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Assembling In-Person

O&P stakeholders convened in San Antonio during the 2022 AOPA National Assembly for education, exhibits, and activities

Welcome to San Antonio Reception

(Above left) David McGill, AOPA president, addresses attendees. (Below left) Eve Lee, MBA, CAE, AOPA executive director, cuts the ribbon to start the Assembly. MORE THAN 1,600 O&P stakeholders celebrated the in-person 2022 AOPA National Assembly in San Antonio, September 28 through October 1. Participants caught up with colleagues, exchanged ideas, debated hot topics, and experienced new products and services during the many education sessions, activities, and exhibit hall visits offered at the Henry B. Goncalves Convention Center.

From an insightful keynote presentation by Mona Patel, to an interactive video chat with former NFL quarterback and orthosis-user Alex Smith, to a lively presentation from experts at the VA’s Extremity Trauma and Amputation Center of Excellence, to important presentations from this year’s Thranhardt Award winners, and more, those who traveled to San Antonio experienced a full range of immersive education. Attendees also benefited from new features to this year’s Assembly, including the debut of the O&P Experience Zone, a Digital Care Showcase, new educational tracks, and more.

Virtual content from the 2022 Assembly will be available online from October 17 through December 18. Mark your calendar now for next year’s event, slated for September 6-9 in Indianapolis.

Opening General Session and Keynote Address CNN Hero Mona Patel

Keynote speaker Mona Patel, executive director and founder of the San Antonio Amputee Foundation, drew hundreds of attendees during her motivational and insightful presentation Thursday morning.

Professor Hans Georg Näder Digital O&P Care Award

The inaugural award was presented by Professor Hans Georg Näder (right) to David Boone, PhD, MPH, CP (below, second from left). The funding for this annual award has been provided by Ottobock Healthcare in honor of Näder and his many contributions to the O&P field worldwide.

Student Poster Award Winners

(Above left) The Otto and Lucille Becker Orthotic Award: “The Effect of Disease Progression on Perceived Benefits and Psychosocial Impact of Lower-Limb Orthoses in Ambulatory Persons With Multiple Sclerosis,” Jason Rutkowski, University of Pittsburgh (Above right) Edwin and Kathryn Arbogast Prosthetic Award: “Validating Apple Watch Pulse Oximetry Data in People With Limb Loss,” Adam Huff, University of Pittsburgh Lifetime Achievement Award Winner

The AOPA Board of Directors named Carl Caspers, CPO, (inset) as the recipient of the 2022 Lifetime Achievement Award. Accepting the award on his behalf were his son Tony Caspers, wife Barb Caspers, daughter Cori Schneider, and son-in-law Scott Schneider.

Thranhardt Lecture Series Award Winners

(Left) “Development and Validation of a Prediction Model for the Treatment Time of Deformational Head Shapes Using a Cranial Remolding Orthosis” Tiffany Graham, MSPO, CPO, LPO, FAAOP (Right) “Design and Testing of the Caesar Foot: A Bimodal Run-Walk Prosthesis” Jennifer Johansson, MS

Sam E. Hamontree Award Winner

“The Three Things You Have Control Over To Speed Up Your Cash Flow” Stacy Toner, CBCS

High School Career Day

AOPA welcomed more than 100 students from CAST Med High School. Pictured: Patel (fourth from left) with some of the students

Networking Break

“Orthotic Case Study Based on the Treatment of Former NFL Quarterback Alex Smith”

Smith (center) answered questions via videoconference, and two of his healthcare providers, Michael Muratore, CPO (left), and Fraser Allan, discussed his orthotic care.

O&P Experience Zone and Exhibitor Happy Hour

So Kids Can Move Reception at The Alamo

Representatives from AOPA, the American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists, and National Association for the Advancement of Orthotics and Prosthetics kicked off a dynamic reception to support and celebrate the new state-based initiative, So Kids Can Move.

Professional Women in O&P Luncheon

Empowered Women—Empower Women The seventh annual Professional Women in O&P event—sold out this year—featured a keynote presentation by Adrienne Hill, MHA, CPO, LPO (front center), clinicial assistant professor at Kennesaw State University.


“Osseointegration in the U.S.—Prosthetic Implications for Today and Tomorrow”

Christopher Hoyt, CP, Jeffrey Cain, MD, and Jason Stoneback, MD, discussed the current state of OI, emerging research regarding efficacy, and the future of the proceedure and prosthetic care in the U.S.

AOPA Membership Meeting

(Left) Teri Kuffel, JD, president-elect, and David McGill, president, AOPA (Right) Introduction of AOPA Leadership

O&P Digital Care Showcase

At the inaugural O&P Digital Care Showcase, a hands-on event, attendees learned about computer-based 3D design software in a case study approach. (Above) Jeff Erenstone, CPO, and Chad Duncan, PhD, CPO, CRC, Digital O&P co-chairs

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