the buses, cost of living increases and the rising cost of fuel. Issues that affect everyone in the supply chain but having lasting effects on the transport industry with transport workers at the core.

The Transport Workers Union has always been there for the fight.

Backing transport workers in when they need representation and a strong and powerful voice at the bargaining table. This is evident in agreements underpinned by CPI.

In 2022 the TWU won wage increases of 6% in agreements the TWU had underpinned by CPI and 15% super in many agreements after TWU members walked off the job in 2021.

The TWU took Qantas to the Federal court following their illegal outsourcing of 2500 Qantas jobs. Qantas continues to appeal, but the TWU acts in the name of justice and what is right. We want to hold Qantas to account and over the past 2 years TWU members have done exactly that.

In 2022/23 we begin rebuilding the aviation industry from the bottom up and as a TWU member or joining the fight we will ensure we’re negotiating from a place of strength.

The TWU WA Branch is on the precipice of legislating for Owner Drivers, with amendments to the Owner-Drivers (Contracts and Disputes) Act of 2007.

By giving more teeth to the Road Freight Transport Industry Tribunal and ensuring owner drivers have minimum enforceable rates to earn a sustainable income and have somewhere to arbitrate unconscionable conduct between owner-drivers and their hirers.

The next big step in this legislation is to rally to cover vehicles under 4.5 tonne under the legislation. The small vehicle, couriers and parcel delivery sector of the transport industry is the fastest growing sector and is most susceptible to companies doing the wrong thing. It’s time for couriers and small businesses to get their fair share of the pie.

Amenities for truck drivers continue to be one of biggest barriers to retaining drivers in our industry. The TWU has been applying a firm pressure on the State Government for the last several years to fund the improvement of truck parking bays, successfully winning millions in State and Federal funding.

Work has commenced at the heavy vehicle rest area in Munjina adjacent to the Auski-Munjina Roadhouse, Newman RTAA, including the sealing of the rest of the area and improved access for heavy vehicles.

The money to improve these parking bays is coming from State and Federal Government, only won through the campaigning of members of the Transport Workers Union and the Transport Workers Union WA Branch.

In the last 12 months we have trained transport workers in Mental Health First Aid training, to recognise deteriorating mental health in their workplace. Transport is a high-risk industry for poor mental health. Every risk factor, from isolation, strict Covid protocols over the last few years, lack of communication, diet, and nutrition when on the road and an industry heavily dominated by males, points toward mental health red flags. Having a dedicated peer-to-peer mental health training initiative will help to change the discussion around mental health and save lives.

We’ve been making inroads in the Gig Economy, signing charters with DoorDash and Uber. These are huge steps to future-proofing jobs and ensuring the future of the transport industry is not vulnerable to exploitation.

In 2022 the TWU has added a Group Accident and Sickness program to our services. An affordable alternative to income protection, the TWU offers cover for when you need it most. Income Cover for a $1000 weekly benefit including capital benefits of $100k costing $16.00 weekly or Income Cover for $1500 weekly benefit including capital benefits of $100k costing $21.00 weekly.

It has never been a better time to join or renew your membership and be a part of the fight.

100 Owner Drivers DESERVE BETTER!