Maine Health & Wellness Guide

Page 8

Keeping Our Spirits Up

Patrick Dempsey with

By Kay Stephens


atrick Dempsey, most known for his role as neurosurgeon Derek “McDreamy” Shepherd in Grey’s Anatomy is a Mainer through and through. Born in Lewiston, he grew up in the nearby

towns of Turner and Buckfield before becoming an actor and starring in the 1980s films Can’t Buy Me Love and Loverboy. His ties to Maine continue to this day. After his mother was diagnosed with cancer, he founded the Dempsey Center for Quality Cancer Care with physical locations in Lewiston and South Portland, and now virtually through Dempsey Connects. And since 2009, he has organized the Dempsey Challenge, an annual run, walk, and cycle fundraising race to benefit those impacted by cancer at the Dempsey Center. What outdoor recreational activity do you enjoy most in non-winter months to stay active and find fun?

Being from Maine, what particular strength of Maine’s people do you connect with most?

PD: Cycling, walks, hikes, time at the

PD: Mainers care deeply for their

Dempsey on what he does to stay


communities, and when people are in

positive, healthy, and balanced as we

When you’re having a down day, what’s something that picks you back up?

need, they step up and help generously.

PD: I have found that quieting my mind

support at the Dempsey Center. The

really helps when I’m feeling a bit off. I

Dempsey Challenge always highlights

found the simple task of sitting in front

the strength of community and love that

PD: Simple days in the beginning. It

of a fireplace does the trick for me.

the state shows.

was nice to be home and not flying

Do you practice any meditation techniques, and if so, what are they?

What is your favorite area of Maine to visit for adventure and makes you feel refreshed?

As we head into the second year of a pandemic, we at the Maine Health & Wellness Guide are looking to inspire people to find their way back to health. We were lucky to catch up with Patrick

continue to navigate our way through the pandemic this spring and summer.

Can you tell us what you are up to now and what your days in the pandemic look like?

or working— just being together as a family, and then trying to comprehend

They are always last to accept help themselves, but the first to help others. I see this with the incredible

what was going on with so much unrest

PD: I do. It’s important to have time

and fear. We truly just lay around the

to collect yourself in the morning. I

PD: The woods of Maine. The coast. I

house and then as things progressed,

like to wake up before anyone else in

love the wildlife and Maine’s natural

a bit more anxiety grew. We then tried

the house, let the dogs out, and then


to keep ourselves busy with positive

sit quietly. I’ve been reading a lot of

activities such as walks, cooking as a

Ryan Holiday's works and have found

family, along with a lot less TV!

his interpretation of stoicism to be incredibly beneficial.

6 Spring 2021

This past year we embarked on a campaign called #keepourspiritsupmaine designed to encourage leaders in Maine to reveal how they found positive ways to handle the pandemic. Check out more of our Industry Snapshots on the craft brew, distilling, and Maine outdoor industries at

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