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Strategic Plan Goals Forging Ahead

This is the moment to solidify our place in history and beyond.

During the spring and summer of 2021, our faculty, staff, alumni, and external stakeholders immersed themselves in conversations about the strengths, opportunities, and challenges confronting our university, other HBCU land-grant institutions, and the world of higher education.

We approached the work in a four-step process, adapted from nationally-recognized integrated planning models developed by the Society for College and University Planning publications by John M. Bryson on strategic planning for public and nonprofit organizations.

Planning practices began with an understanding of what was happening both outside of the University through environmental scanning and internally through a review of key institutional metrics and self-reflection.

To that end, we developed and began executing Alcorn’s five-year strategic plan, consisting of five goals that encompass the spirit of Alcorn and will propel it into the 21st century.


Student Success

We will work diligently to promote student success by continuing to maintain a holistic environment that supports both academic and student support services.


Strategic Enrollment Growth

We will increase enrollment as well as promote diversity by expanding access and pathways to higher education through recruiting and onboarding students from all backgrounds (i.e., socio-economic, academic, gender, race, and age) and providing an inclusive, supportive, and engaging environment for students to learn, create, innovate, and excel.


Transformation Through Innovation

We will transform the University through intentional improvements by creating a culture of ongoing innovation.


Economic Development and Community Engagement

We will engage our diverse regional, state, and global communities by refocusing and initiating collaborative partnerships across University schools and departments. These partnerships extend beyond the boundaries of our campus.


Sustainable and Resilient Enterprise

We will achieve greater financial sustainability and resiliency through enrollment increases, revenue diversification, efficiency and optimization of resources, heightened fundraising, and in the investment of facilities, future business opportunities and extension services that further our vision and mission.