1 minute read

F*** Mark Latham (Fire…?)

To begin, I think we should all collectively thank our lucky stars that Mark Latham never became Prime Minister. To put it mildly, Mark Latham is not a very nice man: he tackled a cab driver after a disputed fare, he pled guilty to maliciously damaging News Ltd. photographer Ross Schultz’s camera, verbally attacked Rosie Batty (who has fought tirelessly against domestic abuse since the murder of her son), and he shakes hands aggressively.

Up until now, despite his many shortcomings, he has been considered a fit and proper person to serve in a state parliament by just under 6% of eligible voters in NSW. And Pauline Hanson. This may be about to change, however, due to a rare defence of our community from Pauline Hanson, in response to Mark Latham’s recent tweet about gay men. It is one of the most vile and hate filled comments about gay men I have ever seen. These comments were too hateful even for Pauline Hanson, and that really says a lot. Indeed, this was a sexualised tweet so graphic and horrible that even Sky News would not show it to their audiences. I will give you a moment to let that sink in.

Unfortunately Mark Latham, rather than apologising and making a rare decision to be a good human, used a radio interview (with a disgraced journalist who has been accused of alleged sexual misconduct causing him to lose his job not once, but twice) to launch an unhinged and feral attack on gay men.

Apparently, Mark believes that the mere thought of anal sex between two consenting men is “disgusting”, “horrible”, “vomit worthy”, and “puke worthy”. I could only imagine how shocked Mark Latham would be to discover that anal sex is not only enjoyed by the gays, but also practised by many of the straight males he claims to be speaking for.

Pauline Hanson talked tough about being furious with Mark Latham and called for him to apologise. Now is the time for Pauline to walk the walk and fire this horrible individual who has refused to apologise and has only doubled down on his reprehensible tweets.

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