AV 23rd December 2017

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First & Foremost Asian Weekly in Europe

Vol 46 | Issue 33

BJP RETAINS 23rd December to 29th December 2017

Let noble thoughts come to us from every side


Mitul Paniker

Modi Sarkar wrestled yet another state from the Congress, also claiming back what is rightfully theirs. The party's twin victories saw it clinch almost two-thirds majority in Himachal Pradesh, and a close win in Gujarat, tightening its grip over the nation's politics. The Bharatiya Janata Party won Gujarat for the sixth time, all thanks to Narendra Modi and his mass appeal. The Prime Minister was in the state for 15 days, holding 34 rallies in different areas, campaigning for development, war against corruption, and his principle philosophy of Hindutva. As much as Gujaratis take pride in the “son” they sent to New Delhi, it is, however, evident from the results that the NaMo effect is hit. But a win is a win, and a defeat is, well, sour. Congress President Rahul Gandhi claimed moral victory in the polls, saying the results have dealt a massive blow to the ruling party. “Three-four months back, when we went to Gujarat, it was said that Congress cannot fight BJP. We did hard work for three-four months and you have seen the results and BJP has suffered a massive jolt,” he said. Gandhi said the people of Gujarat have given a message to the BJP and Prime Minister Narendra Modi that the “anger that you have within yourself will not work and it will be defeated by love.” “A question has

Lotus blooms in Himachal Pradesh

Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh gave his resignation to Governor Acharya Devvrat, 24 hours after the Congress party suffered a miserable loss in the Assembly polls. The dramatic election that witnessed vote counting till late in the night, Continued on page 23

been raised at PM Modi’s credibility. Modi ji has a credibility problem,” he said. The Congress party, under the leadership of its new president, gave a tough fight, managing to score 77 seats in the Gujarat State Assembly. The BJP failed to achieve its promised 150. Its majority with 99 seats can hardly be counted as a “political knockout”. For the first time since it rose to power in 1995, the party has less than 100 seats in the state. In three constituencies of Godhra, Dholka and Botad, Gandhi's party lost by margins as close as 258, 327, and 906 respectively. In the epicenter of the Patidar reservation agitation, Saurashtra-Kutch region, the BJP won 23 out of 54 seats and the Congress claimed 30. The Congress has increased its vote share by 2.5 per cent from 38.9 per cent in 2012, to 41.4 per cent in 2017. The BJP, meanwhile, has increased its vote share by 1.2 per cent from 47.9 per cent in 2012 to 49.1 per cent in 2017. It even alarmingly lost the PM's home-town seat by a wide margin. Modi Sarkar saw fierce competition from the Opposition. Congress found a voice after merging loosely with critics of the government. One of the biggest thorns on BJP's side proved to be Hardik Patel, an over-night activist who by sheer luck and timing mobilised hundreds of thousands of Patidars against the PM and his government. This rebellion brought to light the topic of development. Vikaas gaando thayo che. Modi's people turned against him, and after almost two decades of Hindutva dominance, they were questioning the real rate of vikas.


Urban Patels in Saurashtra remain loyal to NaMo The Patels' fight for quota left a lasting impression on the Gujarat elections. Out of 52 seats in a region where the Patidar population is over 20 per cent, BJP won 28 and Congress 23. An independent candidate won Lunawada seat. The Congress' strong performance in Saurashtra is also credited to the Patels, even though issues regarding agriculture also has a role to play. The community's aggression also may have alienated other communities,

We wish all the readers of Gujarat Samachar and Asian Voice

A Happy Christmas and prosperous New Year

Celebrating a very British Asian Christmas

Continued on page 26

Pallavi and Shashikant Patel welcoming all to 'Meet and Deep' News for Christmas

Rupanjana Dutta It's that time of the year again, when trees with colourful lights go up, presents are exchanged, families come together and feasts are made. In the UK, for many British Asians, celebrating Christmas has become a part of their integrated culture. Not just as conventional gift giving or baking a pie customs, but some British Asians, inspite of being non-Christian, embrace

the spirit of the real Christmas- of charity and humanity. Such is the story of 'Meet & Deep' Newsagents, a 128 year old convenience store on Hampton Road, Twickenham. Bought over 35 years ago by Pallavi Patel (from Vaso-Alindra, Gujarat, India) and Shashikant Patel (from Uganda), they are helped by sons Deepen and Meeten on the weekends and sometimes on Continued on page 2



Asian Voice | 23rd December 2017





Keith Vaz, MP

Kiran Bhundia Kiran Bhundia moved from Nairobi, Kenya to the UK in 1974. Her first job in the UK was with Lloyds Bank after which she joined NatWest where Kiran built her career as a financial adviser. Thoroughly enjoying the work but craving a good work/life balance, with encouragement from family and friends, Kiran started her own company Kiran Financial Services providing Financial advice. Currently she trading as Towerbridge Finance Ltd where she provide mortgage advice. Kiran have a great passion for helping people pursue their dreams and make them a reality. She help her clients by taking into consideration their circumstances as a whole – and giving them the best advice to suit their needs while fulfilling their commitments in the long run. She is aware that no single approach is the right one for every individual, so she tailors her service based on her client’s needs. During her 30 year career span, she has supported several family members and friends by inspiring them with Kirans’s work. Many have chosen a similar career path and it brings her immense joy to see them now – flourishing in their professional lives. She have worked hard to reach her goals and fulfil her ambitions. Her business is based on the trust of her clients – she rarely advertise her services as most of her business comes from personal references from existing clients. 1) Which place, or city or country do you most feel at home in? London is most definitely where I feel most at home! Most people have ambivalent views about London, but for me London is a place of

opportunity and inspiration. The multicultural society here allows people to learn and share their individual talents. I have been here for over 40 years now, and am a proud British Citizen. 2) What are your

proudest achievements? As part of my business, I participated in a competition with a prominent Mortgage provider. The challenge was to produce £1 million worth of Business as soon as possible. The company that achieved this target first would be the winner. Within 2 days, I exceeded the target and won the competition. I was rewarded with a grand stay in London, all expenses paid, including sightseeing and theatre tickets. Apart from this, I was always amongst the top achievers when I previously worked for an Insurance company. 3) What inspires you? My inspiration comes from helping people. Whether it’s a couple wishing to buy that first home after getting married, or people wishing to use their savings wisely to invest in the property market or simple those that wish to release monies from their property, so they can begin to live out the things they always dreamt of doing. I have a lot of long stand-

ing clients who are now like family to me and it gives me great satisfaction seeing them grow, and now giving their children the same great service! 3) What has been the biggest obstacle in your career? None that I haven’t dealt with successfully. I like challenges and rise to them – always! 4) Who has been the biggest influence on your career to date? Myself! I work hard and have always had goals I set myself from a very young age – and I don’t rest till I have achieved these! I like to constantly stay up to speed with current affairs within my industry, as this enables me to do my job more effectively. 5 )What is the best aspect about your current role? I like the flexibility of my role – I am able to work around the needs of my clients. I am happy to travel to them or meet them outside the usual 9—5 office hours. I enjoy

A pregnant woman of Indian origin from Shillong has been denied entry to live in Scotland with her Fife born husband because her language qualification for entry to the UK is too advanced. 22 year old Alexandria Rintoul, married to Bobby from St Andrews passed an advanced English exam, but not the same required for her visa categorywhich is much easier to qualify. The Home Office denied her entry and said Alexandria could apply again for the £2000 visa. Alexandria, who is looking forward to set up her home with her hubby, is a musician and has an English degree. She sat an International English Language Testing system

courtesy: Facebook

Pregnant woman's English 'too good to immigrate to UK'

Bobby and Alexandria Rintoul on their wedding day

exam but the Home Office requires an IELTS pass for immigration not the more advanced one she has. A Home Office spokeswoman reportedly said: "Some applicants for visas to settle in the UK need to pass an English language test at an approved centre that is specified in the immigration rules."


Our office will be closed from 23rd - 27th December for the Christmas period, as well as closed from 30th- 1st January for the New Year. There will be no edition of Asian Voice and Gujarat Samachar next week (30th December).

AV/GS Calendar 2018 The new calendars are being printed and will be posted to subscribers in due course. Due to the Christmas holidays, you may receive the calendar with the issue of Saturday 13th January 2018.

"Mrs Rintoul failed to do this and also failed to submit the necessary supporting evidence for her application. It is open to her to reapply under the Priority Visa Service." While they deal with her second application, Mrs Rintoul has been stranded in hotels in Bangalore, hours away from her home in the north east Indian state of Meghalaya. The couple met when Bobby, who works in the oil and gas industry, spent a year and a half in India. They moved to Dubai before Bobby returned home, hoping to be followed shortly by his wife. Bobby, 33, told the BBC Scotland news: "We were told the visa process is difficult so we should hire an immigration lawyer to help us, which we did. "They told Alexandria to do the higher test and we submitted all the evidence requested of us. "However, we have now received a rejection letter on the basis she has over qualified herself with a more technical test than required.

"It says she should do a lower one so she can be entitled to be here and that she did the higher one unnecessarily. "They say we can apply again but it costs £2,000 for each application. "Its just a money making outfit as they could have used some discretion and accepted the higher qualification." Her allegations come after an outrage earlier this year when the Home Office revealed plans to charge visa applicants to contact their support service. A leading UK newspaper reported that the Home Office is allegedly making profits of up to 800% on some visa applications, and the margins are so lucrative that there is an alleged incentive to reject applications to prompt repeat applications. When asked for a comment on the inflated visa fees, the home office had said that the high fees were “only right” and argued that the inflated fees are in order to ease the burden on the taxpayer to control the border.

meeting new people and am constantly learning and adapting to changes around me.

6) And t h e worst? As I r u n my business from home, it can sometimes get difficult drawing the line between work and home life. Work tends to win most of the time as I enjoy my work a lot! 7) What are your longterm goals? My main aim is to help as many people as possible to get onto the property ladder – especially the First-time buyers. I would also like to make the time to start working on some charity projects that I have been planning for a while. 8) If you were Prime Minister, what one aspect would you change?

I would further raise awareness of causes that are close to my heart, which include ensuring no child goes hungry and that families get all the support they need. I would ensure homeless people were given the correct support to help them back on their feet. I would like to see more done for the elderly who have served this country for so many years. 9) If you were marooned on a desert island, which historical figure would you like to spend your time with and why? Princess Diana – to keep up my spirits and motivation.

Celebrating a very British Asian Christmas

Meeten and Deepen with parents Shashikant and Pallavi at their Christmas party

Continued from page 1 the weekdays to run the store efficiently. Every Christmas for the last six years they have hosted a party with free biscuits and mince pies, to bring on the Christmas cheer. The shop as usual has been dressed up with Christmas decorations and a board outside reads, “We are open on Christmas Day from 122pm. If you are alone, pop in for a hug and a mince pie. You don't have to buy anything. We are family.” Deepen Patel, in his 30s is single and has his own retail business, is a style advisor and a speech therapist. His brother Meeten is a Senior Project Manager in IT for the pizza chain Prezzo. Both boys help parents to plan this Christmas party for years now. Speaking to Asian Voice exclusively, Deepen said, “We started our Christmas party six years back, when an elderly person in the locality got robbed. We bought her presents and celebrated Christmas with her. There are many people who are old, lonely and disowned by their

family. This is our way of giving back to the society. Last year neighbours baked pies and donated them for our party. Our Christmas day party brings the community together in a very special way. My parents dress up as father and mother Xmas.” When his parents took over this shop three decades ago, they were not accepted as a part of the local community. There was a bit of racism involved and they were left isolated. But over the years they have become an integral part of this locality and society and Deepen and Meeten feel like they are family to their old neighbours. “We helped someone to decorate his tree last year, because he could not physically do that after falling ill. People treat us as their own and we celebrate the community spirit by doing small things for each other. We are Hindus by birth, but that does not mean we cannot celebrate Christmas. It is as much as part of our culture and dharma as British Asians as anything else in this country,” he added.

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India, Russia, China anti-terror declaration India, Russia and China constitute the core of the BRICS group of nations. As the largest and most powerful countries across Eurasian landmass, their trilateral meetings outside the formal BRICS confabulations, which include Brazil and South Africa, have a significance of their own. Security is inevitably at the top of these trilateral deliberations. Put simply, IndiaRussia ties are (and have been for 70 years) exceptionally close, which is not the case with the SinoIndian relationship, which got off to a promising start in the early 1950s before souring from 1959, following the Dalai Lama’s flight to India to escape oppressive Chinese rule over his country. The denouement was the brief Sino-Indian war of October-November 1962. A similar trajectory characterized Sino-Soviet relations: the first decade of cordiality from 1949 to around 1959 was replaced by acrimony and eventual breakdown in the mid-1960s, remaining frozen until the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991. The Soviet Union’s closeness to India was a principal factor in the collapse of Sino-Soviet relations. The spillover led to Sino-Vietnam war of February 1979 and have troubled their relations ever since. During this fraught period Beijing and Washington in a demonstration of realpolitik were conjoined in a strategic alignment directed principally at Moscow but targeting India as well, as Pakistan had become a client of both the United States and Maoist China. This historical landscape needs to be grasped fully for an understanding of contemporary ground realities. Looking through his glass, darkly, in an edit page article in the Hindu newspaper (December 12), Professor Harsh Pant, of King’s College, London, averred that the sticking point for Indian policymakers was how to balance India’s divergence from the SinoRussian world view with its growing convergence with the United States and the West on global strategic issues. He has overlooked Russia’s full support to Indian membership of the Nuclear Suppliers Group, in face of China’s resolute opposition to India’s entry. However, India’s admission to the 41member Wassenaar Arrangement, a multilateral export control regime, at Russia’s suggestion, is a significant step forward in India’s quest for acceptance as a responsible nuclear power. Professor Pant’s second contention is more dubious, to the point of laughable: he detects Russia’s military decline paralleled by China’s dramatic rise, hence China is the dominant force in the Sino-Russian calculus. Certainly, Russia and China present a common face against the United States, but even within this paradigm there are significant nuances. China is the largest holder of American debt now estimated at $20 trillion and rising, therefore lender and borrower have vital convergences of interest regionally and globally. President Xi Jinping was accorded a rapturous welcome on his State visit to the United States;

President Trump was received with every honour at the Beijing’s Forbidden City and treated to a sumptuous banquet, without a whisper US Congressional protest. President Trump began his Pivot to Asia with a visit to China; his administration maintained a studious silence during the Sino-Indian standoff at the Doklan trijunction of Tibet, Bhutan and Sikkim. There are no US trade sanctions against China, as there are against Russia. Neither is there any hysteria over Chinese designs as there are over Russian: witness the latest choleric outburst by Chief of the UK’s Defence Staff, Sir Stuart Peach. Despite warmer words of Pakistani collusion with jihadi terrorism, US military and financial aid to the country regardless. Islamabad may be China’s ‘all-weather friend’, but it happens also to be “America’s strongest ally outside Nato.’ Former Afghan president Hamid Karzai has called on India to nudge the Trump administration on Pakistan’s continuing role in abetting jihadi terrorism in his country (Hindu front page report December 18) As for Russia’s perceived military and political decline, Professor Harsh Pant would do well to take off his blinkers and a cursory look at Syria. Consider Kim Sengupta in The Independent (London January 30, 2016) ‘Their army’s equipment was “outmoded”, their air force’s bombs and missiles were “more dumb than smart”, their navy was “more rust than ready”. For decades this was the Western military leaders’ view steeped in condescension, of their counterparts. What they have seen in Syria and Ukraine has come as a shock. Russian military jets have at times carried more sorties in a day than the US-led coalition has done in a month. The Russian navy has launched ballistic missiles from the Caspian Sea 900 miles away and kept supply lines going in Syria. The air defences installed in Syria by the Russians and eastern Ukraine would make it extremely hazardous for the West to carry out strikes against the Assad regime or Ukraine separatists. Lieutenant General Ben Hodges, the commander of the US in Europe has described the advances in electronic warfare in Syria and Ukraine …as “eye-watering.” It is doing so in a way that makes it “very difficult” to Nato planes to gain access safely to areas including parts of Poland.’ The cutting edge force multipliers in India’s arsenal include Russian Sukhoi MKI30 jet fighter bombers, the game changing BrahMos supersonic cruise missile (an Indo-Russian joint venture which will be suppled to Vietnam), the Russian designed and manufactured Indian aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya, advance frigates, Russian aid in the production of India’s first nuclear submarine INS Arihant and much else come under the rubric of the Indo-Russian ‘privileged strategic partnership.’ Too much has been invested in this relationship for the cavalier dismissal by Harsh V. Pant’s specious nostrums.

Naidu’s remedy for unruly behavior in Parliament India’s Vice President Venkaiah Naidu, taking a dim view of unruly behavior of irresponsible MPs, has proposed that they be named by the Speaker and then suspended for a specified duration from the chamber. The penalty should be written into a provision to strengthen the powers of the Speaker’s authority. Mr Naidu was clearly appalled by such conduct on the opening day of Parliament’s Winter session, forcing Speaker Kurien to suspend further proceedings. One may well ask what this was all about. It was supposedly a call for an apology from Prime Minister Modi to former prime minister Dr Manmohan Singh for his meeting with the Pakistan Ambassador to India at a dinner, attended also by a galaxy of other distinguished Indians, alleging that was done to defeat the BJP in the

recent Gujarat elections. The accusation was both discourteous and bizarre. The call for an apology could have been made without the disrespect displayed to Parliament. Hooliganism in Parliament has become more rule than the exception, became common practice during the second UPA government when Manmohan Singh was prime minister. The present BJP-led government is being repaid in kind. Tweedledums are at the throats of the Tweedledumbers: the mayhem at the expense of the public exchequer. MPs continually vote themselves higher salaries and allowances, with diminishing returns of monies spent. Democracy is brought into disrepute through such indecent exposure. The disgraceful farce must end sooner rather than later.

Labourer’s son puts service above profit

Barnana Gunnaya’s was in tears as he witnessed his son Barnana Yadagiri in an Army officer’s uniform at the passing out parade at the iconic Indian Military Academy, Dehradun. His son had graduated as an officer and gentleman in the truest sense. Baranana Gunnaya had been a daily wage labourer at a cement factory. His son Barnana Yadagiri won a government scholarship enabling him to better himself and reach for the stars, if possible. He won his spurs at a top Business School at Indore, then topped a testing Information Technology course in Hyderabad. Lucrative job offers came from leading US companies that he could not have dreamed of as a boy from a

poverty stricken family. However, Barnana Yadagiri’s dream was to join the Indian Army and serve his country. He has fulfilled his once distant dream. A reading enthusiast, an engaging public speaker, he won the IMA’s silver medal for standing first in order of merit in the Technical Graduate Course, which opens the way for a placement in the Army’s engineering corps. Barnana Yadagiri told a reporter that job satisfaction came before a salary in the corporate world. He said he was proud to be working in defence research and development stream. He clearly has a tryst with destiny. More power to his elbow.

Asian Voice | 23rd December 2017


Time is what we want most, but what we use worst. - William Penn (1644-1718)

Virendra Sharma MP

For Ealing, Southall

Jallianwala Bagh Massacre 1919 As we enter Christmas and New Year our thoughts turn to next year, 2018. A New Year offers new hope, a chance for self-improvement, maybe you too will make a New Year’s resolution. But it also offers an opportunity to look back, to think about what has happened over the preceding year and how that shapes who we are today. The same applies to a nation, and in 2018 we will enter the centenary year of the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre, and looking back over the last one hundred years we can see a complete transformation in the relationship between India and the United Kingdom. A world empire larger than any before, and a vast repressed nation yearning for freedom, now India grows strongly sure of its path to prosperity and greater strength, while the UK is unsure of its role in the modern world. Now is the right time for the Prime Minister and the Government of the United Kingdom to take steps to offer a full and formal apology for the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre. This shameful and shocking event still colours relations between the two countries. On 13 April, 1919 troops of the British Indian Army under the command of Colonel Reginald Dyer fired machine guns into a crowd of unarmed protesters, along with Vaishakhi pilgrims in the walled Jallianwala Bagh of Amritsar. Sir Winston Churchill described the attack as “monstrous”, and only a few years ago Prime Minister David Cameron "a deeply shameful event in British history”, but he did not offer a full and formal apology. This was not a common occurrence during British rule in India, but it was typical of the callous way in which Indian lives were treated. The British Raj was not an altruistic endeavour it impoverished Indians for Britain’s gain, and it is right that British School Children should learn about all of Britain’s history not just the parts we are proud of. So particularity at the start of the centenary year I am also calling for pupils and students up and down the country to be taught the details of Colonel Dyer’s actions and the massacre that occurred in Amritsar. Just last week during his tour of India and Pakistan, Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan gave his support to calls for a formal apology, and before that 32 MPs joined me to support my EDM (Early Day Motion 413) calling on the Government to apologise. Since then I have begun a public petition, still available on the ‘petition.parliament.uk’ website, for everyone across the country to sign, support and share with their friends and family. There are many years of history between India and Britain, and there is much that goes unspoken between the two nations. We will never be able to clear centuries of stereotypes and assumptions in one swoop, but to formally apologise for such a shameful act draws a line under imperialism and makes clear a British belief in a modern and equal partnership. Editor: CB Patel

Asian Voice is published by

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Asian Voice | 23rd December 2017

Love selfies? Are you crazy?


Ealing Police closes Southall brothel

Reshma Trilochun In today's day and age, it isn't an alien sight to see someone taking pictures of themselves, or their food. “Selfies” have become a phenomenal norm within our society and is not an activity frowned upon. If you follow your favourite celebrities on social networking sites, such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, you will get to see your most-loved stars posing and uploading their selfies pretty much on a daily basis, some more than once a day. However, according to psychologists, people who feel compelled to post images of themselves on social media may need psychological help. They have suggested that “Selfitis”, a term coined in 2014 to describe obsessive selfie photography, is a genuine mental condition. Researchers at Thiagarajar School of Management, India, and the Nottingham Trent University (NTU) claim that “Selfitis”, in fact, does exist and have even developed a “Selfitis Behaviour Scale” to assess how severe the symptoms and the “disorder” is. 400 participants were tested on in India to figure out the scale of severity. Incidentally, India is the country with the most Facebook users, as well as the highest death rates as a results of attempting to take dangerous selfies. The

Police closes brothel in Southall

Sonam Kapoor

Priyanka Chopra

scales are split into three levels according to the severity“borderline”, “acute”, and “chronic”. The term was first invented in a spoof news story, however, researchers now claim that in actuality, taking selfies excessively is a disorder. Professor of behavioural addiction in NTU's psychology department, Dr Mark Griffiths said, “Whilst the story was revealed to be a hoax, it didn't mean that the condition of selfitis didn't exist. We have now appeared to confirm its existence.” It could be understood that the findings suggest that those who take many selfies were attention, often lacking self-confidence, who were hoping to hike their placement in within social media. On the other hand, professor of psychological medicine at King's College London and a formal president of The Royal College of Psychiatrists, Sir Simon Wessely, is not convinced. He

states, “The research suggests that people take selfies to improve their mood, draw attention to themselves, increase their self-confidence and connect with their environment. If that is true Three levels of “Selfitis” according to the study: Borderline: When one takes photographs of themselves at least thrice a day but doesn't post them on social media. Acute: Taking photographs of themselves at least thrice a day and posting each picture on social media. Chronic: When the person has an uncontrollable urge to take photographs of themselves constantly throughout the day and posting them on social media more than 6 times a day.

then this paper is itself an academic 'selfie'.” Spokesman for The Royal College of Psychiatrists, Dr Mark Salter added, “Selfitis doesn't exist, and it shouldn't

Kim Kardashian

exist. There is a tendency to try and label a whole range of complicated and complex human behaviours with a single word. But that is dangerous because it can give something reality where it really has none.” Celebrities, such as Kim Kardashian, Priyanka Chopra and Sonam Kapoor are known for their selfies on social media. And even the girl or boy next door is now an avid selfie lover. There is no denying that it has become a very big part of our daily lives and not a concept that makes one raise an eyebrow. To suggest that selfietakers are suffering from a mental condition lacks credibility until more thorough investigations, tests and analysis takes place. Until then, we can only suggest that selfies are a form of artistic and personal expression, rather than a lunatic posting images of themselves.

Bengali student beaten by Pakistani girl's family for dating her A 16-year-old student of Bengali heritage, from Blackburn, Lancs, was allegedly been taken prisoner by a group of Pakistani men after they saw him talking to a girl who was in his classmate, a court has heard. Preston Crown Court heard that the schoolboy was subject to beating by the Pakistani girl's uncle, before her brother, father and cousin joined in to attack the boy. It is also suggested that the boy was taken to a culde-sac, where he was repeatedly battered with weapons, and kicked in the head while being told, “Don't mess with our blood- find someone your own kind.” The schoolboy fought for his life while onlookers, thought to include women as well, allegedly shouted, “Kill him, kick him in the head, finish him off.” The group of men seized the schoolboy's mobile phone to search for evidence he had been dating the girl. They found pictures of the two together in his phone. The group of men eventually released the boy by driving him away from the

Saqib Baig

scene and dumping him near a local barber's shop. It is said that the schoolboy was later treated at the Royal Blackburn Hospital for injuries similar to those received by a knuckleduster. He suffered lacerations and bruisings to his lip, head, torso, ear and face. The three large cuts to his head were treated with staples at the hospital. The girl's brother, trainee accountant Khizum Baig, 29, the girl's cousin, college student Saqib Mirza Baig, 29, her uncle, Ghazanfar Mirza, 37, and her father, taxi driver Mirza Baig, 48, all pleaded guilty to affray in court.a Prosecutor Nicholas Flanagan stated in court, “The ethnicity of the boy is the background motive for the attack. Comments were

Khizum Baig

Ghazanfar Mirza

made saying 'don't mess with our blood' and 'find your own kind'. Both the boy and the girl was in a relationship may have been a motive or added motive. There are honour overtones to this incident.” After the ordeal, the victim released a statement expressing, “I've lost my independence and I'm scared to leave home by myself. I've been fearful since the attack and have stopped socialising with friends. It's had an impact on my schooling and I am self-conscious of the scar on my head which causes me pain.” Defending the group of men in court, Robert Elias said for the girl's father, Mirza Baig, “This is not a case that had racial or honour causes. Honour cases are

Girls father Mirza Baig

where the family do not approve of a relationship and punish the young girl. This can't be the case because the girl was not involved. It has nothing to do with race, ethnicity or honour. He [Mirza Baig] comes from a family of Sikhs, Muslims, Christians and Hindus and they all get along. This relationship by the boy's own evidence was a secret one and that was the concern and dismay for this defendant. That seems to be the trigger. But it wasn't a serious relationship- it wasn't Romeo and Juliet. He was concerned for the girl and that the family had not been introduced or told about this boy.” The group of men will received a jail sentence in court this week.

The Metropolitan Police had made an application and were granted a three-month closure on 1st December, for a property alleged to be a brothel in Southall. The order was granted by Ealing Magistrates Court. The alleged brothel on Clarence Street, Southall, is said to have attracted “large groups of drunken men” and left neighbours “enduring hell”. A spokesperson for Ealing Police revealed, “[Drink men] woke up residents in the middle of the night and harassed women coming to and from work. On two occasions [they] walked straight into the wrong address, frightening the occupants inside. We have also had reports of drug use, human trafficking, false imprisonment and sexual assaults all linked to the address.” Ealing Police worked in association with the anti-social behaviour team to build a case for the closure order of the property in Southall, based upon victim impact statements as well as intelligent reports. While the representatives for the landlord of the property fought against the order, a police spokesperson suggested the “defence was not strong enough to rebuke the weight of evidence against the address”. Ward officer from Southall Green, PC Michael Meehan said that the verdict was great news for the “long-suffering residents”. He said, “We are absolutely delighted to have secured a closure order following a hardfought battle at court. The local residents I have spoken with have endured hell over the previous six months and I hope this can bring them some well-deserved relief.” It is said that the alleged brother has been closed nearly a year after it opened.

Anti-knife crime project secures PCC funding

A new project to prevent knife crime across Leicestershire through research and re-education has received vital funding to support its work. On 14th December, Leicestershire Police and Crime Commissioner Lord Willy Bach presented a two-year funding award to Leicester- Lord Willy Bach based training provider E2 for its Drop the Knife and Live Your Life. The organisation, which will deliver the project in three stages consisting of youth consultation and research, analysis and educational intervention, will receive £12,500 for the first year of the scheme followed by £12,499.80 in 2018-19 from Willy Bach's Prevention Fund. The PCC met project leaders involved with the scheme and young people currently benefitting from its educational work. Lord Willy Bach said, "This funding will tackle one of the greatest risks to young people in a positive and proactive way. I've made it clear that I feel we need to provide tangible solutions to problems rather than simply mopping up the damage. This means changing attitudes and negative behavioural patterns before they have the change of inflicting harm. Nowhere is this more urgent than with knife crime. The chances of anyone in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland becoming a victim of knife crime thankfully remain low but, like other parts of the country, rising knife crime remains a serious threat. With this vital source of income, the specialists behind Drop Your Knife and Live Your Life can really get to work on identifying the social factors that increase risk and use that knowledge to guide vulnerable young people to a safer future."


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Asian Voice | 23rd December 2017

Bob Blackman hits back at Council's condemnation over Tapan Ghosh Bob Blackman, MP for Harrow East has been criticised by his council for his decision to host a Hindu nationalist in Parliament. It is said that Harrow Council condemned the MP's decision to invite Tapan Ghosh at the 'Tolerating the Intolerant' event in the House of Commons. Tapan Ghosh has allegedly previously called to the United Nation to control the birth rate of Muslims, while allegedly praising the genocide of Rohingya in Bangladesh. It is also alleged that Ghosh referred to all Muslims as “jihadis” and warned that Europe would be taken over by Islam. In a meeting, it was suggested that the council chief executive should, “write to Bob Blackman, condemning the visit of Tapan Ghosh and reaffirming that Harrow is one of the most diverse places in the UK, where hate speech is not tolerated”. Bob Blackman MP, who also chairs the All-Party Parliamentary Group of Hindus, expressed in an interview to the Harrow Times how the event focused on the “forced

Tapan Ghosh

Bob Blackman MP

conversions” of girls in the subcontinent, as well as in the UK. He said, “I host a number of events in Parliament that discuss issues pertaining to Hindus in the UK and the world. One of the most worrying trends in recent years has been grooming and forced conversions of Hindu minorities in the UK and countries like Bangladesh and Pakistan. In our commitment as a nation to fix extremism and radicalisation it is important to hear the voices of suppressed minorities.” In a statement, Bob BlackMan MP hit back at the council saying, “If the Labour Councillors and


their allies in Harrow spent half as much time actually doing the job of delivering the effective service that residents deserve as they do on politically posturing, the number of people having to come to me for help would reduce dramatically. I understand that at least one Councillor may have made false and inflammatory statements against me of a toxic nature. Before they attack others, they need to look at the antisemitism and religious intolerance that thrives in the Labour Party.” Asian voice asked many dignitaries about their opinion, to which Lord Desai replied, “Bob Blackman can look after himself. There is freedom of speech.” Cllr. Sachin Shah, Leader of Harrow Council

and Queensbury Ward Councillor shared with us, “One of the things that makes me proud to be the Leader of Harrow Council is our good community cohesion. People of different faiths live side by side with no problems. Bob Blackman should be ashamed that he brought someone to Parliament who wants to divide Harrow's communities. All politicians should make it their top priority to find ways to bring communities together, not pull them apart. Bob Blackman should now do the right thing, simply say sorry, and we can all move on.” The President of the Hindu Forum Britain (HFB), Trupti Patel shared, “The HFB fully support Mr Bob Blackman MP as a chair of the APPG Hindu and his statement related to the resolution of the London Borough of Harrow. He has taken up various issues of his constituents and spoke against injustice to Kashmiri Pandit and divisive politics like the Caste Bill in the UK.” The Assembly Member for Brent and Harrow, Navin Shah AM stated, “Mr Blackman's feeble

Man pleaded guilty for voting twice in June election A man has reportedly pleaded guilty for breaking electoral law by voting for Labour party twice in the general election. Mohammad Zain Qureshi, 21, had allegedly voted twice in the same constituency of Chingford and Woodford Green, Waltham Forest, during the election this June. Qureshi was identified as being behind a

twitter postin which he allegedly announced that he had voted twice for Labour once by postal vote and a second time in person at the polling station. After pleading guilty, Qureshi was fined £150, ordered to pay £200 towards prosecution costs and also ordered to pay a victim surcharge of £30.

attempt to escape just criticism is pathetic. He's blown his opportunity to explain how he managed to give a platform to the hate preacher Tapan Ghosh. To make matters worse he's not even had the decency to apologise for bringing Parliaments and Harrow's reputation into disrepute. He's been allowed long enough to conduct his divisive and sectarian practices in Harrow. Mr Blackman is no friend of our diverse communities in Harrow. Harrow deserves better and the time has come to bid good riddance to Mr Blackman and have a representative in Harrow East who is respectful and fair to all our communities in Harrow East.” Gareth Thomas, MP for Harrow West also

shared, "Tapan Ghosh has praised the horrendous violence against the Rohingya in Burma, and has called on the UN to control the birth rate of Muslims. Before attending this event in Parliament, Ghosh met with Tommy Robinson, former leader of the English Defence League. The views expressed by Ghosh are unacceptable and should be condemned, not given a platform in Parliament. I hope Bob Blackman is reflecting on how he can properly represent all of the diverse communities in Harrow, instead of playing divisive politics by hosting unacceptable extremists.” Asian Voice tried to get in touch with Bob Blackman but he was unavailable.

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Asian Voice | 23rd December 2017


India League The fight for Independence Abroad Reshma Trilochun In today's day and age, when one hears of the term “India League”, within a click of the fingers, the cricketing game of the Indian Premier League (IPL) springs up in mind. It seems like unless one is an avid seeker of knowledge in Indian history, they may not be aware of the India League which was very instrumental in campaigning for India's independence from the British Raj in the UK and overseas. So what is the India League? India League, or the Indian Independence League (IIL), Home Rule for India League, or the Commonwealth of India League, was a political organisation for those who lived outside of the Indian subcontinent who sought the removal of the British Empire and colonial rule all over India. A British woman, Annie Besant had set up the Home Rule for India League in 1912.

Annie Besant Annie Besant was a British theosophist, socialist, women's rights activist, amongst other attributes. Being someone who was proud of her Irish heritage, she was a strong supporter of Irish and Indian selfrule. It was during her theosophy work in 1898 she took a trip to India. Mrs Besant was amorous of India, its people, culture, cuisine, history and religion. In other words, she was one of the early Indophiles who was completely engrossed in Indian politics. She has been a staunch activist in India's campaign for freedom since the early 1900's, and it would not be preposterous to say that she has been a pillar of strength, a pioneer in involving those living outside of India, especially in the UK, to campaign for its freedom; be it someone who originated from the Indian subcontinent, or a well-established and respected Briton, she brought to light the issue of India under the British Raj and how India, alike other established nations, deserved and were entitled to their own voice, their own rules. Prior to establishing the India League, she was appointed as the President of the Indian National Congress, in 1917. Her momentous Presidential speech impacted one and all. She stated, “For the first time in Congress history, you have chosen as your President one, who when your choice was made, was under the heavy ban of Government displeasure, and who lay interned as a person dangerous to public safety. While I was humiliated, you crowned me with honour, while I was slandered, you believed in my integri-

ty and good faith; while I was crushed under the heel of bureaucratic power, you acclaimed me as your leader; while I was silenced and unable to defend myself, you defended me, and won for me release. I was proud to serve in lowliest fashion, but you lifted me up and placed me before the world as your chosen representative. I have no words with which to thank you, no eloquence with which to repay my debt...”.

The rise of India League A decade after its formation, Home Rule for India League's name changed to the Commonwealth of India League in 1922. The tone of the India League was more revolutionary and had the involvement of the most distinguished British dignitaries of that era, such as the socialist political theorist, Harold Laski; and philosopher Bertrand Russell. India League's objectives were to sought Dominion Status which they later rejected for the greater purpose of a full independence. Student of Professor Harold Laski and Mrs Besant's protégé, Vengalil Krishnan (V.K.) Krishna Menon joined the India League in 1928 as its Joint Secretary with James Harvey, and later became the General Secretary in 1930. Once the league entered the early 1930's, it picked up momentum and grew in magnitude by expanding to several branches across London, as well as in various cities in Britain, including B o u r n e m o u t h , Birmingham, Bradford, Bristol, Cardiff, Dublin, Hull, Lancashire, Leeds, Liverpool, Manchester, Newcastle, Sheffield, Southampton and Wolverhampton.

Gandhi's statue in Central London The India League were very instrumental in introducing Gandhi's statue to Tavistock Square in London. The statue was sculpted by Fredda Brilliant, and was erected by the Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Committee, with the support and guidance of the India League. The

Annie Besant set up the Home Rule for India League in 1912

socialist political theorist, Harold Laski

The first High Commissioner of independent India, V.K. Krishna Menon

Prime Minister, Rt. Hon Harold Wilson MP

The amount of success and history that encompasses the lineage of The India League, it is sad to see the struggle that one has to face in keeping the heritage alive in current

Britain. If you have any information/comments about The India League that you would like published in Asian Voice, please email: aveditorial@abplgroup.com

The statue of Mahatma Gandhi seated in a lotus position was placed at Tavistock Square, London in 1968

Father of the Nation's statue was unveiled on 17th May 1968 by the Prime Minister, Rt. Hon Harold Wilson MP. The first High Commissioner of independent India, V.K. Krishna Menon, was also at the unveiling of Mahatma Gandhi's statue in Bloomsbury. The High Commissioner of India to the UK was Mr S. S. Dhawan in 1968. The London Borough of Camden gave a very prime sight in Central London for Gandhi's statue, which to this day is very well-maintained by India House. The staff at the High Commission of India UK, clean and maintain the statue at Tavistock Square on Gandhi's birth anniversary (2nd October) and Gandhi's martyr day (30 January).

Influence in the USA Apart from the growing support in Britain for the Indian Home Rule, the American Press also followed the activities of the Indian National Congress in India and that of India League in England, and would be leading to highlight its progress. By allowing the public to dis-

cuss about India's problems was a way of America showing their support to India. The India League not only helped raise awareness about India's situation in foreign shores, but also encouraged others to voice their opinion and show their support in campaigning for a free and truly independent India.

India League in the Present The current Chairman of India League is the Publisher/Editor of Asian Voice/Gujarat Samachar, Mr CB Patel. Dr. Cyriac Maprayil is the Vice Chairman, and Mr Asoke Gupta is the Main Coordinator. Proven to be extremely vital and potent in acquiring India's independence, the India League went on to be bestowed in history books. But such a shame it is that in today's contemporary world, you'll find more people who'll know more about the cricketing Indian Premiere League, or the Hockey India League, than about the India League that helped reform justice and freedom in India.

“BAPS” number plate most priciest in Britain In 2015, the number plate spelling out the Hindu deity Krishna's name (KR15HNA) was sold for £250,000. It has now emerged that a private number plate, suggesting to signify the BAPs Shri Swaminarayan Temple has broken the UK record for the most expensive registration. The pre-released number plate, SR18APS, has a current highest bid of £551,000, beating the number plate “250” in 2014, which cost £518,480. With a valuation of £995,000, the bidding for the new number plate is due to end on

Christmas day, and is predicted to reach the £1 million mark. However, the general pubic are not eligible to participate in the auction as bidding for the number plate is by invitation only. The number plate is being sold by DVLA licensed reseller National Numbers. No reserve value was made for SR18APS. When Asian Voice contacted Shri BAPS Swaminarayan Temple in Neasden, London, they stated that they had no association with the number plate whatsoever.

Hindi Literature honoured in the Bastion of English

It was indeed a landmark day for Hindi Literature as British Hindi writer, Tejinder Sharma was honoured with The Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE). Tejinder Sharma, who is of Indian origin. Is the first Hindi writer to Tejinder Sharma receiving his MBE from Prince Charles receive this honour Academy Samman (1995), for his contribution to and the Haryana Sahitya Hindi Literature. Academy Samman (2012). Sharma worked with Air India as a Flight Purser for over 20 years. He settled in the United Kingdom in 1998. His name to receive the MBE was referred to the Queen by Prime Minister Theresa May. In various categories, personalities like Om Puri, Salman Rushdie, Vikram Tejinder Sharma with Seth and Anish Kapoor his award have also been recipients of the MBE. Sharma, received his Tejinder Sharma credaward for Contribution to ited his late father, Shri Hindi Literature and Nand Gopal Mohla, and Community Cohesion in wife Indu for his literary the city of London at the writing. He termed this as hands of Prince Charles in a colossal moment for a grand investiture held at Hindi literature and lanthe Buckingham Palace. guage when the British Tejinder Sharma was Monarch herself has honborn on 21st October oured a Hindi writer with 1952 in Jagraon, Punjab, such honour. He dedicatto a simple family. He has ed his award to the entire authored around two Hindi literary world and dozen books and has been remembered his teachers a recipient of various from school and college awards in India, days. Maharashtra Sahitya


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Asian Voice | 23rd December 2017

Stamping out intimidation of those in public life The Committee on Standards in Public Life published its report this week calling for new laws to stamp out bullying of MPs and Parliamentary candidates. The report, led by Lord Bew, calls on the Prime Minister Theresa May to consult on the introduction of a new offence in electoral law of intimidating Parliamentary candidates and party campaigners. The report also called for greater cross party cohesion to stamp out any abuse amongst their supporters. The watchdog also focuses on the rising abuse of politicians online. The report is calling on social media companies to take down offensive material more quickly.

Ameet Jogia

Councillor Ameet Jogia gave evidence to the committee following the abuse he received in Brent North where he stood as the C o n s e r v a t i v e Parliamentary candidate in the June 2017 General


Election. Following the release of the report Ameet said, “We must ensure this rise in abuse and intimidation does not put people off from standing for office or getting involved in politics. People should not be scared about coming forward in politics or standing up for what they believe in. I think the recommendations in this report will definitely make activists feel safer.” The report follows death threats to Conservative MP Anna Soubry and harassment to Labour MP Luciana Berger. The recommendations will be considered by the Government in due course.

Prince Harry's wedding date set Prince Harry's engagement to Meghan Markle has undoubtedly created a frenzy across the UK and people are now waiting with great excitement for the Royal wedding. The official announcement has been made that Prince Harry and Meghan will be tying the knot on Saturday 19th May 2018. The Royal wedding of the year will be taking place at the St. George's Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Chapel, Windsor and as part of wedding but made it clear Castle. However, his duties, he that the wedding and the Prince Harry's elder FA Cup final will not clash.” hands over the brother, the Duke of The most anticipated trophy to the Cambridge, may wedding will be taking winning team's have to leave the place in the morning in captain every wedding early Windsor, while the FA Cup year. And the despite being Duke of Cambridge wedding is set final will be starting at extremely close to 5:30pm in Wembley, giving on the same day his sibling. Reason for his as the FA Cup final. the Duke of Cambridge early exit from the wedding A statement from ample time to celebrate his is because Prince William is Kensington Palace brother's wedding and then the president of the announced, “We have not making his way down to Football Association (FA) gone into the timing of the London.

Asian gang of money launderers con elderly in Devon An Asian gang of five men and one woman from London, were sentenced at Harrow Crown Court for conning and sweeping life savings from elderly people in Devon. The gang have been jailed for a total of 16 years. Most of the victims were elderly and some lived in the South West of the country. The gang was nailed by a team of officers from Cornwall and Devon Police who spent several months investigating their crimes. It is said that there were over 100 victims who were conned by the alleged gang. Victims also included some businesses, and a total of over £2 million were stolen. “Operation Fardel” was launched in 2014 which has Inspector John Shuttleworth leading a team of police officers from Cornwall and Devon to nab the gang. Inspector John Shuttleworth said, “About three years ago we started to see a spike in calls from members of the public, many very elderly, who were reporting being scammed and losing money. We decided to follow the money. Money laundering happens because the fraudsters need somewhere to put the money. We found bank accounts, effectively being offered as financial warehouses, and used as somewhere to put the money. They would take it out

Pritesh Patel, 37, from Upper Beeding, Sussex, was born in India, and touted as being one of the main members of the gang. He is well educated who entered the UK on a student visa in 2006. It is Heman Mehta

Kinjal Barot

Muhammed Hussain

Yunus Desai

Vishalkumar Patel

Pritesh Patel

along a complicated trail to clean it up.” The gang Heman Mehta, 34, from Ealing Road, Wembley, was born in India and came to Britain on a student visa in June 2005. He also worked in a Post Office. He admitted that he was knowingly involved in money laundering from fraud through his and his partner's bank account to the value of £245,000. He allegedly laundered fund derived from fraud through the Post Office as well, to the value of £285,000. Total value: £530,000. Sentenced to 6 years in total plus automatic deportation. Kinjal Barot, 27, from Ealing Road, Wembley, is the partner of Heman Mehta. She was born in India and came to Britain in 2009. It is said that she was acting under Mehta's instructions and withdrew no more than £75,000. Suspended for 9 months plus recommended for deportation. Muhammed Hussain, 23, from Landseer Avenue, Manor Park, is a British

citizen of Bangladeshi origin and is a student at a college in Newham, London. He pleaded guilty to money laundering on the basis that he was aware that the sum of £80,000 gained fraudulently were going through his bank account. He was paid £1,000 for his actions. Suspended for 9 Months. Yunus Desai, 58, from Victoria Street, Chorley, Lancashire, is a British citizen born in India, yet it is alleged that he has very little knowledge of English when speaking to the police. He allegedly possessed fake documents. Suspended for 12 month. Vishalkumar Patel, 27, from Pinner Road, Harrow, London, was born in India and entered the UK as a student in 2010. He pleaded guilty to money laundering on the basis that he was aware £275,000 was being converted through his bank accounts, as well as the bank accounts of Jayesh Makwana and Crystal, which he controlled. Sentenced to 4 years 9 months plus automatic deportation.

said that he abused his position as a manager at a Post Office. He pleaded guilty to money laundering on the basis that he was aware that funds gained from fraudulent means (£45,000)of were

going through his bank account. He also allegedly converted fraudulent fund through the post office to the value of £405,000. Sentenced to 5 years 6 months plus automatic deportation.




As I See It


Asian Voice | 23rd December 2017

CB Patel

Lessons from Gujarat election A vibrant democracy needs a constructive, responsible and strong opposition. Both in the centre and almost all of the states' deficiency of an alternative political party capable to offer electorate a viable alternative is the serious problem in India today. The Congress party has secured the highest number of seats (80) in Gujarat Assembly since 1985. It appears to be a good beginning but it is still not certain that new leader of the congress Party Rahul Gandhi is up to the mark (in a separate article Hasmukh Vasava has explained the need for the Congress Party especially Rahul Gandhi to rise to the occasion). If a thin majority in the state election is not a great achievement for the BJP then equally the Congress tally is totally inadequate in view of the incumbency factor going over 32 years in Gujarat. Several myths have also been exposed in the Gujarat election. First, Patidar factor has in a way proved to be a hype. The experts will analyse in more details in the coming weeks. But it appears that only 6-8 percent of Patels in Patidar dominated constituencies in Saurasthra have swung to the Congress party. This is remarkable that in South and North Gujarat even in the rural areas with large number of Patel dominated seats, Congress could not make a noteworthy mark. Second, development boggy. Slogans like 'vikaas gando thayo chhe' (the development claim is humbug) has not swayed the voters all over Gujarat. There are umpteen evidences of incremental developments during BJP rule. Third, GST- Rahul Gandhi and the Congress party’s campaign

depended a lot on GST and Demonetisation, the gigantic and risky reforms of Modi led BJP government at the centre. Surat, Ahmedabad and Vadodara are well established business centres not only of Gujarat but from an all India perspective. Both the reforms were of huge concern to trading and manufacturing sectors. How come BJP won with thumping majority in these areas? By and large the voters accepted if not welcomed the reforms. Finance Minister Arun Jaitley made special efforts to communicate with the businesses, went to Surat twice and listened to their grievances, made necessary and timely adjustments in the GST regime. On this point Congress aimed at the wrong target and failed miserably. Prime Minister Narendra Modi is renowned for his ears glued to the common man\s concerns. I strongly believe that he will be more focussed on the following issues: The government both at the centre and state level should be non-discriminatory and able to provide equal opportunities to all. His famous slogan 'Sabka saath sabka vikas' have been put into practice very vigorously in last 3.5 years all over India. In Gujarat the fact that Kutch and Bharuch districts with a larger proportion of Muslims have developed proportionately faster than other districts, is an evidence of his commitment to 'Sab ka saath sab ka vikaas'. Since he became the PM, he has involved several capable Muslims in the BJP, as well as the Governmentt and various services like foreign services, administration and security service. For a capable person, Narendra Modi has never brought

faith into consideration. I believe that in the coming months and years, BJP will reciprocate with the increasing trust and support of Muslim voters in welcoming more State Assembly members as well as MPs. That is a correct thing to do as well.

Reform, Perform and Transform This cardinal criteria of the Modi is in action and not mere words. The Prime Minister has not hesitated to take bold, courageous and imaginative initiatiaves to revamp the machinery of the government at all levels. The Gujarat electorate especially from the farming constituencies have made sure the policy makers are aware of their needs. BJP and especially Modi have clear thoughts and a track record which gives every one hope and confidence of a corruption free administration which is accountable, efficient and transparent. After all these were the deficiencies of the 10 year UPA rule by a decent and capable Dr Manmohan Singh who was compelled by the Congress Party leader to surrender to the regional satraps for survival of the government. PM Modi has a stronger power base and is renowned for his conviction politics. Caste and communal politics have no place in a democracy and the haves have to keep in the frame the aspirations and the needs of the have nots and especially that of Schedule Castes, Schedule Tribes as well as religious minorities. In the next 18 months or so, PM Modi and BJP are expected to perform their pledges and I am very confident that their achievements will speak for themselves.

Law lecturer campaigns to save police stations Paul Kohler expressed, “I do not doubt that Sadiq Khan has a problem because £1 billion has been cut from the police budget. But he has provided no analysis and no evidence to support the closures. I want him to stop making assertions and Paul Kohler

Sadiq khan

A law lecturer at SOAS University of London is campaigning against the closure of public counters at police stations in Britain after he suffered atrocious injuries during a raid by thugs at home in 2014. The 58-year-old lecturer, Paul Kohler, 58, attempts to raise £5,000 in order to commence a legal challenge against the alleged “unlawful” decision by the Mayor of London of closing public access to police stations, as well as selling off police buildings and claiming the cuts are essential as the savings are needed to protect the jobs of frontline staff.

Kohler believes his life was saved because police officers arrived from the local police station within 8 minutes of receiving a 999 call from his daughter who had been hiding upstairs during the ordeal. He suffered a broken nose, hand and a fractured eye socket. The 4 perpetrators, aged between 13 and 19 were later jailed. In November, Sadiq Khan announced the closure of front counters at 37 police stations across London, including the police station closest to Kohler's home, in Wimbledon, Southwest London which has allegedly been tagged as for sales to developers.

assumptions and make a proper consideration of police needs for the future or he could be making a terrible mistake.” Having local police stations open can help tackle crimes at a faster rate, helping victims getting help much faster.


CIIr Ketan Sheth

Councillor for Tokyngton Wembley Brent Council’s Chair of Community and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee

Extended access to GP appointments is changing in Brent It has been recognised nationally that GP workload has been increasing and that practices are struggling to meet demand, especially for same day appointments. GP Access Hubs were set up across the country to ensure that patients can be seen urgently without placing additional pressure on over stretched practices. In Brent, the local NHS Clinical Commissioning Group wants to make GP services accessible and to meet the needs of local residents. The registered population in Brent has grown 7.4% in the last 4 years and with demographic growth and local regeneration and housing projects, the population needing GP services will continue to grow. There are currently nine GP practices in Brent acting as GP Access Hubs. This is a service funded by NHS Brent CCG, with the aim of releasing some pressure on practices and ensuring that people have access to GP and nurse appointments in the evenings and weekends. Patients can call their own GP practice or dial ‘111’ to get an appointment in the hub. So what’s changing in Brent? The nine hubs are under-utilised, and this means appointments often go to waste as well as valuable GP time. It also means public money is not being used as efficiently as it could be. The CCG’s proposed revised model will condense these appointments across a fewer number of sites, 5 in total, enabling more consistent opening hours and appointments at times when people need them (like after-school or early evening). Three of the sites have been fixed in line with the CCGs estate strategy namely Wembley Centre for Health and Care, Willesden Centre for Health and Care and Central Middlesex Hospital (where a GP practice will open early in the New Year). The other two sites will be determined following the current engagement period, but one will likely be located in the north of the borough and one in the south to ensure equity of access. As part of the planned changes, the GP Access Centre (walk in service) at the Wembley Centre for Health and Care will become a pre-bookable service which means you won’t have to wait as long to be seen and the GP will be able to provide a full service for you. Brent CCG wants to hear resident’s views about this, and have set up a survey that can be accessed at https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/6VF7Z87 . The engagement period will go on until the 9 th January 2018, so make sure your opinion is heard! They will also be holding workshops and drop-in sessions in the borough. To find out more details about the proposed changes and when drop in sessions will be held, visit the CCG’s website here http://brentccg.nhs.uk/en/review-ofbrent-gpaccess-services Cllr Ketan Sheth is Brent Council’s Chair of the Community and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee.

Six killed and several injured in Birmingham crash

Six people have died, one critical and fighting for their life, while six others have been injured in a latenight crash in Birmingham in the early hours of Sunday 17th December. Six cars were involved in the crash on Lee Bank and Belgrave Middleway which is a 40mph dual carriageway shortly after 1am on Sunday. Police have stated that there many factors under investigation for this crash, including poor visibility, excessive speed, and failure to wear seatbelts. One of the victims named was taxi driver Imtiaz Mohammed, 33, from Small Heath. It is said that the father-of-six had been on his last shift when the crash took place. He would have been celebrating his daughter's 4th birthday the following day. A 43-year-old female passenger who was in his taxi died in

the crash, while a 42-year-old male passenger died later in hospital. Another person who died in a crash had previously been jailed after being caught by the police in a 120mph car chase. 25-year-old Kasar Jehangir of Bordesley Green, Birmingham, was one of the three men killed in a black Audi S3. Jehnagir was thrown far from his car in the crash, along with his friends, Tauqeer Hussain, 26, and Mohammed Fasha, 30, who also died. A 22-year-old man who was also a passenger in the Audi is in a

critical condition in hospital. The taxi driver Imtiaz Mohammed had died on the spot when his seven-seater black taxi was hit head on by the Audi. Kasar Jehangir was arrested in July 2016, after the police began monitoring his car. As the police tried to pull his car over, Jehangir, accelerated his car down the M6 at 120mph, while occupants allegedly threw heroin out of the vehicle windows. He was jailed for 36 months in November 2016, however, was released on home detention curfew. Furthermore, the police force has criticised passersby who took photographs of the crash and posted them on Facebook. The social networking site was also criticised for refusing to remove the images from their website as they didn't “go against any of our specific community standards”.


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Asian Voice | 23rd December 2017

Rani Singh, Special Assignments Editor

Deputy Director SOAS South Asia Institute, Dr Navtej Kaur Purewal In her Brunei Gallery office in London University’s SOAS, the Deputy Director of the SOAS South Asia Institute Dr Navtej Purewal is influencing minds, young and old. Such quiet leaders hold power but not in the flashy, in- your- face way that many Indians admire. Dr Purewal works in the South Asia Institute at SOAS which oversees and coordinates the university's South Asia provision at SOAS; around 60 academics that research and/or teach on South Asia. Dr Purewal liaises with and advises foreign and public policy bodies like the FCO dealing with the region. Navtej also delivers professional and academic training for UK and international diplomatic staff, postgraduate teaching programmes, supervises PhD students, conducts research and coordinates partnerships with universities in South Asia. Dr Navtej Purewal is an inter-disciplinary social scientist who, as a student, read politics, South Asia area studies, and international development. Her broad area of focus is on the political sociology of South Asia, with a particular interest in gender and the on-going bordering

was born in the US and came to London to study in the early 1990s and stayed on. In that sense, we have been spanning borders for generations. I spent 2008-2010 living on both sides of the IndiaPakistan border, first in Lahore and then Chandigarh. I was there doing research on a project exploring shared sites of culture and piety at Dr Navtej Kaur Purewal shrines scattered processes across the around Punjab. A tragedy region. for the region is that local Navtej is the lead people cannot travel or (along with colleagues at engage with the other side TISS Mumbai) on a UKIERI of the border.” network grant in collaboNavtej has discovered ration between SOAS and much about the Punjabi four Indian universities. language during her Dr Purewal has also research. had a number of collabora“Punjabi has so many tive international links dialects that it is often difwith universities in Ghana, ficult for a native speaker Sudan and Bangladesh. of one to understand She was the principal everything that another investigator on a large Punjabi-speaker is saying. project (2008-2010) which This richness must be celexplored popular, shared ebrated and not curtailed. religious practices in the Punjabis are also very region of Punjab across proud of their language, so India and Pakistan. differences of dialect don’t Dr Navtej Purewal detract from this. The fact expands on this. that Punjabi is written in “My father’s family two scripts (Shahmukhi are from pre-partition and Gurmukhi) has meant west Punjab (Jarawala) and that the literature is not so my mother’s family went easily accessible, but it’s from Punjab to Kenya in spoken and oral tradition the early 20th century. I

Police ethics committee to discuss plans to increase diversity On 15th December, an independent panel oversaw the ethical policing processes in Leicestershire and reviewed the progress being made to increase workforce diversity. Expanding Black Minority Ethnic (BME) representation in all areas of policing as well as increasing the ratio of female, LBGT and disabled employees are among a series of issues raised as members from Leicestershire Police and Crime Commissioner Lord Bach's Ethics, Integrity and Complaints Committee met last week. Leicestershire Police plans to run a five-stage recruitment process for police officers in 2018 which will result in the appointment of more than 100 officers. The Force is committed to increasing the number of BME officers recruited during the process to achieve a more balanced workforce and will also work hard on increasing

the recruitment of volunteers, special constables and cadets from the BME community. Committee members discussed the different methods of achieving this including marketing and social media and plans to review the entry system for candidates entering the force.

Panel members also discussed the force's promotion strategy which aims to encourage progression for people from underrepresented groups. This work includes identifying opportunities for promotions, secondments and attachments, as well as opportunities for staff to access coaching and mentoring. A report on the force's Prevent work and counter-

terrorism progress and dip sampling of police complaints were also discussed. Every meeting, members discuss an ethical dilemma and in this meeting they deliberated the force's need to consider what services it should prioritise, what it should stop doing and where it can alter its service levels to try and cope with those priorities. The Ethics, Integrity and C o m p l a i n t s Committee was set up to provide greater accountability to the public of policing processes including the complaints system and hold the Force to account for its decisions as well as ensure the highest level of integrity and professionalism is maintained. The independent panel meets regularly and scrutinises a host of issues affecting community safety in Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland including professional conduct cases and updates on performance.

is very rich.” Dr Purewal has a special interest in the music of Punjab. Her mother taught her kirtan starting from when she was five years old. Navtej would perform in American gurudwaras with her mother. “I learned the violin from the age of seven to sixteen through the Suzuki school, a Japanese method based on rote-learning. When I went to Lahore in 2008 I began to learn kirtan from the late Bhai Ghulam Muhammed Chand, whose family were the last rababis to have performed kirtan at the Golden Temple in Amritsar. I also learned from the late Ustad Hafiz Khan and later Pundit Yash Pal in Chandigarh which exposed me to classical music traditions in Punjab.” Dr Navtej Purewal has an interest in feminist politics and has published and taught on topics relat-

ing to the violences and exclusions of gender injustice in South Asia including abortion, reproductive rights and female education in the context of neoliberal 'development' and governmentality.

The impact that ideas and new research can have on students is what keeps me going. The scholar’s most recent book is Son Preference: Sex Selection, Gender and Culture in South Asia (Oxford: Berg, 2010), and other publications include studies of diasporic Sikh shrines, Sikh-Muslim relations, access to housing for the rural poor, the impact of displacement and partition, and gender and development. She is also

the co-author of Hodder’s Complete Course in Panjabi.

Biggest Challenge Dr Purewal says, “the biggest challenge for my research has been to bring all of my interests together (which often cross borders and conventions) and to keep them all going at the same time. However, I feel that this biggest challenge also provides the greatest satisfaction. For example, I teach students from both sides of the India-Pakistan border, some from South Asia and others from the diaspora, who especially come to SOAS to study South Asia because they want to ask critical questions. I enjoy sharing my overlapping experiences of research, learning and exploration with students and to learn from them too. The impact that ideas and new research can have on students is what keeps me going.


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Asian Voice | 23rd December 2017

Here goes Gujarat again

Sunday was a day of celebration. Not only for my Gujarati neighbours but for many others in Harrow who have India in their hearts. In the Indian election campaign Prime Minister Narendra Modi has made Herculean efforts in the last two weeks to expose the false propoganda from the Congress stalwarts which has succeeded properly. In a democracy such as in Britain or elsewhere an election is more a selection, very often a rejection. A party in power for a term or two is normally defeated. The reasons why the voters of Gujarat have such huge support for the BJP and especially Narendra Modi is not too difficult to understand. People desire a government which delivers. They want leaders who are absolutely committed as well as capable to perform. Narendra Modi and many other stalwarts of the BJP have proven themselves with their dedication, determination and devotion. Sadly we can not attribute such positives to Rahul Gandhi or several of his courtery within the Congress party. Gujarat has now given the green light. Now more than three fourths of the Indian states are ruled by BJP either independently or with allies. Next year in most of the states that are going to the polls the omens are good for the BJP. Achyut Madan Harrow

Hidden facts

Dr. Hari Desai’s column in Asian Voice, and translation in Gujarati is pleasant to read. But why do all writers hide facts about nobility gentlemen characters of majority, 565 Maharajas. Rotten apples were only a handful. Following two NOBLE noble maharajas are among majority. The first is His Highness Bhagwatsinhji, of Gondal who lived a frugal life and insisted thrifty lifestyle on princes, ministers and staff. Annual income of Gondal rose from Rupees 1,400,00 to Rupees 7,900,000 yet he did not claim increment. He encouraged women’s education by awarding RS500.00 to girls passing Matric examination. He implemented uniform style of schools, conservation of environment, 24 hours availability of drinking water, underground cables to supply electricity, care to see that no humans and / or animals starved during famine, built strong embankments along rivers to stop flooding etc. Besides his duties as Maharaja, he compiled dictionary of colloquial Gujarati under title of “Bhagwadgomandal”. He travelled to many countries and compiled his reactions from perspective of Indian patriotism and dignity. He was educated as mentioned above. He donated to disaster areas as far as Quetta, Orissa and Africa, to educational institutes in England, Ferguson College of Puna, and invested in trams running in Bombay. The second is Maharaja JAmsaheb Digvijay Singhji of Jamnagar, Gujarat. Besides usual royal merits, he must be admired for most fearless and humanitarian feat during WW 2. More than 4000 refugees were denied right to land by countries ALL over the world. Only Jamsaheb fearlessly defied the world opinion / Empire rulers and allowed refugees to land. He gave them shelter for indefinite period. He gave them all assistances (including schooling of their children), till they considered it safe to return to Poland. Poland still celebrates a day to mark this humanitarian haven. Ramesh Jhalla By email

The Curse of Smoking

Smoking is responsible for several diseases, such as lung cancer, long-term (chronic) respiratory diseases and heart diseases as well as premature death. It also poses one of the biggest threats to public health. It not only adversely affects those who indulge in this habit, but victims of passive smoking suffer as well. It is a common practice today to see teenagers smoke cigarettes and consume alcohol of various brands. Some of them even chew tobacco and tobacco products. These young men/women fail to foresee the consequences of their actions when they drink, smoke, eat gutka or consume tobacco or tobacco products. All smokers know and understand the consequences of smoking perfectly well, yet there is something that prevents them from giving it up. Smoking is harmful for each and every organ of the body. When a cigarette is burned and inhaled, a drug is released into the body which is called nicotine which is a highly addictive drug found in tobacco.

Vox Populi

I receive e-mails from contributors to this column asking me to resurrect my idea of a meet and greet and presentation ceremony of letter writers. The vox populi of writers indicate that we persuade the publisher/ editor of AV and GS to organnise the ceremony early in the new year. I am glad that a couple of contributors to this column who were initially opposed to my suggestion of a get together of letter writers and presentation ceremony – my cause celebre - and viewed it with contumely, have come round to my view of an award ceremony to celebrate the prolific letter writers. Others will soon jump on the band wagon and also ask for a bite at the cherry. As a number of people have intimated, most of us are getting old in the tooth and may want to put up our feet near the fire place and admire the certificate and a trophy on the mantle piece which could bring back the fond memories of their long association with AV and GS – as subscribers and contributors. They could reminisce about the occasion when they met their fellow letter writers and think of their own magnum opus which may come up in conversation with others. Such ceremony could be unique of its kind, and with the expertise of ABPL in organising award cereminies, it should not take much effort on its part to organise the event which could become a milestone in ABPL’s history. Dinesh Sheth Newbury Park, Ilford

NHS Winter Crisis

With the onset of winter the issue of the NHS is cropping up again . The A&Es are over-stretched and are unable to cope with the heavy demand they are facing because of under funding, shortage of doctors, nurses and support staff. The main sufferers are the patients, who have to queue for hours on end to get any treatment. This has been happening year after year with no solution in sight. It is a sad reflection on the state of affairs in the health service. The Government covertly allowing this situation to continue in order to privatised the NHS through the back door by sub contracting to commercial providers. The NHS chief who quit in protest at Government underfunding warned today that most other London hospitals are “struggling” to cope. Lord Kerslake resigned as chairman of King’s College Hospital NHS trust last night, complaining of “inexorable pressures” to continually cut budgets at a time of rising patient demand, and in-creased costs of drugs and medical supplies. After receiving strong backing from the hospital’s senior clinicians, today he said the problem extended far beyond King’s, in Denmark Hill, and its sister hospital, Princess Royal in Orpington. The King’s trust board has been warned it risks a £96.4 million deficit by the end of the financial year if there is a harsh winter and it fails to make further savings. Other big trusts are in a similar position, with Barts Health, which runs five hospitals in east London, facing an £85 million deficit. Lord Kerslake told BBC4’s Today programme: “I’m deeply concerned about the position generally, actually in London, where most of the hospitals are struggling. There is also a big issue with social care, which got no additional funding in the Budget.” When senior members of the NHS are admitting there is a crisis in the NHS, that means it is time to take appropriate action to stop this American style privatisation of the health service, before it is too late. Baldev Sharma Rayners Lane, Harrow The intake of this drug stops your body growth and results in causing various diseases. The government cannot ban the sale of cigarettes and other tobacco products because banned items sometimes become more attractive to people and they will not quit smoking. The government also earns a huge revenue from the sale of cigarettes and other tobacco products. You have to make up your mind and change your nearby environment if you want to give up smoking. Dispose all cigarettes and ashtrays from your workplace, car and home. Your family and friends can also help you to achieve this task. Don’t allow anyone to smoke around you (it may not be possible but at least try to avoid the craving when you see others smoking in front of you). More people should be made aware about the hazards of smoking. Restricting the sale of tobacco and tobacco products to a few select places with a special license can prove to be more productive. Jubel D'Cruz, Mumbai, India


Bright lights of Christmas

Streets of London sparkle bright, as Christmas lights were switched on last week throughout the city, mainly paid for by local businesses. This is in sharp contrast to few decades back when local Councils used to foot the bill, especially in outer boroughs, in partnership with local businesses. As government contribution to Council budget declined sharply, Councils are hard pressed even to provide essential services for the needy. The government focus has shifted from home front to overseas with ever bulging aid budget while NHS is crying for extra funding, unable to cope with increased demand in winter, patients lying on trollies parked in corridors. Those of us who arrived here in mid-sixties will notice sharp decline in people’s attitude, lack of friendliness, neighbourly love and care of the elderly living amongst us, especially at festive time. I remember with fondness how some of us, mainly engaged in caring nursing profession, used to get together, prepare hot meals, collect worm clothing and distribute to homeless, those sleeping rough. A few amongst us, those who were blessed with large houses, empty bedrooms, may occasionally invite homeless to spend Christmas with them, few days out of bitterly cold weather, in the comfort of well heated homes. I do not see this tradition, compassion and goodwill in today’s generation. Perhaps we were a breed apart! I only see such compassion among Sikh community who are now regarded as the most kind and caring community among ethnic minorities. The focus has shifted from being charitable to fixation with enjoyment, parties and short haul holidays. We receive numerous emails inviting us to buy tickets for New Year-Eve parties, price ranging from £40 to £100 per person. It is time for our community to go back to our roots, install such values in our younger generation before politically correct spirituality took permanent roots. Kumudini Valambia By email

Royal own goal?

FA cup final is the most important sporting event in English sports calendars that even Royal family members may not like to miss. I distantly remember how we used to look forward watching this match on TV, as it was the only football match showed live on BBC way back in mid-sixties. Royal family members, the Queen and Prince Phillip would come back early from overseas tours to attend the match at iconic Wembley stadium and to present the cup to the winning team. Now that live matches are shown practically every day, charm, romance and importance has somewhat diminished but not for the fanatic supporters of the two teams involved. So the date chosen by Prince Harry and Megan for their wedding, Saturday, 19th May 2018 which coincides with FA cup final is somewhat an own goal, especially as his elder brother Prince William is President of FA who would normally present the cup to the winning Captain. Was it oversight or a calculated move to get maximum exposure, as wedding may take place in the morning and early afternoon while the match will not kick-off until early evening which means public will be able to watch both events live on TV except supporters who are lucky enough to attend the match at the Wembley stadium? As the marriage date is not declared as public holiday, the couple had to choose a week-end to enable public to watch it live or line the streets in Windsor to catch a glimpse of the couple who are bound to take a ride in an open-top car or even a royal carriage through the streets of Windsor. In any case this day will be a memorable occasion for everyone, for one reason or another. Bhupendra M. Gandhi By email

Brexit or No Brexit: What is the problem?

Whether Brexit is right or wrong for UK is irrelevant, insignificant. So what is the problem? Why worry about the future? We do not need Europe. We have the good old special friend USofA. They will bail out UK with "Marshall Plan 2" or we can become the 51st State of the USA. I would love UK to be part of USA; infact USA, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand are our kith and kin. We should all become one country: as part of good old USA. This will provide the World the Anglo Saxon model of democracy, power, prosperity, peace and stability. It will scare the hell out of EU, China and Russia. So what is the problem then? Mayur Kotecha By email


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Asian Voice | 23rd December 2017

UK-India Business Forum maps out a collaborative future An event held by law firm Shakespeare Martineau brought together a group of the foremost business leaders in the UK and India to discuss the shape of future relationship between the two countries. The panel discussion held at the Shard in London and chaired by the Rt. Hon Lord Ajay Kakkar, sought to evaluate the challenges and opportunities for collaboration against the backdrop of Brexit. The discussion covered important themes such as minimising risk exposure in cross-border transactions and essential information to know when conducting trade in each territory. The panel discussion and Q&A session also delved into deeper issues including the best way to navigate upcoming regulatory, commercial and political challenges that Brexit may impose on the relationship between the UK and India. The panel was formed of Abhijit Mukhopadhay, President (Legal) and General Counsel of the Hinduja Group, Philip Bouverat, director at JCB, Matthew Crate of foreign exchange specialist Moneycorp and Dr Sanjeev Kanoria, trustee of the Kanoria Foundation. Immigration specialist Tijen Ahmet, a legal director at Shakespeare Martineau, was representing the firm on the panel and was joined by Abhinay Muthoo, professor

Candlelight vigil in solidarity with domestic abuse victims

Eminent panelists at the event

of economics at the University of Warwick and Suhas Srinivasiah, a senior partner at Indian law firm, Kochhar & Co. The Rt Hon Professor, Lord Kakkar, said: “The India-UK relationship represents a great opportunity for business in both countries. At this excellent event those present enjoyed in a lively debate. There are important challenges if the full potential of our long standing relationships are to be fully realised. Collaboration and discussion will be key in addressing these areas, for mutuallybeneficial trade, skills and knowledge exchange, and investment.” Ravi Goonesena, partner in Shakespeare Martineau’s London office, said: “In the midst of Brexit turmoil, India represents a great opportunity, not only for mutuallybeneficial trade of goods and services, but also as a source of highly-skilled talent.” Matthew Crate, head of strategic partnerships at Moneycorp, said: “The foreign exchange is the largest global traded market, USD 5.3

trillion is traded every single day. To put that into perspective, that’s more than what is traded annually on the stock market. For businesses looking to strengthen trade with India, the opportunity is huge and is there for the taking.” Tijen Ahmet, business immigration specialist at Shakespeare Martineau, said: “The evolving relationship between the UK and India will not be without its challenges but by recognising what these might be and working with political, economic and commercial stakeholders to navigate them, the future looks bright for collaboration between the two nations.” Shakespeare Martineau is a leading law firm that works with blue-chip companies, leading organisations, high street brands and individuals across the world. Its multi-disciplinary team deals with education, energy, banking and financial services, investment funds, healthcare, and advanced manufacturing for businesses of all sizes.

Student vote 'swings further to Labour' The student vote is moving even more to Labour than at the general election, according to research for the Higher Education Policy Institute (Hepi). With the promise of scrapping tuition fees, there were big swings to Labour in university seats at this year's general election. The latest figures in a series tracking student voting intentions show Labour reaching a new high of 68%. But Hepi director Nick Hillman said the lead could still prove "flaky". The polling survey, carried out by YouthSight, shows how Labour's support among students has more than trebled since 2010 - and has shifted considerably since being surveyed ahead of the 2017 general election, when 55% of students were backing Labour. The poll, on "who students would vote for in an election tomorrow", puts Labour on 68%, the Conservatives on 15% and the Liberal Democrats on 7% - Labour's best position in a series of student surveys going back a decade. There have been suggestions of a last-minute student surge in the last election, as Jeremy Corbyn's Labour targeted younger voters with promises such as getting


rid of the £9,250 tuition fees in England. This latest survey on voting intentions shows Labour strengthening its position among students even further. In response, Prime Minister Theresa May has since promised a review of tuition fees and

announced a freeze on increasing fees and a higher threshold for loan repayments. But the Higher Education Policy Institute analysis suggests that Labour's position might be more fragile than it first appears.



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People affected by domestic abuse, agencies that support victims, and local councillors joined the 100 students who attended an event in Newham on Wednesday December 13. The event was organised to raise awareness about domestic violence and what can be done to combat it. Councillor Lakmini Shah, the cabinet member for Work and Skills and Domestic Violence, led the one minute silence to remember those who have lost their lives as a result of violence in the home. Attendees also heard from a victim of domestic violence who talked about her experiences. Senior Safeguarding Governance Officer from Newham Council Tony Pape, highlighted why it

was important to report a safeguarding concern to the students. NewVIc principal Eddie Playfair spoke about the need to keep raising awareness of domestic and sexual violence to the younger generation. The vigil was part of the United Nations 16 Days of Activism which aims to raise awareness of violence against women and girls. During the 16 day campaign, Newham residents have been sharing pictures of themselves on social media and pledging never to condone, commit or stay silent about violence against others, and urging others to make the same promise. In Newham three out of four victims of domestic violence, and nine out of ten victims of sexual

assault, are women. In 2016/2017 there have been 3,230 domestic abuse offences recorded by the Metropolitan Police in the borough. Councillor Shah said: “This year’s 16 Days of Activism highlighted that in Newham, residents came together to make their voices heard and to support and stand against all forms of violence against women and girls. “It was encouraging to see so many young people taking part in the candlelit vigil to remember the victims who lost their lives due to domestic violence. It has been great to see hundreds of people participating in events held across the borough to support the ‘Orange the World’ United Nations campaign.”



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Asian Voice | 23rd December 2017

The closing rounds of the Gujarat State elections were the ugliest in living memory. There were few moral compunctions on the unbridled abuse and mudslinging by the ruling BJP and the opposition Congress party. There were no holds barred with the language frequently descending to the level of the gutter. The lowest point was Prime Minister Narendra Modi impugning his predecessor Dr Manmohan Singh’s integrity for attending a dinner party at Congress MP, former diplomat and enfant terrible Mani Shankar Aiyer’s residence in New Delhi.

PM Modi with Manmohan Singh

t Dr Singh’s crime – if such it was – appeared to be the presence of a former Pakistan foreign minister Khurshed Kasuri and the present Pakistan High Commissioner to India Sohail Mahmood. But the presence of a former Indian vice president, four former Indian high commissioners to Pakistan, two former Indian foreign secretaries and a fomer Indian Army chief General Deepak Kapoor, were ignored. Were they all part of a pro-Pakistan conspiracy? Manmohan Singh, an honourable man of unimpeachable integrity, not easily given to irascible utterance, gave as good as he got: what about the Prime Minister’s sudden descent from a conference in Kabul into Islamabad to break into a family birthday bash for Pakistan premier Nawaz Sharif? Good question. Did Singh have to take lessons in patriotism from any BJP or Sangh Parivar leader? On the available evidence, he would be utterly foolish to do so. What is more bizarre is Prime Minister Modi’s accusation that the dinner party at Aiyer’s house was held with the purpose derailing the BJP’s chances of winning the Gujarat State elections. Shatrugan Sinha, a respected BJP member and cinema star, commented thus on his website, ‘Hon’ble Sir! Just to win elections anyhow, and that too at the fag end of the process, is it a must to come up with & endorse new, unsubstantiated & unbelievable stories every day against political opponents? Now linking them to Pak High Commissioner & Generals?! Incredible!’ Former Union Minister Sharad Pawar was equally scathing.

Special pleading Finance Minister Arun Jaitley weighed in with a defence of his Prime Minister with a stunning lack of logic. Manmohan Singh was faulted for violating the national interest. If a simple conversation conducted in general terms on a fraught bilateral relationship is to be

viewed so darkly it would signal closure to all forms of diplomatic discourse. And when was a sitting minister’s approval required for a former prime minister to attend a dinner party with a host of distinguished guests from his own country? One understood that India being a democracy there was enough confidence in the discretion and integrity of retired politicians and senior civil servants with an outstanding record of public service meeting who they please and where and when, as these were out in the open, conforming to well understood courtesies of democratic public life (Times of India, Hindu, Telegraph December 12. 13).

Intolerable intolerance US and Indian political establishments preen themselves as beacons of democracy. This sounds increasingly hollow. The American political class is arguably the most politically illiterate and arrogant of any on earth. The country’s disastrous international interventions have led to human calamities beyond imagining. Yet Republican Senator Tom Cotton and CIA Director Michael Pompeo have called for military action against Iran and for US-sponsored regime change in Tehran, so help us god. (Hindu December 12) In India a film director and actors have received life threatening calls for a film on a subject which the BJP and its lunatic fringe – perhaps no longer a fringe – consider blasphemous. Three distinguished rationalists have been assassinated and the assassins are still at large. Cow vigilantes rule the roost with seeming impunity in the country’s cow belt. Clearly, there is something rotten in the state of India.

Revulsion at barbaric murder A Muslim labourer, Mohammed Afrajul by name, from the Malda district of West Bengal who went

to Rajasthan, like 3,500 other men from the State, travelled to Rajasthan for casual work, and was brutally stabbed by a local man, then set alight while still alive, before dying horribly. Worse: his murderer brazenly posted the horrific incident on Youtube sending shock waves across India. The West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee called condole the bereaved family and promised compensation. The Rajasthan B JP Chief Minister, Vijay Raje Scindia, equally shocked, immediately announced a compensation package for the bereaved wife. Nothing can bring back a precious life lost in an utterly senseless act. The murderer has been arrested and will be brought to trial. The most troubliung aspect of this tragedy is the rage that led to a crime so utterly hideous and repugnant (Times of India, Telegraph, Hindu December 9).

Special courts for errant MLAs and MPs In a bid to prevent inordinate delays the presentation prosecution of State legislators and members of Parliament in criminal charges the central government has decided to set up 12 special courts to dispose of 1,581cases with the least possible obstruction (Times of India, Hindu December 9, 15).

double farmers’ income by 2022. This would require greater expenditure in the agricultural sector plus a raft of innovations to carry the scheme forward. YES Bank has underwritten a project for young innovators to present the plans to achieve these ends.

R&D expenditure That said, the heart of the problem lies in raising Research and Development expenditure, with government taking the lead. It should not be forgotten that India took its great leap forward as an endemic food grain deficit nation to one of surplus through the famed ‘Green Revolution’ which doubled and trebled food grain yields through agricultural science in which scientists Norman Borlaug and M.S. Swaminathan played a leading role, complemented by the administrative measures by Minister C. Subramanian. It was a seminal achievement. India has now to travel farther down that road.


A team led by agricultural economist Ashok Gulati, includes Anisha Samantara and Prena Terway and former bureaucrat Pravesh Sharma have examined the problems in depth. The team studied the correlation of agriculture R&D and agricultural growth in Punjab, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh, with Gujarat’s agricultural growth described as ‘stupendous.’ (Business Line December 14).

India firm on food security at WTO talks India refused to compromise on the issue of food security, even as the US (supported by the EU) was equally adamant that agricultural subsidies had to be removed. It was a case of the immovable object confronting the irresistible force; deadlock ensued at the World Trade Organization talks at Buenos Aires, Argentina. These will be resumed at WTO headquarters in Geneva. (Times of India December 15).

PM commissions Scorpene sub

Closing prosperity gap with China India’s prosperity gap with Chinas shows evidence of narrowing by four ranks between 2012 and 2016, according to the latest Legatum Prosperity Index, an annual ranking developed by the London-based Legatum Institute. India closed in on China through advances in business environment, economic quality and governance, the report stated. The Legatum Institute stressed the importance of improving governance through legislation and implementation. Intellectual property rights was where India scored impressively, and also in the significant rise in bank account holders (Times of India December 12).

PM Modi commissions INS Kalvari

Prime Minister Narendra Modi dedicated the Scorpene-class submarine INS Kalvari to the nation. The submarine was built at the Mazgaon Dock in Mumbai. Its design was French and the technology transfer was from France. The French Exocet SM39 missile system will provide the teeth to INS Kalveri. It has stateof-the-art stealth capability. This is a new class of six conventional submarines equipped with the most advanced technologies.

Pressing ahead with reforms PM Prime Minister Narendra Modi reiterated his government’s commitment to press ahead with economic reforms, in an address to the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry in New Delhi. He referred to the changes in all sectors of the economy from infrastructure to defence and financial services – these being noted by the World Bank in its upgrading by 30 places in its ease of doing business index (Mint December 14).

Roadmap for smart agriculture In 2015, the Indian government announced its commitment to

India launched its second Arihant-class nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine at Visakhapatnam on November 19. The launch of the Indian Navy’s second indigenously designed and built submarine comes little over a year after the commissioning of the lead boat of the class, the INS Arihant. INS Arihant is part of the Indian defence ministry's Advanced Technology Vessel (ATV) project which aims to build a fleet of four to five submarines for the Indian Navy. The Arihant-class will eventually constitute the sea leg of India’s strategic deterrent triad. As of now India keeps its nuclear warheads de-mated from the actual missiles. However, in order for the new sub class to fulfil its role as the sea leg of India’s nuclear triad, SLBMs with mounted nuclear warheads will need to be deployed on the boomers. INS Arihant will likely not be used for nuclear deterrence patrols and primarily serve as a training platform for future submarine crews and as a general technology demonstrator. Arihant will also carry more advanced sensors than its sister boat and feature the indigenously-developed USHUS integrated sonar system and the Panchendriya sonar, a unified submarine sonar and tactical control system used for detecting and tracking submarines, torpedoes, as well as underwater obstacles. It can also be used for underwater communication.


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Asian Voice | 23rd December 2017

Drink Driving Campaigns Set to Launch

Uninspiring Leadership and Management are the Reason for Poor British Productivity Britain is second to bottom of the 7 largest economies in terms of productivity. So what do the Americans, Germans, French, Italians and Canadians all know that we do not? And it’s not a recent problem. And it’s not getting better. So what the heck is going on? By the way this matters, because wealth, taxes, social mobility, all depend upon it. Global influence does too, because as you start lagging, you become less and less a contributor to global GDP and the less important you are on the world stage – well, the less important you are. Of course there are many factors. Lack of access to finance, workforce skills, low business investment, poor infrastructure, lack of innovation by business to name some. This week the Official of National Statistics issued data to prove all of the above. So what now for 2018. Forget Brexit – this is

a now and happening. Something very difficult to measure but comes up time and time again when I speak to employees in virtually every company is uninspiring leadership. The micromanager has had their revenge. We have as we did in the 1970s the middle manager – people promoted by ineptitude. The strong are kept down because if you are an ineffectual manager, you are threatened by quality people. I visited Bloomberg this past week at their new offices, and I recall from when I used to work there doing my TV shows how much we would achieve. Key factors: Management led by an inspiring Michael Bloomberg Management who you felt cared about you, I am sure there are complaints, as in any major organisation, but in the last 20 years this company alone from its

European HQ has added billions in taxes paid by its staff to the UK economy alone – more and more over that period Of course, our amazing office surroundings made a difference, but it came down to culture, led from the top And critical to all of this is ensuring quality of hires – you ensured you had the best of the best When hiring fails, especially of senior management, it trickles down to such the energy out of every quarter of an organisation so it becomes ‘why should I even bother’ ‘what’s the point of working so hard’ ‘ screw it, I’m off’ When I’ve spoken to organisations like Barclays, Cap Gemini, Department for Transport, the critical factor I’ve got across was the importance of giving your team an inspiring purpose. If a man selling glass, metal and plastic (Steve Jobs) can, then anyone can. If you can’t for god’s sake quit.

The Changing Dimensions of Hindus Globally

Asian Voice and Gujarat Samachar hosted an evening with selected guests from the Business Community exploring the topic of "Changing Dimensions of Hindus Globally". Chief Guest and Keynote Speaker, Shri Dattatreya Hosabale, Joint General Secretary of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) explored the global presence that Hindus have and their influence across all fields, the challenges and opportunities that now lie ahead, and the need for better articulating the message of Hindu philosophy. Among those that attended included Mr GP Hinduja, Dame Asha Khemke, Mr Rajesh Ram Satija, Mr Shubash Thakrar, Mr Shashibhai Vekaria and Mr Vijay Goel. C B Patel, Publisher and Editor of Asian Voice and Gujarat Samachar, expressed that “this evening was an important opportunity to properly understand the achievement of Indians and Hindus globally from an organisation that has global connections and networks in all continents of the world and is the largest social movement of its kind which has influenced Hindus and Indians in all fields from Politics, Science, Philosophy to business and philanthropy”. C B added, "I have known and followed the RSS for many years and I am very proud of the work


‘Deciding to drink and drive could cost you dearly this Christmas' UK constabularies launch their Christmas drink driving campaigns, running between 1st December Neil Sargeant and 1st January. The Public are encouraged to report any suspected drink or drug drivers anonymously via Crimestoppers. Some magistrates’ courts are allocating slots to deal with those caught; meaning offenders could lose their licence within 24 hours of being breathalysed. This raises concerns in respect to motorists having the opportunity to seek proper advice before their trial. It is undeniable that the number of occasions we consume alcohol during December is increased – Christmas parties, markets, holidays, can all be occasions to drink. Here are some tips to stay safe this Christmas: 1. Plan How to Get Home If you plan to drink, plan how to get home: l Set aside money for fares; l Research bus /rail journeys; or l Consider staying at a local friend’s house after drinking. 2. Have a Designated Driver Take turns being the designated driver and stay sober to ensure you all get home safely. 3. Never Assume You are Under the Limit Whilst it can be reasonable to assume you’re under the limit after consuming a small quantity of alcohol, everybody is different. Your age, sex, height and weight can affect how quickly your body metabolises alcohol. Err on the side of caution - the safest thing to do after drinking is not drive.

4. Do Not Go Out on an Empty Stomach Eating before you drink does not prevent you from going over the limit; you’ve consumed the same amount of alcohol whether you’ve eaten or not. Eating a meal before drinking will slow the rate that your body absorbs alcohol, so you may stay sober for longer and drink less overall. 5. Pace Yourself & Stay Hydrated Slow your consumption rate and stay hydrated by having a soft drink after each alcoholic one. 6. Be Careful the Morning After Sleep does not reduce the alcohol content in our body; the only thing that reduces this is time. Online calculators can indicate when your body has metabolised the alcohol but these cannot be 100% accurate due to the reasons outlined above. Everyone at Duncan Lewis wants you to enjoy the festivities without having to speak to a solicitor. Consider these tips and be sensible over Christmas. If you find yourself needing advice, we are open throughout the Christmas period. Reach us on 02031141145. Author Neil Sargeant is a Motor Law specialist with extensive expertise in: l Drink Driving; l Drug Driving; l Failing to provide a specimen for analysis; l Being drunk in charge of a vehicle; l Cases involving a hospital procedure; l Dangerous & Careless driving; and l Cases involving a fatality. Duncan Lewis Motor Law Solicitors Duncan Lewis’ Crime department has a wide selection of services including Motoring Law, with particular expertise in drug and alcohol-related offences. We provide free comprehensive legal advice on any motoring prosecution. For advice call Motor Law specialist Neil Sargeant on 02031141145 or neils@duncanlewis.com.

C B Patel, Shri Dattatreya Hosabale and GP Hindujaa

they have done in building leaders and characters who work selflessly for the betterment of society. Despite this, they have too often received negative press or even worse been targeted and labelled by those with their own agenda. My own experience of RSS and those working with similar methodology, in UK and otherwise, is that they have they have been a uniting force for the good for both Hindus and Indians as well as the wider society.” In an interview style dialogue, Shri Dattatreya outlined an account of the reach that Hindus have achieved in all spheres, and whilst integrating within the countries they have settled, they have also maintained very strong cultural foundations. Shri Dattatreya expressed that “the UK Hindu business community, which is very successful, should think seriously about creating an endowment to support ini-

tiatives that will really influence the institutions of this country”. Individually Hindus have shown great success, and within respective Sanstha there have been great examples of community spirit. However, developing a collective Hindu voice, one that brings all Hindus together would provide much greater influence and strength. Shri Dattatreya explained that “an organised society is one that has the systems in place to instil a common rallying

cry for all its citizens to respond to regardless of their other diversity and differences.” Shri Dattatreya continued to showcase how RSS has continued to work towards this cause, and has extended its reach through over 40 different organisations that are fully fledged and active in most sectors of society. These include some of the largest organisations in India including a community of scientists, the


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largest farmers union, and students union in India. When asked to explain what is a RSS Prachaarak, loosely described as a full time volunteer for the organisation, the answer was poignant,

he said "The RSS Prachaarak is the property of the Hindu Samaj.” The evening also presented the upcoming World Hindu Congress (www.worldhinducongress.org),







Asian Voice | 23rd December 2017

HSS UK Celebrates its Golden Jubilee with Parliamentarians In a cross-party celebration, HSS (Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh) UK brought its Golden Jubilee celebrations to a close on 30th November 2017 amongst distinguished guests and Parliamentarians. Hosted by Lord Jitesh Gadhia, guests enjoyed a brief glimpse into the wide-ranging activities which HSS UK has inspired over the last 50 years. Whilst the event highlighted the achievements of swayamsevaks and sevikas (HSS UK volunteers) over the last half century in the UK, the forward-looking message of hope from Shri Dhiraj Shah, HSS UK’s President, was for the wider British and Hindu community "To better understand and more importantly, articulate in practice the HSS UK principal tenets of Sanskaar (dharmic cultural values), Sewa (selfless community work) and Sanghatan (unity amongst diversity)”. Lord Gadhia highlighted that HSS UK’s Golden Jubilee is “a proud moment for all Hindus in the UK”. HSS UK has been a pioneer over the last five decades with outstanding achievements through many significant projects including Hindu Half Marathon, that became

From left: Shri Dhiraj Shah, Shri Dattatreya Hosabale, Lord Jitesh Gadhia, and Lord Dholakia

Shailesh Vara MP

the UK’s third largest road race, and the Virat Hindu Sammelan in 1989, which is still to date the largest Hindu gathering outside of India, to name a few. Lord Gadhia added, “What is impressive is not just the high profile activities, but the grass root activities that happen day to day, week in week out, and the holistic way in which HSS UK is developing the leadership skills of the next generation”. Lord

Barry Gardiner MP

Rt. Hon Theresa Villiers

Gadhia expressed that “the best times lie ahead” and that it is necessary to invest in our youth for the future. Lord Gadhia further added, "Hindu culture is firmly anchored in human values” and that "Hindu values are more important today than they have ever been. Being open to new ideas, respect for difference, embracing global influences is built into our Hindu Philosophy stretching back to the Rig

Veda. This adaptive Hindu DNA is ever more important given the pace of change and uncertainty in the world around us”. The event was graced with the presence of key community leaders and Parliamentarians, Lord Dholakia, Rt. Hon Theresa Villiers, Barry Gardiner MP, Bob Blackman MP and Shailesh Vara MP, whom all shared with the audience their positive experiences of HSS UK.

Vedanta Hedging Ltd celebrates 6th anniversary Vedanta Hedging Ltd recently celebrated their most successful year to date. Established in 2011, the company recently celebrated its six year anniversary, cementing its position as the largest hedging consultancy for UK SMEs. Approximately 100 professional partners from across the country attended this celebratory event, including some of the UK’s leading solicitors, barristers, accountants, finance brokers and journalists, such as Mr.

Subhash Thakkar (Deputy President of the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry), Collyer Bristow LLP, HW Fisher,

Sterling Finance, Reuters, the BBC, Fountain Court Chambers and Hausfeld LLP. In 2017, Vedanta

Hedging helped to settle the largest hedging dispute in the country worth £700m and were asked to advise the Agricultural Bank of China - the third largest bank in the world. In addition, the firm was pleased to welcome several new team members this year. Mr. Abhishek Sachdev, CEO of Vedanta Hedging thanked his professional partners for their longstanding commitment to Vedanta Hedging and praised his team’s hard work and dedication.

Sun Mark wins award for supporting British Armed Forces On 27th November, the MOD)Ministry of Defence) Recognition Awards was held at Trinity House, Tower Hill, London. Rami Ranger CBE, the founder and chairman of Sun Mark, received the Employer Recognition Scheme (ERS) Silver Award 2017. He was presented with this award for Sun Mark's support to the British Armed Forces. On receiving this prestigious

award, Rami Ranger stated, “It is wonderful to be recognised by the Ministry of Defence for our humble contribution in supporting our illustrious Armed Forces.” Rami Ranger has won several notable and eminent awards in the past, including the Queen's Award for Enterprise in the year 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 in International Trade at the Buckingham Palace.

Rami Ranger wins an award for Sun Mark's support to the British Armed Forces

Ed Sheeran, Andrea Bocelli and Navin Kundra switch languages on ‘Perfect’

Ed Sheeran is pulling out all the stops to make Christmas No 1 this year with his single, ‘Perfect’. The song was released back in March 2017 on the smash hit album ‘Divide’ and was rereleased with a duet version featuring Beyonce catapulting the song straight to the top of the Billboard Hot 100. “It’s just a beautiful song and I remember listening to it when it came out thinking this is just an amazing piece of music which is going to touch hearts all over the world. It was only after I heard the duet version with Beyonce that I decided I wanted to cover it because I heard it in a different way”, explained Navin. Following his last heart stopping Hindi Mix Cover of John Legend’s “All Of Me”, Navin gave ‘Perfect’ a beautiful touch of Hindi which is now capturing hearts all over the world. “Whenever I sang the song, I kept hearing Hindi words because it’s such a beautiful and poetic language, so I wrote a whole new verse

in that language and people are really showing it love”, said Navin. Ed Sheeran – PERFECT - Navin Kundra It turns out that Navin isn’t the only one who had the idea to cover the song in another language as Ed Sheeran himself collaborated with legendary opera singer Andrea Bocelli for the Symphony version of ‘Perfect’ with a verse in Italian which he released today. “I think it goes to show that you can’t hold a beautiful song down even months after it’s release, and sometimes it can be enough to inspire other artists to get creative with cover versions and collaborations, be it changing the language, instrumentation or vocal delivery. I really hope Ed Sheeran makes Christmas No 1 this year – he truly deserves it!”, smiled Navin. He added, “Thank you to everyone who has heard, liked and shared my cover version of “Perfect” – please keep sharing it with your loved ones!”

New Auntyji app for Londoners tutors, photograA businesswoman phers, plumbers, bakfrom Harrow has ers, and make-up launched a new artists”. The Aunty Ji app for Londoners app will be launched called Aunty Ji. The free app, creby the Mayor of ated by Manasi Manasi Adholiya Harrow, Margaret Adholiya, has over Davine, and the 500 businesses signed up Mayoress Marilyn Davine to the directory. This app at Harrow Civic Centre. will provide a place for The launch was due to exposure to start-ups and take place on 10th small businesses in December but was postLondon. Manasi Adholiya poned because of the said the app is like “a local heavy snow. A new launch directory for people like date is yet to be set.

Met Police advises how to keep homes safe this Xmas

The Metropolitan Police are advising people on how to keep their homes safe during the festive month as traditionally, December sees a hike in burglary across London. Last year on Christmas Eve, there were 189 burglaries in London. The Metropolitan Police has advised people to keep valuables and gifts out of sight from windows, and consider using a timer to switch the lights or your TV on at home, so that it appears like your home is occupied. They have also advised not to post that you are away from home or do a countdown to a winter holiday on social media. Boxes and rubbish should be disposed of discreetly after Christmas so that you do not reveal that you have valuable items at home. You should also ask for identification and not opening the door until you at happy with who the person say they are.


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Asian Voice | 23rd December 2017


• Modi's Disaster Management • Vibrant Gujarat begins with a bang

from Nigeria in Noida.

• Hope and despair two Indians face • Trade deal eludes as India, Australia ink

6 pacts • Modi showers gifts on poll-bound Gujarat • Anti-mining activist gets Green Nobel

including six Army personnel, after a massive landslide hit Malpa village on the Kailash Mansarovar Yatra route and washed away an Army camp in nearby Ghatiyabagad area of Uttarakhand. • Triple Talaq unconstitutional, says Supreme Court


“Gujarat, the land of Mahatma Gandhi and Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, also represents the business spirit of India,” said Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the inaugural function of the Vibrant Gujarat Summit 2017. • Should NRIs just burn away their old cash? • Tamil Nadu burns over Jallikattu FEBRUARY

• India's military might, cultural diversity on display

• Asian Voice & Gujarat Samachar completes 45 Years • International Court freezes Jadhav's execution • India lashes out at Pak in Jadhav case Iondia took its neighbour Pakistan by the horns at the International Court of Justice, over the Kulbhushan Jadhav case as relations between both the countries further strain. New Delhi blamed Pak for framing the Indian national on the bases of a “confessional video”, adding he was denied consular access leaving his family and the Indian government clueless of his well being. • Modi launches new projects in Kutch JUNE

• India, Germany sign 8 agreements • India launches most powerful rocket yet

• Mother of all State Polls in India • Mayor to take message to Europe that

• Noted Writer Taarak Mehta no more • Narendra Modi dedicates multiple development projects in Bharuch

• Up Up and Away!


• Modi, Trump, instant bonhomie • 300,000 people perform yoga in Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Bharatiya Janata Party gave an exceptional performance, sweeping Uttar Pradesh off Akhilesh Yadav's feet as local political parties sulked in response. It was a gamble of the century, with all odds against the BJP, now a mere endorsement of mega-brand Modi. • Infosys founder Murthy gets Thomas Jefferson Medal • Eyes on Yogi as a mascot of change


• Warmest weclome for Modi in Israel • Modi welcomes arrival of Narmada water in Rajkot's Aji dam

• 7 Amarnath yatris killed in terror attack

• Shiv Sena MP barred from flying, AI

Terrorists opened fire on a bus returning from the holy shrine of Amarnath, killing seven pilgrims, and injuring 19. In one of the worst terror strikes to take place in the controversial region of Jammu and Kashmir, militants from the Lashkar-e-Taiva fired indiscriminately at the bus which was carrying over 50 pilgrims from Gujarat and Maharashtra. • Indian Home Secy discusses immigration issues with UK counterparts in London

• India failed to deter xenophobic, racist


APRIL cancels his return ticket

attacks: African envoys African envoys severely criticised India for its lack of measures to deter or properly condemn the recent “xenophobic and raciak attacks” in the country. The heads of African Mission Accredited to India conveyed their disapproval in a press statement last week after they held a special meeting to discuss the savage attack on four students

Doklam The long stand-off between India and China in Doklam has finally come to an end, with the Dragon agreeing to Delhi's insistence on simultaneous withdrawal of troops for a resolution. After 72 days of sustained negotiations between top-level officials from both sides, the foreign ministry announced that “expeditious disengagement of border personnel at the face-off in Doklam has been agreed and is ongoing”. • India's first female Defence Minister • 1993 Mumbai Blasts Case: Lukewarm justice • Modi gifts Narmada Dam to India • Modi, Abe lay foundation stone for bullet train OCTOBER

• Bhole-bhakt Modi warns opponents

NOVEMBER India successfully launched its most powerful rocket yet, the GSLV III, establishing its place in the global heavy payload market. Nicknamed 'Fat Boy', the rocket fired by a high-thrust • India, Macron voice concern over global terrorism • India, Pakistan become full members of SCO • Dalit leader Kovind set to be India's next President

• Floods ravage many parts of India; over 600 killed

• Govt encourages citizens to create a stronger India this I-Day

• India is about shanti, ekta, and sadbhavana: PM Modi

• Landslide kills 25 in Uttarakhand, 50 in

Himachal About 25 people are feared dead,


• 2 Indians among 39 killed in attack on Istanbul club

• First female Afghan airforce pilot seeks asylum in US

• 5 Indian-Americans join US Congress

• Rapist Godman in for 20 Years • India, China pull back troops from

conspiring against him Prime Minister Narendra Modi issued a stern warning to his opponents, saying that those “conspiring” against him would only bite the dust. He used Lord Shiva's poison analogy to lash out at the criticisers. • Modi's boldest move yet, places interlocutor in Kashmir

'London is open' The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan has announced he will visit five major European cities next month to declare that London remains the number-one destination for investment, business and tourism, and to discuss London's needs from the Brexit negotiations. • India launches monumental mission MARCH



• Indian students assaulted in Italy • Brit court declines two Indian extradition requests

In a historic breakthrough for IndianAmericans, five from the community were sworn in as members of the US Congress. All of them are Democrats and three are from California, Kamala Harris will become the first to become a Senator. • Sharif to discuss Kashmir with UN chief at World Economic Forum • President Trump pulls US out of TransPacific deal FEBRUARY

• Mumbai attack plotter Hafiz Saeed, 4 others detained • World reacts to Donald Trump's Muslim ban For those who were curious to know what a person with zero experience holding a political office would do when handed power, US President Donald Trumo signed an executive order last week sending international governments and activists in a frenzy. In an order that horrified human rights groups, Trump signed to suspend refugee arrivals and imposed tough new controls on travellers from seven Muslim countries. • Afghanistan still in turmoil despite huge US investments • Muslim fashion designer makes history with hijab collection in New York • Gurdwaras open doors to shelter evacuees fleeing Oroville Dam MARCH

• Modi calls for joint efforts with ASEAN

to fight terror Indian Prime Minister Naremdra Modi called for intensifying regional cooperation to effectively deal with terrorism, also pitching for a rules-based security architecture for the resource-rich region. • Mallya's extradition hearing to start on December 4 • Modi remains very popular: Pew Research • Huge victory for India as Justice Bhandari re-elected to ICJ

• Gurdwara, community service groups aid San Jose flood victims • Africa's youngest billionaire drags family through dirt • Go back, Indians in the US told • Indian-American lawmakers slam Trump's address to US Congress US President Donald Trump's maiden address to the Congress was criticised by Indian-American


• Gujarat Elections: BJP, Cong unveil final list

• BJP to roar back to power

Saurashra, Kutch and some regions of South Gujarat have made their decision, and now it remains for the rest of the state to make a call. Final voter turnout in Phase I of 89 seats in the highly anticipated Gujarat Assembly elections stood at 66.75 per cent as announced by the Election Commission. • India's favourite power couple, Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli tie the knot in Italy.

lawmakers. They said it lacked specificity and offered only unrealistic plans on issues like immigration and Obamacare. • Trump asks Bharara, 45 other attorneys to quit




Asian Voice | 23rd December 2017


• SA anti-apartheid icon Kathrada passes away

• SA President Zuma recalls finance minister Gordhan from London trip

• St Petersburg metro explosion: 14 killed, 50 injured

his surprise decision to allow anonymous voting in a motion of no confidence. Critics of the presidency have long been calling for a secret ballot, hoping it would help give MPs a much-needed courage to support his removal. 16 killed in Kenya post-poll violence Trump wants India to help US in Afghanistan SEPTEMBER


• Asians once again dazzle in New Year's Honours list 2017

• One of the world's most wanted terrorists married a British woman

• May announces Brexit deal means UK must leave EU single market

• Indian-origin CEO racially abused

A former sushi chief from Kyrgyzstan has been named as the suicide bomber who killed 14 people and injured 50 in an explosion in the St Petersburg metro. Russia's state investigative committee informed that body parts of the man were found on the train while the suspect was identified, they declined to name him. • Lord Shiva statue at world's largest particle physics lab CERN • Indian-origin woman doctor held for performing genital mutilation • Indian-American Surgeon General removed MAY

• Pakistan's barbaric act shocks the world • Macron's win and what that would mean

for the UK • Pak stoking terror, hurting India ties, says Trump admin The Trump administration has issued a severe indictment of Pakistan in its first public assessment of the region, blaming Islamabad for deteriorating relations with India and warning that Pakistan's “pursuit of tactical nuclear weapons potentially lowers the threshold of use.” • Justice for attacked Sikh IT specialist JUNE

Indian-American Professor Sonia Katyal quits Trump advisory council Indian immigrants in US fear deportation post DACA repeal Thousands of people from India, who arrived in the US illegally as children, are fearing deportation after President Donald Trump's decision to repeal the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival (DACA) programme. Myanmar 'does not fear international scrutiny': Suu Kyi Bodies of 28 Hindu villagers found in Rakhine State

university in Florida

• Uganda prepares to extend Museveni's 31 year old rule

• Protestors decry inaccurate portrayal of

Hinduism The continued controversy over the allegedly inaccurate portrayal of Hinduism and Indian culture in California's elementry school textbooks was raised yet again on September 27 in Sacramento as the California Department of Education's Instructional Quality Commission reviewed drafts of new editions. • US and UK zeroes in on South Africa's Guptas NOVEMBER

• Young Nairobi business heir slain

Kenya is no stranger to police brutality. Despite a string of law changes and post independence politicians, policing seems to be one force that remains the same. In

• Sri Lanka floods toll increases to 146 • 7 countries sever ties with Qatar over ter-

rorism links Sevel countries led by Saudi Arabia and Bahrain have severed ties with Qatar, denouncing it for backing terrorism and causing a rift among some of the most powerful Arab states. The first to severe ties was Bahrain, followed by Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Yemen, Libya, and the Maldives. • Indian-American among 12 new astronauts chosen by NASA • Are you with us or with Qatar, Saudi king asks Pak PM JULY

• US declares Salahuddin global terrorist • South Africans turn against Gupta broth-

ers • Qatar gets 48 hours to meet Arab nations' demands Arab nations extended the deadline for Qatar to respond to their demands by another 48 hours, allowing its top diplomat to carry a handwritten response to Kuwait's ruler in an effort to end the diplomatic crisis. • Panamagate: Nawaz Sharif, family face corruption case • Anti-Pak protests erupt in Sindh AUGUST

• Shahid Khaqan Abbasi made interim

Pakistani PM South African President Zuma faces no confidence secret ballot The end of South African President Jacob Zuma's time in office may be near, as the Speaker of the Parliament has announced

• Supreme Court puts brakes on Brexit

On Tuesday morning, supporters of the Remain campaign thought their prayers were answered, as the Supreme Court dismissed the government's appeal in the landmark case on Brexit, meaning Parliament would be required to give its approval before official talks on leaving the EU could begin. FEBRUARY

• Britons demand Trump travel ban • Not everything is fair about Britain:

Miller • British MPs meet Modi, bring to fore the state of Kashmir Last week MP Virendra Sharma, Chair of the Indo-British All Party Parliamentary Group, and MP Bob Blackman, Vice Chair of Indo British APPG, along with seven other Parliamentarians called on the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in New Delhi to highlight the ignorance among Britons about the Jammu and Kashmir political crisis. • Queen to launch UK-India Year of Culture at Buckingham Palace MARCH

• Right Royal Reception • Britain appoints its first female top cop • Top British giants rock the house at annual extravaganza

an incident that hit a little too close to home, Bunty Shah, young heir of the vast Bobmil empire was reportedly shot dead in his own home by policemen. • Protests in Kenya as Kenyatta clinches yet another term • Paradise Papers: World's best turn out to be the worst tax players • Pak cleric's supporters seek strict blasphemy laws • Robert Mugabe resigns as President of Zimbabwe DECEMBER

• Mnangagwa takes over as Zimbabwe

President • Musharraf may ally with Hafiz Saeed for 2018 polls • Donald Trump's 'working visit' to UK dropped as tensions with May grow US diplomats have dropped plans for Donald Trumo to conduct a visit to Britain in Januyary amid a war of words between the leaders. Trump had been scheduled for a 'working visit' to UK in the first month to 2018 to formally open America's new London embassy. • South Africa rises against Gupta Brothers

• Importance of India grows in 'A peace-

building Commonwealth' With Brexit worries looming large over Britain, it is apparent that the country is trying to re-assess its relationship with the Commonwealth countries, focusing on ease of doing businesses and creating a strong export economy. • Prince Harry attends bicentenary celebrations of UK-Nepal relationship

AsianVoiceNewsweekly appears relieved Community #FreeJaggiNow

APRIL up to Islamist Terrorism • Matru Vandana: A memorable tribute on Mother's Day Asian Voice and Gujarat Samachar organised Matru Vandana, a musical evening to celebrate Mother's Day, launch the special Mother's Day magazine, and pay homage to all mothers at the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan. • Increasing racial attacks threaten Asian community • London court gets its first ever Indian-origin female judge • PM calls General Election • The London Marathon 2017

entries • Community distressed by Leicester girl's death • Trendsetting Asian candidates swarm snap election • Asians condemn Manchester Massacre At least 22 people have been killed and 59 injured after a suspected terrorist attack at the Manchester Arena. Thousands of gig-goers were packed into the venue to see American singer Ariana Grande when the explosion shook the arena.

for a register of domestic abusers. This followed a report into domestic abuse in the capital launched by Len Duvall, Leader of the London Assembly Labour Group. SEPTEMBER

2018 • 'London is Open': Sadiq Khan Sadiq Khan has become the first Mayor of London to lead a trade mission to both India and Pakistan. He started his six cities in six days tour across countries on 3rd December. • Mallya hounded, “else would have paid 80% loans”: Defence • Sadiq Khan's trip concludes after a raft of new investments announced for London • Christine Keeler of Profumo Affair passes away at 75.

Asian deaths Reluctance among families to talk about organ donation is contributing to the deaths amongs Asian people, who are waiting for a transplant. Last year 470 people in the UK died whilst waiting for a transplant, among which, 50 were Asian. • 'Racial injustices' in UK's legal system • Asian Achievers Awards- Rising above a sea of run-of-the-mill gongs


tors challenging establishment

• GST close to reality, Lok Sabha clears fourrelated bills

• Race audit exposes bias • Tearing families apart

A recent report has revealed that the number of foreigners, including Indians, granted leave to remain in the UK has plummeted by 73% since 2006. Analysis of immigration statistics published by The Independent, reveals that the number of children, partners and dependent relatives able to live permanently in the UK through a “grant of settlement” has

RBI report

with Tata Steel soon


as director • India's industrial output rises despite demonetisation Industrial output growth rose to a surprising 13-month high of 5.7 per cent in November as retail inflation slowed to a 25-month low in December by a sharp decline in vegetable prices. November industrial output data should bring good news to policymakers as the numbers released last week showed that the controversial demonetisation move has not made any significant impact on industrial growth. • Demonetisation to have short term impact on GDP: RBI Governor FEBRUARY

• Bill Gates could become world's first tril-

lionaire • Attach Sahara's Aamby Valley property: SC • Jaitley keeps tight hold on govt expenditure • HC orders winding up of Mallya's United Breweries

major setback?

UK's only and first Indian origin MP in the Cabinet, and the Indian Diaspora Champion Ms Priti Patel faces calls to resign, after failing to turn up to answer questions from MPs about her secret Israel meetings. • Priti Patel Episode: Govt panics as MP


• Tesco staff 'quit as fears of accounts fraud


ity steels division

conclave and UK-India awards • Two Indian Americans in 'America's richest self-made women' Two Indian-American women have made it to Forbes' third annual 'America's Richest Self-Made Women' list.

• Close to a year after demonetisation, RBI still verifying returned notes

• Govt announces Rs 2.11 trillion PSU bank recapitalisation plan


• Govt to step up mergers in PSU banks: Jaitley

• Infosys founders planning to sell stake • Vijay Mallya created 20 shell companies, says ED chargesheet In its latest chargesheet filed against Vijay Mallya, the Enforcement Directorate of India has alleged that the businessman floated 20 shell companies, directors of which were either his personal staff or retired employees. • RBI targets 'dirty dozen' defaulters accounting for 25% of bad loans


demonetisation 'lapses': Modi Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi disclosed that the registration of over 100,000 companies which had allegedly engaged in suspicious transactions post-demonetisation, were scrapped as he sought to cast the goods and services tax as his second strike against corruption. • Govt clears privatisation of debt-ridden Air India • IndiGo does not want govt in any Air India deal • 550,000 to get calls from taxmen

• India, UK hold discussions over Mallya's


extradition • Air India operates first all-women crew flight

• Sunil Mittal talks tie-up with 'friend

• Indian ministers attend successful business

by 2030


• Enthusiastic Priti Patel under scanner


• Liberty takes control of Tata Steels special-

• India's economy to surpass Japan, Germany

• 100,000 cos lost registration for post-

In a big blow, Karnataka High Court has ordered the winding up of liquor baron Vijay Mallya's United Breweries Ltd., parent company of UB Group. Justice Vineet Kothari pronounced the order through video conference. • Tata Motors net down 96% on poor JLR, domestic sales

tax havens of Asia Offshore wealth held by Indians in tax havens have risen nearly 90 per cent since 2007 to $62.9 billion, about 3.1 per cent of the country's GDP, in 2015. The data released by Basel-based Bank of International Settlements on bilateral foreign holdings, also revealed that Switzerland is no longer the preferred destination. • State Bank of India and FTSE Russell launch Indian bond index series

grew' Amid raising concerns about accounting practices at the retailer, two Tesco employees have resigned. The resignations came to light on the third day of the trial of former executives. Christopher Bush, John Scouler, and Carl Rogberg. • UK commits to lead the world in cost-effective lean growth

• India growth story gets blank-cheque cos

• Basmati rice imports from India to face

$2.5bn in Flipkart In perhaps the largest investment ever for an Indian internet company, an e-commerce major Flipkart raised around $2.5 billion from Japanese telecom and internet conglomerate SoftBank. The fresh capital extends the size of Flipkart's financing round, which was announced in April this year, all the way to $4 billion. • Murthy blamed for forcing Infosys CEO & MD Sikka to resign

• Thyssenkrupp hopes to reach merger deal



telecom business

• SoftBank makes record India tech bet with

• 99% of scrapped notes back with banks, says

• Tata Sons calls EGM on Feb 6 to oust Mistry

• Terrifying acid attack • Caste Legislation: Must have your say

been declined, including entry clearances, creating more and more 'skype families'. • Diwali of many firsts

heavily in Europe

• Tatas hold talks with Ambani for sale of


• Indian-origin tycoon to rescue UK's last


announced for the 17th Asian Achievers Awards • Register Domestic Abuse Local leaders joined calls

sion benefits

• Asians feature among top business disrup-

Singapore blocks visas for Indian Information Technology professionals Visas for IT professionals to work in Singapore have seen to have visibly dropped, prompting the government to put the review of the Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement on hold. As Indian companies are advised to hire local talent, they are looking at relocating some of their operations to other countries in the region. • RBI chief opposes waiving of farm loans • SC orders auction of Sahara's Aamby Valley • India's GST reform is really an act of courage, says IMF chief

aluminium shelter

• Riz Ahmed conquers Emmys • Divide and Rule: Now Sikhs

• Acid horror grips city • UK abandoned Indian wives • Short-listed candidates

• Tata Steel UK workers accept cuts to pen-


community • Son of Indian immigrant to be sworn in as Ireland's youngest PM



• Infosys hiring more locals and investing

• Indians now park their offshore wealth in

• Ameet Jogia and Navin Shah stand for

The UK government is of the opinion that some British Asians still experience discrimination on basis of their castes in the UK. Hence, they want to introduce caste discrimination as an offence under the equality laws. • A bold and exciting Arora proposal • AR Rahman under fire

on India “You hold cash, you lose money. Keep demonetising,” said Lord Meghnad Desai, UK Economist and Labour politician at the Indian Forum, organised by the London School of Economics on the 11th of March.

• M1 Carnage: 8 Indians spot dead • Shortage in organ donation gives rise to


March In a major indication that Prime Minister Narendra Modi's demonetisation move may have hit the economy harder than it let on, the country's Gross Domestic Product in the January-March quarter grew at the slowest pace in at least four quarters at 6.1 per cent as against a 7 per cent growth in October-December. • May's failed gamble • Grenfell Tower Inferno

• LSE debates: The Macro-Micro perspectives

• Prince Harry to wed in May


• India's GDP growth slows to 6.1 % in Jan-



• United in Solidarity: British Asians stand


Asian Voice | 23rd December 2017 •


• Snap election gets new Asian

• Patel family foundation gives $200 mn to


• UK witnesses protests against post-Brexit




• Boeing expects India to order 2100 aircraft over 20 years

The Finance Ministry has announced a Rs 2.11 trillion bank recapitalisation plan for state-owned lenders weighed down by bad loans, in a bid to stimulate the flow of credit to spur private investment. • India ranks 100th on World Bank's 'ease of doing business' list • ED probing over 3,700 laundering, hawala cases • Indian firms create over 1,00,000 jobs in US, says report DECEMBER

• India begins review of tax, other norms for startups to make it attractive

• India's manufacturing activity improves in

November In yet another sign that India has shaken off the bruising effects of demonetisation and GST rollout issues, the manufacturing sector recorded its strongest improvement in November in 13 months. According to Nikkei India Manufacturing Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) showed that companies reported a renewed increase in new export orders in November. • Indian industry chambers seek tax cuts from Jaitley




Asian Voice | 23rd December 2017


• SA anti-apartheid icon Kathrada passes away

• SA President Zuma recalls finance minister Gordhan from London trip

• St Petersburg metro explosion: 14 killed, 50 injured

his surprise decision to allow anonymous voting in a motion of no confidence. Critics of the presidency have long been calling for a secret ballot, hoping it would help give MPs a much-needed courage to support his removal. 16 killed in Kenya post-poll violence Trump wants India to help US in Afghanistan SEPTEMBER


• Asians once again dazzle in New Year's Honours list 2017

• One of the world's most wanted terrorists married a British woman

• May announces Brexit deal means UK must leave EU single market

• Indian-origin CEO racially abused

A former sushi chief from Kyrgyzstan has been named as the suicide bomber who killed 14 people and injured 50 in an explosion in the St Petersburg metro. Russia's state investigative committee informed that body parts of the man were found on the train while the suspect was identified, they declined to name him. • Lord Shiva statue at world's largest particle physics lab CERN • Indian-origin woman doctor held for performing genital mutilation • Indian-American Surgeon General removed MAY

• Pakistan's barbaric act shocks the world • Macron's win and what that would mean

for the UK • Pak stoking terror, hurting India ties, says Trump admin The Trump administration has issued a severe indictment of Pakistan in its first public assessment of the region, blaming Islamabad for deteriorating relations with India and warning that Pakistan's “pursuit of tactical nuclear weapons potentially lowers the threshold of use.” • Justice for attacked Sikh IT specialist JUNE

Indian-American Professor Sonia Katyal quits Trump advisory council Indian immigrants in US fear deportation post DACA repeal Thousands of people from India, who arrived in the US illegally as children, are fearing deportation after President Donald Trump's decision to repeal the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival (DACA) programme. Myanmar 'does not fear international scrutiny': Suu Kyi Bodies of 28 Hindu villagers found in Rakhine State

university in Florida

• Uganda prepares to extend Museveni's 31 year old rule

• Protestors decry inaccurate portrayal of

Hinduism The continued controversy over the allegedly inaccurate portrayal of Hinduism and Indian culture in California's elementry school textbooks was raised yet again on September 27 in Sacramento as the California Department of Education's Instructional Quality Commission reviewed drafts of new editions. • US and UK zeroes in on South Africa's Guptas NOVEMBER

• Young Nairobi business heir slain

Kenya is no stranger to police brutality. Despite a string of law changes and post independence politicians, policing seems to be one force that remains the same. In

• Sri Lanka floods toll increases to 146 • 7 countries sever ties with Qatar over ter-

rorism links Sevel countries led by Saudi Arabia and Bahrain have severed ties with Qatar, denouncing it for backing terrorism and causing a rift among some of the most powerful Arab states. The first to severe ties was Bahrain, followed by Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Yemen, Libya, and the Maldives. • Indian-American among 12 new astronauts chosen by NASA • Are you with us or with Qatar, Saudi king asks Pak PM JULY

• US declares Salahuddin global terrorist • South Africans turn against Gupta broth-

ers • Qatar gets 48 hours to meet Arab nations' demands Arab nations extended the deadline for Qatar to respond to their demands by another 48 hours, allowing its top diplomat to carry a handwritten response to Kuwait's ruler in an effort to end the diplomatic crisis. • Panamagate: Nawaz Sharif, family face corruption case • Anti-Pak protests erupt in Sindh AUGUST

• Shahid Khaqan Abbasi made interim

Pakistani PM South African President Zuma faces no confidence secret ballot The end of South African President Jacob Zuma's time in office may be near, as the Speaker of the Parliament has announced

• Supreme Court puts brakes on Brexit

On Tuesday morning, supporters of the Remain campaign thought their prayers were answered, as the Supreme Court dismissed the government's appeal in the landmark case on Brexit, meaning Parliament would be required to give its approval before official talks on leaving the EU could begin. FEBRUARY

• Britons demand Trump travel ban • Not everything is fair about Britain:

Miller • British MPs meet Modi, bring to fore the state of Kashmir Last week MP Virendra Sharma, Chair of the Indo-British All Party Parliamentary Group, and MP Bob Blackman, Vice Chair of Indo British APPG, along with seven other Parliamentarians called on the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in New Delhi to highlight the ignorance among Britons about the Jammu and Kashmir political crisis. • Queen to launch UK-India Year of Culture at Buckingham Palace MARCH

• Right Royal Reception • Britain appoints its first female top cop • Top British giants rock the house at annual extravaganza

an incident that hit a little too close to home, Bunty Shah, young heir of the vast Bobmil empire was reportedly shot dead in his own home by policemen. • Protests in Kenya as Kenyatta clinches yet another term • Paradise Papers: World's best turn out to be the worst tax players • Pak cleric's supporters seek strict blasphemy laws • Robert Mugabe resigns as President of Zimbabwe DECEMBER

• Mnangagwa takes over as Zimbabwe

President • Musharraf may ally with Hafiz Saeed for 2018 polls • Donald Trump's 'working visit' to UK dropped as tensions with May grow US diplomats have dropped plans for Donald Trumo to conduct a visit to Britain in Januyary amid a war of words between the leaders. Trump had been scheduled for a 'working visit' to UK in the first month to 2018 to formally open America's new London embassy. • South Africa rises against Gupta Brothers

• Importance of India grows in 'A peace-

building Commonwealth' With Brexit worries looming large over Britain, it is apparent that the country is trying to re-assess its relationship with the Commonwealth countries, focusing on ease of doing businesses and creating a strong export economy. • Prince Harry attends bicentenary celebrations of UK-Nepal relationship

AsianVoiceNewsweekly appears relieved Community #FreeJaggiNow

APRIL up to Islamist Terrorism • Matru Vandana: A memorable tribute on Mother's Day Asian Voice and Gujarat Samachar organised Matru Vandana, a musical evening to celebrate Mother's Day, launch the special Mother's Day magazine, and pay homage to all mothers at the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan. • Increasing racial attacks threaten Asian community • London court gets its first ever Indian-origin female judge • PM calls General Election • The London Marathon 2017

entries • Community distressed by Leicester girl's death • Trendsetting Asian candidates swarm snap election • Asians condemn Manchester Massacre At least 22 people have been killed and 59 injured after a suspected terrorist attack at the Manchester Arena. Thousands of gig-goers were packed into the venue to see American singer Ariana Grande when the explosion shook the arena.

for a register of domestic abusers. This followed a report into domestic abuse in the capital launched by Len Duvall, Leader of the London Assembly Labour Group. SEPTEMBER

2018 • 'London is Open': Sadiq Khan Sadiq Khan has become the first Mayor of London to lead a trade mission to both India and Pakistan. He started his six cities in six days tour across countries on 3rd December. • Mallya hounded, “else would have paid 80% loans”: Defence • Sadiq Khan's trip concludes after a raft of new investments announced for London • Christine Keeler of Profumo Affair passes away at 75.

Asian deaths Reluctance among families to talk about organ donation is contributing to the deaths amongs Asian people, who are waiting for a transplant. Last year 470 people in the UK died whilst waiting for a transplant, among which, 50 were Asian. • 'Racial injustices' in UK's legal system • Asian Achievers Awards- Rising above a sea of run-of-the-mill gongs


tors challenging establishment

• GST close to reality, Lok Sabha clears fourrelated bills

• Race audit exposes bias • Tearing families apart

A recent report has revealed that the number of foreigners, including Indians, granted leave to remain in the UK has plummeted by 73% since 2006. Analysis of immigration statistics published by The Independent, reveals that the number of children, partners and dependent relatives able to live permanently in the UK through a “grant of settlement” has

RBI report

with Tata Steel soon


as director • India's industrial output rises despite demonetisation Industrial output growth rose to a surprising 13-month high of 5.7 per cent in November as retail inflation slowed to a 25-month low in December by a sharp decline in vegetable prices. November industrial output data should bring good news to policymakers as the numbers released last week showed that the controversial demonetisation move has not made any significant impact on industrial growth. • Demonetisation to have short term impact on GDP: RBI Governor FEBRUARY

• Bill Gates could become world's first tril-

lionaire • Attach Sahara's Aamby Valley property: SC • Jaitley keeps tight hold on govt expenditure • HC orders winding up of Mallya's United Breweries

major setback?

UK's only and first Indian origin MP in the Cabinet, and the Indian Diaspora Champion Ms Priti Patel faces calls to resign, after failing to turn up to answer questions from MPs about her secret Israel meetings. • Priti Patel Episode: Govt panics as MP


• Tesco staff 'quit as fears of accounts fraud


ity steels division

conclave and UK-India awards • Two Indian Americans in 'America's richest self-made women' Two Indian-American women have made it to Forbes' third annual 'America's Richest Self-Made Women' list.

• Close to a year after demonetisation, RBI still verifying returned notes

• Govt announces Rs 2.11 trillion PSU bank recapitalisation plan


• Govt to step up mergers in PSU banks: Jaitley

• Infosys founders planning to sell stake • Vijay Mallya created 20 shell companies, says ED chargesheet In its latest chargesheet filed against Vijay Mallya, the Enforcement Directorate of India has alleged that the businessman floated 20 shell companies, directors of which were either his personal staff or retired employees. • RBI targets 'dirty dozen' defaulters accounting for 25% of bad loans


demonetisation 'lapses': Modi Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi disclosed that the registration of over 100,000 companies which had allegedly engaged in suspicious transactions post-demonetisation, were scrapped as he sought to cast the goods and services tax as his second strike against corruption. • Govt clears privatisation of debt-ridden Air India • IndiGo does not want govt in any Air India deal • 550,000 to get calls from taxmen

• India, UK hold discussions over Mallya's


extradition • Air India operates first all-women crew flight

• Sunil Mittal talks tie-up with 'friend

• Indian ministers attend successful business

by 2030


• Enthusiastic Priti Patel under scanner


• Liberty takes control of Tata Steels special-

• India's economy to surpass Japan, Germany

• 100,000 cos lost registration for post-

In a big blow, Karnataka High Court has ordered the winding up of liquor baron Vijay Mallya's United Breweries Ltd., parent company of UB Group. Justice Vineet Kothari pronounced the order through video conference. • Tata Motors net down 96% on poor JLR, domestic sales

tax havens of Asia Offshore wealth held by Indians in tax havens have risen nearly 90 per cent since 2007 to $62.9 billion, about 3.1 per cent of the country's GDP, in 2015. The data released by Basel-based Bank of International Settlements on bilateral foreign holdings, also revealed that Switzerland is no longer the preferred destination. • State Bank of India and FTSE Russell launch Indian bond index series

grew' Amid raising concerns about accounting practices at the retailer, two Tesco employees have resigned. The resignations came to light on the third day of the trial of former executives. Christopher Bush, John Scouler, and Carl Rogberg. • UK commits to lead the world in cost-effective lean growth

• India growth story gets blank-cheque cos

• Basmati rice imports from India to face

$2.5bn in Flipkart In perhaps the largest investment ever for an Indian internet company, an e-commerce major Flipkart raised around $2.5 billion from Japanese telecom and internet conglomerate SoftBank. The fresh capital extends the size of Flipkart's financing round, which was announced in April this year, all the way to $4 billion. • Murthy blamed for forcing Infosys CEO & MD Sikka to resign

• Thyssenkrupp hopes to reach merger deal



telecom business

• SoftBank makes record India tech bet with

• 99% of scrapped notes back with banks, says

• Tata Sons calls EGM on Feb 6 to oust Mistry

• Terrifying acid attack • Caste Legislation: Must have your say

been declined, including entry clearances, creating more and more 'skype families'. • Diwali of many firsts

heavily in Europe

• Tatas hold talks with Ambani for sale of


• Indian-origin tycoon to rescue UK's last


announced for the 17th Asian Achievers Awards • Register Domestic Abuse Local leaders joined calls

sion benefits

• Asians feature among top business disrup-

Singapore blocks visas for Indian Information Technology professionals Visas for IT professionals to work in Singapore have seen to have visibly dropped, prompting the government to put the review of the Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement on hold. As Indian companies are advised to hire local talent, they are looking at relocating some of their operations to other countries in the region. • RBI chief opposes waiving of farm loans • SC orders auction of Sahara's Aamby Valley • India's GST reform is really an act of courage, says IMF chief

aluminium shelter

• Riz Ahmed conquers Emmys • Divide and Rule: Now Sikhs

• Acid horror grips city • UK abandoned Indian wives • Short-listed candidates

• Tata Steel UK workers accept cuts to pen-


community • Son of Indian immigrant to be sworn in as Ireland's youngest PM



• Infosys hiring more locals and investing

• Indians now park their offshore wealth in

• Ameet Jogia and Navin Shah stand for

The UK government is of the opinion that some British Asians still experience discrimination on basis of their castes in the UK. Hence, they want to introduce caste discrimination as an offence under the equality laws. • A bold and exciting Arora proposal • AR Rahman under fire

on India “You hold cash, you lose money. Keep demonetising,” said Lord Meghnad Desai, UK Economist and Labour politician at the Indian Forum, organised by the London School of Economics on the 11th of March.

• M1 Carnage: 8 Indians spot dead • Shortage in organ donation gives rise to


March In a major indication that Prime Minister Narendra Modi's demonetisation move may have hit the economy harder than it let on, the country's Gross Domestic Product in the January-March quarter grew at the slowest pace in at least four quarters at 6.1 per cent as against a 7 per cent growth in October-December. • May's failed gamble • Grenfell Tower Inferno

• LSE debates: The Macro-Micro perspectives

• Prince Harry to wed in May


• India's GDP growth slows to 6.1 % in Jan-



• United in Solidarity: British Asians stand


Asian Voice | 23rd December 2017 •


• Snap election gets new Asian

• Patel family foundation gives $200 mn to


• UK witnesses protests against post-Brexit




• Boeing expects India to order 2100 aircraft over 20 years

The Finance Ministry has announced a Rs 2.11 trillion bank recapitalisation plan for state-owned lenders weighed down by bad loans, in a bid to stimulate the flow of credit to spur private investment. • India ranks 100th on World Bank's 'ease of doing business' list • ED probing over 3,700 laundering, hawala cases • Indian firms create over 1,00,000 jobs in US, says report DECEMBER

• India begins review of tax, other norms for startups to make it attractive

• India's manufacturing activity improves in

November In yet another sign that India has shaken off the bruising effects of demonetisation and GST rollout issues, the manufacturing sector recorded its strongest improvement in November in 13 months. According to Nikkei India Manufacturing Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) showed that companies reported a renewed increase in new export orders in November. • Indian industry chambers seek tax cuts from Jaitley



www.asian-voice.com AsianVoiceNews

Asian Voice | 23rd December 2017


from 48 games.



• SC removes BCCI president, secretary • Ashwin wins ICC Cricketer of the Year

• Indians bag 73 medals in 2017 Special

award • Virat Kohli named ODI and T20I captain


• Haseeb Hameed getting ready to face Australian fast bowlers

the first time in 44-year history of the Asian Athletics Championships which concluded at the Kalinga Stadium in Bhubaneshwar. The hosts finished with 29 medals which included 12 gold, 5 silver and 12 bronze. • Federer wins record 8th Wimbledon • India lose, but women's cricket shines Virat Kohli was named the captain of both limited-overs formats after MS Dhoni stepped down last week. The selectors also recalled Yuvraj Singh to both the ODI and T20I squads for India's upcoming series against England in January. • Gujarat make history; win Ranji Trophy for first time • Saina lifts Malaysia Masters title FEBRUARY

Haseeb Hameed, the batting talent unearthed by England, who is recovering from injury, is progressing well and will most probably be ready to face the Australian fast bowling batteryMitchell Starc, Josh Hazlewood, James Pattinson and Pat Cummins during the Ashes tour this winter. • Pandey, Pathan power Kolkata with lastover win • 101-year old Indian woman wins sprint gold

• Federer beats Nadal in Melbourne for


18th Grand slam • Alastair Cook quits as England cricket captain • Ashwin becomes fastest bowler to claim 250 wickets


• Moeen Ali hat-trick helps England thrash SA

• Mo Farah wins 10,000m world title

• Path to Success supports Team GB stars of the future

• Kohli, Dhoni, Yuvraj, Raina in list of Top 100 Athletes

• Ashwin breaks Kapil's 37-year long record

• Root hits unbeaten 90 as England clinch series against Windies

• Virat Kohli's T20I record broken by

Afghanistan's Mohammad Shahzad Afghanistan's Mohammad Shahzad notched up 1,779 career T20I runs to surpass Indian skipper Virat Kohli as the fourth-most successful batsman in the shortest format of the game. Shahzad hit his 1,779 runs in 58 T20I mathes to go past Kohli's 1,709 runs

• India finish series in style • Jeakson scores first goal for India in Fifa

World Cup Jeakson Thounaojam etched his name in the history books of India. The tall midfielder rose above time and space to head in India's equaliser against Colombia in the U-17 World Cup group stage match in New Delhi. It was India's first goal in the football World Cup, in any age category. • India ends 10 year drought, claims Asia Cup

World Cup

• India claims historic series win against

Britain's Mo Farah outsmarted his rivals with one of the fastest races of his life to capture the 10,000-metre world championship title in London. • Usain Bolt tumbles on the track • Kevin Durant apologises for his India comment • Khel Ratna for Devendra Jhajharia and Sardar Singh SEPTEMBER



• Young England wins Fifa Under-17


• Champions Trophy: Rohit, Shami

recalled to India's squad • Indian women's cricket in record stand The Indian women's cricket team scaled new heights when openers Deepti Sharma and Poonam Raut put on a world-record 320-run opening stand during a 249-run victory over Ireland in the women's quadrangular series ODI match in Senwes Park, Potchesfroom. • IPL gives young players a chance to show their talent

after she beat Nozomi Okuhara of Japan in the women's singles final at Korea Open Super series in Seoul. This was her third Super Series title and second this year. • India clinch ODI series against Australia


• Britains Twenty20 tournament gets


Indian spinner Ravichandran Ashwin has claimed 250 wickets and became the fastest bowler to reach the milestone. He has surpassed Australian legend Dennis Lillee's record by taking just 45 matches to reach the landmarkthree matches quicker than the former Aussie pacer. • Shahid Afridi retires from international cricket • England cricketers emerge hot buys at IPL auction


• Rohit, Bumrah guide India to win series • Bangladesh made history, defeat Australia

• Anderson helps England win series

the Kiwis With a sharp bowling display from Indian bowlers in Thiruvananthapuram, India earned their first bilateral Twenty20 series win against New Zealand as they failed to make the mark by six runs in the decider, losing the three-match series 1-2 in a rain curtailed eight-overs match. • England women secure draw to keep Ashes hope alive • Derbyshire cricketer Shiv Thakor found guilty of indecent exposure DECEMBER

• India crush Sri Lanka by innings and 239 runs

• Joe Root keeps England hopes alive in 2nd Test

• New Zealand pick India-born Jeet Raval for test matches

against Windies

• Sindhu beats Okuhara, wins Korea Super Series

India captain Virat Kohli, former skipper Mahendra Singh Dhoni and stylish left-handed batsmen Yuvraj Singh and Suresh Raina, have found places in this year's ESPN World Fame 100 list that made its debut last year. • Nadal wins record 10th French Open Crown • Srikanth cuts Sakai to size, wins Indonesia Open JULY

• Indian cricketers show their prowess • India beat Pak by 95 runs in women's World Cup

• Asian Athletics: India finish top in medals tally Hosts India topped the medals tally for

PV Sindhu became the first Indian badminton player to lift the title in Korea

New Zealand picked Indian-born opening batsman Jeet Raval in the squad for the forthcoming tour of Zimbabwe and South Africa. Raval was named in the 16-man Black Caps squad, which also features the recall of Indian-born spinner Ish Sodhi after a two-year absence. • India win bronze in Hockey World League





I got talking with an Indian from Hyderabad who currently lives in Texas, and has an executive job for a big energy company; a Sri Lankan who lives in Canada; and a NRI from London; whilst abroad.

Suresh Vagjiani

Sow & Reap London Property Investment

The topic inevitably turns to property at some point in the conversation, as it’s in the blood and psyche of the Indian. As the saying goes, you can take the Indian out of India but you cannot take the Indian out of him. They all had a passion for investing in property. The Hyderabadi was particularly astute. He purchased property for 15 years in Hyderabad, when they were only Rs 25 Lakhs each. His goal was to buy one a year, which he did for 15 years. Now each property is worth Rs 3 Crores. This means he has a substantial amount of assets in India, well

into the millions and a solid base. Now if he wants to sell up and purchase in the US, where he resides, it’s an easy move for him.

His strategy was simple, he never bought a property for more than Rs 50 Lakhs and he only purchased when the market was down. Bread and butter property, as they say. Stuff that cannot really go any lower. His thinking was simple, he saw that property in India and China would rise to match with the western world, as the world was coming to a level playing field. This is certainly true; One only has to book a hotel in Mumbai or Delhi to see the prices, and they will not bargain either. Prices are on par with London, if not higher. He said the fool will buy a property for Rs 1 Crore and the wise man will rent from him at Rs 25,000 pm.

AGONY AGENT IS HERE TO HELP! Q: We have had a horrendous experience; we were not able to live in the house we rent for 23 days after the boiler failed. The landlady wanted quotes before deciding to have the boiler replaced, but the whole process was long winded and stressful. My husband and I had to chase for updates on a daily basis while, my parents kindly put us up. We have asked our landlady for 23 days off our rent but she has refused stating that she has already lost money by paying for a new boiler, blaming the

previous owner of the house for using cowboys. However, I’ve heard that it may be possible to have the 23 days rent off because we could not live in the house, is this correct and how do we go about it? A: Your landlady certainly has a very bitter view of the world to say the least! You are quite right, you are entitled to compensation for the days when you were unable to live in the property, and are also probably entitled to further compensation for the


Vicarage Gate London W8 Purchase Price: £1.5m

Specialists in Central London Property Sourcing

inconvenience and stress suffered by you. Strictly speaking, if compensation is not agreed between you and your landlady, you are only entitled to payment if it is awarded by the court. However, one course of action is (assuming no agreement is reached) to deduct what you think is right from your rent, and say to your landlord that if she seeks to recover this sum through the courts, you will defend and counterclaim for compensation for the loss of service and stress and inconvenience


Asian Voice | 23rd December 2017

The logic being, there is a limit to the growth of the Rs 1 Crore property, and the yield of only 3%. Whereas, if you purchase low the potential for growth is far higher. At the time, the property price entry level was low relative to income, now there is a wide margin of difference in the multiples. Clearly, he has done very well implementing these simple principles to his investment. The NRI from London has done well too. She bought a property in Delhi for Rs 50 Lakhs, the property has grown to Rs 1 Crore in a few years. She was disappointed with the rental returns which were low, to be expected in India. However, with solid growth you can afford to be a little relaxed about the rental income side of investment. suffered by you. If you do this, note that if the landlord then tries to recover this money back from your deposit, you should not agree to have this decided by your tenancy deposit scheme adjudication service, as I understand that compensation for disrepair is not something that adjudicators are authorised to deal with, and they may award the money to the landlord. As it is possible that court proceedings may be brought in the future, you need to make sure you keep full details of every-

The Sri Lankan chose to invest in his new home, which is Canada, where he runs a business and invests in a moderate way along with some money lending on the side. When I said that’s all great, but you should always grow your flowers where you can water them, it resonated with all of them. The Sri Lankan nodded his head furiously, saying that many people came to him to invest

overseas, but he figured if everyone is coming to Canada to invest why should he go elsewhere? The NRI from London agreed, and felt there is a lack of control, and it’s easy to put money in but hard to get it out again. The Hyderabadi, well his watering pipe reaches all the way from Texas to Hyderabad, as he has family and connections over there which means he can get things done over the phone and laptop.

thing that happened. So, I suggest you write it up, so you can say precisely what days you were unable to stay in the property and keep a record of any other issues. A message to all landlords: This situation is usually easily avoided by a simple apology to the tenants and an offer of portable heaters, discount on rent or something else that shows you are human and not like the lady above. Most tenants are reasonable, and would understand that you need more than the

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Asian Voice | 23rd December 2017

Consultant Editor Financial Voice Alpesh Patel Dear Financial Voice Reader, Central Banks and a Score out of 10 to how much they embrace Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin (10 being the most) – well done Britain The US Federeal Reserve (5) Janet Yellen and Board Member Jerome Powell say they are concerned about risk management and governance. They have also said they will ‘think about regulation’. For now they do not think they are big enough to worry about. Euro Area (4) Well as you may expect someone brought up Tulips. Actually it was Vice President of the European Central Bank who did that. Others at the Central Bank have raised concerns about tax evasion and crime. The EU, as a protectionist body encapsulated the views of many at the Central Bank I am sure when Draghi, the President said, that the the cryptocurrencies are too small to pose a threat to central bank’s monopoly on money. France (2) I don’t think the Bank of France Governor quite gets it. Villeroy de Galhau seems to see these are private currencies, missing the point they are a lot more than just Coca-Cola tokens. China (5) The Chinese leave no room for doubt. The benefits of their political system is they can make clear that it has full control of regulation. I read this as embracing of the technology but regulating against private coin issuers and banning exchange trading. They embrace the underlying blockchain technology but do not want to cause social unease through mass speculation and the worst excesses of rampant capitalism. Japan (6) The Bank of Japan Governor, Kuroda, has discussed as too early a BOJ crypto currency. But clearly they are considering it. India (1) Fearing terrorism and money laundering (notice how each country fears the most the threats it already faces the most) the Central Bank is opposed to them. Bank of England (9) I was with Mark Carney, the Bank of England Governor, in India earlier in 2017 and he sees this as a revolution in finance. The bank has an accelerator to learn from new fintech startups and their needs. The BoE is especially keen to protect against cyber attack and sees blockchain technology as a way to do that. Brazil (7) The Banco Central do Brasil said in November that they support this innovation where it can make the banking system more efficient and safer. Others: Russia (2) – see it as a pyramid scheme; South Korea (3) fearful of tax evasion, corrupting youth and crime; Australia (2) Tulips again! Norway, Holland, Sweden (10) All have looked at Central Bank created currencies to better understand them. Sweden has the world’s oldest Central Bank, but clearly an advanced thinker in innovation. They want to explore the security, efficiency benefits. Conclusion These are clearly not tulips. The tenor of all Central Banks is that there are very important societal uses for these and whilst regulation may be needed, the uses will outweigh the costs. Cryptocurrencies are here to stay. Alpesh Patel Alpesh Patel and Juventus Football Club are Official Partners of 24Option.com brokers. Alpesh.patel@tradermind.com

Tax men unearth undisclosed income of £796.1 mn India's minister of state for finance Pon Radhakrishnan told the parliament that the income-tax department has unearthed undisclosed income of £796.1 million post demonetisation. Minister said the department, during this period, conducted searches on around 900 groups, wherein assets worth over £s90 million were seized and undisclosed income of £796.1million was detected. The minister added that as per the data available to NCRB (National Crime Record Bureau), after the demonetisation of Rs 1,000 and 500 notes, an amount of £1.87 million of fake Indian currency notes have been seized by police till November 30, 2017 as against £1.57 million seized the year-ago period.


Indian markets get $30bn foreign inflows in 2017

Foreign investors are flocking to the Indian capital markets in a big way with a net inflow of over $30 billion of so-called ‘hot money’ in 2017, with equities alone getting over $8 billion - an amount bigger than the cumulative investment of the previous two years. The Indian stock market seems to have regained its status as one of the most favoured destinations for foreign portfolio investors (FPIs), as they have taken their net investment position in equities so far in 2017 to £5.50 billion - the highest in three years after £2.05 billion in 2016 and £1.78 billion in 2015.

But this remains a far cry from the heady levels seen earlier -£9.70 billion in 2014, £11.3 billion in 2013 and £12.8 billion in 2012. However, a sharper

turnaround was seen in 2017 in terms of FPI inflows into debt markets where the net investments soared to a staggering £15 billion ($23 billion) after a net outflow of

SC for 2nd arbitration on Vodafone tax The government of India received partial relief from the Supreme Court in its dispute with Vodafone over the latter’s £1,10 billion tax liability as the court allowed selection of chairman for the second arbitration tribunal, despite pendency of earlier arbitration proceedings on the same issue. However, the Centre through additional solicitor general Maninder Singh was able to secure a small relief when a bench of Justices A K Sikri and Ashok Bhushan asked Vodafone not to insist on start of proceedings before the second arbitration tribunal till the Delhi High Court completed final hearing on the Union government’s petition questioning the necessity of a second arbitration tribunal. Justice Sikri said in the western world, no one took up serious work during the Christmas period and await-

ing the final hearing before the Delhi HC would not cause any harm to Vodafone. Vodafone had disputed the government’s decision to raise a tax demand of £1.10 billion through a retrospective law amendment after the Centre comprehensively lost a legal battle in the SC in 2012. Vodafone had first initiated arbitration against the government in April 2012, invoking the IndiaNetherlands Bilateral Investment Protection Agreement (BIPA) disputing the tax liability.

While arbitration proceedings instituted under the India-Netherlands BIPA were underway, Vodafone Group Plc and Vodafone Consolidated Holdings, both entities from the same corporate vertical Vodafone International Holdings BV (VIHBV), served a notice of dispute on the government of India under the India-UK BIPA for resolution of an alleged dispute that was already under adjudication before the arbitral tribunal constituted under the IndiaNetherlands BIPA, the Centre had said. Singh pointed out that the single judge bench of HC had initially found merit in the Centre’s case and restrained constitution of the second arbitration tribunal but the stay was vacated by the HC even as it fixed January 8, 9 and 10 for final hearing on the Centre’s petition.

WTO talks collapse as India, US disagree on key issues The World Trade Organisations talks failed to make headway after four days of discussions as the US and India stuck to their widely differing stand on almost all issues, raising fresh uncertainty over changing global trade rules for developing and poor countries. The US refused to support a solution on public stock holding of food grains - an issue on which a decision had be delivered. This was being aggressively pursued by the government as it wants the debate to be settled, despite a decision that no one will face litigation even if a country’s spending on food procurement, through schemes such as minimum support price, exceeds 10% of the value of production. The Americans virtually put the final nail in the coffin by blocking any dialogue on

well as the WTO secretariat tried to put together a draft declaration but India turned it down, saying its concerns were not addressed. When the biennial ministerial meeting ended, members had made no real gains, although everyone Suresh Prabhu at WTO meeting claimed to have pushed their case. agriculture reforms, including While the Indian delegaa change in trade-distorting tion acknowledged that a subsidies doled out to farmers solution could not be found to in developed countries. While its aggressive interests on the rich countries refused to food security, it claimed victoplay ball on farm talks, they ry in blocking strong attempts started pushing for a more by developed countries, as intense dialogue on having well as China and Singapore, global rules for e-commerce, to step up talks for a global something that countries framework on e-commerce. such as India and South “The big achievement was African were unwilling to that everyone held firm and agree to. the coalition was intact,” said In a face-saving exercise, an official. the Argentinian organizers as

about £4.36 billion in 2016. Although marketmen believe that this kind of FPI flows may not continue in 2018 as the withdrawal of liquidity and rate hikes in developed economies pick up. Also, the inflation cycle is likely to turn following increase in commodity prices and recovery in consumption demand. The capital poured in by FPIs is often called ‘hot money’ because of its unpredictability, but these overseas entities have still been among the most important drivers of Indian stock markets. In terms of sectors, banking, housing finance and auto have seen consistent FPI inflows.

India's exports to China up by over 53 per cent in Oct

India's exports to China registered a sharp increase of over 53 per cent yearon-year to reach $1.24 billion in October, but the trade deficit continued to mount, according to data released by the customs. The trade deficit for October stood at $3.86 billion. Despite the strains in the bilateral ties, IndiaChina trade increased by 13.56 per cent year-onyear to reach $6.33 billion in October. Significantly, India's exports to China increased by 53.04 per cent year-onyear to reach $1.24 billion though the trade deficit continued to grow. The Indian exports to China around the same time last year was $0.81 billion, data showed. China's exports to India also continued to grow registering an yearon-year growth of 6.87 per cent to reach $5.09 billion. The Indian exports were boosted by natural pearls, precious stones and precious metals, organic chemicals, copper and articles, cotton, including yarn and woven fabric, ores, slag and ash. Since this year, India's exports which were on the decline for a number of years started showing increase. In the first seven months, the exports registered 40.69 per cent year-on-year to reach $10.60 billion. However, the trade deficit expanded to $44.51 billion in the first seven months despite surge in Indian exports as imports from China continued to increase. Last year, the trade deficit climbed to $52 billion in little over $70 billion trade. India has been pressing China to open up its pharmaceutical and IT software sectors to expand the base of Indian exports.


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Asian Voice | 23rd December 2017

Islamabad HC warns govt over anti-blasphemy measures ISLAMABAD: The Islamabad High Court has warned the Pakistan government to implement its order in a week in a case related to uploading of blasphemous content on social media. The court said it would summon the Pakistan Prime Minister and other cabinet ministers if they fail to implement its order within the given time frame. "If the same attitude continues to be exhibited by the executive, this court will issue directions for personal appearance of the worthy prime minister of Pakistan, ministers for law, religious affairs and information

technology, to face contempt of court proceedings," the Dawn quoted Justice Siddiqui, as saying in his order. "Respondents may realise this aspect that in contempt matters, no protection under Article 248 of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan is available," the judge added. The High Court's order came after the government failed to submit a compliance report in line with its judgment of March 31. The court had given directives to the government to deal with the proliferation of blasphemous content on social media. Justice Siddiqui

expressed displeasure over the government's response to its directions. Last month, the United States asked Pakistan to abolish its blasphemy laws at the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) held in Geneva. Representatives from the US and the United Kingdom stressed on religious intolerance and human rights violations and abuses in Pakistan. While US representative Jesse Bernstein emphasised on the urgent need of an antitrafficking law that prohibits and penalises all forms of human trafficking, UK representative Miriam Shearman agreed with the issue of Pakistan's lack of

freedom for religious minorities. The US representative recommended that Pakistan must "undertake, track and report" investigation and prosecution of security forces who commit human rights violations. "We are also concerned about the International NGOs policy restricting operations of non-violent organisations," Bernstein said. The UK representative recommended that Pakistan should establish an independent National Commission for Minorities from all faith communities, who should be allowed to appoint their own representatives.

9 killed as IS bombers attack Pak church ISLAMABAD: Nine people were killed and more than 40 injured after an Islamic State terror group suicide bomber blew himself up at a church during Sunday mass in the southwestern city of Quetta. Many casualties resulted from a second attacker firing upon worshippers who too was killed. The bombing occurred at the Bethel Memorial Methodist Church when 400 Christians were attending the mid-day service. According to police, the first attacker blew himself up at the gate of the Church, while the second was wounded in firing and later killed. Moazzam Ansari, the police chief of the restive Balochistan province, said, “There were 400 worshippers inside the church when it came under attack. Had the attackers not been stopped,

minorities in particular,” said Shamaun Alfred Gill, a Christian political and social activist. Christians make 2% of the country’s population of about 198 million.

Securitymen escorting worshippers from inside the church

there could have been hundreds of people killed.” The Islamic State terror group claimed responsibility for the attack in Quetta, the capital of the restive Balochistan Province. The group’s Amaq News Agency posted a statement that said attackers had stormed a church in Quetta, but gave no

further details. The assault raised concerns about the security of religious minorities, especially Christians, in a country with a dismal record when it comes to the treatment and protection of religious minorities, analysts say. “Law enforcement agencies have badly failed in protecting common citizens, and

Sikhs allege 'forceful conversion to Islam' The Sikh community in Hangu district of Pakistan's Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province have alleged that they were 'being forced to convert to Islam' by a government official. The community members have lodged a complaint with the Deputy Commissioner Hangu Shahid Mehmood regarding the same. Farid Chand Singh, who filed the complaint has claimed that Assistant Commissioner Tehsil Tall Yaqoob Khan was allegedly forcing Sikhs to convert to Islam.

Ramaphosa wins ANC leadership race dealing blow to Jacob Zuma

PRETORIA: Cyril Ramaphosa was elected leader of South Africa’s ruling African National Congress, threatening President Jacob Zuma’s grip on power after the most divisive vote in the party’s history. After hours of tension at the ANC’s five-yearly congress that included a recount, Ramaphosa, the deputy president, narrowly defeated Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, Zuma’s former wife, whom the president had backed.Analysts believe Zuma lent DlaminiZuma support because he hoped she would protect him from prosecution in a corruption case once she succeeded him as South African president. Ramaphosa won by 2,440 votes to 2,261, prompting cheering, dancing and singing among his supporters at the climax of the a three-day congress marked by long hours of backroom

Cyril Ramaphosa

political infighting. Ramaphosa campaigned on a promise to root out corruption and rescue the ANC, the party that defeated apartheid under Nelson Mandela’s leadership which is now at risk of losing its majority for the first time at the 2019 election.His victory could lead to the ANC sacking Zuma as president within weeks. Zuma survived calls within the party this year for his exit over graft allegations by exerting an iron grip on


top ANC decision-making bodies. His second and last term as the country’s president ends in 2019. The South African rand surged against the US dollar on the announcement of Ramaphosa’s victory. It had risen during Monday trading in anticipation of a loss for DlaminiZuma, who had promised populist policies to accelerate black ownership in the economy.But, in a sign of the sharp divisions that Ramaphosa is inheriting as ANC leader, close allies of Zuma were elected as deputy president and secretary-general of the party in a voting process by delegates that was marred by allegations of vote-rigging and bribery.

Ramaphosa, a former union leader who used his ANC ties to become one of South Africa’s richest black businessmen in the postapartheid period, was seen as the candidate most able to unite business and the government to reignite the economy, which has ground to a halt under Zuma.During his campaign, Ramaphosa made thinly veiled attacks on Zuma’s relationship with the Gupta family, who are accused of using their friendship with the president to influence cabinet appointments and state business. He promised to root out corrupt ANC officials. Ramaphosa will now lead the ANC to the polls in 2019 with the task of reviving support among the country’s black majority, who have grown alienated by Zuma’s scandals and the claims of corruption at the heart of his presidency.

Police make arrests on suspicion of festive terror plot SHEFFIELD: Specialistt counter terrorism police officers have raided five properties in Sheffield and arrested four men, aged 22, 36, and 41, on suspicion of planning a “Christmas terror attack”. A 31year-old man in Chesterfield was also arrested on suspicion of the same offence. Residents were

terrified after hearing what they described as explosions during the early morning of the raids and saw bomb disposal officers handling and removing “packages”, which has come alongside frightful warnings from ISIS who threatened to attack Christmas events in the UK.

OSLO: Hindus have urged Norway government and Norwegian Food Safety Authority (Mattilsynet) to mandate food manufacturers to mention the source of gelatin on its “ingredients” label. Hindu statesman Rajan Zed said that when the source of gelatin is not listed and if it is beef, it is a

serious non-disclosure affecting the Hindu devotees and would severely hurt their feelings when they would come to know that they were inadvertently consuming beef-laced popular food products. Consumption of beef was highly conflicting to Hindu beliefs.

Norway govt urged to mandate listing of gelatin source in food

90 Indians facing modern slavery in Britain LONDON: A major audit report has criticised Theresa May government and said that names of 90 Indian citizens were referred to Britain’s authorities dealing with modern slavery during 2016. Indian citizens accompany their employers using the ‘domestic workers’ visa, but often end up in abusive situations and are paid poor wages. Being unable to change employer after arriving here, some are caught up in other categories of modern slavery. The report by the National Audit Office (NAO) lists India among the top eight countries whose citizens are in such situation in the United Kingdom. Campaign groups believe Indians are among a large number of foreign nationals facing such situations. In 2014, the Home Office estimated that there were between 10,000 and 13,000 potential victims of modern slavery in the UK in 2013. The NAO report titled ‘Reducing Modern Slavery’ concluded that until the May government was able to establish effective oversight of the modern slavery system as a whole, it will not be able to significantly reduce its prevalence. As Home secretary and now as prime minister,

May had focussed on abolishing modern slavery, which encompasses slavery, servitude, sexual exploitation, forced and compulsory labour, and human trafficking. The scale of Indians caught in modern slavery in the UK has often been highlighted by campaign groups such as Human Rights Watch, Kalayaan and Southall Black Sisters. The 90 Indian referred in 2016 is considered a conservative estimate, since many remain unreported. In a much-publicised case, Permila Tirkey, a woman from Jharkhand employed as domestic help by an Indian origin couple, was awarded 184,000 pounds by an employment tribunal in 2015. She was subjected to severe restrictions, paid much below Britain’s minimum wage, overworked and her passport withheld. Amyas Morse, NAO head, said: “The campaign to drive out modern slavery is in the early stages. So far it is helping to establish the scale and international nature of this issue. To combat modern slavery successfully, however, government will need to build much stronger information and understanding of perpetrators and victims than it has now.”



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Asian Voice | 23rd December 2017


Gujarat Election: Prominent Winners and Losers

Vijay Rupani Rajkot West Won - 53,755

Gujarat election has sprang many surprise winners and losers. Congress has lost its prominent leaders like Arjun Modhwadia, Shaktisinh Gohil, Siddharth Patel, Tushar Chaudhary. The main BJP losers where Jaynarayan Vyas and Shankar Chaudhry. The main winners where CM Vijay Rupani and Deputy CM Nitin Patel.

Arjun Modhwadia Porbandar Lost - 1,855

Jitu Vaghani Bhanvnagar West Won - 27,185

Nitin Patel Mehsana Won - 7,137

Ramanlal Vora Dasada Lost - 3,728

Siddharth Patel Porbandar Lost - 2,839

Shaktisinh Gohil Mandvi Lost - 9,046

Tushar Chaudhary Mahuva - ST Lost - 6,433

Pradipsinh Jadeja Vatva Won - 62,380

Raghavji Patel - BJP Jamnagar Rural Lost - 6,397

Jaynarayan Vyas Siddhpur Lost - 17,260

Paresh Dhanani Amreli Won - 12,029

Mohan Rathwa Chhota Udepur Won - 1,093

Shailesh Parmar Danilimda Won - 32,510

Bhupendra Chudasama Dholka Won - 327

Babubhai Bhokiriya Probandar Won - 1,855

Shankar Chaudhry Vav Lost-6,655

Indranil Rajyaguru Rajkot West Lost - 53,755

Kuvarji Bavaliya Jasdan Won - 9,277

Alpesh Thakor Radhanpur Won - 14,857

How parties performed in Fresh faces rule Guj polls different regions of Gujarat In the Election of the Year, Gujarat saw the ruling Bharatiya Janta Party find support, and face tough competition from fresh faces. Debutant candidates who represented the BJP, Congress, or fought independently, put up an impressive fight. Ahmedabad saw a total of seven new candidates hitting bulls eye for BJP and Congress. First time candidate and former CM Anandiben Patel confidant, Bhupendra Patel won by a huge margin of 1,17,750 votes in Ghatlodia, defeating Congress' Shashikant Patel. Congress newbie Lakha Bharwad defeated BJP's Tejashri Patel in Viramgam, with a margin of 4548 votes. Kanubhai Makwana of BJP won with 7721 votes

in Sanand. Asarwa's Pradip Parmar won by a whopping 49,264 votes. The gamble was more fruitful for Congress, with 35 new faces making an entry, as compared to the BJP where 23 first-time candidates won. Congress candidate Pradumansinh Jadeja claimed Abdasa, while BJP's Maltiben Maheswari won in Gandhidham. Rajesh Gohil of Dhandhuka put an impressive show with 5920 votes. Banaskantha district voted for two first-time candidates – Nathabhai Patel and Shivabhai Bhuriya. The biggest victory came for independent candidate and Dalit leader Jignesh Mewani, who jumped into the equation after finding popularity in his community. Mewani is

unquestionably the face of Dalits, and had questioned the flogging of seven Dalit youths in Una last year. He created waves in Vadgam, winning with 19,697 votes. Similarly, OBC community's Alpesh Thakor who joined hands with Rahul Gandhi, won Radhanpur constituency with 14,857 votes. He is popular amongst the people for his work to get rid of liquor addiction problems in his caste group. One of the main centres for Patel reservation agitation, Mehsana saw several first time candidates, like BJP's Karshanbhai Solanki from Kadi and Ramanbhai Patel from Vijapur. Dahegam voted for Balrajsinh Chauhan and Prantij for Gajendrasinh Parmar, both from the BJP.

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BJP - ruled states



Asian Voice | 23rd December 2017

BJP sweeps Himachal

JP Nadda PK Dhumal

Continued from page 1 resulted in the BJP capturing power with 44 seats in the 68-member assembly. The party's presumptive chief minister PK Dhumal, however, lost to Congress' Rajinder Rana. This means that the BJP will have to appoint someone else. Party chief Amit Shah said that their highest decision making body, the parliamentary board would decide on who would be Himachal chief minister. With state big shots like Himachal BJP unit chief Satpal Satti, Ghulab Singh Thakur and Ravinder Ravi losing the election, choice

Jairam Thakur

for the pick will not be easy. Even with half a dozen contenders, Union Health Minister JP Nadda has emerged as the frontrunner. Other potential candidates include five time MLA from Seraj constituency Jairam Thakur and Hamirpur MP and Dhumal's son Anurag Thakur.

Winners of 182 Assembly seats in Gujarat



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Asian Voice | 23rd December 2017




Jallikattu makes a comeback as a league

Bengal on top in crimes by foreigners in 2016: NCRB

CHENNAI: While the Supreme Court is hearing a case challenging the law which allowed the conduct of Jallikattu in Tamil Nadu, the jamboree is all set to return as an Indian Premiere League-styled league ahead of Pongal. The competition is planned in a plot opposite the Madras Crocodile Bank on East Coast Road on January 7, Tamil Nadu Jallikattu Peravai and Chennai Jallikattu Amaipu, the organisers, said while unveiling the logo for the event. Around 500 youngsters from 17 districts across the

state and an equal number of bulls have been selected to take part in the event. The event will be televised, organisers said. "Majority of people in the northern Tamil Nadu, including Chennai, have not wit-

nessed jallikattu," said Rajmohan Arumugam, who hosted the programme. The participants would be divided into five groups and would have to go through three rounds. In each round around 20 bulls

would be released into the playing area and a team would be eliminated after each round. The organisers said that the government has given permission for the event and also backed it. They also indicated that bulls belonging to MPs and MLAs might also participate in the event. Allaying fears about how the sport would be regulated, organisers assured availability of medical facilities for the bulls and the participants on the ground, apart from arrangements for adequate rest for the cattle when they were being brought from other parts of the state.

Parties trade charges at EC meet on RK Nagar bypoll CHENNAI: Political parties made charges and countercharges at the meeting called by Special Officer Vikram Batra to take stock of the situation prevailing in the R.K. Nagar constituency, where the voting is scheduled on December 21. They even targeted the police and poll officials for various acts of omission and commission. At the meeting, the ruling AIADMK was represented by Deputy Speaker of Lok Sabha M Thambi Durai, Fisheries Minister D Jayakumar and P.H. Manoj Pandian. Thambi Durai rejected allegations that his partymen were involved in distributing money and claimed some persons were

Party leaders meeting election officials in Chennai

trying to pose as AIADMK functionaries and were distributing money. When asked about the allegation that money was distributed in AIADMK party functionary Balaganga's residence, Thambi Durai sought to brush aside the allegation and said Balaganga’s house was in Egmore and not in Dr.

Radhakrishnan Nagar. DMK, the main opposition party, called for debarring candidates who distributed money to voters. Party’s working president M K Stalin along with former Minister Durai Murugan and Organising Secretary R.S. Bharathi represented the party. Stalin alleged that Chief

Minister Edappadi K. Palaniswami, Deputy Chief Minister O. Pannerselvam and T.T.V. Dhinakaran had made democracy a laughing stock, and they have already distributed £10 million to the voters. “We have submitted a petition with adequate evidence. We have asked the election officials to take action against them so that they could not contest in elections in the future,” he demanded. BJP State President Tamilisai Soundararajan said if the prevailing situation in R K Nagar was not conducive for conducting a free and fair poll, “there would be no use” in holding the bypoll.


Clean sweep by Cong in Punjab civic polls CHANDIGARH: The ruling Congress has won the municipal elections to Patiala, Amritsar and Jalandhar and for 29 municipal councils and nagar panchayats in Punjab held on Sunday. Voting was mostly peaceful, but was marred by several incidents of violence that led to police lathicharge in many places of Patiala. Patiala, the assembly constituency of chief minister Capt Amrinder Singh, registered the highest percentage of over 62.22% voting. The percentage in Jalandhar was 58% and in Amritsar it was 52%. The Congress won in 20 out of 29 municipal councils and nagar panchayats. No elections were held for three municipal councils or nagar panchayats which elected their councillors unopposed. An official spokesperson said out of 414 wards, the Congress won in 267, Shiromani Akali Dal in 37, BJP in 15, AAP in

1 and independents in 94 wards. The ruling party performed well in Jalandhar as it won 65 of 80 wards in the municipal corporation and SAD-BJP combine was reduced to 13 wards. The Aam Aadmi Party fails to win a single seat, but Independents won in 2 wards. In Amritsar, Congress won 64 of 85wards. The SAD-BJP combine trailed far behind with 13 wards and others managed to win in eight wards. In the Patiala municipal corporation, the Congress routed the opposition parties and won 59 of the 60 wards. SAD president Sukhbir Singh Badal said his party would approach the Punjab and Haryana high court and demand a CBI probe into violence and booth capturing.

Police bring in 2 Dera followers as witnesses against Honeypreet SIRSA (HARYANA): The Panchkula police have brought two followers of Dera Sacha Sauda to prove charges against Gurmeet Ram Rahim’s adopted daughter Honeypreet Insan and 14 others for inciting violence after their chief’s conviction. According to reports, the two witnesses Anil Kumar and Rajesh Kumar attended a meeting of around 70-80 Dera followers in Sirsa on 17 August, where the conspiracy for arson and violence was hatched. The two, in their testimonies, reportedly said that in the meeting, which was chaired by Honeypreet, it was decided to carry out destruction in Panchkula in case of Ram Rahim’s conviction. They added that the Dera followers were ready to shed blood to get the dera chief released. According to the report, a local court is likely to start hearing the case against Honeypreet and others on


21 December. The accused have denied the charges. A Special Investigation Team (SIT) of the Haryana police, had on 28 November filed a chargesheet against Honeypreet and the others accused in connection with the 25 August violence, which had left 41 people dead and scores injured. Honeypreet and and 11 others were charged with sedition, criminal conspiracy, and other offences under the Indian Penal Code. Three others were charged for giving shelter to Honeypreet when she was on the run.

KOLKATA: The National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) reveals that West Bengal tops the list when it comes to crimes committed by foreigners, way ahead of national capital Delhi and tourist hotspot Goa. In 2016, as many as 520 foreigners committed crimes in Bengal, a figure that is three and a half times more than Delhi’s, the second on the list. Bengal government officials maintain that a huge porous border and infiltration from Bangladesh contribute significantly to the number of foreign criminals. Union home minister Rajnath Singh, during a meeting with chief ministers and home ministers of eastern states on December 7, had called for stricter vigilance to plug border gaps. Even if 332 crimes committed by Bangladehis are

deleted from Bengal’s figure, it still surpasses Delhi with 143 foreign criminals. The NCRB report also shows that Karnataka, with 91 foreign criminals, comes third, followed closely by Goa with 80. Tamil Nadu is fifth with 64 foreign criminals. Though in 2014 Bengal’s figure was 689 and it came down to 597 in 2015 and 520 in 2016, it is still far ahead than the rest of the country. Foreigners booked for infiltration, drugs trade Though the report didn’t specify the exact number of infiltrators, it made an approximate estimate that as many as 2,010 HuJI and JMB activists have infiltrated into three border states. Of them, nearly 720 made a safe passage to India through the Bengal border, the report said.

Delhi HC dismisses BJP leader's phone tapping charges NEW DELHI: The Delhi High Court last week closed a case filed by BJP leader Mukul Roy, alleging that his phones were being tapped by the State police. The court took the decision after the Director General and Inspector General of Police, West Bengal, Criminal Investigation Department (CID) and Commissioner of Police, Kolkata gave an affidavit that none of his phones have been put under "interception". "At no point of time order has been issued to intercept or tap any of the four numbers mentioned by the petitioner (Roy)," Justice Vibhu Bakhru said reading from the affidavit of the State police, submitted in a sealed cover. "Apprehension expressed by the petitioner are without any basis and incorrect and are unfounded," the court read out from the affidavit. Roy, the former Trinamool Congress MP,

Mukul Roy

had alleged that while he was in West Bengal, he had always found that the local police were monitoring his movements. Roy, who left his old party to join the BJP, had sought direction to his telecom service providers to produce before the court orders, if any, issued by the Centre or the State government to intercept telegraphic messages originating from or received by the leader or any of his relatives. The West Bengal government had been tapping phones of several other persons not belonging to the TMC, the BJP leader had claimed.

Union minister barred from making comments against TMC MP KOLKATA: The city civil court has barred Union minister Babul Supriyo from making any derogatory or defamatory statement against Trinamool Congress MP Abhishek Banerjee. Banerjee, who is the nephew of West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, had filed a defamation suit against BJP leader Supriyo. Civil court Judge Apurba Sinha Roy restrained Supriyo from making any "derogatory comment or defamatory statement" against Banerjee, who is also the president of the Trinamool

Youth Congress, till January 6, 2018 when the matter is likely to be taken up further hearing. Abhishek had alleged in his defamation suit and prayer for injunction that the Union minister of state for heavy industries and public enterprises had made derogatory remarks and insinuations against him at a press conference at Asansol on November 30. The suit claimed that the allegations were made to cause "severe damage" to his reputation and goodwill, his counsel Sanjay Basu said.


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Asian Voice | 23rd December 2017

Dr. Hari Desai

Atal Bihari Vajpayee, a Poet and a Statesman After Gandhi, Nehru and Sardar, the most respected Indian politician Not my nature to behave rudely with my political opponents : Atal ji

headstrong. His capacity to take the House with him was unparalleled.” Atal ji finds Shastri proving “a worthy successor to Vajpayee headed the Indian coalition Governments Pandit Nehru”. While between 1996 and 2004 for three short-lived comparing Indira with terms. He was also the External Affairs Minister in Morarji Desai as the PM, the short lived Janata Party Government headed Atal ji records: “She by Morarji Desai between 1977 and 1979. believed in talking little. After listening to all, she formed her opinion and Minister in the short lived istory judges any expressed it at the end if Janata Party Government individual after at all. Morarji Desai’s perheaded by Morarji Desai nearly three sonality was just the between 1977 and 1979. decades. The rulers in a opposite. He expressed Born in Scindia democratic or autocratic himself even before lisCantonment at Gwalior on set-up earn popularity, tening to others.” In the 25 December 1924 (25 name and fame but a few initial days the comment December 1926 as per his sustain popularity and about Smt. Gandhi calling school register), Vajpayee respectability even after her “a dumb doll” was came in contact with they cease to be in power. unfair to her, says Rashtriya Swayamsevak On the Indian political Vajpayee. While Vajpayee Sangh(RSS) from his arena, lot many personalidenies comparing Smt. childhood being the ties appeared but not Gandhi with “Durga” in activist of Arya Kumar many sustained the long the Parliament, he does Sabha. He became a fullstanding popularity like put on record: “I was also timer, Pracharak, with RSS Mahatma Gandhi. Among Former PM Vajpayee and present PM Modi, flanked by former Dy PM Advani one of those who praised and did not marry. the rulers Prime Minister Nehru after concluding his Jan Sangh nominee from Sometimes people Indiraji highly for her sucA celebrated poet nickPandit Jawaharlal Nehru, speech in English in reply Balrampur in U.P. only in used to say: “Atal ji, you cessful leadership in the named, ‘Kavi Kaidiray’, Deputy Prime Minister to the full debate sought 1957 along with three are a right person in the Bangladesh crisis” and Vajpayee had a dream to Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel the permission of the other members of his wrong party.” But he has “Shri Jagjivan Ram’s subbe a College teacher but were followed by PMs Lal Speaker to speak someparty. Even during the inibeen proud of his associastantial contribution”. He destiny dragged him to get Bahadur Shastri, Indira thing in Hindi. The memtial days, the opposition tion with RSS and BJP. appreciates the etiquette involved in politics after Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi. bers welcome this gesture was less in number Referring to the rift of PM Rajiv Gandhi. They did attain popby clapping their hands. but was more effecbetween Rajmata Scindia The former PM, Atal ularity but either When Shri Nehru after tive quality-wise. and her son, Madhav Rao, Bihari, is pained to note: their span was short referring to me by name Vajpayee had a Vajpayee says: “It is not in “In Parliament there is lived or some started speaking in Hindi chance to head and my nature to behave rudeless discussion but more actions by them the members once again build up both Jan ly with my political opponoise. Election have been fetch them unpopuexpressed their happiness Sangh and BJP. He nents. I always had a natreduced to a farce because larity. Even today, over it.” has been the member ural affection and respect of the use of money power Gandhi, Nehru and Equally fluent in of both the Houses of for Shri Scindia. It was I, on an expensive scale… Sardar are considEnglish, Vajpayee preIndian Parliament, who had in the first place, The parties are forming ered such towering ferred to address the 32nd Rajya Sabha and Lok enrolled him as memthe Governments on personalities that General Assembly of the Sabha and was ber of Jan Sangh.” the strength of 30they are not only United Nations in Hindi in awarded the Best The Rajmata was Next Column: 35 per cent of being respected by 1977 even as the External Parliamentarian not only a majority of people in Sardar Patel votes….The sociAffairs Minister of India! Award. Congress M.P. ety already India but even for Uniform divided by the “He placed before the U.N. Known for his but she was a abroad. the towering ideal Vajpayee close friend of Civil Code considerations of Atal Bihari Historical Moments: Prime Minister Vajpayee oratory, Vasuddhaiv Kutumbakam, could impress the first Indira Gandhi. She caste, sub-caste, Vajpayee, though not with Pak President Gen. Musharraf which means the world is Prime Minister, Nehru, left the Congress in modes of worship, lanactive in present-day one family”, writes Dr. N. in the Lok Sabha by his 1967 and challenged Smt. guages and different life his stints as Editor of politics, could be the most M. Ghatate, a Senior maiden speech. “My very Gandhi. During the black styles is getting gradually Rashtra Dharma, Swadesh respected Prime Minister Advocate of the Supreme first speech on Foreign days of the d i s i n t e g r a t e d . and Veer Arjun Dailies and from non-Congress ruling Court and the editor of Policy attracted attention Emergency(1975-77) of Communalism is at its Panchjanya magazine alliance i.e. National the volumes “Atal Bihari of the House. English used PM Indira Gandhi, both worst….In their lust for between 1946 and 1951. Democratic Alliance Vajpayee: Four Decades in to dominate the proceedVajpayee and Rajmata power the political parties Atal ji, as he is popu(NDA). Despite being a Parliament” in Hindi and ings of the House. Most of were sent to jail where as do not refrain from giving larly addressed as, was not Member of Parliament of English. Dr. Ghatate notes the speeches on Foreign Madhav Rao preferred to encouragement to secesonly a founder member of the right wing Jan Sangh : After the sudden fall of Policy were usually delivescape the torture and sionist forces, so much so Jan Sangh but was also a since 1957 and later of it’s Janata Party Government ered in English. Of course, later joined the Congress. that they do not even personal secretary to the new avatar Bharatiya talking to me about interShri Brajraj Singh of the Vajpayee has been libdesist from hobnobbing founder President of Jan Janata Party(BJP) since national relations, he said Socialist Party, as a rule, eral in expressing opinion with anti-national eleSangh(1951-53), Dr. 1980, Vajpayee headed the : ‘If I had a full term(as the did speak in Hindi. My about the Congress Prime ments.” Syama Prasad Mookerjee. Indian coalition External Affairs Minister), Hindi was chaste. The Ministers unlike his party (The writer is a He contested the first Lok Governments between perhaps dispute with members liked my fluent and RSS leaders. He finds Socio-political Historian. Sabha election from 1996 and 2004 for three China and Pakistan would style. On 20th August, Pandit Nehru “by nature a E-mail: Lucknow in 1955 but could short-lived terms. He was have been solved.’ 1958 Prime Minister Shri democrat, but somewhat haridesai@gmail.com) enter the Lok Sabha as a also the External Affairs


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Asian Voice | 23rd December 2017

Labourer's son junks US job, joins Indian Army

Barnana Gunnaya, who had to overcome extreme financial difficulties to become a software engineer from the International Institute of Information Technology in Hyderabad, refused a job offer from Union Pacific Rail Road, a US-based company, and said no to a call from to IIM Indore, and joined the Indian army. Yadagiri had secured admission in IIM after scoring 93.4 per cent in the CAT exam, but decided to "follow my heart and serve the country." His father Gunnaya, who was a labourer was present during the passing out parade of his son. "My father is a very simple man. He thought that I was getting into the Army as a soldier. In fact, he told me I was making a huge mistake by leaving a highly-paid software job to join the Army," said Yadagiri. Gunnaya, who till

Barnana Gunnaya

recently used to work as a daily wager earning Rs 100 per day in a cement factory in Hyderabad, didn't even know till a day before the parade that his son was being commissioned as an officer. With his proud parents watching with misty eyes, he received the IMA's prestigious silver medal for standing first in the order of merit in the Technical Graduate Course, which paves the

way for cadets with a technical background to join the Army's engineering units. Recounting the struggles that he had to undergo before savouring this moment, the young officer who sustained his studies through government scholarships, said, "I have seen days when my father earned only Rs 60 after a day's hard work and my mother who is afflicted

with polio clean office tables to make both ends meet." Despite having seen such financial hardships, he says he was never tempted by money. "I had the option of sticking to the corporate world and making a lot of money but that was not where my heart lay. The kind of mental satisfaction one gets by working for the motherland cannot be replaced by any amount of money." On what he is looking forward to most after achieving his dream of becoming an Army officer, the young man who loves public speaking and reading books, said, "The basic character of hard work is already there in my genes. I will ensure that I fulfil my duties in a manner that makes the country proud by working in the defence research and development stream."

Rahul Gandhi-New Congress Boss

Hasmukh Vasava

Before I comment on Rahul Era it would be worthwhile to talk about his father. Rajiv Gandhi started on a very good note embarking upon major initiatives for the development like Panchayats Raj, 15 points economic programme. He was a man of technology. He laid the foundation for IT, Electronics, and many other technology missions. He was intelligent, articulate, and decisive with a long-term vision and made his mark on the international stage too. Initially, he too tried to cleanse up corruption. Remember when Rajiv tried to take on AR Antulay who said he is cleanest of clean? He could have done anything with the brut majority that he had. Unfortunately, he was surrounded by the old guard who prevailed upon him stating without corruption one cannot survive and Bofors happened. Many people like VP Singh, Arun Nehru, and Arif Mohd Khan stabbed his back and the rest is history. As for Rahul, he is not endowed with his father’s skills, abilities and charisma. He does not have what it takes to be a leader. In the following paragraphs, I have tried to do SWOT analysis of Rahul Gandhi. Strengths: Rahul is a harmless guy. He has so far no personal scandals but that is the only good quality I can list for now. Weaknesses: • Poor communications skills and not articulate

• Inability to connect with masses • Lack of leadership qualities • Poor grasp of topics/ issues, policies and lacking depth of knowledge on variety of issues affecting the country • Lack of continuity and substance in his thoughts • Surrounded by people and sycophants with dubious track records • Abysmal parliament attendance records • Dependent on advice of others which shows his lack of confidence in his own abilities means needing spoon feeding. • His tearing of an ordinance during UPA-2, while PM was away, showed his immaturity. • Lost the greatest chance to show his administrative capability had he accepted the offer of MMS to join any ministry of his liking. That means he was not confident of his abilities and instead wanted top job straight away. • Running away from parliament debates when crucial bills were being discussed showed his lack of commitment, focus, sincerity and hard work. One has to show full

devotion and seriousness 24x7 in nation building, like PM Modi does. Politics is not a part-time job. As a new leader breaking from the past, the first thing he should do is to admit that under UPA rule mega scams indeed took place. Make the fresh beginning to remove the tag ‘Congress means corruption’. If he is honest, people will give him a benefit of doubt. He has nothing more to lose now. He should remove all old guards who are identified with the corruptions and other scandals and bring in new young leaders even if he does not get chance to win the election in 2019. At least he would be ready for 2024. Just harping the failure of Modi's government is not going to help. Rahul should

offer his alternative solutions for the problems faced by the people which are more important. He should give the roadmap instead of merely giving slogans devoid of substance which is not going to help. I shudder to think why the person having lack of such skills, knowledge and leadership qualities will be handed over the reign of the country with economy scale of USD 3 trillion to handle. Do you think country’s present educated youth population is so naïve as to hand over the reign to Rahul in the present avatar? The answer is NO. Just giving slogans or acronyms would not fetch the votes. An acronym without substance does not win you elections. In the current form, Rahul is a mediocre leader without leadership qualities.


Girishbhai L Desai It is with great regret that we inform the sudden passing away of Girishbhai L Desai on December 9, in Surat. He was a beloved husband, father, father in law, grandfather, and an invaluable friend to all those who knew him. A prayer meet has been organised for December 27, 8 pm to 9.30 pm, at Ghanshyam Hall, Shree Swaminarayan Temple, Dharma Bhakti Manor, Wood Lane, Stanmore, Middlesex, HA7 4LF. All are invited to join the family and pray that his soul rests in eternal peace.


BJP retains Power in Gujarat Continued from page1 resulting in a lower number of Patidar MLAs. Forty four candidates won- 25 Leuva Patidars and 19 Kadva Patidars. Two Patidar Anamat Andolan Samiti (PAAS) convenors- Lalit Vasoya from Saurashtra and Kirit Patel from Patan, won from Dhoraji and Patan seats, respectively. However, BJP victories in Surat and Mehsana, Patidar strongholds, are proof that Hardik may not have the sweeping impact he boasts he has. The 25 year old leader cried foul, blaming EVM tampering for his enemy's win. “I have been warning for three days now that a software company aligned with BJP has been tampering EVMs. There were many seats in Surat, Rajkot and Ahmedabad where BJP has won with a margin of 500 to 1,000 votes. This was made possible due to EVM tampering,” he said. The world looks out for Gujarat as Modi's state puts up a show Modi is a man of power and essence. He has made a mark in the international arena, creating ties with every country he visits and leader he meets. The world media had its eyes glued to the Gujarat elections, taking in consideration the Congress' “impressive” performance. The New York Times observed that PM Modi continued to be a “formidable political force”, adding, “But there may be some cracks”. UK's The Telegraph called the polls the closest political battle the Prime Minister had faced in recent times. “The election in Gujarat was bitterly fought, with campaigning marked by some of the sharpest verbal duels seen in recent Indian elections.” It also com-

mented on Modi's statement that the Congress was seeking help from Pakistan to influence voting. The Times stressed on the BJP's “might”, while the CNBC said, “India's voters bite back against Prime Minister Modi's economic reforms”. Bloomberg published a report saying if the margin of the ruling government's victory were narrower, Modi could “resort to populist spending to boost support” before the Lok Sabha elections. It said such a move risked “widening India's already bloated budget deficit and pressure the battered bond market”. A victory for common sense Unfazed from the criticism, Modi flashed a victory sign after he arrived in the Parliament on Tuesday. The party continues to rejoice over the win. BJP leaders said the outcome of the polls is a vote for development and trust in the Prime Minister. Union Minister Rajnath Singh asserted that the BJP will form government in both, Himachal and Gujarat with a big majority. When asked if the results were a nod on the government's policies, he said, “Of course, it is an approval of the government.” Human Resources Development Minister Prakash Javadekar supported his statement, saying, “Development is the mantra of today's polity. And therefore, people are with Modiji.” BJP Vice President Shyam Jaju said, “We have set a record in the history of the BJP by winning consecutive assembly polls... Anti-incumbency is not working there. The Prime Minister's popularity is intact. Amit Shah's strategy has worked.”


Arunbhai Vishnuprasad Vyas It is with deep sadness that we inform the passing away of Shri Arunbhai Vishnuprasad Vyas, on December 13. A staunch devotee of the BAPS Swaminarayan Satsang, he had deep faith and affection for Bhagwan Swaminarayan and Param Pujya Pramukh Swami Maharaj. We pray to Bhagwan Swaminarayan and Guruhari Mahant Swami Maharaj to grant his soul with eternal peace in Akshardham; and also offer prayers for the family to bear this loss with courage and strength.

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Loneliness is as bad for health as smoking 15 a day Nine million adults suffer from damaging loneliness that is as harmful to their health as smoking or obesity, a report said yesterday. It labelled loneliness a ‘social epidemic’ and called for a series of new Government initiatives to lessen the burden of isolation. The report of the Jo Cox Commission, set up by the late MP before her murder in June last year, said that loneliness affects not only the elderly but people of all age groups, and has a ‘profoundly damaging’ impact on health. It said that isolation had a similar effect on health to smoking 15 cigarettes a day. It found that most GPs see as many as five patients who have a difficulty with loneliness, and estimated the cost to employers of loneliness among staff at £2.5 billion a year. People who are lonely face a risk of premature death a third higher than others, it found. The report was launched by two MPs, Labour’s Rachel Reeves and Tory Seema Kennedy, who said in a statement that the findings ‘challenge national government to step forward and lead a renewed push to tackle loneliness. We know that loneliness will not end until we all recognise the role we can





Sunetra Senior

play in making that happen. Calling for a minister to deal with loneliness, for publicity campaigns to help people help others, and for a ‘family and relationships test’ on all Government policies to make sure they do not add to isolation, the report said: ‘There is currently a gap in national leadership on loneliness.’ Professor Jane Cummings, Chief Nursing Officer for England, said: ‘Social isolation can have a devastating impact not only on people’s mental well-being, but evidence shows that it can also increase the risk of premature death by around a third. NHS staff see firsthand the acute consequences of loneliness, which can affect so many people of all ages. ‘Our advice is for people to keep a friendly eye on relatives, friends and neighbours, as this simple act could prevent serious illness and even save lives,’ she added.

Is junk food driving up teen depression?

• Soda and take-outs cripple brain development leaving young people with anxiety Energy drinks and junk food damage teenagers' mental health, according to new research. The rate of young people diagnosed with anxiety and depression has rocketed in the last few years, with many pointing to cyber-bullying and media. However, new research by RMIT University in Melbourne has found another culprit: energy drinks and junk food. According to the researchers, these products cripple developing brains with such an intense rush of dopamine hormones that they pose a 'unique' mental health risk to young people who consume too much. Animal experiments have found an alarming link with taurine - an additive used in energy drinks. Lead author Dr Christine Curran said it adds to concerns about them fueling teenage drinking as they are often mixed with alcohol. Another study also published in Birth Defects Research: The Teenage Brain said takeway meals


Asian Voice | 23rd December 2017

could cause cause young people to become drink or drug addicts as they get older - as well as pile on the pounds. Lead author Dr Amy Reichelt, of RMIT University in Melbourne, said junk food is not only not only bad for waistlines - but also for the teen brain. Dr Curran said taurine is found in high levels in the developing brain boosting neurons and connections between brain cells called synapses. Disruptions in levels of taurine have been reported in numerous studies of neurological disorders including epilepsy and autism. She said elderly people might benefit from taurine supplements - or caffeine with which energy drinks are also packed.

“Leprosy has not been ‘eradicated’,” Rajni, the state co-ordinator for the UK-based NGO, Lepra fighting for prevention and treatment of leprosy - told us from his rural, Indian region of Bihar. The National Leprosy Eradication Programme (NLEP) India, stopped their active searches, or the active detection of ongoing door to door surveys, in 2004, declaring leprosy eliminated according to a flawed methodology. Giving a hard, numerical example, Rajni told us: “if the leprosy prevalence rate is less than one case in a group of 10,000, it is considered a neglected tropical disease. Europe and many believe elimmore comprehensive guide for idenination means no new cases in the tifying leprosy in its earlier stages, community at any one given time. helping sufferers avoid much agony The WHO currently includes leprosy in the long run. Testing for the loss as a Neglected Tropical Disease of sensation on certain patches of (NTD).” However, this does not conskin is commonly known, but the sider the psychological shame surcommitted community leader has rounding these painful, often disfigalso made sure that medical experts uring diseases, which cause many to and the wider community know to retreat into hiding and refrain from probe for more subtle signs, such as declaring, much less seeking treatloss of sensation by the nerves withment, for the illness. The concept of out an effect on the skin and for leprosy colonies, and as Rajni added, traces of the disease in the blood “the condition of leprosy itself is a too. Employing the above methods, very ancient one, where the first three times more cases of leprosy medicine for it only became available were found by Lepra, compared to in 1942.” This is particularly shockprevious government initiatives. ing when you consider that there has “Today, we have many professionals been documented evidence since such as; physiotherapists, doctors, Biblical times. “Religion, myth and councillors and drivers, working superstition - in general - do come together on the ground to make a into it,” Rajni continued. “Sufferers difference. We have monthly meetare believed to be cursed and ings with the Indian governthere are a number of ment and the WHO so we backward biases assoare all in touch with the ciated with that. My humble reality of the prevalence There are roughly of leprosy. Of course, appeal to the 1000 leprosy there is still much worldwide colonies existing in work to be done.” India today, and Indeed, what is most community is to the real shame is impressive about remember these that we now have Rajni’s approach is the people effective drug treatemotion behind it; highments, such as Multi ly personal, attentive and Drug Therapy (MDT). But focussed. He is also recogbecause people are largely nised for pioneering Lepra’s inteunaware, mainly driven by fear, those gration of prevention and treataffected would never be able to benments for similar diseases to leprosy efit. To aggravate matters, living in (Integrated Prevention of Disability, terrible, isolated conditions adds a IPOD) such as Lymphatic filariasis, host of diseases, such as TB and from which Rajni himself has sufCholera.” Leprosy cannot be spread fered: “There is a 5-step programme by touch and is believed to be trans- skin-care, wound-care, type of mitted through droplets of moisture exercise, protective footwear and – however it is worth noting that it raising awareness, which helps sometimes takes as long as years to common sufferers heal and rehabilcatch the disease. itate faster.” Caring for people down to their very foundations *** then, his Bihar team also provides Consequently, a pivotal part of protective footcare to 63 leprosy Rajni’s work has been to sensitively colonies, “also catering to different raise awareness about the condicolours and designs of shoe each tion, and make more effective the individual might prefer. Integrating administration of MDT treatment to the treatment of those fighting like patients. He has been responsible illnesses also helps them mentally: for successfully distributing educathey feel mutual encouragement tive short films as well as an awardand moral support.” Thus, Rajni winning, new active case finding does more than just the pragmatic, programme in Bihar, which introand reducing numbers and dissolvduced special contact and focal suring the local stigma; he seeks to veys. This meant that if one patient enhance social consciousness, and is diagnosed with leprosy, the entire fight the abstract global aloofness family contacts and surrounded which is as much as an unfortunate families will be screened and also contributing factor to underreprethe 20-25 nearest households. In sented disability: “my humble addition to this, Rajni has created a appeal to the worldwide community

is to remember these people, and their potentially needless strife. They deserve everyday life goals and ambitions – careers, marriage and having a healthy family – just as we do.” What has stuck with you most through your vast career? The sight of so many children suffering from the disease. 16% of new leprosy cases found nationwide were minors. I recently helped a young girl whose two fingers were effectively claws. Now rehabilitated, knowing she will be able to graduate and go on with her life is wonderful. There was another boy who had to have leg surgery for foot drop and after several months he can finally play football! A significant proportion of these children are the disabled beggars you might see on the streets. What was your particular experience with a physically debilitating disease? In addition to the pain and the usual self-hatred, there was a certain gendered – emasculating -shame. It was very painful to have sex with my spouse, and to be able to walk properly with lymphatic filariasis. Even as a well-trained health-care worker I felt the need to keep quiet. For about six years. This is one of the reasons I feel Lepra’s work is so important. What other intimate/involved initiatives do you take? The protective footwear is tailormade to a micro-cellular level. Patients enduring wounds have their quality of life improved while they’re healing. Another aspect is the care taken with communication. For example, I was driving a van that stated the symptoms of leprosy, but wasn’t necessarily using the best description for that region; for them literally translating the idea of ‘a loss of sensation’ wasn’t right. They spoke more of ‘a blunt sensation.’ We amended the slogans as such. The more I immerse myself, the more I learn from my patients. When you apply a pre-prepared, blanket methodology, you struggle. Those suffering are ultimately all individuals. The government aids with administrative power; as an NGO, we mainly act and practically institute that change. Donate: https://www.lepra.org.uk/



I feel small in front of Soha: Kareena Kapoor

Asian Voice | 23rd December 2017


peaking at the launch of Soha Ali Khan's book, "The Perils of Being Moderately Famous," her sister-in-law and actor Kareena Kapoor Khan said that she is the family's torch-bearer and someone they all turn to for advice. Lauding Soha's knowledge, Kareena said she was always nervous while listening to the conversations between husband Saif Ali Khan and Soha as she struggles to understand what they are talking. "I have rarely been intimidated by anyone and media knows. But if there's one person in the family I am completely in awe of, it is Soha. I'm always a little nervous when I am having dinner with Saif and Soha, I'm like 'Oh my God, I am never going to understand this conversation'," Kareena said. In her book, Soha talks about finding herself in different capacities - as legendary cricketer Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi and veteran Bollywood star Sharmila Tagore's daughter, and actors Saif Ali Khan's sister and Kareena Kapoor Khan's sister-in-law.



Another film based on Rani Padmini to go on floors


hile Sanjay Leela Bhansali's film 'Padmavati' starring Deepika Padukone, Ranveer Singh and Shahid Kapoor was embroiled in controversies, another film based on Rani Padmini titled 'Main Hoon Padmavati' is all set to go on floors. According to reports, the film is being penned by a writer based in Rajasthan in order to avoid the backlash which Bhansali's film is facing. Confirming the news, the film's producer Ashok Shekhar said that the film would have fresh faces and would release in Hindi and Rajasthani languages. Reports said that the film would be sourced from the people of Rajasthan in order to avoid controversies.

The worst dressed Bollywood celebrities

Comedy films rule the roost in 2017


hile, Khans and their masala films ruled the box office for a long time, now it is the turn of comedy films to catch the imagination of the audiences in 2017. Rejecting big films like 'Jagga Jasoos,' 'Tubelight' and 'Jab Harry Met Sejal', movie goers have chosen comedy genre. Right from big budget 'Golmaal Again' to a small film 'Shubh Mangal Savdhan,' light-hearted films have been excepted by the audience. Here are five comedy films, which attracted the audience. 'Golmaal Again': Ajay Devgn’s 'Golmaal Again' became 2017’s biggest blockbuster but also the highest-earning comedy film. The film has collected £20.55 million. 'Judwaa 2': Varun Dhawan impressed the audience in his

Raja and Prem avatar with 'Judwaa 2.' The comedy became Varun’s highest solo grosser with a business of £13.86 million. 'Mubarakan:' Arjun Kapoor and Anil Kapoor-starrer 'Mubarakan' opened on a low note but later the comedy film managed to earn £5.56 million in its theatrical run. 'Fukrey Returns.' The recently released 'Fukrey Returns' has surprised the audience with the superb response it received at the box office. In just six days the film has earned £4.66 million. 'Shubh Mangal Savdhan:' Ayushmann Khurrana and Bhumi Pednekar’s 'Shubh Mangal Savdhan' made on a shoe-string budget raked in £4.31 million, thus making it one of the most profitable ventures of this year.

he fashion police keep a close eye on all Bollywood celebs and their fashion choices. While some have left us wanting for more with back to back appearance in stunning attires, there were a few who got the look wrong quite often. Some of the disasters can’t be unseen while the other mismatched attires will make you cringe. Even A-listers like Katrina Kaif, Sonakshi Sinha and Deepika Padukone have made it to this list due to their fashion experiments gone wrong. Check out the worst dressed celebs: Katrina Kaif The actress was seen in 'Jagga Jasoos' this year with Ranbir Kapoor. During the promotions of the film, Kat majorly disappointed the fashion police with her boring and ill-fitted attires. Later, during the IFFA Awards, Kat walked in a bright red and golden attire which will make your eyes hurt. Kat stepped out in a yellow and black attire for Filmfare Style and Glamour Awards which made us wonder what was she thinking when she opted for this look.

Deepika Padukone The actress has disappointed most as she opted for these cringe-worthy attires. DP opted for a floral mess for the Oscar party and let us down. For another event, Deepika turned up in a shiny green suit and could easily be confused for a Christmas tree. For the Filmfare Style and Glamour Awards she turned up looking like chair decoration in red with a giant bow at the back. One can simply not miss her recent appearance at the Lux Golden Rose Awards where she was seen in a shiny golden dress which will remind you of a wrapping paper. Sonakshi Sinha While the ethnic look is Sonakshi’s forte. The western look on the other hand is surely something she has a hard time getting right. Right from the green dress, which looks like a snake’s skin, to the grey ill-fitted attire, which will make it difficult for you to recognise her, is a disaster. The blue and black attire, too, is plain cringe-worthy.



Nargis Fakhri to play an Afghan girl in 'Torbaaz' AsianVoiceNews



argis Fakhri, who has been missing from the silver screen for long time, will be rejoining the Bollywood bandwagon. The actress has now bagged an interesting project opposite none other than Sanjay Dutt. Nargis will be seen playing an Afghan girl who runs an NGO in Sanjay’s next titled 'Torbaaz.' The news was shared by trade analyst Taran Adarsh who took to Twitter and wrote, “Nargis Fakhri to star as an Afghan girl who runs an NGO in Sanjay Dutt starter Torbaaz… Directed by Girish Malik and produced by Rahul Mittra… Presented by Raju Chadha of Wave Group.” 'Torbaaz' is based in Afghanistan and is a story about child suicide bombers, who have been trained to believe that killing is a virtue and glory

Asian Voice | 23rd December 2017

is in an afterlife. The film is produced by Raju Chadha and Rahul Mittra. In the film, Sanjay plays an army officer who wants to give the ‘children of war’ a ray of hope. “I am keen to be a part of films that are highly content driven. I want to create a memorable slate of films for my fans,” Sanjay said earlier. Sanjay had apparently penned five songs when he was in Yerwada Jail. One of them “O Meri Aangan Ki Chidiya Hai Tu” will feature in this film.

Madhuri Dixit and Renuka Kangana wants to write a Shahane to reunite book with Shobhaa De



adhuri Dixit has been the favourite actress ever since her entry into Bollywood. Now, there is good news for all Madhuri fans! She's reportedly gearing up for her debut Marathi movie, where she will be seen sharing screen space with Renuka Shahane. The two lovely ladies were last

seen on screen together in 'Hum Aapke Hain Koun' and will now reunite after 23 years. The two actresses also happen to share a great camaraderie beyond their professional bond. Renuka has always looked up to Madhuri and says that the star is a thorough professional and very down-to-earth.

Priyanka Chopra crosses 20 mn on Instagram, but can’t beat Deepika


riyanka Chopra is everywhere. While she conquers the West as Alex Parrish and other unforgettable characters in movies, the actress makes sure to leave her mark on virtual spaces as well! She has a great fan following on social media platform Instagram where she updates her profile almost everyday. She updates her profile with stunning photoshoots to quirky quotes to family videos with niece and most importantly her

moments with Diana – the actress. Her Instagram page is fun, entertaining and colourful! There are days when she gets philosophical and then there are days she turns her goofy mode on. In a way, Instagram reflects Priyanka’s moods. For all the fans out there, Instagram is the place to be where they will know, the best! At least she makes sure. That’s why it comes as no surprise the actress has crossed the 20 million mark on

Instagram! Yes, she has 20.5 million followers on Instagram. But it is the space where she is yet to beat Deepika Padukone who has 20.7 million followers. Now it has to be seen if priyanka will catch up or will Deepika continue to surge ahead. The actress as per reports has finished work on the sets of 'Quantico.' She will be heading to Mumbai for a five day break with Family. She will also be bringing in New years with them.

ctress Kangana Ranaut said that she would love to write a book jointly with Shobhaa De. She was interacting with the audience after attending the launch of author Shobhaa De's latest book 'Seventy and To Hell With It' in Mumbai. "I will write a book when I am ready... Shobhaa De is always there to guide me. I would love to write a book and if I can collaborate with Shobhaa De, it will be great," said Kangana. "She understands the spirit and she is the original wild child and we are her followers. I would love to associate with her in future about my experiences, my plans and my life in general," Kangana added. Besides Kangana, other well-known names like Barkha Dutt, Madhu Shah, Priya Dutt, Gul Panag, Yash Birla and Avanti Birla also graced the book launch event. Shobhaa De shared her reasons to ask Kangana Ranaut to launch her book. "I think she is a gladiator, a warrior, and she represents a lot in terms of, how

women stand up for what they believe in. And I find her extraordinary, young, spunky and feisty. I have always been her admirer from the time she came into the film industry."


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Asian Voice | 23rd December 2017



is called Lady Superstar!


he fan following of Kollywood actress Nayanthara is growing each day and she is being called the Lady Superstar of the South. Now, she has become more choosy and is concentrating on doing more worthy films. Her next release is Mohan Raja's 'Velaikkaran', with Sivakarthikeyan playing the lead role. In an exclu-

‘Tiger Zinda Hai’

'Tiger Zinda Hai' is an action thriller directed by Ali Abbas Zafar. The main actors are Salman Khan, Katrina Kaif and Sajjad Delfrooz.

Rajamouli remains an inspiration

Rajinikanth to meet his fans again


irector S S Rajamouli who has earned great praise for his grand sets and architectural expertise for the highly successful 'Baahubali franchise, has been acting as a sort of consultant for the government of Andhra Pradesh for infrastructural development and innovation. One of his ideas relating to setting up a 'Telugu Thalli' installation in the Central Hall of the Assembly in such a way that it reflects the sunlight through a series of mirrors to accurately shine the rays at the feet of the Thalli. The idea was being put into action, and the ace director thanked the Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu for implementing his ideas. His tweet read: "This is one of the ideas that I proposed.. Thanking @ncbn garu for giving me the opportunity to explore new avenues." As speculated earlier,



here is great news for Rajinikanth fans. The Superstar has decided to meet his fans from December 26 to 31. Just like the last time, he would supposedly meet 1,000 fans per day and click photos with them. It must be noted that Rajini met his fans earlier this year in May. The location for this meeting is Rajinikanth's Raghavendra Kalyana Mandapam at Kodambakkam, Chennai. It will happen for 5 days from December 26 to 31. So for all Thalaivar fans who are dreaming to wish their favourite star, here is your chance. Rajinikanth is arguably the biggest star of Kollywood whose reach has extended to many parts of the globe, taking Tamil cinema there too. The legendary actor's birthday was on December 12, during which birthday wishes poured from all directions on all platforms and mediums. The superstar himself responded to the wishes on his Twitter space: "My heartfelt thanks to all my political friends, film fraternity friends, sports world friends and media friends & well wishes for wishing me on my birthday" Rajinikanth's reach has extended to many parts of the globe, taking

Rajamouli will apparently be teaming up with Jr NTR and Ram Charan for a big-budgeted action entertainer. So what genre is it going to be and when will the project take off are some of the questions that Rajamouli fans would want to know. There are also rumours saying it will be a sports-based film. A sources close to the team said that the movie is likely to go on floors by mid-2018, but the final script has not been locked yet.

Dhanush to wear director's hat again

o l l y w o o d actor/director Dhanush made his directorial debut with 'Pa.Paandi', which was widely praised by critics, as well as the general audience. Now, sources close to the actor reveal that Dhanush is all set to wear the director's hat again. It is suggested that this project will be the already announced Dhanush - Thenandal Studios Limited association film. Apart from directing, Dhanush is also said to star in the lead role, for this period film. C i n e m a t o g r a p h e ractor Natarajan, better known as Natty, is a happy man with the release of his latest his latest film. In an exclusive interview, he revealed his thoughts on big celebrity stalwarts like Dhanush, Vijay, AR

sive interview, Sivakarthikeyan talks about how Nayanthara reacts when people call her the Lady Superstar. He said, "She doesn't take all that to her head. Even if someone says that on the set, she will just ask them to keep quiet. She is more keen on just doing her work properly. She is very sincere, and is making use of all her opportunities properly. She is taking up good movies and doing exceedingly well too. Nobody will simply say that she is the lady Superstar!"

Arvind Samy is my favourite, says Amala Paul

'B Murugadoss, Kareena Kapoor, Vidya Balan and many others. He was all praises for Vijay, Dhanush and Murugadoss. "Vijay is an amazing man, filled with humanity. If he finds anyone on the set dull, he will look into it and try to sort it out. He is a person who will do anything for friendship," he said on Vijay.

haskar oru Rascal' is a film starring Arvind Samy and Amala Paul. The film is directed by Siddiq who also directed it’s original version in Malayalam. The audio launch of the film was held on Dec 13 in Chennai. Amala Paul who dons the female lead in the film talked about her experience till date. “I am very happy with the way the film has shaped up, I sincerely thank producer Murugan for his passion in the making of this film, I feel extremely lucky to have been cast in a Siddique film, definitely one of my dreams come true. If I were to pick a favourite person from the industry, it’s darling Arvind Swamy, he is such a nice person inside out. I thank all the cast and crew of the film and I hope the film is a huge success.” said Amala Paul

Off late, Kollywood celebrities have been pleasantly surprising everyone with their fitness trainings, and new makeovers. We recently saw music director D Imman, who reduced his weight, to keep himself fit. Now, the latest to join this list is Gitanjali Selvaraghavan, wife of Selvaraghavan, who directed 'Maalai Nerathu Mayakkam.' She's been constantly working towards her new makeover, and weight loss for the past few months, through food diet and workouts. Now, she has officially posted a new picture on Twitter, which has taken everyone by surprise. Commenting on the picture, Amala said, "Amazing transformation Geeths!! Heard about the unbelievable diet and workouts !! You rock lady"

Tamil cinema there too. The legendary actor's birthday was on December 12, during which birthday wishes poured from all directions on all platforms and mediums.


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Asian Voice | 23rd December 2017

Festive fun ideas If you are staying back in London during these festival times, there is no point in being couped up in the house. Red Bull has a list of pop-ups you can visit along with some fab NYE party ideas. 1. Wandsworth Bridge Road in Fulham has a Winterland including riverside igloos, feasting tables, cosy winter lodges, mullked beverages and grown up entertainments like mini golf, curling and prosecco pong. 2. Rooftop igloos at Montcalm's new hotel at the Finsbury Square in Moorgate has rooftop igloo domes at their Aviary restaurant, ice blue fairy lights, luxurious faux fur blankets, snug rugs and hot water bottles if you feel the winter chill, all to the backdrop of London’s beautiful skyline. You can also buy your New Year's Eve tickets for the same on their website. 3. NYE Wonderball party: It’s a whole new way of playing Ping Pong that turns your table into a massive computer game. Can you imagine playing Hit Machine, Odd Bod Squad, and Hexogasm all night long, bathed in UV light, pink balls flying around, dancing into the New Year with Shoreditch’s best party anthems? 4. London’s historic Chiswick House Gardens has its picturesque, 65 acres packed with over 50 largerthan-life installations, handmade from silk, including a giant depiction of Santa and his reindeer; glowing angel wings and a magnificent recreation of an ancient city from the Song Dynasty. Manchester’s Philips Park (behind Etihad Stadium) will play host to penguins on ice, an Ancient Temple of Heaven and an extraordinary Footballing Lantern Recreation, celebrating the city’s love affair with the beautiful game. Meanwhile, the stunning landscaped grounds of Birmingham’s Kings Heath Park will be festooned with a lantern trail, featuring a huge gingerbread house and enormous, handmade replica of the iconic Birmingham Central Library. Leeds will see Roundhay Park filled with lanterns, from polar bears on ice to a breathtaking Chinese Temple of Heaven recreation.

Desi Xmas Eve Party

Nutcracker at London Coliseum: Over 100 dancers and musicians bring Nutcracker to life. On a sparkling Christmas Eve in a frost-dusted Edwardian London, Clara and her enchanted Nutcracker doll discover a magical world, where she battles with the Mouse King and meets a handsome stranger. From the sound of the orchestra tuning up, to the final bows and cheers, a trip to English National Ballet’s Nutcracker is an unforgettable Christmas treat.

r achievements Winners always compares thei compares their rs with their own goals, while lose er people oth of s achievements with the failure

Facts You Didn't know about Christmas

l The Bible never actually says when Jesus was born. It was in the 4th century that the Catholic Church decided to recognise Jesus’ birth with the Feast of the Nativity on December 25th. l The Trafalgar square Christmas tree every year since 1947 Oslo has sent a Christmas tree to London as an expression of gratitude for the united kingdom's help in world war II.

Hello, Kids as Christmas is coming up so here are 5 things to do in your holidays front door or porch.

l Make sure you clean your room and your wardrobes. l Buy and make ready your Christmas gifts and cards to give to your teachers, relatives and friends.

Sudoku Edition 3

SUDOKU - 003

6 7




4 3

8 5


8 7 1

GEMINI May 22 - June 22 The Sun is transiting your finan-

cial axis of solar 8th and 2nd houses, highlighting wills, legacies, taxes and joint resources. You need to re-assess your future with this in mind. You are more willing than usual to explore and delve deeper into life's secrets and arrive at meaningful conclusions. The transit of sun focuses on your solar 7th and 1st houses. This can affect your standing in the community and any partnerships you may have. Focus on essentials and establish a solid foundation, so that you feel secure in every sense. Wait before going full steam ahead with grand actions and gestures.

Soon comes the rain. washing the snow away. Bye Bye snow. Come again soon. Anya Nilesh Agrawal School- St Clement Danes Year 7, 11 yrs

7 1 8 2 7 6 9


You might be tempted to take on more work than you can reasonably manage, however, so be careful not to overload your schedule. You will also take care of your health and it's an excellent time to find new fitness routines by joining the gym. Much pleasure and growth might be found in solitude and contemplation.

LEO Jul 23 - Aug 23

VIRGO Aug 24 - Sep 23 After a period of relative inactivity, you are coming out of your shell, ready to perform and to express yourself creatively. This is a very progressive period of the year, when you are inspired emotionally. You take more pride in your love affairs, your children, and your hobbies and are generally very sociable and you make friends easily. LIBRA Sep 24 - Oct 23 Don't be afraid to act if your instinct tells you it's time for change. This week the focus is your house of family and home. Give top priority to important written work, official matters and vital communications. If you can manage to get away from usual routines, this will prove highly enjoyable and will have a great impact on your physical and psychological wellbeing. SCORPIO Oct 24- Nov 22

You have everything to gain by following your creative inclinations. If you have new ideas, now is the time to put them into practice. Whatever your present interests you are likely to find that new doors open and the way ahead offers increased scope for expressing your real self. A great time to meet and interact with people.

6 1 9 5 7 8 4 2 3

SUDOKU - 002 4 7 2 3 6 1 9 8 5

8 3 5 4 9 2 6 1 7

5 8 7 2 4 3 1 9 6

1 9 6 8 5 7 3 4 2

3 2 4 6 1 9 7 5 8

9 5 3 7 8 4 2 6 1

7 4 8 1 2 6 5 3 9

2 6 1 9 3 5 8 7 4

Joke of the week A Plane with 4 people on board is about to crash. The 4 people are Pilot, the president, the world's smartest man and a ten-year-old. They only have 3 Parachutes between them. The President cries: “I'm the president, people need me to live!” and he jumps out. The world's smartest man cries, “I'm the world's smartest man, I am needed in the world!” and he jumps out. The pilot sighs and says, “You take the last parachute, kid, I'll go down with the plane thats my job.” The kid smiles. “No need, there are still two parachutes left. The world's smartest took my backpack.”

The UK’s leading Vedic writer and TV personality

TAURUS Apr 21 - May 21 You are feeling most adventurous and willing to achieve higher knowledge and spiritual growth. This is a good time to broaden your horizons through travel and higher learning. This may take you to far off lands in pursuit of your new-found goals. You must distance yourself from the mundane grind of life and take on something which is more meaningful for your inner growth.

snowflakes slowly make their way to the ground, as it is this faithful white Christmas. laughter fills the air when children come out to play.

Sudoku Answer Edition 2

l Play Christmas music and read nice books. l Specially plan your food menu for Christmas eve and Christmas day.

For solution see next edition

dom and independence is very strongly accentuated. In intimate affairs, the prospect appears entirely favourable. In work matters you can expect a progressive phase. Efforts to bring about desirable changes in your working life are more likely to be positive.

The snow lays on the ground, Like a thick white blanket. It glistens in the sunlight, like a beautiful shining diamond.

l Set up and decorate your Christmas tree and also, decorate your

7 8 1

ARIES Mar 21 - Apr 20 Your urge towards greater free-

CANCER Jun 22 - Jul 22



Musical must watch

Sneh Joshi

If your child has a good joke, poem or any suggestions they would like to share please email us with the name, age and school. Email:- support@abplgroup.com


Live Music Night in association with Asian Foundation & Pranasha for Help at Dhamecha Lohana Centre, South Harrow, 6:30pm till late Desi New Year Eve parties in London New Year's Eve Extravaganza Dinner and dance with DJ Dee Music Team Sunday 31st December, Kadwa Patidar Centre, 8pm till 2am.


020 8518 5500

The Sun highlights your second house of finance, and your focus is on material affairs and comfort issues. This is a good time to plan your future investments carefully to maximise your profits. The emphasis is on "us" rather than "me". Social interactions of a personal nature are highlighted. This is likely to be an extremely busy time for most of you.

SAGITTARIUS Nov 23 - Dec 21

CAPRICORN Dec 22 - Jan 20 The Sun transits your first house and this affects your personal identity, appearance, outward behaviour, and self-expression. This marks the peak of your physical solar cycle, and you are in the position to make an impression on others, and to assert your personal influence. Increased energy and a renewed feeling of confidence is with you now, so take advantage of your charisma to achieve your goals.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 - Feb 19 The Sun travels through your twelfth house now, marking a time of retreat and regeneration. This also heralds a time for research and unfinished behind-thescene activities. Matters which have dragged on for a while should now be re-assessed and put to rest. There’s a sparkle to your social life and you will have fun communicating with others.

PISCES Feb 20 - Mar 20 As social life is likely to gather a pleasant momentum throughout this week, this is bound to present a better prospect, not only for striking up new friendships but also romantic encounters. This is going to be one of those times when insignificant events give rise to unexpected developments especially regarding work and health.

Sport 32


Asian Voice | 23rd December 2017




Shikhar Dhawan scored an unbeaten ton as India won an emphatic eight-wicket win in the third and final ODI against Sri Lanka. Chasing 215, India won with 17.5 overs to spare and registered their eighth successive bilateral ODI series win. Lankans were never in the game despite getting Rohit Sharma for just 7. Dhawan and Shreyas Iyer continued to pulverise an attack that barely threatened. Iyer racked up his second successive half-century after a slow start and raced past Dhawan to get to the 50-run milestone first. The 135-run stand for the second wicket ensured that there were no hiccups for India in the chase. While Iyer fell for 65, Dhawan continued to raise the gears as India wrapped up the victory in style. Earlier, Lankan opener Upul Tharanga scored an 82ball 95 to lay a solid platform for the visitors after they

were inserted by Rohit Sharma. But the Indian spinners - Yuzvendra Chahal and Kuldeep Yadav – restricted their progress and bowled them out for just 215, losing their last eight wickets for just 55 runs. India managed an early breakthrough as Danushka Gunathilaka was caught at mid in the fourth over of the day. However, that did not deter Sri Lanka as they roared

back through Tharanga. The left-hander was particularly aggressive against Hardik Pandya and Bhuvneshwar Kumar. While the former was hit five boundaries in an over, the latter was repeatedly picked over the top through the vacant on-side area. Giving him solid company was Sadira Samarawickrama, who too scored when the opportunity came by. The duo added 121 runs in just

113 balls as Sri Lanka threatened to match India's batting exploits from the previous game. After the pacers did not produce the desired result, Sharma turned to his spinners who managed to provide the magic turnaround. In the second ODI, India crushed Lanka by 141 runs to level the series. Skipper Rohit Sharma scored 208 to anchor Indian innings. Shreyas Iyer (88) and Shikhar Dhawan (68) were other contributors. Angelo Mathews top-scored for Sri Lanka, while leg- spinner Yuzvendra (3/60) was the pick of the bowlers for the hosts. Brief Scores: Sri Lanka 215 all out (Upul Tharanga 95, Sadeera Samarawickrama 42; Kuldeep Yadav 3-42, Yuzvendra Chahal 3-46) lost to India 219/2 (Shikhar Dhawan 100*, Shreyas Iyer 65) by eight wickets.

Ravindra Jadeja hits 6 sixes in one over

India all-rounder Ravindra Jadeja hit six sixes in an over during an inter-district T20 tournament in Rajkot recently. Jadeja, who holds the record of hitting a record three Ranji Trophy triple centuries, turned out for Jamnagar against Amreli in the opening match of the Saurashtra Cricket Association (SCA) inter-district T20 tournament. According to a report, Jadeja lifted off-spinner Nilam Vamja for six consecutive sixes in the 15th over. Jadeja batted till the 19th over. He had scored 15 boundaries and 10 sixes. The innings also served a

Yuvraj Singh and Alex Hales in an elite list. Among them, only Yuvraj Singh (against England’s Stuart Broad in 2007 World T20) and Herschelle Ravindra Jadeja Gibbs (against reminder that even though Holland’s Daan van Bunge in selectors are not too keen on 2007 World Cup) have picking him for limited-overs achieved this landmark in internationals, Jadeja hasn’t international matches. lost touch with the art of pilShastri had hit six sixes in a ing quick runs. With this feat, row against left-arm spinner Jadeja has joined the likes of Tilak Raj in a Ranji Trophy Sir Garfield Sobers, Ravi match against Baroda in Shastri, Herschelle Gibbs, 1984. Sobers, turning out for

Jeet Raval scores 84 runs for New Zealand

India-born Jeet Raval scored 84 runs in the first innings of the second test at Hamilton and thus helped New Zealand register a 20 series victory over West Indies. New Zealand bowlers steadily chipped away at the West Indies line up in the second innings to record a 240-run victory shortly before tea on the fourth day. Mitchell Santner took wickets on successive balls to end the tourists' second innings on 203 as they tried in vain to chase the 444 runs needed to secure an unlikely drawn series after New Zealand dominated the first test at Wellington. The hosts did not need to take all 10 wickets after Sunil Ambris retired hurt earlier in the innings. New Zealand scored 373 in the first and 291 for 8 declared in

Jeet Raval

the second innings. In reply West Indies scored 221 in the first and 203 for 9 in the second innings. Trent Boult became the sixth New Zealander to claim 200 test wickets when he had Brathwaite caught in the gully by skipper Kane Williamson. Ross Taylor also achieved a significant milestone by joining former mentor Martin Crowe and Williamson on 17 test centuries, the most by a New Zealander.

Nottinghamshire, did it against Glamorgan’s Malcolm Nash in 1968. Coincidentally, it was for Nottinghamshire again in 2015 that Hales achieved this mark, against Warwickshire in the Natwest T20 Blast. West Indian Kieron Pollard and Lanchashire batsman Jordan Clark hold similar records, though like Jadeja, they too came in lower-rung games. Pollard had hit six sixes during an Adelaide Strikers trial game in 2014. Clark had hit six sixes during a second XI match in Scarborough in 2013.

Punjabi-origin Sangha to lead Australia in U-19 World Cup Eighteen year old Jason Jaskirat Singh Sangha has been named the captain of Australia U-19 team for the ICC youth world cup to be held in new Zealand next month. He is the son of Punjabi parents Silvia and Kuldeep Sangha. Jaskrit Singh Sangha Jaskirat Sangha will be the first Indian-origin cricketer to lead an Australian team. The teenager, who figured in the Cricket Australia XI, became the youngest cricketer since Sachin Tendulkar to score a first-class century against England at 18 years and 71 days, against an attack led by England stars Stuart Broad and Chris Woakes. His father was a native of Bhatinda in Punjab, and was a state level athlete who then moved to Australia in the 1980s. Another cricketer of the Indian-origin, Param Uppal, 18, also of New South Wales, is also selected to play in the team. Uppal scored 370 runs in this year’s under-19 championships at an impressive average of over 60. Uppal also bowls right-arm off-spin.

Sushil Kumar, Sakshi Malik win gold at C'wealth wrestling India's double Olympic medalist Sushil Kumar returned to the international arena by clinching a gold medal at the Commonwealth W r e s t l i n g Championships in Johannesburg, South Africa. Another Olympic medalist, Sakshi Malik, who won Sushil Kumar a bronze in the 2016 Rio Games, also clinched a gold medal in the championships. Sakshi defeated New Zealand's Tayla Tuahine Ford by a score of 13-2 in the final of the 62kg women's freestyle category. Earlier in the day, Sushil defeated New Zealand Akash Khullar's via a pinfall in the final of the 74kg freestyle category to clinch the yellow metal. The other gold medals winners in the freestyle category for India were Utkarsh Kale (57kg), Sharvan (61kg), Bajrang (65kg), Amit Dhankar (70kg), Jitender (79kg), Deepak (86kg), Somveer (92kg), Rubaljeet Singh (97kg) and Hitender (125kg).

Australia beat England, regain Ashes Australia reclaimed the Ashes after defeating England by an innings and 41 runs on the final day of the third cricket Test at Perth on Monday. With this win, the Australians also took an unassailable 3-0 lead in the fivematch series. Rain washed out the entire first session of play, and England's first innings heroes, Dawid Malan and Jonny Bairstow, walked out after lunch with the score reading 132/4, still needing 127 runs to make the hosts bat again. Josh Hazlewood removed Bairstow in his first ball of the day and later accounted for Malan and Craig Overton, which took his wicket count to five, while Nathan Lyon took the wicket of Moeen Ali for 11 off 66 deliveries. Pat Cummins accounted the English tail as he got Chris

Woakes and Stuart Broad nicking behind to the wicket-keeper, wrapping up the match just before tea. The England team was bowled out for 218 in the second innings, marking the fourth time they lost by an innings after having scored above 400 runs in the first

innings. "They've outplayed us in all three games and we've got to be better. The way those guys (Malan and Bairstow) put in huge performances was outstanding. We got to make sure we go to Melbourne and put in good performance there (in the fourth Test)," England captain Joe Root said. Australian captain Steve Smith received the Man of the Match award for his career-best score of 239 in the first innings. Brief scores: England: 403 & 218/10 (James Vince 55, Dawid Malan 54, Chris Woakes 22, Josh Hazlewood 5/48, Nathan Lyon 2/42) lose to Australia: 662/9 declared.

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