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Meet the...

Age Friendly Officer for Antrim and Newtownabbey

Name: Kelly Doyle

Job Title: Environmental Health Officer, Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council

Who am I?

My name is Kelly Doyle. I have worked for Council for 7 years but have been a resident in Antrim and Newtownabbey my whole life. I love eating out and visiting the local parks in the Borough. Growing up I always enjoyed meeting new people and volunteering on many different youth teams overseas and across Northern Ireland. My passion is to help people and I am excited to do this through my Age Friendly role in Council.

What is my role?

My role is to develop communities where, as people grow older, they can lead independent lives in good health, staying engaged in their communities and remain socially included and physically active.

What is Age Friendly?

Age Friendly is a framework developed by the World Health Organisation (WHO). It was established to support the development of Age Friendly Communities.

How will I make communities more Age Friendly?

The framework focuses on eight main areas. They are; Social Participation, Respect and Social Inclusion, Civic Participation and Employment, Communication and Information, Community Support and Health Services, Outdoor Spaces, Housing and Transportation. By concentrating on these areas it is hoped to create Age Friendly Communities in Antrim and Newtownabbey.

What am I working on?

Currently, I am creating an online interactive map which will showcase the wide variety of resources available across Antrim and Newtownabbey. It is hoped the map will launch in Autumn 2023. Furthermore, I am working alongside Robert McQuiston from the Antrim and Newtownabbey Seniors’ Forum to create an exciting calendar of activities for Positive Ageing Month running throughout October 2023. An Age Friendly Action Plan is also being written and the plan should be ready for consultation by the end of 2023. Ongoing, I am working with Community and Voluntary organisations to grow the network of connections I have throughout the Borough. I also love to hear about your experiences of growing old in the Borough and how these can be improved. Please feel free to get in touch.