AV 1st July 2017

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Vol 46 | Issue 9

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1st July to 7th July 2017


Let noble thoughts come to us from every side


TERRIFYING ACID ATTACK A young woman has spoken of a terrifying acid attack on her 21st birthday that left her hospitalised and her cousin in a coma. Resham Khan said she was in a car travelling through Beckton, East London, on June 21 when the horrific incident occurred. Resham tweeted: “On my actual birthday, my cousin and I went for a drive in the morning, blasting music and chilling like Resham was left with shocking cousins do, hyping it as burns to her face and body I WAS 21.” from the horrific attack But out of nowhere, ran around to the other she said a man side and threw more over approached the car as her cousin. they waited at a traffic She said: “The pain light and threw a liquid at was excruciating, I was her through the open struggling to close the window. window. My cousin strugResham, who said she gled to get us away. had just returned from a year exchange in Cyprus, Continued on page 7 told how the assailant

British Asian Couple sue adoption agency Said refusing adopting because of cultural heritage is absolutely unacceptable

Bilateral meeting between both the leaders saw them embrace each other on three different occasions; genuine affection passing between them

An instant chemistry, a few laughs, and warm camaraderie, Prime Minister Narendra Modi's meeting with US President Donald Trump in Washington, was dripping with palpable warmth as both the leaders demonstrated bonhomie.

As the world glued their eyes to the much-awaited meeting between the two, Modi's innate charms were well-expected, what surprised, was the usually frigid US Prez's softening towards the Indian PM. What was seen was

extraordinary. Given Trump's rendezvous with world leaders in the past couple of months since he took up office, his sheer body language, gesture, and behaviour towards Modi was that of impeccable grace and unmissable

Ahmedabad Kolkata Hyderabad Bangkok

respect. An epitome of hospitality, Trump made sure his “true friend” was taken good care of, offering an “intimate toast” to the PM, and giving him a tour of his residence (the White House for the uninformed). Continued on page 16

£421 £455 £410 £462

Mumbai Delhi Dubai Hong Kong

£410 £445 £366 £460

Sandeep, 35, and Reena Mander, a British Asian couple are suing an adoption agency for refusing to let them adopt a child in the UK, and advising them to adopt a child from India instead. They were told not to apply because white applicants from Britain and Europe will be given preference Reena and Sandeep Mander to become adoptive Continued on page 6 parents in the UK.

Bangalore Colombo Lahore Shanghai

£445 £450 £445 £500

Islamabad Chennai Karachi Beijing

£445 £410 £445 £500



Asian Voice | 1st July 2017


to Dharmesh Lakani was born in Jinja, Uganda the youngest son of Mr and Mrs Bhagwanji Lakhani. In 1972 they moved to the United Kingdom following of the expulsion of the Ugandan Asians. They arrived in Leicester and settled in Rushey Mead. He studied at Abbey Primary School, Herrick Junior School, Soar Valley College And Gateway Collage. He specialised in chemistry and mathematics. Dhamersh took over running of the family business "Bobby's " 25years ago. The restaurant was called after the popular Bollywood movie "Bobby". It is regarded as one of the jewels of the famous Belgrave Road itself part of Leicester's Golden Mile. In 1992 in the same year he got married to Enna Radia. They have two sons Arjun who is studying Medicine at Oxford University and Karran who is doing his A levels at Loughborough Grammar School. He is a past Chairman and current member of the Belgarve Business Association and a member of the Belgrave Regeneration Committee. 1) What do like most about the place where you live? Where do you chill? It's home! We have a fantastic diverse community who live in harmony. We all still maintain our own identifies however we are a perfect blend of religions, races and cultures. I relax best in my motherin-law's in Syston. 2) What are your proudest achievements? Our business is over 40 years old and I have worked in it for the past

33 years. I have sought to keep it successful and have initiated many changes, to both the customer base and the variety of foods we sell. However we have never altered the core value of customer service. We love our customers and I am pleased to say they love us! On a private note, being in the heart of the community, the Restaurant acts as a hub to help the local community for events such as fund raising or charity dinners. From a young


Keith Vaz, MP Dharmesh Lakani age I have always been involved in community initiatives. My wonderful parents taught us to give back what we receive. 3) What inspires you? The achievements of my father, Mr Bhagwanji Amarshi Lakhani, who came from Uganda in 1972 in impossible times and provided for his family. I cannot imagine what that generation of Asians went through. Now we feel it's easy. Then it must have been so difficult. Their true achievements can only be measured now. 4) What has been the biggest obstacle in your career? Although my business is successful, it could have been even more so commercially. However following in my parents’ footsteps, to me the business is much more about supporting the community and being ethical. And not forgetting proving great food! 5) Who has been the biggest influence on your career to date? My Mother, Mrs Manglaben Bhagwanji Lakhani. Her optimism, even facing adversity in

Ishwar awarded hi gold medal for Yoga Seven year old Ishwar Sharma, from Kent, has won gold medals in both Individual Yoga subjunior under 8yrs category as well as Open Group Artistic Yoga along with his father Dr Vishwanath who won gold in the Above 35 yrs category representing GB. The event was organised by International Sports Council Inc (Cananda) World Games 2017 which was held at Dashrath Stadium, Kathmandu, Nepal from June 15th-18th 2017. A total of 16 countries took part in the event and more than 1000 people participated.

Ishwar who studies in St Michael’s School in Sevenoaks, London has won the National Yoga Asana Championship in UK in the under 11 yrs category in London for

the past two consecutive years and has been called "Youngest Wonder Boy" by the OM Magazine, one of the best magazines in the world of yoga!

Indian activist Bharti Sharma conferred France's highest civilian order

Indian activist Dr Bharti Sharma was conferred with France's highest civilian award, the Chevalier de l'Ordre National de la Lgion d'Honneur (Knight of the National Order of the Legion of Honour). Ambassador of France to India, Alexandre Ziegler has given the award to Dr Sharma at the Residence of France in New Delhi


Life. She founded, with others, a community provision for refugee elderly Asian people. At the same time running a business and caring for her family. She and they were " SUPERWOMEN” 6) What is the best aspect about your current role? As a small business I am responsible for everything from purchasing to marketing, financial management and dealing with staffing . This has enabled me to use these skills to play a part in supporting individuals and community organisations. There are many people who have at Bobby's especially students working at weekends who have gone on to do great things. 7) And the worst? Not enough time to do everything I want to do and achieve. I need an extra day in the week. I am usually up by 7.30 am and am asleep by 1 am the next morning. I never want the day to end. 8) What are your long term goals? To continue with the business making it more successful, but at the same time continuing to sup-

port the community and my family. I also want to be an inspiration to my two sons, Arjun who is studying medicine at Oxford and Karran who is in his 2nd year of A levels. After all we do everything in order to provide for our extended families but especially and above all for our kids. 9) If you were Prime Minister, what one aspect would you change? To invest heavily in the tools and skills allowing for innovation growth to enable a brighter future for the younger generation. Also to provide

greater care and services for the elder generation who have built this great city and this great Country. I want everyone to fulfil their true potential. I want to see people push forward. 10) If you were marooned on a desert island, which historical figure would you like to spend your time with and why? Nelson Mandela, a modern day Mahatma Gandhi. A man of principle who fought for the freedom of his nation and universal values including forgiveness one of the most underrated emotions of all time.

Queens Birthday ‘present’ for Chan Kataria Chief Executive of East Midlands Housing group gets OBE for services to housing

Chan Kataria, Chief Executive of East Midlands Housing (EMH) group, has been awarded an OBE in the Queen’s Birthday Honours for services to housing in the East Midlands. The award recognises immense personal and professional contribution to the housing sector and communities over the past 30 years, and in particular his success in building EMG group into one of the country’s most successful and highly-regarded social businesses. Under Kataria’s leadership, East Midlands Housing group has grown to own and manage more than 19,000 homes, with its annual turnover (£100 million) and output of new

homes (400 per year) almost doubling over the last five years. A programme to restructure and make the group fit for the future has yielded more than £1 million of yearly cost savings since 2012. Ugandan-born Kataria came to the UK aged 11 in 1972, when his family was among those forced to leave their home country by the regime of Idi Amin. Having completed a degree in Economics, he chose a career in housing to play his part in tackling the emerging housing crisis. The East Midlands faces particular challenges with sharply rising house prices and rents, coupled with static and below-

last month Accepting the distinction, Dr Sharma said she was grateful to the President of the French Republic and to Mr Ziegler, for putting the issue of Child Protection and Women Empowerment on a higher pedestal. "Absolute focus with resolute conviction and

passion for the cause coupled with untiring labour has been the corner stone of my work. “The journey was distinguished by converting difficulties and failures into learning opportunities," Dr Sharma said. On conferring the award on Dr Sharma, Mr Ziegler said this award expresses France's recog-

average regional incomes creating acute housing need, and a shortfall of around 30,000 homes since 2011. After working for a range of local, regional and national housing organisations, Kataria joined East Midlands Housing Association in 2004 and set about building it into a much larger and more diverse group. nition of Dr Sharma's outstanding contribution and dedication to child protection and women empowerment. He added: "You have shown unparalleled energy and determination in fighting against violence and discrimination and advocating the rights and dignity of children and women."

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Combustible world as Modi calls on Trump

International politics is a vast chessboard of economic interests, political alignments and military conflicts, not to speak of the lengthening spectre of jihadi terrorism across continents. Bilateral relationships can no longer be cocooned in a sealed frame; they operate within a regional context linked to a global order. So while, Messrs Modi and Trump will be engaged principally with core issues of trade and investment, they will inevitably discuss some of the combustible trouble spots, whether they be the South China Sea, the Korean peninsula or the worsening situation in the Middle East. American policies in these areas, if one may quote Churchill’s words in a different time and context, appear to be a ‘riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma.’ So much so that the US State Department voices one opinion on, say, the Saudi Arabian-Qatar stand-off, and the White House comes up with another. Having condemned Qatar as a fund raiser for jihadi terrorism, the Trump Administration has signed a $12 billion arms deal with it, in addition operates a large military base on Qatari territory. US support to Saudi Arabia, including supplies of military hardware worth some $300 billion appears to have emboldened the Saudi Monarchy to issue an ultimatum so extreme that it is tantamount to a declaration of war. US and Saudi broadsides against Iran have a Syrian dimension as well. Iran Supports the Assad regime, the Saudis and Americans seek to overthrow it. Enter Russia: the US decision to shoot down a Syrian jet over Syrian territory has led Moscow to suspend all military cooperation with the US to keep the peace. Russia will now track US and coalition aircraft in the area, the next step a possible firing at one of their number. The confrontation has led Australia to withdraw its warplanes from US-led operations in

Syrian skies. India has close relations with Iran and a ‘privileged strategic partnership’ with Russia. Diplomacy cannot be a zero sum game. At least not for India, which jealously guards - has guarded zealously for 70 years - its strategic autonomy in good times and bad. The Korean confrontation has thrown up a conundrum, with the North Korean Ambassador in New Delhi affirming publicly his government’s support of Indian entry to the Nuclear Suppliers Group, to which China is resolutely opposed. Square this circle if you will. Finally, the buzzing of a Russian plane over the Baltic Sea by a US plane was a reckless act, more so as the Russian Defence Minister was its principal passenger. A Russian Sukhoi aircraft immediately took to the skies, and with an adroit maneuver, displayed the missiles it carried. The unpredictability and recklessness of recent US behavior is alarming, to say the least. It has led to avoidable tension and uncertainty. The calamities of Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya were of America’s making. George W. Barack Obama, and now Donald Trump, it would appear, have given a green signal to military confrontation, cavalier bombings, mounting losses of innocent humanity, all accompanied by reassuring bromides and outright falsehoods. These are the delicacies the United States has brought to the table. The situation today bears some resemblance to the powder keg of miscalculation and dire irresponsibility that led to the Great War of 1914, whose scars disfigure Europe and the wider world to this day. The Modi-Trump conversations, hopefully, may generate some positive outcomes for Indo-US ties. The spirit of the age doesn’t encourage further optimism.

The Grenfell fire in London in a high rise building of twenty-seven floors was the worst in the capital for over a century. The structure was gutted and the death toll stands at 79 and rising. The inferno has awakened the British public to the pitfalls of free market fundamentalism, where money counts more than human betterment. It was Tory icon Margaret Thatcher who cast doubt on whether there was such a thing as society. In reining in Arthur Scargill and his coal miners union, she threw out the baby with the bathwater. The real achievements of the welfare state in health, education and housing were derided by the boast that the ‘lady was not for turning.’ The Thatcher cult took a battering during the Toxteth riots of 1982 in Liverpool, followed by massive urban violence in parts of London during the decade the fraught decade. Her poll tax was the last straw. She fell from grace and power in 1991. Her economic legacy was dismantling of British industry for a weightier financial City. The American economist Milton Friedman, a free marketer in every bone and fibre, is a prophet without honour today. His name once hallowed among the faithful is barely whispered now. The Wall Street crash of 2008 was the indecent exposure of deceit, crime and corruption, that convulsed America, Britain and the world beyond like no other since the Great Depression of

1931. The United States is yet fully to recover from the debacle of 2008. The plutocrat banking houses won immunity with the aid of a fixed system of untrammeled wealth and privilege upheld by an unquestioning, craven media.. The US Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz in an excoriating analysis, wrote that none of the guilty bankers were made accountable for their misdeeds, that they were regular guests at the banquets of the Obama White House. Indeed the frequency of their names on the White House guest list did much to further their prestige on Wall Street and added digits to their private cash reserves at home and dubious tax havens abroad. America was Thatcher’s model. Look where it is today. Superpower wealth cheek by jowl with third world inner cities, of drugs, gun crimes, hate crimes, race crimes, desperate housing, homelessness, soup kitchens, lack of prtoper medical care, rudimentary education and much else. The social environment is polluted with toxic violence. The Anglo-American ‘special relationship’ has lost much of its former lustre. It is surely time to pause and reflect. Whither Britain? The shock and awe of Grenfell should open the long sealed can of worms. Only then will men and women, young and old, rediscover the morality, justice and humanity, of which they were once proud as a national heritage.

‘Sweet are the uses of adversity,’ said Shakespeare, hence, one hopes, Indian cricket comatose after India’s rout by Pakistan in the final of the Champions Trophy at the Oval will recover sufficiently as a force on the international scene. In the aftershock of the wholly unexpected defeat, India’s cricket coach, the deserved and highly respected Anil Kumble resigned. He was one the country’s all time greats as an outstanding legspinner with over 600 Test wickets to his name. He is well spoken and tech savvy with formidable persuasive powers, thus able to convince the bovines of the cricket board to adopt the DRS system to aid umpires – as a hedge against human fraity. Furthermore, under his charge, India defeated top class opponents – New Zealand, England and Australia - in successive Test and ODI home series. It now transpires that amidst the glory and acclaim, relations between coach and captain, the hugely gifted and charismatic Virat Kohli, had deteriorated beyond repair, leading to Kumble’s abrupt departure. His resignation letter was gracious and dignified, which was no surprise. It would be premature to take sides without recourse to verifiable evidence. Kumble versus Kohli is not the Anecdotes doing the rounds suggest the coach’s over bearing presence in dressing brought on a crisis of

confidence.. Other stories would appear to suggest cronyism in team selection, where the captain’s voice is paramount. Be that as it may, India’s cricket administrators emerge as incompetent as headless chickens. Selectors, it would appear, preferred age and past performances over budding, precocious, talent. Indian veterans are loath to forego their celebrity status. Celebrity culture and mollycoddling have reached heights of absurdity. Players determine the names of commentators, those deemed critical of players are eliminated from the panel of commentators. Columnists, - some former cricketers among them - were much given to flattering stars on the wane. Pace bowler Jaspreet Bumrah took umbrage at the tongue-in –cheek humour of a state police placard showing him over-stepping the line and delivering a no-ball to Pakistan batting star Zaman who was caught behind with a mere six runs to his name. Gifted this ‘life,’ Zaman’s blazing century shred the Indian attack to ribbons. The police placard, with a picture of the erring Bumrah, warned pedestrians not to cross the traffic line for their personal safety, evoking from him a whimpering protest. Bumrah, herewith, should forsake his flannels for swaddling clothes!

Grenfell tragedy: Profit over welfare

Something rotten in the state of Indian cricket

Asian Voice | 1st July 2017


It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. - Aristotle

Alpesh Patel

Why Is Everyone Bolder than India? China, Russia, US even UAE The Chinese are complaining of Indian incursion into ‘Chinese territory’ this week. Awwww….bless. Somewhere there is a document authored by a Chinese policy advisor to their Politburo stating the ‘Indian wants peace, from Gandhi to this day, they do not believe in being offensive. That is their Hindu way, and so we have learnt with the Buddhists, so too with the parent religion of the Hindu, we can bully them to our bidding as we did in taking Kashmir from them.’ This document is yet to be leaked by Wikileaks. But believe me it exists somewhere on some computer system in Beijing. The Chinese are bolder than India. Three years ago I wrote to you from the most heavily bombed country in the history of the world. My guide told me Laos had reigned upon it during the ‘secret war’ 280 million bombs at a rate of 1 every few seconds for 9 years. The bombers were the Americans of course during the Vietnam War. I get my spirit of adventure from my father. That drive from when I was a child from London to Gujarat still plays in my blood. So I wanted to mountain bike north from Luang Prabang to the Lao border with China, and by an unauthorised incursion plant an Indian flag on Chinese territory. See how they like it for a change! After all, India Today reports there were some 300 incursions by the Chinese army into India in 2012. So why not one, just one, by an overseas citizen and nonresident of India? As for Laos, the Yanks should have simply have dropped TV sets instead. Far more pervasive has been the voice of Hollywood and American ‘culture’ around the world than its bombs in the era of TV. It was American culture that defeated Communism in Russia without a single bomb being dropped – they all wanted those darn Levis jeans and to be free to sing like Madonna. So what is the lesson for India? Laos, like India was a colony of the West because it could not protect itself. Like India seeking help from the British to protect itself from Mughals, so too Laos sought protection from the French to protect itself from the Chinese. Empire was after all a mafia-style protection racket played by countries instead of Italian dons. India should mirror the Chinese policy. As for my mission impossible to plant an Indian flag in China – I got within 160 miles of China – mountain biking through jungle roads, along paddy fields is tough – my 24 year old guide was more exhausted than me! And whilst we are talking of incursions into Indian territory, India should also mirror the policy the UAE has undertaken over Qatar, and India should apply this to Pakistan – to encircle and embargo. The UAE and her allies have a bold policy to perceived terrorist sponsoring States. When I was lobbying the White House when working in Congress for Congressman Eliot Engel to have Pakistan declared a terrorist State, none of this was backed by the Government of India. Not their fault, in 1994, they had no budget for such lobbying activity. So I sent them the report at the Indian Embassy of how much the Government of Pakistan spent on lobbying! But to this day, UAE, have a bolder foreign policy than India on terrorism. Come on India. Encircle and Embargo Policy now. Stop being scared. Sanctions. Copy the policy of the West to mighty Russia. Encircle and Embargo. Whilst we are at it, it should also do the same as Trump in enhanced due diligence from States it believes are fostering terrorism. Why is everyone bolder than India? Editor: CB Patel

Asian Voice is published by

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Asian Voice | 1st July 2017

Muslim woman suing estate agent ‘after being told black hijab made her look like a terrorist’

A Muslim woman is suing her former employers after allegedly being ordered to remove her black headscarf because the garment had “terrorist affiliations”. The estate agent, who did not want to be named, had been working for Harvey Dean in Bury for almost a year when she says managers took issue with her hijab. A complaint filed at the Manchester Employment Tribunal says the woman was told that moving from a back office into public view meant “that it would be in the best interest of the business for her to change the colour of her hijab, due to the supposed terrorist affiliation with the colour black”. A colleague allegedly claimed that the predominantly white and non-

Muslim community around the company’s office would “feel intimidated and scared if they saw the claimant”. The woman, who had been wearing a black headscarf that left her face uncovered since starting at Harvey Dean, said she was not prepared to change her attire for

the reasons given. She refused again in a phone call and had a meeting the following day with the male manager, who had allegedly brought coloured hijabs into the office for her to change into. Hours later, the claimant says she was reprimanded for sending a text

message to her father. The former housing sales negotiator said she felt “singled out” as the only Muslim woman in the office and claims the company discriminated against her on the basis of both religion and gender. The tribunal complaint argues that her treatment created an “intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating and offensive environment”, and is seeking a written admission that she was subjected to unlawful discrimination. The case, which will be considered at a preliminary hearing at the Manchester Employment Tribunal on 20 July, could result in Harvey Dean paying “aggravated damages” and compensation covering loss of earnings, holiday pay and legal fees.

The former owner of Shabab in Ladypool Road has now been fined £8,640 after health officers found it in a disgusting state in 2016 including a mouldy chopping board. Officers ordered improvements after visiting the premises and made two further visits to the restaurant in Sparkbrook , but discovered little had been done to clean it up. Zafar Hussain, who had previously admitted 18 breaches of hygiene regulations, was also ordered to pay £2,000 costs by Birmingham magistrates on Wednesday. Magistrates told the 32year-old there had been a “blatant disregard for the law” and there had been a

real risk of harm to others. When quizzed earlier, Hussain told the court he had staff problems and: “I can make a good curry but I can not manage.” He said he had taken over the business in August 2015, but within a couple of weeks he had received a zero rating for food hygiene which had a detrimental effect on the restaurant Hussain said he had tried to turn things round but received further bad ratings. Environmental health officers from Birmingham City Council made a routine inspection of Shabab on February 16, last year. They served the owner with an emergency schedule and returned two days later. The

restaurant was slightly cleaner but the majority of issues remained, including food being stored in the rear yard, the court heard. A further visit was made on March 3 but none of the 25 points highlighted had been dealt with and the premises remained in a filthy condition and there was no hot water Zafar Hussain appeared on the BBC programme

"Hairy Bikers Chicken and Egg" in the episode "Si and Dave learn how to cook a Balti", in October 2016. *The restaurant, its frontage now rebranded Shababs, is under new management and has received good reviews on Tripadvisor. The Food Standards Agency’s website shows that the restaurant currently has a ‘Good’ rating of four out of five.

A Staffordshire-based director of a Manchester restaurant, who changed his name to hide his part in his family’s £1 million VAT fraud, was sentenced on 13th June. Sibtain Ali, 35, of Burton on Trent, laundered £32,000 from the £1 million fraud that saw his two sisters, his brother and his brother’s partner make false VAT repayment claims for several companies, including the Popadom and Shawarma Express restaurants in the Trafford Centre. The four fraudsters were sentenced in 2010 after an investigation by HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC). Tasejad Hussain Jeffrey and his partner Bijan Khoshabi were jailed for the VAT fraud. Ali’s two sisters, Fiza and Asmat Hussain, were given suspended jail sentences. Subthain Hussain Jeffrey was named on paperwork as a company officer and a director of the two restaurants. Investigators could not initially trace him until they

discovered Ali had changed his name from Subthain Hussain Jeffrey. The Jeffery family had previously tried to mislead investigators by claiming Tasejad Hussain Jeffrey was dead. Ali admitted laundering £32,000 through the restaurant’s finances. Ali was jailed for one year suspended for 12 months on 13 June 2017, ordered to repay £32,000 within seven days to HMRC under a compensation order. He must also do 180 hours unpaid community work, and pay £2,000 court costs at Stafford Crown Court. Judge M Chambers QC told Ali: “You were involved in a VAT fraud led by your brother in which other family members were involved using a vehicle to claim VAT for which there was no legitimate entitlement. This fraud was committed when the UK was facing difficult financial times and is a serious matter for public money to be defrauded in this way.”

Curry house Shabab which starred in TV's Hairy Bikers fined over filthy kitchen

Fraudulent restaurant boss sentenced

Plea entered by man accused of murdering pedestrian

Mr Mohammed, (left) was found in London Road, near Leicester railway station.

A man accused of murdering a pedestrian outside Leicester train station appeared before a crown court judge last week. Rajesh Khunti (30), from , Leicester, pleaded not guilty to the murder of Dilovan Fazil Mohammed. Mr Mohammed (30), was found fatally injured on London Road, in the early hours of Wednesday March 8. He was taken to Leicester Royal Infirmary where he was pronounced dead. The Leicester Crown Court case was adjourned for

a trial, due to commence at Nottingham Crown Court in August. Following the alleged incident, part of London Road, in the vicinity of the railway station, remained closed for most of the day. The police initially believed they were dealing with a hit-and-run involving a vehicle. However, a postmortem examination concluded Mr Mohammed died from a stab wound. Judge Nicholas Dean QC remanded Khunti back into custody.


Cowboy builder left Brum couple without a roof after they gave him life savings

Radcliffe and Nashreen Ogier hired builder Scott Devlin to do building work on their bungalow in Selly Oak

A crooked builder conned customers out of £43,000 by lying about work that was never completed - leaving one home without a ROOF. The cowboy builder, 44, tried to hide what he was doing by channelling the money he was given into his nephew’s bank account. His principle victim was Radcliffe and Nashreen Ogier, who owned a property in Selly Park Road which they wanted to extend in summer 2013. They found Devlin’s firm on the internet and were quoted a price of £160,000 and agreed stage payments of £5,000, which went into Dunn’s account. The work started in October 2013 and was due to be completed by June 2014. But in May 2014, Devlin told the owners there were brickwork and delivery problems - and their home remained without a roof as winter approached. Eventually the work began again, but the couple ended up paying a further £3,700 to an architect and structural engineer. They also had to borrow further funds to get the work completed and were forced to live in homes of relatives. Devlin was due to be sentenced Tuesday afternoon.

Fraud gang jailed for funnelling £12.6m from hospitals and councils Two brothers from Redditch have been jailed for their part in an audacious fraud which funnelled £12.6 million cash from NHS hospitals, councils and the Guernsey government. Abdul Naeem, 36, and his brother Mohammed Nadeem, 33, were each given 67 month sentences for laundering the dirty cash through legitimate businesses including a cafe in Sutton Coldfield. They were part of a high stakes criminal conspiracy which fooled 22 mostly public bodies into handing over the money by sending forged letters claiming to be from legitimate building contractors carrying out work for the organisation. These letters announced a change of bank details to overseas accounts operated by the gang who then laundered the money through other legitimate businesses. Asif Habib, 53, of Al Barsha, Dubai, Imitiaz Khoda, 44, of Dallas Road, Lancaster, were also convicted of conspiring to launder the dirty cash. Habib was jailed for 40 months, Khoda for 54 months, and the brothers for 67 months each.


We regret that an incorrect picture of MBE Nitin Palan was published in Page 7 of last week's Asian Voice. The image used with the piece on the Nitin Palan MBE awarded to Mr Nitin Palan for his work on inter faith relations was actually that of VH Patel. We apologise for any upset this may have caused.


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Asian Voice | 1st July 2017

May accused of a billion pound May wants EU workers to stay handshake to keep her in power N Ireland bags big cash for supporting the Tories, while May gets accused of a 'straight bung' after agreeing on an extra £1 billion for Northern Ireland in exchange for Parliamentary support from the Democratic Unionist Party. May is now likely to come under huge pressure to raise spending elsewhere in the UK. Nicola Sturgeon, Scottish first minister has accused the government of abandoning the formula for sharing government money across the UK, leaving Scotland with 'scraps from the table' For years the Tories have been cutting budgets and services, but suddenly they have found a “magic money tree” to help them stay in power, said Ian Blackford, the party's Westminster leader. Gerry Adams, president of Sinn Fein, Northern Ireland's main nationalist party said that the deal “provides a blank cheque for a Tory Brexit which threatens the Good Friday Agreement.” DUP Leader Arlene Foster said that the deal has been struck in the national interest and has even agreed to vote with the

Tories on Thursday to approve the Queen's Speech, as well as on Brexit votes and to pass the budget but they are not committed to backing

the Tories on other pieces of legislation, meaning the parties could seek more cash for Northern Ireland, whenever May faces a close vote.

The significant pointers of the deal agreed by the two parties are: l Northern Ireland gets £1 bn in extra funding over the next two years. £400mn will be for infrastructure projects. £200 mn will go towards health service and the rest on ultra-broadband, tackling deprivation, education and mental health services l No means test for the winter fuel allowance, after Tories scrap plan l No change to the triple lock on pensions l The Tories will govern the interests of the Northern Ireland community l The NATO commitment to spend two per cent of the national income on defence will be met l The Armed Forces Covenant – the obligation to adequately support the services will be implemented 'throughout the United Kingdom' l The DUP will have 'no involvements' in the government's political talks in Northern Ireland and 'recognises the need for early restoration of inclusive and stable' devolved government.

Theresa May has said she wants the EU citizens living in the UK to stay after Brexit as she announced plans for a "settled status" for all EU nationals lawfully resident for at least five years. In a bid to put their "anxiety to rest" May said they will be able to apply for it and be able to bring over spouses and children. Those who come after an as-yet-unagreed date will have two years to "regularise their status" but with no guarantees. Guy Verhofstadt, lead Brexit negotiator for the European Parliament said, 'limitations' in Mrs May's offer were 'worrisome' while Lib Dem Brexit

spokesman Tom Brake accused the government of “treating people like dirt.” The key points of the UK's proposals are: Those granted settled status will be able to live, work, study and claim benefits just as they can now. The Family members of EU citizens living abroad will be able to return and apply for settled status. While the cut-off date for eligibility is undecided but will be between 29 March 2017 and 29 March 2019, the EU nationals living in the UK for less than five years at the specified date will be able to continue living and working in the UK. Once they become a

resident for five years, they can apply for settled status. Those arriving after the cut-off point will be able to stay temporarily but there should be "no expectation" they will be granted permanent residence. A period of "blanket residence permission" may apply to give officials time to process applications to stay in the UK. The Home Office will no longer require evidence that EU citizens who weren't working held "comprehensive sickness insurance". Officials anticipate that the process of administering "settled status" will be a huge challenge, with some 3.2 million potential applications.

Welby urges cross-party group to avoid Brexit disaster The most revered Archibishop of Canturbury, Justin Welby said that PM Theresa May should form a cross-party commission, over concerns that Brexit would be a “disaster if our negotiators go into the room without confidence in their backing within UK.” The idea of convening a broad-based group gained momentum after Mrs May's general election failure to secure a clear majority, and Rev Welby reiterated the idea when he told The Mail:

Archibishop of Canturbury, Rev Justin Welby

“We must develop some political tool which can hold the ring for the differences to be fought out. The future of this country is not a zero-sum, win-

ner-takes-all calculation... it would need to be cross-party and chaired by a senior politician, on privy council terms. It could not bind parliament, but it could draw much of the poison from the debate.” Other leaders have repeated the idea, when Brexit Secretary, David Davis told his colleagues he wants his shadow Sir Keir Starmer, appointed to the privy council so he can be briefed on confidential and sensitive elements of the talks.

Twenty successful Years of Loomba Foundation

Charity fundraising celebrations to commemorate International Widows Day to fight injustice against widows raises £350,000 Smita Sarkar

24 JUNE The Loomba Foundation celebrated its 20th Anniversary and observed the UN accredited International Widows Day 2017 on the 24 June at the Dochester Hotel at Mayfair, London to spread awareness about the plight of widows globally and raise funds for the foundation's upcoming projects. The foundation, with the help of their patrons were able to raise £350,000 that evening. The evening was graced by Shri Gopichand Hinduja, CoChairman of the Hinduja Group as the Guest of Honour, His Excellency Shri Y K Sinha, High Commissioner for India as the Chief Guest and Mrs Jeannette Kagame, First Lady of Rwanda, Shri Kalyan Bannerjee, Chairman of Rotary International Foundation as Special guests. The evening started with a welcome address by Lord Loomba CBE and an address by His Excellency Y K Sinha. CB Patel, Editor and Publisher of Asian Voice and Gujarat Samachar was among the esteemed guests. CB has been a patron

The Loomba Foundation signs a partnership with Rotary India Literacy Mission

and supporter of the Loomba Foundation from its inception. The evening witnessed the signing ceremony of a partnership project between the Loomba Foundation and the Rotary India Literacy mission to provide skills training to 30,000 widows and 2000 children of widows in India. A live auction was conducted by Lord Micheal Tobin, OBE and the evening was glittered with performances by the Babette Langford Young Set, 100 School Children, traditional performances by the Gurkha Pipers, Jay Kumar & Dance Asia and disco by Kudos. A short but stirring Urdu recital by the renowned musician Ustad Rahat Fateh Ali Khan, reinforced the fact that music is

the greatest communication in the world. Lord Loomba who is closely working with the Indian government, is urging for widow's rights to restore their dignity in the society. He suggested to set up a National Commission for Widows, similar to that of the National Commission for Women. He told Asian Voice: “We are fortunate to have Panchayat Raj that works mostly in villages but women there are illiterate, cannot get a job, are dependent on family members and are viewed in a different light. I call them modern day slaves and this should be abolished by putting someone responsible in the panchayat who can take care of the widows.” He suggested widows be given minority

status that would give them special privileges and rights that will eliminate discrimination and uplift their status. “I want to see widows have a status same as others. In the Parliament here, through debates, I have establishes, and ministers have agreed that widows suffer double discrimination,” he said. There was an elaborate dinner and drinks and guests left the event with a comprehensive magazine covering the foundation’s global journey, and anecdotal stories of Lord Loomba, his mother Shrimati Pushpa Wati Loomba and her struggles as she raised them as a widow in India and provided the perfect end to the evening.

Loomba Foundation. Born in Jammu, India, Joanna has always loved India and instantly agreed to join Lord Raj Loomba, when he shared the idea with her. “When Raj came to me, I was ignorant about the plight of widows in India. I knew widows tended to be ignored, I didn't know they were dispossessed of all that they had, that their children are mentally and physically abused. Raj was the child of a widowed mother and I was so proud of his intentions and his desire to do something internationally that would help not just the women but their children as well,” she told the Asian Voice. Lord Loomba, who became emotional while speaking to the Asian Voice about the plight of his 37year-old widowed mother, said: “CB Patel has been sup-

porting the Loomba Foundation ever since it was established in 1997. Today is our 20th Anniversary, and we can claim to have brought this issue out of the cupboard , but more needs to be done.” Mrs Cherie Blair CBE, QC and the President of the Loomba Foundation told us about a new programme with Rotary International. “The plan is to expand that across India and carry on with that education of children and widows that we are doing already and make sure that we never make people think that widows are alright, because in too many parts of the world, everything goes wrong for a woman when she becomes a widow.” Sharing her views with Asian Voice, she said: “Readers of Asian Voice 23 JUNE know about this problem. They can make a difference In another event the previto give back the dignity of ous day, the widows by supportInternational ing Loomba Widows Day (23rd Foundation, by June) set up by The raising awareness, Loomba Foundation challenging the in 2005 and recogout-of-date taboos nised by the United that have led to this Nations in 2010 was in the first place. celebrated this year at Also, to underthe Old Palace Yard, stand that women opposite The House and men are entiof Lords with Joanna tled to equal digniLumley, a patron launching a ‘blimp’ L to R: Lord Raj Loomba, Cherie Blair, Veena ty and respect in airship of The Loomba, Joanna Lumley and Rinku Loomba their lives.”



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Asian Voice | 1st July 2017

LIFF opens with a bang this year The red carpet showcases the best talent in South Asian movies and a critically acclaimed opening film The Bagri Foundation London & Birmingham Indian Film Festivals, now among Europe’s largest Indian film festivals, showcased its talent on the red carpet, followed by the opening film, Kavi Raz’s The Black Prince, on June 22 at the BFI Southbank. Cary Sawhney, The Festival’s executive and programming director, gave an inspiring speech before the opening film, confirming that this year had the best mix of movies, with many making their London premiere through LIFF. The festival also showcased an Italian film, which had Indian characters for the first time. The story of The Black Prince follows Maharaja Duleep Singh, crowned at the age of five to be the king of the Sikh Empire only for treachery to rob him of his throne. To save his life he is taken to England and raised as a Christian. However, when he comes of age he seeks out his mother who encourages him to reclaim

L to R: Cary R Sawhney, Ashutosh Gowarikar, Satinder Sartaj

his true heritage and rightful place as leader of the Kingdom of Punjab. He then faces a battle between the two contrasting cultures and his eventual reconciliation with his Sikh traditions, along with his fight to reclaim the throne of the Kingdom of Punjab. The lead role of Duleep Singh was played by Satinder Sartaaj, an acclaimed singer-poet making his acting debut, and had flown over from India for the red carpet and the Q&A after the screening. Also on the red carpet were Sophie

Stevens and Laenna Joyce, who play Duleep’s first and second wife respectively and Ameet Chana, Rup Magon, Lyndon Ogbourne and Ranjit Shudh.

The film did not get the dramatic response of last year’s opening film Parched, but the film had a tough subject to deal with. Like most period films, one had to strike a delicate balance while portraying the

turmoil of the period and maintaining historical accuracy, and the film did that well. Maharani Jind Kaur’s role, played by the noted actress Shabana Azmi, could have been a tide more elaborate, though. The film was received with a huge round of applause and a keen and interactive Q&A followed, with questions ranging from the film, to Satinder’s other career interests. High profile personalities who graced the premiere in London included Ashutosh Gowariker, British actress Meera Syal CBE, director Gurinder Chadha OBE, Lord and Lady Desai, Lord Gadhia, Indian cricketer Harbhajan Singh amongst others. LIFF renamed its Birmingham chapter this year as the Birmingham Indian Film Festival. Known as the ‘punk-rock of Indian cinema’, the festival has been showcasing South Asian films for the past eight years and will end with another stunning film, The Sexy Durga on June 29.

Enquiries into Sri Lankan friends drowned in Aug 2016 continues A lawyer representing the families of five Sri Lankan friends who drowned on a day out to the beach, have blamed a shortage of lifeguards for the deaths as an inquest heard that they were all healthy and competent swimmers. The men, Kenugen Saththiyanathan, 18, known as Ken and his brother Kobikanthan Saththiyanathan, 22, known as Kobi from Erith; Nitharsan Ravi, 22, of Plumstead; Inthushan Sriskantharasa, 23, of Grays in Essex and G u r u s h a n t h Srithavarajah, 27, of Welling were all active sportsmen who often swam in the sea.

The brothers Ken and Kobi came to the UK when they were ten and 14 in July 2008. their father told The Times: “As a family we went to the beaches in the UK nearly every summer and the boys went without us sometimes.” He added that Kobi, who was studying business at the University of Brighton loved Camber Sands and had visited the beach every year. Ravi, studying aeronautical engineering at the University of Brighton said he was also fit and could easily swim 100m. He reported that his son was chased by a group of youth a day before the incident and had incurred

Clockwise from top left: Kobikanthan Saththiyanathan, Nitharsan Ravi, Kurushanth Srithavarajah, Kenugen Saththiyanathan and Inthushan Sriskantharasa Photograph: Facebook

minor head injuries, but that had not played a part in his death. An enquiry into their deaths was adjourned last November and the circumstances will be considered as part of the

British Asian Couple sue adoption agency Continued from page 1 The two Sikh professionals from Berkshire have no close links to India and requested the adoption agency for a child from any ethnic background, but were rejected as only white children were up for adoption. With the backing of their local MP Theresa May, they are suing the agency and the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC). The Manders told the Times that they are desperate for a child, having

tried IVF unsuccessfully 16 times over the course of seven years. ‘Giving an adopted child – no matter what race – the security of a loving home was all we wanted to do. ‘What we didn’t expect was a refusal for us to even apply for adoption, not because of our incapability to adopt, but because our cultural heritage was defined as “Indian/Pakistani”.’ Speaking to the BBC’s Victoria Derbyshire programme, Reena said ‘It’s quite hurtful that we were written off at the first hurdle.'

Georgina Calvert-Lee from McAllister Olivarius law firm, representing the Manders, told the paper that it is unacceptable for a child to be denied loving adoptive parents solely on the grounds that the child does not share the same racial or cultural heritage as the adopters. Micheal Gove had introduced reforms to end the prevalence of racial profiling in the adoption system. New statutory guidance for local authorities and adoption agencies in 2011 made clear that a child's ethnicity should not be a barrier.

inquest into the five friends. Council officials have said that the beach can never be completely risk-free but they are determined to increase safety, the inquest continues.


Lawyer campaigns for animal rights education and advocacy Dina Aherne is a U.K born Hindu, and a lawyer by background has decided to leave her corporate career to pursue her passion for animal rights education and advocacy, whilst continuing her law work through teaching and training on a consultancy basis. Dina is involved in a number of campaigns including holding vigils outside slaughterhouses, bearing witness to cows going to slaughter, as well as regularly giving talks around the

Dina Aherne

realised that these realities existed, she decided to not only become vegan and thus not contribute to such harm to cows but also to use her legal skills and teaching

Dina Aherne (front middle) with other protesters

country about the realities of the meat and dairy industry. Her more recent campaign has involved raising awareness about the realities of the dairy industry amongst the Hindu section of society. Hindus, in general, revere the cow seeing the animal as sacred, often referring to the dairy cow as mother or more dearly, Gaumata. Unfortunately, many vegetarians do not know what the reality is for their beloved Gaumata, including but not limited to how she is made to bear calf over and over again through artificial methods and how her calf, once born, is typically separated from the mother within a few days. Dina herself was a vegetarian for much of her life and once she

abilities to raise awareness about these harsh realities. Dina believes that whether one is Hindu or not, people generally wish to live a life where they do not want to knowingly contribute to harm to other beings. The concept of ahimsa very much entails no harm. Dina began her 'Honour the Cow, give up Milk' campaign in Leicester on Belgrave Road (or better known as the Golden Mile) in April this year. In June this was followed by Part 2 of the campaign in Ealing Road, Wembley which was deemed a success with one of the highlights being a young, 6 year old vegan activist called Jian who spoke to members of the Hindu community about the cruel dairy industry.

BAPS Charities Supports Kranti Tour of UK

BAPS Charities welcomed Kranti (Revolution) to BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir, London on Saturday 24 June 2017. Kranti is a nongovernmental organisation that empowers girls born to workers from Mumbai’s red light areas to become agents of social change through the provision of homes, education and training and enables these ‘Revolutionaries’ to emerge as leaders and economic assets, redefining the value of women in Indian society. On Saturday, the girls

presented Kranti’s onehour theatrical production, ‘Laal Batti Express’, to an audience of over 200 people at The Swaminarayan School. Their performance, which portrayed humility, dignity and resilience,

drew emotional support from the gathering who were particularly impressed with their determination to better their lives and the lives of their families and others who have been affected by their issues.

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Continued from page 1

I saw my clothes burn away in front of me. He put his foot down as we were coming onto a dual carriageway but the pain took over and we crashed. We stripped off in the middle of the road, running around screaming and begging for water. We did this for 45 minutes.” Resham said another driver eventually stopped and drove the pair to hospital, before they were transferred to a specialist unit. She continued: “I have had a skin graft, they are waiting on what my face will actually look like. And Resham before the attack I have burns across my body. My cousin was put since the shocking attack. person. No one has a right into a coma as his burns He wrote: “Resham is to damage or disfigure any were worst. He was been human being. It is not simusually a very confident woken up and I’m waiting ply a single attack but the young woman. She was to be told I’m no longer fear it generates in the preparing to open her own bed bound to visit him.” community is incalculable. business over the summer, Resham added: “I’m All decent people will rally and had plans to model for devastated. I keep wonderround to identify the crimAsian bridal, make-up and ing if my life will ever hair artists. But now be the same. Acid she feels as though attacks in the UK are her identity has been unheard of for me. My stolen from her, on 21st birthday. My glow her 21st birthday.” up complete. Just got Resham said she back to the country. had made a full And now I’ll probably statement to cops, never look the same. I adding that one offiam so grateful to cer told her he was everyone that has “certain [the attackprayed for me. I feel as er] will be found and though I’m blessed to sent away for a long have my limbs and time”. senses. But I loved my A spokesperson face and body. I just for the Metropolitan want this guy caught.” Police said: “Police The Asian commuwere called at nity has been shocked approximately by this attack. 09:15hrs on Speaking to Asian Thursday, 21 June to Voice Lord Navnit reports that two Dholakia said: “The occupants of a car criminal act of acid had been sprayed attack on a young Snap of Resham and her cousin just with a corrosive subhours before the attack woman in Newham is to stance. The occupants, be condemned and a man aged 37 and a inal who perpetrated this deplored. The photographwoman aged 21, were serious crime. We should ic evidence shows the lastassisted by members of the fully cooperate with the ing damage which for ever public and had been taken Police in this matter. In the will blight the life of this to an east London hospital meantime the community prior to the arrival of should rally police and the London round to supAmbulance Service. Both port the victim and her family victims have suffered burn at this difficult injuries described as lifetime.” changing. One of “It is believed the vicResham’s stutims were inside a parked dent pals has car when a man now set up a approached and threw a GoFundMe corrosive substance page to raise through the open window. cash to support The car made off pursued them in their by the suspect on foot long recovery. before it collided with a D a n i e l fence. The suspect made Mann said his off. Officers from Newham uni friend and and the Met’s Territorial her cousin, who Support Group executed a he named as warrant at an address in J a m e e l E16 on the afternoon of 21 Muhktar, have June in connection with had to put their the incident. There were Resham pictured in hospital being lives on hold no arrests; enquiries contreated for burns to her body and face


Is there someone you know who has broken boundaries and deserves recognition for their unique contribution to the Asian Community or the Nation

Nominate them for the 17th Asian Achievers Awards


The prestigious Asian Achievers Awards is hosted every year by UK’s leading news weeklies Asian Voice and Gujarat Samachar to honour British Asians par excellence.

Deadline for nomination 31st July, 2017 NOMINATION FORM Please tick the appropriate category Achievement in Community Service In recognition for an individuals service to community.

Woman of the Year The award will recognise and honour a woman who has made a significant mark in any chosen field. Sports Personality of the Year Awarded for excellence in sports. Business Person of the Year Awarded to a business person who is a success in every sense of the word and can demonstrate a genuine passion for social issues. Lifetime Achievement Award To honour those individuals, who during their lifetime, have made immense contributions in any given field. This remarkable individual can be marked as an example for the younger generation. Uniformed and Civil Services For outstanding achievements in uniformed and civil services or contribution to the community through any of the above services. Entrepreneur of the Year Awarded to an entrepreneur with a proven track record of operating a successful business enterprise. Professional of the Year Professionals in the field of medicine, law, education, banking, finance and others, who have scaled the heights of their chosen profession. Achievement in Media, Arts and Culture Someone who has made a mark in media including print and broadcast media; cinema, art and culture.

Details required for filing the nomination Please email/post the below details on a separate sheet I Nominee's Name, Occupation I Nominee's Contact Details (Tel/ Email) I Award Category: (choose from the category above ) I Reason for nomination I Nominees Accomplishments /Awards/Recognitions I Personal background /CV/ Bio (Attach these documents if necessary) I Any other information you would like to include about the nominee I Your Name/ Contact details(Email/Phone) Make sure that you fill in this application form and send it on or before 31st July, 2017 by post, fax or email to Mr. L George, Tel: 020 7749 4013, Fax 020 7749 4081, Email: aaa@abplgroup.com. If you are sending it by post the address is Mr. L George, ABPL Group, Karma Yoga House, 12 Hoxton Market, London N1 6HW. Apply online www.abplgroup.com/Events/Asian-Achievers-Awards/Nominations

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Asian Voice | 1st July 2017

Accidental deaths during Eid festivities Six people, including three children were injured when a car ran over a crowd gathered for Eid prayers at the Westgate Sports Centre, in Newcastle. The injured are being treated at the Royal Victoria Infirmary within minutes of the crash, which happened at 9:25 am. Three have been seriously hurt, two children have had to be moved to intensive care and one adult in a high dependency unit, following the incident when a 42-year-old woman crashing into the crowds with her car. She has been arrested.

Police informed the incident was not terrorrelated, and a witness described it as a ‘freak accident’. A statement from the Newcastle Central Mosque

read: we pray and hope all those affected recover fully soon and thank the emergency services and over 100 volunteers from the mosque for their quick response to the incident.”

Goldy, the drum and bass legend surprised his fans at Glastonbury when he said that drugs don’t work… only yoga does. The 51-year-old admitted to being into drugs for 35 years, but yoga has taken away the neediness and got the better of him, he said in a chat with Guilty Pleasures. He chatted candidly about how he managed to escape ‘paying the price’ for his highs. “I’ve been a bad boy sometimes, but seven years of yoga changes a man,” confirmed Goldy. The British Innercity

Life electronic musician, whose real name is Clifford Price is off drugs but still enjoys a drink, calling himself ‘a yogi, not a Dalai Lama.’ The leg-

endary performer who now lives in Asia, had flown down to enthral the Glastonbury crowds with his performance on Saturday.


As I See It

Headline Sells

The Economist is Aware of It

Goldie credits yoga for his clean living

The instant reaction of a reader would be that Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government is misleading its nation. Sometimes, the illusions could very well be delusions. The Economist is a revered publication, perhaps this is its style. A provocative headline draws attention of the readers. Who reads the fine print? The Economist has devoted a three-page article, along with a whole page leader (comment) worth up to 5000 words to emphasise its claims on what they feel is a flawed leadership. We need not just focus on the headline. Let's see what the fine print says. The sub-headline on Page 21 reads, “Narendra Modi has done a passable job administering the Indian economy but not enough to reform it”. The Economist's front page featuring Narendra Modi The Economist has a very riding what appears to be an injured paper tiger. positive observation of the Goods and Services Tax, which should have said, the Modi government will be operational from July 1. In terms, had no hesitation to implement Aadhaar, while the historic move will act as a which was actually developed during the relief for Indian businesses, it also says UPA government. The Economist can see that it, “Hopes that liberalising reforms the gains made from Aadhaar could be would breathe new life into India's econsizeable. As for demonetisation, it said it omy have permeated the air since was a bold step. In a way it can see it was Narendra Modi swept to power...” Of necessary, but obviously a gigantic Course. There is a possibility that the change in the mindset of the people, or GST could have been made more perfect. the administration cannot happen We are all aware of the half glass full, overnight within the restraints of and the half glass empty overview. democracy. India is not China. Moving ahead, The Economist claims The Economist is concerned about that during the election campaign leadseveral other issues like, opacity in the ing up to the chapter of 2014, “(this market, lack of capable workforce in the newspaper) winced at the sectarian and education sector, etc. Sure, all these polarising bent of his BJP”. Really? Some things and many more are necessary. would say that till Modi was almost But, one wonders why The Economist elected, The Economist had a very differperhaps stooped so low by putting a disent opinion of Narendra Modi. tinctly negative gloss with 'Modi's India'. Let's look at other statements from “More an administrator than a the piece. “Mr Modi has shown that he is reformer...He is more energetic than his an astute administrator of the economic predecessor.” machinery he inherited. Corruption The Economist is rightfully conseems to have abated, at least at the cerned about some religious issues in highest levels of government. But he has India and correctly so. We ourselves, or I, demonstrated little appetite for the even as a vegetarian, do not support any reforms, which would bring sustained state machinery directing people on growth...” what they can and can't eat. Any observer of the government in a “Political conditions are about as huge continent-like country, India, propitious for reform as they are ever where there is a vibrant, noisy, and likely to be. Mr Modi's government is the sometimes, divisive democracy, would strongest in decades. It has a big majorperhaps be happy and almost contented ity in the lower house of parliament and with the first three years of the Modi-led is edging closer to control of the upper NDA, headed by BJP, government. house, as well. It runs most big states. Let's quote The Economist again. The opposition is hopeless.” “The sporadic liberalisation of investSlow right down there. You can't ment rules has helped to record change the juggernaut so easily. Things amounts of foreign cash, albeit from an are on the way, we believe. As usual, perabysmally low level. The stockmarket haps less so now, than before, The has boomed. Tech giants such as Apple Economist reminds the readers of the and Amazon see India as the next fronGujarat riots of 2002. I must say clearly tier.” that The Economist, Financial Times, Luck is Oil! and some other publications have changed their opinion or toned down India is a huge importer of oil, and the the rhetoric when approached repeatedtumbling of price has naturally been very ly by my publications and others and helpful to India and even The Economist stopped using such improper and says, “Mr Modi should also receive credit provocative words like 'genocide', etc. for sensibly using the oil windfall to pare So The Economist is not beyond the fuel subsidies and keep the budget pale. Perhaps, with a more equivocal deficit mostly in check.” balance-sheet of the Modi government, “A new bankruptcy law, introduced in we will welcome a befitting journal. May 2016, may enable the enforcement However, until then, the headline salvo of lending contracts... Mr Modi has also remains sufficiently unsupported by a championed a nationwide biometric cluster of words, all written in small scheme known as Aadhaar... The gains print. made from Aadhaar could end up being C. B. Patel sizeable...” Perhaps The Economist


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Asian Voice | 1st July 2017

Rani Singh, Special Assignments Editor

Bhai Vir Singh’s Great Grand-daughter Researches Dementia Sangita Bhatia, direct descendant of legendary poet- scholar Bhai Vir Singh, is researching a topic different to one chosen by her illustrious forefather. Sangita Bhatia is a Researcher in Social Policy working with NGO Capacity Australia. It’s a medicolegal charity, promoting the rights of people with decision-making disability; through education, advocacy, and research. The NGO received funding through The Dementia Collaborative Research Centre, University of Sydney to develop an e-learning module trialed on frontline banking staff. This was to give them an understanding of Dementia and to pick up red flags for signs of financial abuse towards Dementia sufferers.

Background Sangita Bhatia was born in New Delhi, India. Her parents both studied Law at the University of Delhi. “My mum’s grandfather was Bhai Sahib Bhai Vir Singh, a poet, philosopher and father of Punjabi literature. My father was a senior bureaucrat with Indian Railways. My mother went into Banking. At 85, she works for the Bhai Vir Singh Trust, writing books and poetry,” Sangita explains

to us in interview. Sangita lives in Sidney, Australia.

UK Connect Sangita says, “My association with UK has been through my father-in-law who studied at Imperial College. I visited London in 1980 as part of a Sikh Youth camp from India. Lately, my son has moved to work in London so I visit. UK and Australia are both western societies. India is culturally different. They all share an emphasis on family life. The UK has been at the forefront of clinical and social research of ageing people suffering from cognitive decline. Australia strives to follow. In India, the abuse of parents is a growing problem. People are reluctant to come forward and seek help, so it’s hard to bring about change.”

Sangita Bhatia

Trajectory Sangita comments, “In 2010, my passion for helping people motivated me to complete a Masters in Policy and Applied Social

Research from Macquarie University.” She also has a Bachelor of Law and Commerce degree and has worked in retail and corporate banking.

“For my Masters I worked as an intern with Alzheimer’s Australia, researching the financial abuse of people with dementia and cognitive mental decline. I now work as a Researcher and Coordinate Training programs to make sure that people with cognitive disability make the decisions they are capable of, while safeguarding them against abuse. My first project was developing an elearning tool which was trialled with Australia’s two leading banks. The e-tool had a 99% knowledge translation score. My next research project was with the University of Western Sydney and Council on the Ageing. I asked what if older people lose the capacity to make decisions in relation to their finances will substitute decision makers have to be appointed? It is better for such substitute decision makers to be appointed in advance by the person themselves by granting Enduring Powers of Attorney. We recommended Power of Attorney legislation be amended in line with our research findings.”

Significant Breakthroughs Sangita feels it is crucial that older people have knowledge of and be given access to advance planning tools. Cognitive and related functional decline in older people is a reality and in New South Wales alone during 2011 there were 91,308 people diagnosed with Dementia. This is projected to increase to

As we age we must continue to be social and not live in isolation. 303,673 people by 2050. “I now work to build awareness around prevention of elder abuse. Due to our research, the NSW Government launched an inquiry into elder abuse and asked for submissions from organisations and institutions.” Findings about the Asian community that could transfer to the UK? In the UK a report was published in 2011 on the back of which Australian Alzheimer’s Society proposed research into financial abuse. “Mental health has negative connotations for Indians. Shame or denial

may be the response to mental illness. It may be presented to doctors as somatic (related to body as distinct from the mind) pain rather than as anxiety or depression. Some of the factors that tend to increase the risk of mental disorder such as depression and anxiety among migrants are; l Limited English proficiency l Separated cultural identity l Loss of close family ties l Lack of opportunity to make effective use of occupational skills l Trauma exposure prior to migrating

Solutions? “People with dementia can be vulnerable to abuse as the disease affects their memory, judgement, attention, language, planning, behaviour, mood and personality. Having Dementia does not necessarily mean the person does not have capacity to make decisions for themselves. Dementia is a collection of symptoms that are caused by disorders of the brain. Dementia is not a normal part of ageing. As we age we must continue to be social and not live in isolation.

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www.asian-voice.com AsianVoiceNews

Asian Voice | 1st July 2017

Global Terrorism

Referring to Mr Jubel’ D’Cruz’s letter dated 24th June 2017 terrorism, such as carnage, converting people into other faiths, grabbing land to rule over etc by groups of assassins, gunmen etc by spreading fewar and making attacks has deep roots in history; and it has become a problem in the age of science and modern technology to control it; and, much more, the laws made are such that power and authority are divested from responsible officials. A clue to the problem could be found but the terrorists’ demands are notknown generally to the government or the public prior to the carnage and destruction to the properties that disrupt day to day public routine. All the faiths are expected to coexist peacefully. Religious prescriptions are intended to make living on earth like living in heaven. It is incumbent upon leaders of any faith to guide their mindful followers to control their minds and emotions, so that they do not turn into terrorists to put their own and other innocent people’s life at risk. Lord Jesus’ teaching is certainly against the beheading of any person in any circumstance. But the author’s opinion is vice versa, he believes that other terrorists may learn a lesson from receiving such punishment. Do the readers agree with it? RN Patel Essex

Passing of a Cardinal

Mumbai’s Cardinal Ivan Dias was a very jovial, softspoken and able spiritual leader. He provided the right leadership for the Catholic Church in India. He was also a great Vatican diplomat and accepted great responsibilities in the Vatican departments in Rome. He was born on April 14, 1936 and entered the Holy See’s diplomatic service in 1964. On November 8, 1996, he was made the Archbishop of Bombay. Later, he was proclaimed Cardinal on February 21, 2001 by the late St Pope John Paul II. We have lost a born leader. May his soul rest in peace. Jubel D’Cruz, Mumbai, India

Tin Pot Gods

India’s abominable performance against arch rivals Pakistan on Sunday, 18 June, could be described as utter annihilation. The whole India team of eleven could not match the amount of runs which just one player of the opposite team made. This begs the question. Why did India choose to field first rather than bat even after winning the toss? Could things have turned out different if India had batted first? Besides, perhaps hockey, the only game in which India has so far dominated the world of sport is cricket. Cricketers, like film stars, are venerated like demigods in India. Indian diaspora all over the world had their eyes glued over their TV sets last Sunday. Many India supporters in England spent hundreds of pounds to watch and cheer India play and in return they got nothing but disappointment. In the vast continent of India, their must be other better players who could be given a chance to prove themselves. As it was a hot and sunny day, our family had settled down in the back garden of our house enjoying a barbecue of roast “mogo”, makai (corn on the cob) and potatoes together with long cool drinks watching the game on ipad. We had hoped to raise a glass or two of cold lemon drinks to cheer India’s win but in vain. We, like Indians all over the world, were utterly disappointed. Next to warch is tennis at Wimbledon. But why is there no Indian player of any merit taking part? Dinesh Sheth Newbury Park, Ilford

Dear Letter Writers

Thank you for your letters to our ‘Readers’ Voice’ section. As you may recall a few years back we made it mandatory that your ‘Letters to the editor’ must not be more than 200 words. Despite that we have allowed people to write upto 250-300 words and have edited them as and when required. Some letter writers continue to send letters worth 400-450 words. Our Editorial team has been editing them every week. However the team and the Editors have decided that from now on, if any letter is more than 350 words, we will not be able to accommodate in the paper. Please note: Letters can be sent via email to aveditorial@abplgroup.com by Monday 5pm or by fax to 020 7749 4080 or by post. - AV

Better letters

Reader Dinesh Avanti is right about writing letters to newspapers. It's the quality, not quantity, that counts, preferably with one or two points expressed as briefly as possible. Also, the shorter a letter, the more likely it is to catch the attention of thousands of readers, some of whom may be motivated to respond. A long letter will probably be read by just one person, the man or woman who wrote it. Rudy Otter By email

India’s Shuttlecock Diplomacy

Cricket mad Indians, not only in India but throughout the world, are completely unaware, uninterested in other sports where Indians excel. These sports are weight lifting, shooting, hockey, tennis, wrestling and above all badminton, one sport Indian players dominates, along with China, although measuring sporting success by Olympic standard, India occupies bottom place, in terms of medal win per population ratio. Last Sunday, India’s top badminton player Srikant Kidambi won Australian open Super Series title, beating China’s Olympic champion Chen Long in two straight sets, scooping $750,000 reward. This was his second successive super title win in just eight days. This feat did not go unnoticed, as even PM Modi congratulated him in his “Mann Ki Baat” broadcast. A “Padma Shree” award may not be far off! Other world class Indian badminton players are Sania Nehwal, former world number one with twenty international titles to her name, P. V. Sindhu and many more. Even at tennis, one of the most competitive sports, Indian players excels, especially in doubles and mix doubles, charming Sania Mirza draws as much attention as any top cricket player. Other notable famous names that we may remember are Leander Paes, Mahesh Bhuphati and Vijay Amritraj, tennis player turned actor with a role in 1983 Bond movie Octopussy. It is time Indian people appreciate their achievements, made possible through hard work, dedication and self-discipline. Kumudini Valambia By email

Mahatma Gandhi

I read your impressive editorial and article on Shri Manubhai and Shrimati Champaben and was amazed by their adoration of Mahatma Gandhi! In 1915 when Gandhiji came from South Africa to India, he inspired hope and confidence in all leaders and people because of his experience in South Africa! He decided to see first hand the conditions in India. He saw a poor woman having bath in a pond, after bath he saw her wearing the same old torn saree! He said to himself, 'Is my Mother India so poor, then I will wear only a loin cloth until all the poor have enough clothes. He took this Bhisma Oath and fought for India Independence and died for it wearing only a loin cloth and cheap pair of chapals! When sin and evil increased all over the world, Lord Krishna promised God/some saints has to come to reestablish dharma over evil! In Treta Yug, Ram killed Ravan, in Dwapar Yug, Arjun was advised by Krishna to kill Duryodhan and Kauvas. In Kali Yug, God chose a simple man from some unknown corner of Gujarat like Gandhi with Tenets of Sanatan Dharma, which gave him courage and a resolute mind to fight non-cooperation India’s Independence struggle with Satya and Ahimsa against British Colonialism of greed, insults and atrocity, thus destroying it from India and later from all over the world! Despite this Gandhi was humble, loved all people including the British! Even Britain revered him for his Greatness! Richard Attenborough made movie 'Gandhi' , and PM Wilson allowed his Statue in Tavistock Square and PM Cameron in Parliament Square, without which Parliament Square is like a Crown without a Kohinoor Diamond! His statues are now all over the World! Einstein once said about Gandhi, 'In future people will find it hard to believe that such a great man ever walked on the face of the earth'! Upendra Kapadia By email


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David Davis on EU Negotiations

David Davis told Andrew Marr on Sunday 25 June 2017 that “Exports to EU from UK were about £230 billion and Imports from EU were about £290 billion”. The more correct figures were £240 billion exports and £290 billion imports for 2016. What he forgot to mention was that Sterling was down compared to the Euro by 13.7% since the EU membership referendum in the UK. If trade in goods and services remained the same in quantity terms, our exports to the EU would be a few percentage points cheaper to EU customers and our imports from EU will be a few percentage points dearer in 2017. On the trade deficit of about £50 billion in 2016, we would lose about £4 to £5 billion more just due to devaluation of the pound in 2017. If Sterling does not recover, then we shall lose this extra £4 to £5 billion every year. When one considers all the advantages of just keeping the status quo, the numerous advantages outweigh the disadvantages by a ratio of 2 to 1 if a forensic analysis of costs and benefits were undertaken. If it ain’t broke, do not fix it. Keep repeating this as a Brexit Mantra. If UK truthfully wants to put its economy as the most important priority, then it should not only opt for the four freedoms of movements of people, goods, services and capital, but add the fifth freedom which is adoption of the Euro currency. Nagindas Khajuria By email

Storm in a tea cup?

Rudy Otter’s light hearted comment, creating Milky Bar Kid scenario, may not have pleased some contributors, as Dineshbhai’s response “Sour Grapes” suggests. Regular contributors like Dineshbhai, Ramesh Jhalla put time and effort, day in, day out, thoroughly deserves some recognition, as it is human nature to appreciate “APPRECIATION!” In early nineties, I used to deal with friendly and dedicated “Assistant Editor” Priya Gautama, predecessor to equally devoted Rupanjana Dutta. I wonder where she is today! Because of such support, faith and encouragement, some contributors climbed journalistic ladder, having written novels, have their own columns in various magazines. My proudest achievement was to cover CM Modiji’s visit in 2002 for AV and IL and being appreciated by readers. This is the best gift CB, AV and GS have given us. Yet our contribution fades into insignificance compared to Mr Otter’s 60 years as popular, dedicated journalist. Only difference is that we came into journalism from different professions, being doctors, pharmacists, accountants, lawyers, for our love of writing. Incidentally we are in the same age group. Dr Vidyanathan, Dr Kapadia and Dr Anil Mehta, have sadly departed before being honoured. We are looking forward receiving letter of appreciation, perhaps with token trophy we can proudly display in our “Trophy Cabinet.” As most of us are in our twilight years, I hope such an event will be held ASAP, perhaps in a prestigious location, with our financial contribution, to enjoy fruits of our dedicated contribution before it is too late! Bhupendra M. Gandhi By email

The Ramayana

Dineshbhai’s views about Ramayana are praiseworthy. Ramayana is not a myth. A real ruler, Ram, existed. Ramayana began with King Dasrath mistakenly killing Shravan. But death of a bird while courting inspired Valmiki to create poetic version. Valmiki, Tulsidas and others added variety and gave six divergent versions of Ramayana, to suit credibility and contemporary social environment. In each version, certain aspects are stressed, eg humor, spirituality, role of Sita, Ravan, rapport between Ram and Hanuman, etc. . But most of them depict Ram as God. Only Valmiki depicts Ram as a mere human being but with divine essence. Therefore when Ram weeps like mere mortal, he comes very near to devotees. Also when Ram is depicted as divine God incarnate, devotees indulge in hedonistic celebration and then return to original life style. Three rulers defeated Ravan and could have killed him. Each thought selfishly and freed him. But, Ram killed him for collective relief of neighboring rulers from tyranny of Ravan. This is essence of Ramayan that must be understood by all Indians before futile dreaming and drumming for Ram rajya. One Ram is not enough when surrounded Ravanas, who must be demolished to have Ram rajya. Ramesh Jhalla By email


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Asian Voice | 1st July 2017

Brent takes a step closer to extending landlord licensing All landlords could soon be required to licence their properties in Brent if the government agrees rule changes proposed by the council. The cabinet has voted to commit to extend the licensing of private rented properties and has agreed to seek confirmation from the government as soon as possible. All landlords will be required to apply for a licence in the designated areas if the Minister of State for Housing and Planning gives his approval. The government is expected to reach a deci-

sion by September this year. Cllr Harbi Farah, Cabinet Member for Housing and Welfare Reform, said: "We have made these recommendations on the basis of reducing anti-social behaviour, deprivation and poor housing conditions in Brent. We have evidence to prove that when a landlord is required to meet the stipulations of a licence, we increase the likelihood of tenants enjoying a better standard of living and reduce anti-social behaviour in the neighbourhood."

A landlord of an HMO (House in Multiple Occupation) who failed to take proper fire safety precautions has been left with a court bill of more than £5,000. Mohammed Asif Shaffait neglected to install self-closers on seven fire doors in his three-storey property in Erleigh Road, east Reading and broke other HMO rules. The Council’s Private Sector Housing Team

received a report from the Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service regarding problems with the fire safety measures at the HMO on 18th August 2016. Officers inspected the property on 25th August and found that there were no self-closers on the fire doors protecting the escape route from the HMO, despite Mr Shaffait having been advised of this on an earlier occasion.

Landlord Fined for Failing to take Fire Safety Precautions

Leading unis rated 'bronze' under new ranking system Several leading universities have failed to score highly in a new ranking of degree teaching standards. The Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) has rated 295 institutions bronze, silver or gold according to their standard of undergraduate teaching. Gold went to 59 and silver to 116. The lowest score of bronze was awarded to 56 including the London School of Economics (LSE), Southampton, Liverpool, Goldsmiths and the School of Oriental and African Studies (Soas).

Heads worried tuition fee pledge for teachers to be dropped Head teachers are concerned that the promise of university tuition fee relief for teachers may be axed. The Conservative manifesto proposed that teachers would not repay tuition fees while they remained in teaching - to help tackle staffing shortages. Many other education policies have been ditched - and heads' leader Russell Hobby says he is concerned the new government has "gone quiet" on fees. He called for urgent clarification on whether the plan was being dropped.

The new teaching rankings aim to help students make informed choices about degree courses, but many universities rated as bronze have criticised the system as unfair and unreliable. The TEF, which was introduced by the previous government, is being administered by the Higher Education Funding Council for England (Hefce). Degree providers - a mixture of universities, colleges offering degree courses and alternative providers - could choose

whether or not to take part. However, those awarded a bronze or higher - all institutions that took part, besides 64 who were given

a provisional rating - are now set to be able to raise tuition fees, which currently stand at about £9,000, in line with inflation in 2018-19.

The creation of a new wave of grammar schools in England has been ditched from the government's plans. The Queen's Speech says the government will "look at all options" for opening new schools, but that will not include removing the current ban on expanding selection. The controversial plan to stop free lunches for all infants is also absent. This takes away the biggest source of extra funding promised for schools in the Conservative manifesto. The government, setting out its plans for the next two years, has not announced any legislation

for education. This means dropping their most high profile proposed education reform - the expansion of selective education in England. The re-written plans now call for "every child to go to a good or outstanding school" - but with the recognition that any changes will depend upon being able to "command a majority". A Department for Education source said that the Queen's Speech was an unambiguous decision not to go ahead with creating more grammar schools. n No new grammar schools n Plans dropped to stop

free lunches for all infants n No legislation announced for education n School funding plans to be put forward at a later date n Changes to how individual school budgets are allocated will go ahead n Technical education to be upgraded

Grammar school expansion abandoned

ºђકЦ® ¸Цªъ³Ъ ╙¸àક¯ђ³ЬєÃºЦ ˛ЦºЦ ¾щ¥Ц® Major Commercial Property Auction Thursday 13th July 2017 MOTOR TRADE INVESTMENT


Wrexham LL11 1BG

London NW9 8RS

Let to Signet Trading Limited t/a Ernest Jones. Pedestrianised Town Centre location. Rent £25,000 p.a.x.

29 Blackbird Hill, Kingsbury Entirely let to Coral Racing Limited until 2027 (No breaks). Includes residential maisonette. Rent £26,632 pax rising to a minimum of Rent £30,132 pax in 2021 p.a.x.

Pontefract WF8 1BA 15 Salter Row Entirely let to Argos Limited. Attractive and historic West Yorkshire market town. Rent £80,000 p.a.x.

Bletchley MK2 2RU 90 Queensway Prominent position on Bletchley’s principal retailing thoroughfare. Tenant in occupation since at least 2009. Rent £11,000 p.a.x.

Bletchley MK2 2RU 96 Queensway Let on a renewed 15 year lease. Tenant in occupation since at least 1995. Rent £22,000 p.a.x.

Ramsgate CT11 8NT 20 King Street Entirely let to Iceland Foods Limited with guarantee. Iceland lease expires in February 2030 (subject to option). Rent £81,685 pax exclusive (with fixed rental increases in 2020 and 2025) p.a.x.

Ruislip HA4 7AA 70 High Street £110,000 surrender premium payable to purchaser in November 2017. Shop and two bed residential flat to revert to purchaser in November 2017. Rent £36,559.66 pax exclusive (with Rent £110,000 premium) p.a.x.

17-18 Hope Street

Bradford BD5 0HD Europcar, Nelson Street, Mill Lane Let to Europcar Group UK Limited until 2031 (No breaks). Future development potential (subject to consents). Rent £35,000 p.a.x.


Elland, Nr Leeds HX5 9DG Units D1 & D2, Lowfields Business Park, Elland Riorges Link Two modern and attractive office buildings adjacent to well established mixed use industrial and office park. Tenants include Vaillant Group UK Limited and Northern Powerhouse Developments Limited. Rent £92,250 p.a.x.

Elland, Nr Leeds HX5 9DA Units A1, A2, A4 and Elant House, Lowfields Business Park, Old Power Way Four modern and attractive office buildings on well established and busy mixed use industrial and office park. Tenants include the NFU Mutual Insurance Limited and Hexstone Limited Rent £245,930 p.a.x.



Hemel Hempstead HP1 1LD 43 Marlowes Restaurant let on a new 20 year lease from June 2015 (No breaks). Rent £45,000 p.a.x.

Newcastle NE12 6YT Killingworth Let to McDonald’s Restaurants Limited until 2026 (no breaks). Rent £77,175 p.a.x.


Oakham LE15 6AR 28 High Street Let to HSBC Bank Plc. in attractive and historic market town. Rent £40,000 p.a.x.


Coventry CV1 3EH Kings Chambers, Queens Road

Datchet SL3 9EA 2 - 4 High Street Comprises 2 ground floor retail units and 2 office suites on the first floor and second floors. Residential redevelopment potential of offices and car park. Rent £93,495 p.a.x.

John Mehtab: +44 (0)20 7034 4855


Multi let office comprising 11 modern suites. Close proximity to Friargate Development and Coventry Rail Station. Future developments potential (subject to consents). Rent £142,919 p.a.x.





www.asian-voice.com AsianVoiceNews

Asian Voice | 1st July 2017

Prime Minister Narenda Modi proved once again that he has no rival as master tactician in the country. While India had been holding its breath for the ruling BJP coalition to announce its candidate for the next president of the Republic, he maintained a Sphinx-like silence. Then, with perfect timing, he pulled the rabbit out of his hat: it was Ram Nath Kovind, the present Governor of Uttar Pradesh. Mr Modi had wrong-footed the Opposition.

BJP Presidential nominee Ram Nath Kovind with PM Modi

Mr Kovind is a Dalit, the country’s second after K.R. Narayanan, who was elected to the office almost two decades ago. The stunned Congress and Communist leaderships appeared bewitched bothered and bewildered. The whispering galleries and street auctions fell silent; the fevered, jockeying Sonia Gandhi’s sumptuous banquets to cobble an acceptable candidate had come to naught. Or so it seemed, when Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar announced his support for Mr Kovind: game, set and match to Narendra Modi. Or was it? Kovind supporters include Tamil Nadu’s AIADMK, Maharashtra’s Shiv Sena and Kashmir’s PDF. (Hindu, Times of India, Telegraph et al June 20-22).

Meira Kumar in the ring The Congress-led Opposition parried the Modi blow by nomination the former Lok Sabha Speaker, Meira Kumar, as their nominee for President.

home State, where she commands wide popular support. Lalu Praad Yadav’s Rajya Janata Dal, whose support keeps Nitish Kumar’s Janata Dal United in power, has appealed to Nitish to reconsider his ‘historic blunder’ and reverse his decision. This Nitish has refused to do. Mayawati’s Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP), also Dalit, has backed Ms Kumar’s candidature. The Opposition presents a more united face than most people remember. Thie contest is proving to be a potboiler, The electors are restricted to State legislatures. (Telegraph, Hindu, Times of India June 23, 24).

Darjeeling imbroglio The Gorkhaland party in the hill districts of north Bengal appears to be intoxicated by the violence it has unleashed in support of its claims to a separate state. However, the truculence displayed thus far by the leadership could be selfdefeating in the long run. The economy and social stability are under dire threat, so what confidence can there be in people devoid of sense and sensibility. (Telegraph, Times of India, Hindu, June 23).

Adivasi threat The Adivasis, dependent for their livelihood on the Darjeeling’s prized tea gardens, vowed to fight the Gorkhaland activists if damage was caused to the source of the economic and social wellbeing (Times of India June 20). Meira Kumar

She, too, is a Dalit, the daughter of Jagjivan Ram, widely recognized as one of the most capable and successful ministers in post-Independent India. Her public profile exceeds that of the hitherto unknown Ram Nath Kovind. She was a member of the diplomatic service before she entered politics.

Bihar factor There is also the Bihar factor to consider. It is Meira Kumar’s

India joins global transit system India has joined the United Nations Convention pertaining to the International Customs Transit System, thereby positioning itself as a regional trade and transit hub. The TIR Convention permits goods to move under customs control across international borders without payment of duties and taxes. India’s decision has a significant foreign policy dimension. India, opposed to

China’s ambitious One Belt, One Road project, seeks to play a more effective game by signing up the UN Transit Convention. (Times of India June 20).

Jaw-jaw, not war-war That was the advice rendered to India and Pakistan by UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, following visits to Islamabad and New Delhi, where he met with Nawaz Sharif and Narendra Modi respectively. However, Pakistan, being in a state of undeclared war with India must call off its jihad. Five hundred citizens of Mumbai alone have died in terror attacks mounted on the city in March 1993 and November 2008 and lesser assaults, including one on a Mumbai suburban train. Normal relations cannot be restored until terrorism ceases to be an instrument of Pakistani statecraft. (Hindu, Telegraph, Times of India, June 22).

International test What would happen if, say, Mexico or Canada exported terror groups north or south of their border to the United States? Anyway, the Indian government brushed aside the Secretary General’s appeal by stating that India’s dialogue with Pakistan was strictly a bilateral affair broking no third party intervention. (Telegraph, Hindu, Times of India, June 23).

with US giant Lockheed for the joint production of fourthgeneration F-16 warplanes. this arrangement, Under Lockheed proposes to transfer its manufacturing facility from the United States to India, a problematical prospect with President Trump’s insistence that American companies remain at home to cater to the demands of the domestic job market. (Times of India, Hindu, June 20).

Jaitley in Moscow Defence (and concurrent) Finance Minister Arun Jaitley flew to Moscow on a crucial visit to reinforce Indo-Russian defence ties, particularly in face of prevailing US administration uncertainties. Jaitley co-chaired a new bilateral committee on science and technology with Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin. Russia has shared cutting edge military technologies with India. The need to take this to the next level is India’s goal. Following his meeting with

L&T builds floating dock for Navy Mumbai-based engineering company Larsen&&Toubro Shipyard at Kattupalli, in Tamil Nadu, has built a floating dock for the Indian Navy – the first wholly Indian construction of its kind – where six ships can be repaired or refitted at any given time. ‘It is truly a Made in India’ product,’ said Vice-Admiral D.M. Despande at the launch function. The floating dock will be moved to the Andaman & Nicobar Islands to service the needs of the Navy primarily, and also those of the other services as well (Business Line, June 21).

Arun Jaitley

Rogozin in Novosimbirsk, Jaitley headed for Moscow for talks with Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu. Jaitley invited Russia to invest in joint ventures with Indian companies as befitted its status as a ‘privileged strategic partner,’ assuring Russian investors of a smooth administrative passage already in place and strict safeguards of its intellectual property rights.


(Telegraph, Hindu, June 20, 22).

Rosneft’s clinches Essar deal Russian energy major Rosneft has clinched its $12 billion deal to acquir Indian company Essar’s oil assets. The original deal had been announced in October last year, but approvals from Essar’s have now been lenders completed and confirmation of the deal announced last week at a shareholder’s meeting in Sochi by Igor Sechin, a close ally of President Putin. Rosneft is seeking to diversify its global presence to counter Western sanctions against Russia. (Business Line, June 23).

Chinese firm bets big on India Chinese smartphone companies are swarming across India with their 50 per cent share of the Indian market. Xiaomi, Vivo and Oppo lead the pack at the mass level, One5, the firm’s flagship is focused on the high-end market. Peter Lau, its founder and CEO, told a reporter in Mumbai that has exceeded our ‘India expectations. ..More than 60 per cent of our user group are postgraduates. So in India our strategy is to send in the best products and the beat of our services. In terms of brand influence, as of now, we think India is one of the best; it is the first in all markets. In terms of market share we have some way to go, but we have had a huge growth rate. In 2017, our market share and market value is going to increase.’ (Business Line, June 23).

IT export growth 7-8 per cent India’s IT trade body Nasscom has pegged exports this fiscal to 7-8 per cent, compared with last year’s figure of 8-10 per cent. This is largely due to protectionist headwinds, said Nasscom President R.Chandrasekhar. (Business Line, June 23).

India-Afghan air bridge

Discordant service chiefs Chief of the Army Staff, General Bipin Rawat was quoted recently as saying that India’s military was equipped to face the challenges of a two-front war with Pakistan and China - India’s war doctrine since 2008 when it was enunciated by General Deepak Kapoor. The Navy appears to concur. Not so the Indian Air Force Chief, Air Marshal Danoa, who has said bluntly that the IAF understrength squadrons would be unable to rise to the challenge. It is scandalous that two successive governments, the first Congressled, the second BJP-led, have failed to bring the IAF to its full operational strength. (Hindu, June 20).

Tata-Lockheed tie-up Tata Group Chairman Chandrasekaran has announced a tie-up

External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj receiving Afghan cargo plane from Kabul

Denied transit rights through Pakistan, India and Afghanistan have started an air corridors for cargo flights to each other’s country. Being land locked, Afghanistan is dependent on its neighbours for transit rights for its trade. The inaugural flight from Kabul to New Delhi carrying 60 tonnes of goods and commodities, was flagged off by President Ashraf Ghani and greeted by External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj in the Indian capital. This strengthens Indo-Afghan relations.


www.asian-voice.com AsianVoiceNews


Asian Voice | 1st July 2017

Muslim man attacked by thugs who vandalised home quoting racist Katie Hopkins tweet A horrified Muslim man has told of his shock after he was targeted by rightwing extremists who graffitied his home with a line from a Katie Hopkins tweet. The 42-year-old man says he was knocked unconscious by thugs and woke up to find his walls covered with the words of hate. The dad-of-three, who wishes to remain anonymous, had been drilling a broken bathroom door handle and wearing earphones while home alone on Wednesday morning. Intruders entered his Heckmondwike home before striking him from behind with an unknown object, according to the Huddersfield Examiner. He said: “My back was turned and I didn’t hear a single thing. “A couple of minutes later I woke up with a sore head and I felt a bump on the back of it. Then the adrenaline kicked in. “I knew someone must have hit me so I dialled 999. I wasn’t sure if they were still here because I

The victim thinks the intruders gained access via the back garden. (Photo: The Huddersfield Daily Examiner)

Racist Katie Hopkins

hadn’t even checked downstairs yet. “The police and ambulance were on their way so I made my way outside – that’s when I saw the graffiti on the walls above the

staircase. “I was in shock – I wondered if it was real.” On one wall, the graffiti read: “P***s out. We need a final solution #Machester.” It quoted a Twitter post written by disgraced newspaper columnist Katie Hopkins following the Manchester terror attack – even misspelling the hashtag. On the opposite wall there was more racist graffiti that the victim says police have asked him to keep private for risk of it being repeated by other fanatics.

Shopkeeper who called his corner shop Singhsbury's renames it Morrisinghs after legal action

A businessman who was threatened with legal action over his 'Singhsbury's' corner shop has changed the store's name to 'Morrisinghs'. Jel Singh Nagra was forced to take down his original sign after being threatened with court action by Sainsbury's who said the name was too similar to its own. The 42-year-old has now renamed his business on Benton Road in West Allotment, North Tyneside, 'Morrisinghs' after encouragement from customers. The shop had already been called Singhsbury's for two years when Mr Nagra took it over from his sister's brother-in-law six years ago. Jel Singh Nagra has been forced to change his shop's name to 'Morrisinghs' after Sainsbury's complained about his 'Singhsbury's' sign In 2012 Sainsbury's contacted the family threatening legal action and asking them to remove the sign. They were left with no choice but to remove it. The shop remained nameless until the new 'Morrisinghs' sign went up last week. Mr Nagra, who commutes to his shop from his


Housing Disrepair: How to take action If you are living in a rented property, it is the landlord’s responsibility to ensure that your home is fit for purpose by carrying out any necessary maintenance and repairs. Failure to do so Dalia Jamil means properties fall into a state of disrepair, and this can be damaging to the health and welfare of tenants. What is a landlord obliged to repair? The extent of the repairs that your landlord is liable to carry out depends on the terms of your tenancy, but your landlord will generally be responsible for maintaining and repairing: 1. The structure and exterior of the property, 2. Any sanitary fittings, 3. The heating and hot water, 4. Gas appliances, pipes, and ventilation appliances, 5. Any electrical wiring, 6. Any damage caused by repair attempts. What can I claim compensation for? You can make a claim for any damages you have suffered as a result of disrepair and negligence from your landlord. For example, you can make a claim for belongings that were damaged or destroyed by a landlord’s failure to carry out repairs or damaged during repair work. You can claim if you or someone in your household suffered damage to their health as a result of disrepair. You can also make a claim for significant inconvenience caused due to being unable to use your home in the normal way because of either disrepair or disruption during the repair process. If you are able to demonstrate that the disrepair in your rented property is a health hazard, your case might be covered by legal aid. How can Duncan Lewis help you? If you are a tenant residing in a prop-

erty which is in a state of disrepair, we may be able assist you by way of seeking an interim injunction against your landlord to compel them to carry out certain repairs. In some cases, we may also be able to obtain a court order to compel your landlord to carry out certain repairs. Landlords who are renting out properties which are in disrepair can be equally affected. Disrepair is one of the most commonly used defences against possession proceedings. The impact of this may result in either a prolonged eviction process, or in cases where there are rent arrears, the tenant may evade making full payment. Some tenants intentionally prevent their landlords from carrying out repairs for the above reasons. We always act swiftly to protect our client’s best interests and fight for any damages that a tenant may be owed as a result of a landlord failing to carry our repairs to a rented property. Equally we are determined to allow landlords to have complete access to their own property if there is any disrepair at their property. Author Dalia Jamil is a caseworker in the Duncan Lewis Housing Department. Dalia has experience working in a wide variety of complex and high profile cases, frequently taking instruction from clients at night or during weekends on an emergency basis, specifically working with clients who are facing eviction. Duncan Lewis Housing Solicitors Duncan Lewis Housing Solicitors can guide clients in any matter or issues arising with local housing authorities, housing applications, tenants, landlords, ownership and repairs. The Duncan Lewis housing team specialises in representation in all social housing proceedings including reviews, appeals and judicial review relating to homelessness, disrepair, succession for tenants and neighbourhood disputes against local authorities. If you have any housing related queries or require representation please do not hesitate to contact our team of expert solicitors on 0333 772 0409.

Jel Singh Nagra outside his now renamed shop Morrisinghs

home in Stockton-on-Tees every day, said: 'When the first sign went down, the customers kept asking what happened. 'While I was away on my honeymoon in September 2012, I got a letter saying that Sainsbury's was threatening to take me to court. 'In the letter they stated how much this would cost. My family saw the letter and took the sign down while I was away because they were so worried. 'My customers kept saying I should come up with a similar name, so I had to think of something. 'A lot of the customers come in here for the banter more than the actual service. 'The sign makes us a talking point. They talk about it in the pubs and the clubs and the restaurants.

'We used to have a post office, but when the post master retired we knew business would decline. 'There is also a dead end at the bottom of the street, so we don't get a lot of passing trade. But I do feel that the sign is bringing more business in. If I get asked to take this one down I will fight for it.' Mr Nagra said that the new branding left him £350 out of pocket but that it was 'money well spent'. The father-of-two added: 'It is just a laugh and we hope it will put West Allotment on the map. I have seen people of all ages walking past giggling to themselves. 'People have driven past and pulled over so that they can take a photograph. It's all a bit of fun and the customers love it. It is just a laugh, the aim is to get people talking and that's worked.'

The Indian Awards 2017 recognise the importance of UK - India relationships The former British Prime Minister, David Cameron, received recognition for his work to cement relationships between the UK and India. Mr Cameron made the comments as he joined Rajesh Agrawal, Entrepreneur and Deputy London Mayor for Business in being honoured at The Indian

Awards 2017 held in the Houses of Parliament last week. Made up of six elite awards, the Special Recognition Award which applauds ‘an individual’s outstanding commitment to building UK-India relations’ was presented to David Cameron by H.E. Mr Y.K Sinha, the High

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Commissioner of India to the UK at his London Office.

Shraddhanjali on the 11th Death Anniversary of Pankajbhai Trivedi

Date of Murder : 15-06-2006

So what those Swadhyayees murdered me... I will meet them…


Search Twitter: #JusticeForKrishnaIdol # ा ा #¸Ц¹»ђ #Justices4PankajTrivedi #Justice4PankajTrivedi #Swadhyay Search Youtube for Swadhyay Crimes... You will hear my voice... Jay Yogeshwar Several families have broken away from Pandurang Swadhyay Parivar



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Asian Voice | 1st July 2017

Multi-talented achievers nurture a positive mindset

Smita Sarkar

Your level of success is determined by your level of discipline and perseverance; and for the 23-yearold Kanika Bhalla, the key to her success has been years of consistent hard work and dedication. She is a Gold Medalist in Dentistry and is currently pursuing her Masters from the prestigious Rutgers University, New Jersey. What makes her exceptional is that she is a national level Speed Skating champion, having represented India at the World Championships, Asian Championships (won 6 medals) and Asian Games. Asian Voice spoke to Kanika at the Anand Mela, where she was helping out her father at his stall. She is humble and unassuming, the qualities that clearly mark her out as a leader. Talking about her journey, she spoke about the importance of starting young. “ I started speed skating at the tender age of five years and played my first National Championship in the Under-6 category. I have played 15 National Championships since then.” Discipline, she said was key. “After coming home from school and later from

Kanika with legendary runner Milkha Singh

college, I would quickly finish my homework and other academic, to take out enough hours for my training in the evening.” “I feel, being in sports helped my concentration and helped me excel in studies. I always knew that I had limited time to study so I never wasted time watching television or going out with friends or partying. I found my interest and happiness in skating and studies, and preferred staying focussed on them.” Speed skating is a relatively new sport in India, and because of the expenses, continues to be exclusive too; but the sports is gaining popularity and the

infrastructure is improving too. “The equipment (boots, frame, wheels, bearings) cost quite a lot, but the sports has gained popularity in the past few years. New skating tracks of international standards have been built in various cities of India. International players and coaches have been invited to India to coach, as a result, the performance of Indian skaters have been improving at the international championships.” However Kanika feels that the media should do a lot more to give the sport the limelight it deserves. “Unlike other sports in India like cricket or bad-

International Mind Trainer and Life Coach Dr. Jeetendra Adhia M.D. visiting UK in August After a long gap of 7 years Dr. Adhia will be here to create awareness about Power of Subconscious Mind. We all have 100 % mind Power but we fail to use more than 10% of it because of ignorance about it. We have 2 Minds, Conscious Mind and Subconscious Mind. Conscious Mind has only 10% power while Subconscious Mind has 90% power. We see dreams with our Conscious Mind but they are converted to into reality by the power of Subconscious Mind. If you want success and happiness, you should harness the power of your Subconscious Mind. Subconscious mind is like a sleeping giant within us. Failure and unhappiness is because of our ignorance about our own power. Dr. Jeetendra Adhia is a medical doctor having done M.D. in Community Medicine from Mumbai

Dr. Jeetendra Adhia

University in 1982 and now based in Ahmedabad. He has changed his interest from medicine to Mind Power now. He is conducting Mind Power programs in almost all the major cities of the World. He is the Author of more than 100 books and Cds on various subjects related to life. He has also started world’s first Mind Training Institute at Ahmedabad and aiming to start world’s first Mind University. He visited London 7 years back for a week and conducted programs in BAPS Swaminarayan

temple Nesdon and Global Cooperation House of BrahmaKumari’s. This time he is planning to visit different parts of England for this awareness. All his programs will be non-professional and on complementary bases. The duration of program will be 1 t0 2 hours and it will be power point presentation with many videos and exercises. Dr. Adhia will be in England from 2nd August to 21st August. To know more about him you may visit his w e b s i t e www.dradhia.com or download his app Dr. Adhia (Android and iPhone). Any non-profit organization who wish to organize his programs on purely complementary bases can contact Mr. C.B. Patel (Telephone number) or Dr Mahendra Nathdwarawala (Telephone number).

minton, speed skating has very little or almost negligible media coverage. People outside the skating fraternity do not know much about this sport.” As she continues with her studies in the US, she dreams about an India that will produce world-class skaters who will win at international championships. Even if you are not able to win, every person should play some sports or the other. “It helps inculcate discipline and determination in one's life. But every sport requires hard work and every sports person is going to lose at some point or the other. Not giving up, and moving ahead is what being an athlete is all about,” said Kanika matter-of-factly. She wants to go back to India and help her father in his Dental business at the Bhalla's Dental Clinic in Ahmedabad. What drives this young achiever? Her answer is: In order to achieve something you never have, do something you have never done. High achievers spot rich opportunities swiftly, make big decisions quickly and move into action immediately and by following these principles you can make your dreams come true.


Queen’s speech reverberates a gloomy Britain

Traditionally HM The Queen’s speech highlights the policies of the government and discusses the state of affairs, but this year, a low-key address to the nation delivered by The Queen's Speech on June 21 reflected the sombre mood of the nation, with back-to-back events of a failed general election gamble, four terrorist attacks and a deplorable Grenfell fire tragedy. It was expected, that the speech would be a trimmed down version of the legislative programme, that would take into account the state of a government practically in a state of debilitation and make room for a parliamentary calendar for Brexit. The speech instead, left out huge chunks of the Tory policies – free vote on foxhunting, a cap on energy and an expansion of grammar schools. The proposed visit by Donald Trump was dropped. Plans to pay the winter fuel allowance only to those who need it, the dementia tax and the proposal to prise open the triple lock on the state pension were scrapped. This was given, since these had contributed to the Conservatives’ electoral fiasco, but scrapping these have left huge gaps

in the funding that it was supposed to raise for the exchequer, especially for social projects. Steering the discrepancy through a hung Parliament would have been tough for May, so she took the prudent decision to hold a two-year Parliament to buy time for a Parliamentary debate. The Brexit debate might give the MPs an opportunity to have their say, but May has even lost her domination over Brexit’s terms. When The Queen made her speech last week, the prospect of a truly stable alliance between the DUP and the Tories were looking bleak and the Labours and some Conservative leaders were getting together for a cross-party alliance proposing for a soft Brexit. While a deal has been struck, the very fact that May has failed to strike a mutually advantageous deal with ten unionist MPs have left us with little faith in its ability to strike a far more complex deal with Europe.

Corbyn fuels optimism among the youth Gets cheered at Glastonbury, proposes £10 an-hour-wages for 16-year-olds

Labour’s recent strategy, to entitle workers aged 16, to an equal payment of the £10-an-hour minimum living wages paid to adults – would result in a rise of almost 150 per cent and prevent 16-17-year-olds from getting on the jobs ladder; predicted business groups and think tanks. The warnings came after Jeremy Corbyn shared his plans at a union conference. Industry experts cautioning that the policy would lead to employing fewer workers, with companies going for older workers rather than “younger and riskier hires.” Adam Marshall, the Director General of the British Chambers of Commerce expressed concerns on Friday: “We should be creating jobs and growth opportunities for young people. A proposal like this could price them out of the workplace,” he said. But these predictions, or any form of warnings don’t seem

Jeremy Corbyn who attended this year’s festival

to be abating Corbyn’s increasing popularity. Corbynmania swept through the Glastonbury festival last week where the crowd chanted Corbyn’s name, “Oooh

Festival goers

Jeremy Corbyn” and made it this year’s festival anthem - the first time in the event’s history. The chants were heard as thousands of ticket holders queued at 4am on Wednesday. The festival, that has a long history of leftist political engagement, was attended by a band of present and former Labour MPs, speaking and dancing at the event. Corbyn himself addressed thousands of people from the main pyramid stage on Sunday afternoon.


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May demands extradition of EU convicts after Brexit PM Theresa May on 26 June necessitated the expulsion of thousands of European criminals after Brexit, as she presented her detailed plans to grant three million EU citizens in Britain a certain “settled status” and a right to live in the UK. The government's post-Brexit immigration rules will impose tight curbs on convicts guilty of violent crimes, sex and drug offences. Under the current rules, ministers could deport European inmates if they receive a sentence of more than two years. But in 2015, only 44 criminals from EU were repatriated – including only 14 of the 645 Romanians and 12 of the Lithuanians. Britain's stand to expel convicted criminals from EU has long enraged MPs who had warned last year that laws restricting deportation were “undermining confidence in the UK's immigration system.” The EU law provides extra protection against deportation, requiring “serious grounds” of public security to deport them if the criminal has lived in Britain for five years. The threshold is


Asian Voice | 1st July 2017

Pitru Vandana in the Midlands are a huge success The charity events organised by Asian Voice-Gujarat Samachar receives fantastic community response in Cardiff and Birmingham

Smita Sardar

Theresa May

upgraded to “imperative grounds” with each criminal assessed on an individual ground if the person has lived in the UK for more that ten years. The maximum convicts are from Poland and Ireland, and is thought to be about 13,000 foreign offenders in Britain, including 6,000 who have served sentences and are awaiting deportation. Post Brexit, new rules will require the home secretary to prove only that deporting a European criminal is “conducive to the public good”. But the Human Rights Act will still mean that the government will have to consider all foreign criminals length of residence, age and family life.

Social activist Annabel Mehta to get MBE

Music often speaks what is not easily expressed, soothes the mind and gives it rest. It heals the heart and touches the soul – and that is exactly the effect this year's 4-city series of events Pitru Vandana – Bhuli Bisri Yaaden had, on the people of the British Asian community. The events, recently held in Cardiff and Birmingham were smash hits and touched the heart and soul of the community. Gujarat Samachar and Asian Voice, along with Hindu Council Wales coorganised the Cardiff chapter of the charity event Pitru Vandana; a musical tribute to fathers through the beautiful medium of music in a specially-arranged programme on June 24. Held in Hindu Council Wales as a part of a charity programme to raise finds to commemorate the erection and unveiling of Gandhiji's statue in the premises, on October 22, the event saw a spectacular turning as people from near and far areas poured in to participate and forward their support. Wellknown singers Mayaben Dipak and Ramhans were at their vocal best as they mesmerised the audience with their soothing voices. The accompanying musicians were Robin (keyboard) Paresh Vaghela (octapad) and

Front row left to right: Radhika Kadaba - Secretary of HCW, Kokilaben - Mayaben - the main singer of Maya Deepak group, Sudhaben Bhatt - committee member of HCW, Asst secretary of SDM, Vimlaben Patel MBE - Chair of HCW, General Sec of SDM Back row: Sakti Guha-Niyogi - vice chair of HCW, from Welsh Puja Group, Rameshbhai Keshra - committee member of HCW, previous president of Shree Kuchhi Leva Patel Samaj Kamalbhai Siva SivapalanPradyuman Halai youth co-ordinator from Swaminarayan Temple

Amardeep (tabla). Pradyuman Halai, the youngest member of the Hindu Council Wales made a presentation during the show to share details on how the funds raised during the programme will be used. The Master of Ceremony, Radhika Kadaba, the General Secretary of the Hindu Council Wales thanked Asian Voice and Gujarat Samachar for supporting them in their community initiatives. Kamal Rao, News Editor of Gujarat Samachar introduced the theme and ethos behind the event that was a musical memoire of the contributions of our fathers, close to Father’s Day. Kamal explained the sig-

nificance of Gandhiji's statue in Cardiff - Wales and tried to raise the audience emotions so they would generously contribute for raising funds to erect Statue of Gandhiji, India's father of the nation. Kokila Patel, Managing Editor of Gujarat Samachar delivered the vote of thanks to Vimlaben Patel, Chairperson, Hindu Council Wales, Radhika Kadaba, Secretary General, Sudhaben Bhatt Vice President and volunteers for their kind support and praised the artists for putting up their best performance to celebrate Fathers day on behalf of the ABPL Group. The programme was accompanied by fresh, hot vegetarian

dinner. The Birmingham chapter was commenced at the Hindu Community Centre in the Swami Vivekananda Hall on June 25. The charity event was organised to raise funds for changing the facade of the Hindu Community Centre, to give it the look of a temple. Kokila Patel, the Managing Editor of Gujarat Samachar urged the community to donate generously, saying that each contribution would go a long way in changing the face of the temple and the community. She also gave credits to Mukeshbhai Ladwa, President of Shri Hindu Community Centre and committee members for their hard work to success the event. Mayaben, along with fellow singer Jayu Rawal managed to keep the crowd captured with their renditions of popular Bollywood songs, along with musicians Anant Patel (keyboard), Naushad (tabla) and Sonu (octapad). As a part of the fundraising initiative, the audience was made to request for songs for a small charity fee. The responses from both the events were fantastic, and marked the end of this year's Pitru – Vandana series. The show made its round in Leicester on June 9 and London on June 17, 2017 – all the shows receiving fantastic response and support from the community.

Grenfell tower blaze began in fridge freezer Well-known social activist, and British national Annabel Mehta has been confirmed to get an MBE (Member of the Order of the British Empire) later this year. Mother in law to Cricketer Sachin Tendulkar, Mehta will get the award for her tireless work with the under-privileged in Mumbai. The British Deputy High Commission issued a media release that read, “Her Majesty the Queen approved the award to Mehta, a British national, in recognition of her work and service to under-privileged communities in Mumbai, and the NGO,

Apnalaya. The Order of the British Empire (which has several ranks) was created in 1917 by King George V to recognise individuals, who have contributed valued service to their communities. MBE is a rank of the order and stands for Member of the Order of the British Empire.” It also added, “Annabel has been recognised and honoured for over 40 years of service to under-privileged communities in India. Much of this has been through her leading role within the NGO, Apnalaya, of which she has been President since 2013.”

London police authorities have informed that fire at the Grenfell Tower first began in a fridge freezer. It is said the model of fridge freezer FF175BP was not subject to a recall and the manufacturer is currently doing further tests. Also, the insulation and tiles recovered from the 24-storey building also failed fire safety tests. Police said charges of manslaughter will be among the offences to be considered in the investigation. Detective Super-intendent Fiona McCormack said, “Officers have seized documents in the investigation into the fire. What we are being told at the moment by the Building Research Establishment is that the cladding and insulation failed all safety test.” The residential building caught fire in the

early hours of June 13, trapping over hundreds of people. A report said, “Eleven buildings have now been identified as having combustible cladding such as that used on the Grenfell Tower. The cladding is being studied amid fears that the panels fuelled the fire in the 24-story building that was engulfed in less than an hour. Buildings in London, Manchester, and Plymouth are among those where problem cladding has been

identified.” Meanwhile on Tuesday There should be a "major national investigation" into the use of cladding on high-rise towers, Theresa May says. It comes as it was revealed cladding from 95 towers in 32 local authority areas in England had failed fire safety tests all of the samples submitted so far since the Grenfell Tower fire. An expert panel to advise on immediate safety action has been appointed. A public inquiry has

already been ordered into the 14 June blaze, which is feared to have left 79 people dead. According to newly released Home Office statistics, there were 714 fires in purpose-built blocks of 10 storeys or more in England in the 12 months to April - compared with 1,261 fires in 2009-10. Of those high-rise fires last year, 56 spread further than the "room of origin" and three people died, compared with 12 fatalities in 2009-10. C o m m u n i t i e s Secretary Sajid Javid has issued an urgent call for all councils to send in samples of cladding from tall buildings. He also told Tuesday's cabinet meeting that schools and hospitals may do the same if they have concerns.






Asian Voice | 1st July 2017

in my honour, and this honours not just me, but 1.25 billion people of India. So, once again, let me thank you and express my gratitude.”

Continued from page 1

Modi returned the gestures with his characteristic hugs, and extended cooperation in areas where the US seeks greater participation from India. As cute as the meet was, it was just that. Cute. Yes, there were talks about terrorism, yes, there was a warning to Pakistan about “adhering to principles,” yes, promises of mutual cooperation were made, yes, both sides shared concerns about China's growing military power. But none of the statements held enough substance. We can hardly picture Nawaz Sharif or China fretting. Talking about Pakistan, without a single mention of Kulbhushan Jadhav was a lapse of judgment. Counting disappointments, the biggest was when we heard nothing about H1B visas for the IT industry, where Indian software majors have been facing a whole new wall of enhanced American protectionism. Talks of a “comprehensive review” of trade to make it fair and free sounds musical, alright, but the possibilities of them being either are very low especially when Trump wants to cut in trade deficit and Congress pulls the plug on Indian service exports. The US cleared the sale of 22 unmanned Guardian drones to India, in what is being termed as a “game changer” deal as both the leaders held bilateral talks for well over 40 minutes. Sources said the deal, estimated to be worth $2-3 billion, was approved by the State Department. Pledge mutual cooperation, trade, and fight against terrorism In a joint statement given at the Rose Garden, Trump said, “During my campaign, I pledged that if elected, India would have a true friend in the White House, and that is now exactly what you have a true friend. The friendship between the United States and India is built on shared values, including our shared commitment to democracy.” He added, “I look forward to working with you, Mr Prime Minister, to create jobs in our countries, to grow our economies, and to create a trading relationship that is fair and reciprocal. It is important that barriers be removed to the export of US goods into your markets, and that we reduce our trade deficit with your country.” “I was pleased to learn about an Indian Airlines recent order of 100 new American planes, one of the largest orders of its kind, which will support thou-

Prime Minister Modi with his Dutch counterpart Mark Rutte

sands and thousands of American jobs. We’re also looking forward to exporting more American energy to India as your economy grows, including major longterm contracts to purchase American natural gas, which are right now being negotiated, and we will sign them. Trying to get the price up a little bit.” The President said, “the security partnership between the United States and India is incredibly important. Both our nations have been struck by the evils of terrorism, and we are both determined to destroy terrorist organisations and the

vast Indian Ocean.” Meanwhile, Modi said, “Our robust strategic partnership is such that it touches upon almost all areas of human endeavour. In our conversation today, President Trump and I have discussed all dimensions of India-US relations at length. Both nations are committed to a bilateral architecture that will take our strategic partnership to new heights.” “We consider the USA as our primary partner for India's social and economic transformation in all our flagship programs and schemes. I am sure that the

challenges facing the world today. And we have agreed to enhance our cooperation in fighting against these scourges. Fighting terrorism and doing away with the safe shelters, sanctuaries, and safe havens will be an important part of our cooperation.” “We also spoke at length on regional issues. The increasing instability, due to terrorism, in Afghanistan is one of our common concerns. Both India and America have played an important role in rebuilding Afghanistan and ensuring its security. In order to attain our objectives for peace and stability in Afghanistan, we will maintain close consultation and co m m u n i c a t i o n with the US to enhance coordination between our two nations.” The two leaders later proceeded to a cocktail reception hosted by the First Lady Melania Trump, and to the Blue Room for official dinner held in Modi's honour. The two were joined by the First Lady, Vice President Mike Pence, along with Trump's top Cabinet members at the dinnerPrime Minister Modi being welcomed at Radha Krishna temple in Lisbon Defence Secretary James Mattis, Secretary of State Rex radical ideology that drives convergence between my them. We will destroy radical vision for a 'new India' and Tillerson, Commerce Islamic terrorism. Our miliPresident Trump's vision for Secretary Wilbur Ross, 'making America great again' taries are working every day Treasury Secretary Steve to enhance cooperation Mnuchin and National will add new dimensions to between our military forces. Security Advisor Lt Gen HR our cooperation.” Modi also And next month, they will McMaster. said, “ Today, during our join together with the Seated in the Blue Room, meeting, we discussed the Japanese navy to take place Modi said, “I am indeed also serious challenges of terrorin the largest maritime exergrateful to the First Lady. She ism, extremism, and radicalicise ever conducted in the has organised this reception sation, which are the major

Silicon Valley can't get enough of Modi In contrast to their open dissent with Trump, top tech executives of America did not miss the opportunity to meet with the Indian Prime Minister as he touched down on June 25. Amazon's Jeff Bezos, Apple's Tim Cook, and Google's Sundar Pichai were just some of the 20 CEOs who held talks with Modi, once again establishing India as a prime investment destination. The Silicon Valley leaders stressed how much India had helped build their businesses, and the extent to which their companies had contributed to India. In their meeting with Modi in Washington, they furthered commitment to increase their engagement with India. Cook said Indian app developers had created almost 100,000 apps for the App Store in 2016, a growth of 57 per cent over the previous year. He also added that the company had begun assembling iPhones in the country, the first of which hit Bengaluru market last week. Bezos called the roundtable meeting “terrific”, also tweeting that he was “always impressed, energised by optimism and


with the upcoming implementation of the GST. He said India attracted the largest foreign direct investment as a result of the NDA government policies in the last three years. “The whole world is looking at India. Seven thousand reforms alone were carried out by the Government of India for ease of business and minimum government, maximum gov-


unlike anyone has ever imagined. He asserted that India has been successful in convincing the world about “the face of terrorism that is destroying peace and normal life” in the country. “When we talked of terrorism 20 years back, many in the world said it was a law and order problem and didn't understand it. Now terrorists have explained terrorism to


and a mini-USA. People from all the states of both the nations are represented here today. Keep the bridge with India open. Your younger generations must continue your strong bond with India.” He urged the youngsters to stay engaged with India. Modi in Portugal: Partnership from outer space to the seas

Prime Minister Modi welcomed by the Indian community in Washington

ernance. The growth of India presents a win-win partnership for India and the United States both. US companies have a great opportunity to contribute to that,” he said. “‘Keep the bridge with India open” The crème de la crème of the Indian diaspora packed in at the reception held in the



them so we don't have to.” Speaking up about the surgical strikes demonstrated by India, he said, “When India carried out the surgical strikes, the world realised our strength and saw that while we exercise restraint, when the need arises, India can also show its strength and might in dealing with terror and protecting itself.”

Modi began his three-nation tour on June 24. He first arrived in Lisbon, capital of Portugal, where he was honoured with a ceremonial welcome. The first-ever bilateral visit by any Indian PM to Portugal, the trip saw the signing of 11 pacts. Modi held talks with Portugese PM Antonio Costa, later issuing a joint press statement. Costa

Asian Voice | 1st July 2017

projects have been identified, we are working with institutions. Our talks have covered wide variety of areas.” He said the number of agreements signed between the two countries will have a “great impact in future”. The signed pacts include cooperation in outer space, double taxation avoidance, nano technology, improving cultural ties, youth and sports, higher education and scientific research, and Portugal-India business hub and Indian Chamber of Commerce. Addressing the media, Modi first condoled the deaths of people in the forest fire that raged through Portugal last week. “We thank Portugal for your consistent support for India's permanent membership of UNSC, and of Multilateral Export Control Regime. We have agreed to set up a joint Science and Technology fund of 4 million euros. New agreements in the field of taxation, science, space, youth affairs and sports outline expanding scope of our partnership,” Modi said. He also thanked the host government for sharing the digital version of 12,000 17th century documents comprising exchange of letters between Goa and Portugal. A special Gujarati vegetarian meal was prepared for Modi's lunch, including typical dish-

Prime Minister Modi with top businessmen in USA invention in India. Excited to keep investing and growing.” Modi invited the CEOs of global giants to invest in India, stating that India has now emerged as a businessfriendly destination, more so

honor of PM Narendra Modi by Indian Ambassador to the United States Navtej Sarna, at the classy Ritz Carlton. Modi praised members of the audience and promised them opportunities to succeed

“It is a different matter for those who had to suffer due to the surgical strikes,” he grinned, amid laughter from the audience. Modi, looking across the ballroom, said, “I see both a mini-India

is known to have Goan roots, and had earlier this year, travelled to Goa to visit his relatives in Margão where his father had a house. In the joint statement, Costa said, “17 cooperation


es from the cuisine like 'Aakhu Shaak'. Meeting with the Indian community During his visit, Modi interacted with the Indian

Prime Minister Modi, Donald Trump, and First Lady Melania Trump

community settled in Portugal. “I feel proud of you. You are the real ambassadors of India. You have not only enriched the culture of the country you have home, but have also carried your culture with them,” Modi said as he hailed the contributions of over 65,000 Indians in the country. He cited the diversity of language and taste in India to point out that Indians can adapt to the culture of the country they live in. “You have effortlessly gelled with the culture of the country.” Modi also highlighted how technology connects Indians in India and abroad. “Everyone here might be using the Narendra Modi mobile app. I live in everyone's pocket,” he quipped after performing a prayer at the Radha Krishna temple in Lisbon. “The Radha Krishna Temple is the symbol of social conscience in Portugal. People here do not discriminate, and that is the identity of Indians, the diversity of India.” Modi also promoted yoga and thanked Costa for promoting wellness movement through yoga as a holistic health care practice. Both the leaders also visited the Champalimaud Foundation in Lisbon. The private biomedical research foundation provides cutting-edge cancer treatment and supports “ahead of the curve” cancer research.

ation, and cultural cooperation. During their meeting, both leaders had reaffirmed their commitment to climate change accord and strengthen cooperation in developing renewable energy. In the joint address, Rutte said India's emergence as a global power is a “welcome development from both political and economic point of views.” “Political because of the values we share with respect of rule of laws and security,” he said. The Dutch PM commended India for its commitment to renewal energy and to the Paris Climate Agreement. “The Netherlands is a key partner to help India achieve its goals. India is now a glob-

Modi in The Hague Calling the Netherlands India's “natural partner” in its economic development, Modi said bilateral ties with the country's major trading partner will grow rapidly. After holding talks with his Dutch counterpart Mark Rutte, both the sides signed three MoUs in the fields of social security, water cooper-

al economic power. It is world's biggest economy and Indian market has a lot of potential. We have a plenty to offer to India too,” he said. Modi addressed the Indian community in Netherlands, the second largest in Europe, greeting them with “Kaa Haal Baa”. Nearly 48 per cent of the Indian community settled

in the country are Hindus, with most of them speaking Bhojpuri. “People who live here may have different coloured passports, but a different passport cannot change blood relations. I am here in a land which is home to Europe's second largest Indian diaspora. You are all diplomats here. Every Indian abroad is a diplomat. Government has embassies and ambassadors. They are babus, but you know them as diplomats,” Modi said amid cheers. “The government works with the assistance of Jan Bhaagidari. On its own, development or good governance cannot fulfil aspi-

Prime Minister Modi with Portugese PM Antonio Costa

rations, a combination of both is required.” Modi also thanked people for coming, especially the 3000 who came all the way from Suriname. “It's wonderful to see a strong Indian population even in the Hague. I would like to especially thank the people who have come from Suriname.”






Asian Voice | 1st July 2017

in my honour, and this honours not just me, but 1.25 billion people of India. So, once again, let me thank you and express my gratitude.”

Continued from page 1

Modi returned the gestures with his characteristic hugs, and extended cooperation in areas where the US seeks greater participation from India. As cute as the meet was, it was just that. Cute. Yes, there were talks about terrorism, yes, there was a warning to Pakistan about “adhering to principles,” yes, promises of mutual cooperation were made, yes, both sides shared concerns about China's growing military power. But none of the statements held enough substance. We can hardly picture Nawaz Sharif or China fretting. Talking about Pakistan, without a single mention of Kulbhushan Jadhav was a lapse of judgment. Counting disappointments, the biggest was when we heard nothing about H1B visas for the IT industry, where Indian software majors have been facing a whole new wall of enhanced American protectionism. Talks of a “comprehensive review” of trade to make it fair and free sounds musical, alright, but the possibilities of them being either are very low especially when Trump wants to cut in trade deficit and Congress pulls the plug on Indian service exports. The US cleared the sale of 22 unmanned Guardian drones to India, in what is being termed as a “game changer” deal as both the leaders held bilateral talks for well over 40 minutes. Sources said the deal, estimated to be worth $2-3 billion, was approved by the State Department. Pledge mutual cooperation, trade, and fight against terrorism In a joint statement given at the Rose Garden, Trump said, “During my campaign, I pledged that if elected, India would have a true friend in the White House, and that is now exactly what you have a true friend. The friendship between the United States and India is built on shared values, including our shared commitment to democracy.” He added, “I look forward to working with you, Mr Prime Minister, to create jobs in our countries, to grow our economies, and to create a trading relationship that is fair and reciprocal. It is important that barriers be removed to the export of US goods into your markets, and that we reduce our trade deficit with your country.” “I was pleased to learn about an Indian Airlines recent order of 100 new American planes, one of the largest orders of its kind, which will support thou-

Prime Minister Modi with his Dutch counterpart Mark Rutte

sands and thousands of American jobs. We’re also looking forward to exporting more American energy to India as your economy grows, including major longterm contracts to purchase American natural gas, which are right now being negotiated, and we will sign them. Trying to get the price up a little bit.” The President said, “the security partnership between the United States and India is incredibly important. Both our nations have been struck by the evils of terrorism, and we are both determined to destroy terrorist organisations and the

vast Indian Ocean.” Meanwhile, Modi said, “Our robust strategic partnership is such that it touches upon almost all areas of human endeavour. In our conversation today, President Trump and I have discussed all dimensions of India-US relations at length. Both nations are committed to a bilateral architecture that will take our strategic partnership to new heights.” “We consider the USA as our primary partner for India's social and economic transformation in all our flagship programs and schemes. I am sure that the

challenges facing the world today. And we have agreed to enhance our cooperation in fighting against these scourges. Fighting terrorism and doing away with the safe shelters, sanctuaries, and safe havens will be an important part of our cooperation.” “We also spoke at length on regional issues. The increasing instability, due to terrorism, in Afghanistan is one of our common concerns. Both India and America have played an important role in rebuilding Afghanistan and ensuring its security. In order to attain our objectives for peace and stability in Afghanistan, we will maintain close consultation and co m m u n i c a t i o n with the US to enhance coordination between our two nations.” The two leaders later proceeded to a cocktail reception hosted by the First Lady Melania Trump, and to the Blue Room for official dinner held in Modi's honour. The two were joined by the First Lady, Vice President Mike Pence, along with Trump's top Cabinet members at the dinnerPrime Minister Modi being welcomed at Radha Krishna temple in Lisbon Defence Secretary James Mattis, Secretary of State Rex radical ideology that drives convergence between my them. We will destroy radical vision for a 'new India' and Tillerson, Commerce Islamic terrorism. Our miliPresident Trump's vision for Secretary Wilbur Ross, 'making America great again' taries are working every day Treasury Secretary Steve to enhance cooperation Mnuchin and National will add new dimensions to between our military forces. Security Advisor Lt Gen HR our cooperation.” Modi also And next month, they will McMaster. said, “ Today, during our join together with the Seated in the Blue Room, meeting, we discussed the Japanese navy to take place Modi said, “I am indeed also serious challenges of terrorin the largest maritime exergrateful to the First Lady. She ism, extremism, and radicalicise ever conducted in the has organised this reception sation, which are the major

Silicon Valley can't get enough of Modi In contrast to their open dissent with Trump, top tech executives of America did not miss the opportunity to meet with the Indian Prime Minister as he touched down on June 25. Amazon's Jeff Bezos, Apple's Tim Cook, and Google's Sundar Pichai were just some of the 20 CEOs who held talks with Modi, once again establishing India as a prime investment destination. The Silicon Valley leaders stressed how much India had helped build their businesses, and the extent to which their companies had contributed to India. In their meeting with Modi in Washington, they furthered commitment to increase their engagement with India. Cook said Indian app developers had created almost 100,000 apps for the App Store in 2016, a growth of 57 per cent over the previous year. He also added that the company had begun assembling iPhones in the country, the first of which hit Bengaluru market last week. Bezos called the roundtable meeting “terrific”, also tweeting that he was “always impressed, energised by optimism and


with the upcoming implementation of the GST. He said India attracted the largest foreign direct investment as a result of the NDA government policies in the last three years. “The whole world is looking at India. Seven thousand reforms alone were carried out by the Government of India for ease of business and minimum government, maximum gov-


unlike anyone has ever imagined. He asserted that India has been successful in convincing the world about “the face of terrorism that is destroying peace and normal life” in the country. “When we talked of terrorism 20 years back, many in the world said it was a law and order problem and didn't understand it. Now terrorists have explained terrorism to


and a mini-USA. People from all the states of both the nations are represented here today. Keep the bridge with India open. Your younger generations must continue your strong bond with India.” He urged the youngsters to stay engaged with India. Modi in Portugal: Partnership from outer space to the seas

Prime Minister Modi welcomed by the Indian community in Washington

ernance. The growth of India presents a win-win partnership for India and the United States both. US companies have a great opportunity to contribute to that,” he said. “‘Keep the bridge with India open” The crème de la crème of the Indian diaspora packed in at the reception held in the



them so we don't have to.” Speaking up about the surgical strikes demonstrated by India, he said, “When India carried out the surgical strikes, the world realised our strength and saw that while we exercise restraint, when the need arises, India can also show its strength and might in dealing with terror and protecting itself.”

Modi began his three-nation tour on June 24. He first arrived in Lisbon, capital of Portugal, where he was honoured with a ceremonial welcome. The first-ever bilateral visit by any Indian PM to Portugal, the trip saw the signing of 11 pacts. Modi held talks with Portugese PM Antonio Costa, later issuing a joint press statement. Costa

Asian Voice | 1st July 2017

projects have been identified, we are working with institutions. Our talks have covered wide variety of areas.” He said the number of agreements signed between the two countries will have a “great impact in future”. The signed pacts include cooperation in outer space, double taxation avoidance, nano technology, improving cultural ties, youth and sports, higher education and scientific research, and Portugal-India business hub and Indian Chamber of Commerce. Addressing the media, Modi first condoled the deaths of people in the forest fire that raged through Portugal last week. “We thank Portugal for your consistent support for India's permanent membership of UNSC, and of Multilateral Export Control Regime. We have agreed to set up a joint Science and Technology fund of 4 million euros. New agreements in the field of taxation, science, space, youth affairs and sports outline expanding scope of our partnership,” Modi said. He also thanked the host government for sharing the digital version of 12,000 17th century documents comprising exchange of letters between Goa and Portugal. A special Gujarati vegetarian meal was prepared for Modi's lunch, including typical dish-

Prime Minister Modi with top businessmen in USA invention in India. Excited to keep investing and growing.” Modi invited the CEOs of global giants to invest in India, stating that India has now emerged as a businessfriendly destination, more so

honor of PM Narendra Modi by Indian Ambassador to the United States Navtej Sarna, at the classy Ritz Carlton. Modi praised members of the audience and promised them opportunities to succeed

“It is a different matter for those who had to suffer due to the surgical strikes,” he grinned, amid laughter from the audience. Modi, looking across the ballroom, said, “I see both a mini-India

is known to have Goan roots, and had earlier this year, travelled to Goa to visit his relatives in Margão where his father had a house. In the joint statement, Costa said, “17 cooperation


es from the cuisine like 'Aakhu Shaak'. Meeting with the Indian community During his visit, Modi interacted with the Indian

Prime Minister Modi, Donald Trump, and First Lady Melania Trump

community settled in Portugal. “I feel proud of you. You are the real ambassadors of India. You have not only enriched the culture of the country you have home, but have also carried your culture with them,” Modi said as he hailed the contributions of over 65,000 Indians in the country. He cited the diversity of language and taste in India to point out that Indians can adapt to the culture of the country they live in. “You have effortlessly gelled with the culture of the country.” Modi also highlighted how technology connects Indians in India and abroad. “Everyone here might be using the Narendra Modi mobile app. I live in everyone's pocket,” he quipped after performing a prayer at the Radha Krishna temple in Lisbon. “The Radha Krishna Temple is the symbol of social conscience in Portugal. People here do not discriminate, and that is the identity of Indians, the diversity of India.” Modi also promoted yoga and thanked Costa for promoting wellness movement through yoga as a holistic health care practice. Both the leaders also visited the Champalimaud Foundation in Lisbon. The private biomedical research foundation provides cutting-edge cancer treatment and supports “ahead of the curve” cancer research.

ation, and cultural cooperation. During their meeting, both leaders had reaffirmed their commitment to climate change accord and strengthen cooperation in developing renewable energy. In the joint address, Rutte said India's emergence as a global power is a “welcome development from both political and economic point of views.” “Political because of the values we share with respect of rule of laws and security,” he said. The Dutch PM commended India for its commitment to renewal energy and to the Paris Climate Agreement. “The Netherlands is a key partner to help India achieve its goals. India is now a glob-

Modi in The Hague Calling the Netherlands India's “natural partner” in its economic development, Modi said bilateral ties with the country's major trading partner will grow rapidly. After holding talks with his Dutch counterpart Mark Rutte, both the sides signed three MoUs in the fields of social security, water cooper-

al economic power. It is world's biggest economy and Indian market has a lot of potential. We have a plenty to offer to India too,” he said. Modi addressed the Indian community in Netherlands, the second largest in Europe, greeting them with “Kaa Haal Baa”. Nearly 48 per cent of the Indian community settled

in the country are Hindus, with most of them speaking Bhojpuri. “People who live here may have different coloured passports, but a different passport cannot change blood relations. I am here in a land which is home to Europe's second largest Indian diaspora. You are all diplomats here. Every Indian abroad is a diplomat. Government has embassies and ambassadors. They are babus, but you know them as diplomats,” Modi said amid cheers. “The government works with the assistance of Jan Bhaagidari. On its own, development or good governance cannot fulfil aspi-

Prime Minister Modi with Portugese PM Antonio Costa

rations, a combination of both is required.” Modi also thanked people for coming, especially the 3000 who came all the way from Suriname. “It's wonderful to see a strong Indian population even in the Hague. I would like to especially thank the people who have come from Suriname.”



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Asian Voice | 1st July 2017

India growth story gets blank-cheque cos back Special purpose acquisition companies (SPACs), also known as blankcheque companies that raise capital on foreign bourses for acquisitions are resurfacing. Constellation Alpha Capital, the first such SPAC in almost over a decade, raised $144 million on the Nasdaq, signalling peak US investor interest in the India growth story. Marquee investors BlackRock, DE Shaw and Moore, along with others are said to have participated in the blank-cheque IPO to build an Indian business through acquisitions. Floated by Rajiv Shukla, former CEO of Pipavav Defence and Engineering, the Florida-based Constellation Alpha told investors that it would benefit from the economic and investment reforms unleashed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. While blank-cheque companies were initially driven by India's demographics, investors are now mainly excited about Modi's economic agenda. Board of directors on the company include former Pfizer country head Kewal Handa, ex-Tata Sons director Alan Rosling and retired Karnataka chief sec-

retary J Alexander. Former Morgan Stanley and Pfizer dealmaker Shukla and his team pointed out to investors that there were only 12 Indian companies listed in the US compared to 122 Chinese and 26 Brazilian. This provided international investors an effective route to participate in the fastest growing major economy through a dollardenominated, liquid stock subject to the mandated corporate governance and transparency standards, said the filings. In 2015, ex-MGM chief Harry Sloan and former copresident of Sony Pictures Entertainment Jeff Sagansky floated a SPAC, Silver Eagle Acquisition, which ended up by buying 38% stake in Videocon d2h for $273 million and listing

it on the Nasdaq.Videocon d2h and DishTV are currently executing a merger deal to create India's largest direct-to-home TV service with 27 million subscribers. Last year, online travel agency Yatra.com reversemerged with another US blank-cheque company Terrapin 3 Acquisition. However, these companies were not floated with the explicit intent of acquiring India-specific assets. SPACs entered the Indian investment scene in 2007 at the height of the last decade's boom, though it was relatively a nonstarter. Half a dozen of them had raised about $500 million to acquire undervalued, mid-sized Indian companies. Trans-India Acquisition, backed by former ICICI Bank chairman N

Vaghul, and Atlas Acquisition Holdings, floated by former Sunglass Hut CEO James Hauslein and Gaurav Burman of Dabur family, were the prominent ones. Millennium India Acquisition, India Hospitality, Phoenix India and India Globalization Capital were the other blank-cheque companies that raised funds for local buyouts. Many of them wound up hit by the subprime crisis and the Wall Street crash following the Lehman Brothers failure. SPACs have made a comeback with the US capital flow to the emerging markets reviving in recent quarters - aided by the bounce-back in commodity prices that help economies like Brazil. Over the last five years, the aggregate dollar volume of the American SPAC market is 70% more than the entire IPO dollar volume of the Indian market. The funds raised are held by a trust and drawn down for approved investments. It is dissolved and cash returned to investors if the company is unable find deals within the prescribed time-frame, which is usually within 24 months.

For the first time, banks have been held accountable for mis-selling third-party products like insurance policies or mutual fund schemes. The Reserve Bank of India said it has widened the scope of its Banking Ombudsman Scheme 2006, to include deficiencies arising out of sale of third-party investment products by lenders. Under the amended scheme, a customer would also be able to lodge a complaint against banks for non-adherence to the RBI instructions with

regard to mobile or electronic banking services. After the amendment, the pecuniary jurisdiction of the ombudsman to pass an award has been doubled from Rs 1000,000 lakh to Rs 2000,000 lakh. The official is empowered to award compensation not exceeding Rs 100,000, for loss of time, expenses incurred, harassment, and mental anguish suffered by the complainant. There is also an option for the customers to go in for appeal in respect of closed complaints which

wasn't available earlier. Up until now, if the buyer of an insurance policy or mutual fund was missold, he or she had to seek redressal from the insurance company or the mutual fund. There are 20 ombudsmen in India, each holding a territorial jurisdiction. Aggrieved customers can lodge their complaints with them either through email or post. However, before filing a complaint, they have to approach the grievance redressal department of the bank

and wait 30 days for a response. While no fees are required to be paid to an ombudsman, they have the right to refuse to hear a complaint if it is timebarred or already heard in another court. The office of banking ombudsman received 103,000 complaints in FY16, of which 95 per cent was dealt with. The largest number of complaints (34 per cent) pertained to failing to meet commitments and non-observance of fair practices code, or banking standards code.


RIL to raise £2.50 bn through debentures Reliance Industries plans to raise £2.50 billion to replace existing high cost borrowings as well as build a war chest for its aggressive expansion strategy in the telecom space. They plan to raise the amount through through privately placed debentures. The Mukesh Ambani-led firm sought shareholders' nod to issue redeemable non-convertible debentures (NCDs) on private placement. In a stock exchange notice, RIL said the company's annual general meeting will be held on July 21 to consider the fund raising. A shareholder resolution sought nod “to offer or invite subscriptions for secured unsecured redeemable non-convertible debentures, in one or more series tranches, of an aggregate nominal value up to £2.50 billion on private placement.“ It sought to authorise the board of directors to “determine and consider proper and most beneficial to the company, including, without limitation, as to when the said debentures are to be issued, the face value of debentures to be

Mukesh Ambani

issued, the consideration for the issue, mode of payment, coupon rate, redemption period, utilisation of the issue proceeds and all matters connected.” Also, the board of directors are sought to be authorised “to do all acts and take all such steps as may be necessary, proper or expedient” for fund-raising. The company had raised £3 billion in 2015-16 through a rights issue in two parts and in January this year said it would raise another £3 billion through a rights issue of optionally convertible preference shares to invest in Reliance Jio. RIL has already invested $25 billion in setting up a nationwide, fourth generation mobile network.

Essar-Rosneft RBI makes banks accountable for misselling deal hits IB, home ministry hurdle

Infosys in US accused of 'discrimination'

A former head of immigration in the US, at Infosys, has filed a lawsuit against the IT major accusing it of “discrimination” against non-South Asian employees, and demanded a trial by jury. Erin Green has filed a suit with a US district Court in the Eastern District of Texas on June 19, naming two senior company officials - Head of Global Immigration Vasudeva Nayak and Executive Vice President and Global Head of Talent and Technology, Binod Hampapur, making serious charges against them. His counsel, Kilgore and Kilgore, PLLC said,

“Plaintiff was terminated because of defendant's obsessional preference for employees of South Asian race and national origin, usually Indian, and as retaliation for reporting Nayak and Hampapur's discriminatory treatment of himself and others on the basis of race and national origin. Is termination was in violation of defendant's policy which requires progressive warnings or placement on a performance improvement plan prior to termination.” He added, “Plaintiff received no such warnings, and had no discussions with employee relations

regarding any of the conduct related to the stated reason for his termination prior to his termination... Plaintiff had no disciplinary entries on his official work record during his fo u r- a n d - a - h a l f-ye a r tenure.” The lawsuit comes right after Infosys announced that it will hire 10,000 Americans in the next two years and open four centres in the US in a bid to woo the Trump administration, which has been openly critical of outsourcing firms for unfairly snatching away jobs from US workers. Company cofounder Mohandas Pai

said, “The filing of lawsuit by Green against Infosys alleging employee discrimination will not have any bearings on the company's intent to hire 10,000 Americans in the next two years. It will not affect the recruitment because it is very difficult to hire 10,000 people in two years. It's a tall target, and one quarter is nearly over. These are statements that one can make to please politicians.” He added, “Since Infosys is not an American company, it is very easy to level charges of discrimination and nobody wants to go for trial.”

The $13 billion deal struck between Essar Oil and Rosneft-led consortium has been red-flagged by India's the home ministry and Intelligence Bureau. Sources from inside the government said that the Home Ministry and IB have objected to the Vadinar port being a part of the transaction. Hailed as India's largest foreign direct investment deal signed last year in the presence of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Russian President Vladimir Putin, in Goa at the sidelines of the BRICS Summit, concerns have been raised of the Kremlin-owned Rosneft holding control of Essar's Vadinar port. The objections are said to have been based on the port's proximity to the border with Pakistan, and also of 3-4 defence installations being in the vicinity. Addressing questions, an Essar spokesperson said, “All requisite approvals from the Government of India for the Essar Oil transaction to proceed are available. Query pertaining to seeking ministry of

Essar Refinary - Gujarat

home's approval for the port has nothing to do with the present EssarRo s n e ft-Tr a f i g u r a U C P deal. Hope this clarifies the matter adequately.” It was later informed that the Prime Minister's Office will take the final call on whether the Vadinar Port should be a part of the transaction. “No decision has been taken as yet on security clearance to the venture. The committee of officers is still to meet to discuss the case. There may be some intelligence inputs, the details of which will be put up before committee for consideration,” a senior home ministry official said.


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Asian Voice | 1st July 2017


Suresh Vagjiani

Sow & Reap London Property Investment

It was about a month ago when I showed an Iranian doctor a property in W2. The flat was a two bedroom top floor period conversion, in a location which was due to rise over the coming years. This assumption is backed up by a Knight Frank report which focused in on this location, known traditionally as the poor side of Hyde Park. This is where the smart money will go into. Normally I take many reports with a pinch of salt, as mostly they are written by those who sit in ivory towers and whose feet never touch the ground. This one had some punch to it and was set firmly at ground level. The total supply was recorded from the planning permissions granted in the area, and this number was further broken down into those developments where work was actually underway, as not all developments with

AGONY AGENT I thought this week I would tell you about a past issue that I personally have assisted a landlord with, as a break from the norm. A letting agent arranged a tenancy for two years, for four tenants, who had offered to pay £50 per week more than the previous tenancy. The landlords were understandably happy that the agent had found tenants willing to pay a higher level of rent. However, nine months into the tenancy the landlords were contacted by the police to advise that

they intended to raid the property as the heat signatures they had detected indicated that it may be being used for drugs. The police advised the landlords that the people living in the property were not those as recorded in the tenancy agreement and that references may have been forged. Following the raid, which found that the property was being used as a cannabis farm, the landlords complained to the agent stating that they should have been more diligent in their referenc-


planning take off for one reason or another. This report shows the supply will be very restricted in an area which is due to be experiencing a huge uplift due to the massive development taking place in and around Queensway. This property sits right on the door step of the development. The property was shown once and then twice as the doctor decided to bring his developer friend into the deal. The property consists of 700 sq. ft. , and it was cheap at £700k, the going rate is £1250 per sq. ft., and it’s a share of freehold. Leasehold properties are always a concern to the Asian mindset as they wish to keep property in the family for the next 21 generations. This alone means the deal is a good one. There is a ing. The agent responded by arguing that, as per the previous tenancy, they had not used a referencing service provider, adding that the documents provided by the tenants contained no information which raised any alarms that something may have been wrong. As the landlords and the agent could not reach a resolution, the dispute was referred to my office where I found that the agent’s referencing of the tenants should have indeed raised some alarms: l Three of the four tenants came from Vietnam, yet no documents had been

real big cherry on this pie as well; the property is likely to be granted planning for a mansard which will add a further 430 sq. ft. to the property, bringing it from a two bedroom to a four bedroom - two bathroom home at 1130 sq. ft. This adds more than 50% to the existing sq. ft. The planners have confirmed that in their opinion planning will be granted. The Doctor and his friend saw all of this and liked the deal. They were supposed to use the lawyers that held the contracts, and pay us our normal fees. However, over the weekend they had sent quite a firm email dictating the terms they wanted, which included switching lawyers at the last minute, and paying us a reduced fee. As this deal required quick action, and no dilly dally, we placed the deal on Monday obtained confirming that they had rights to live and work in the UK. l Only two of the tenants had provided proof of a current and previous address. l None of the tenants had provided a previous landlord reference. l None of the tenants had been credit checked!!!!!! Furthermore, from the information provided, I was not convinced that the agent had actually met all of the tenants. It was clear that the agent had failed to act in accordance with Paragraphs 7a and 7c of The Property Ombudsman Code of

l Period mansion block in St John's Wood

l Large reception room, two bedrooms and two bathrooms

l Share of freehold

l Expected resale value is £1.85M

Avenue Road, London NW8 Purchase Price: £999,500

Call us now for more information!

morning to another party, who invested without seeing it. We have negotiated a long four month completion, and applied for planning permission which we expect to be granted. The property has now been placed in Auction, for the 19th July 2017, in an attempt to resell the deal prior to completion. This only works if you leave enough fat on the deal for an incoming investor, in other words you cannot be too greedy. The property may sell at Practice by "providing an appropriate referencing service". In my professional opinion no amount of referencing can ensure that a tenant will pay rent, and there are no guarantees that referencing a tenant will protect you from troublesome tenants, but it helps. In this instance, however, the agent had every reason to doubt that the tenants would be unsuitable for the tenancy. It was also apparent that the landlords were aware of the agent’s referencing methods through previous tenancies as referencing service providers were not used. As such, I advised the landlords that they

the price we want, and it may not. If it doesn’t then it will be developed and kept, until the market strengthens and then it will be reassessed. It’s a funny market at the moment, some things are selling way below what they should be, and others in excess of what they should be. A house I went to see, which was available at £2.7m, went into a bidding war and the price was agreed at £3.25m, £300k above the asking price. should have asked more questions about the tenants before agreeing to the tenancy. Luckily there was minimum damage to the property, and that was covered by the tenant’s deposit, so there was no loss of income for the landlords. If you or somebody you know needs assistance with issues similar to this then please contact me at the office as I would be more than happy to help or offer some advice. Richard Bond Lettings Manager Sow & Reap



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Asian Voice | 1st July 2017

Consultant Editor Financial Voice Alpesh Patel Dear Financial Voice Reader, I was asked by someone ‘how do you find the time’? I have been asked this since I was 12 when I learnt assembly language on my TRS80, investing in privatisation stocks like BT with my grandmother’s savings, and going to school! So here is a day in the life of a hedge fund manager. PART1 0715: I hate getting up early, unless jet lagged or doing the BBC in which case I am up at 0350. No, I’m no superhero. I usually get up whatever time my wife does, so I can drive her to the station 0720: Check the financial news. I would normally have slept at 0100-0300 so I won’t have missed much news. My go to places are my Bloomberg app and my FT app. I also like Flipboard so I can keep up to date on private equity and hedge fund news and algorithmic trading as well as entrepreneur news. I also look at www.pipspredatordaily.com as it gives me a great summary of exactly the news on the markets I want to see. I will also check any alerts I’ve received from my team on WhatApp. Usually there are none. I will also have a quick look at the market rates and charts to see how the markets are moving in usually the major and minor currencies and indices, but more recently in gold and oil too because we’ve had some profitable trades there. I don’t like staring at the screens all day long, it is not needed, and leads to reacting not responding to the market. 0730: Get ready. I am lucky, as my own boss I don’t need to wear a suit and tie. So getting ready is usually quick. I prefer wearing my gym gear so I have less of an excuse. If I have meetings, then I have a suit ready at the office and will get changed there. 0735: shower, shave etc with BBC Radio 4 playing in the background for the political news from the Today Programme. Quick check of emails in case anything I need to deal with. I have 3 personal assistants, one my Government work, one for media and events and one for everything else. This means I don’t usually have many emails I have to handle personally. 0800: Smoothie – made by my wife, lovingly, unless she’s too busy. Then I drive her to the station and head to my desk. (I can make calls from my car handsfree to the trading team to make sure all is running fine and what I need to do today). 0820: At my desk. I will open up the market screens. I have a huge monitor over my shoulder so I am not distracted and can turn around and look at it when I am curious. You look at Facebook, I look at the market. My team based on my instructions and my algorithms will have selected some trades and will either ask my view what I want to go with, or will have done it if I am not around. Today they are buying USD/JPY and GBP/AUD. What they trade depends on rules which are part of their training and like many firms what we also give our apprentices so they can learn too. 0840: I am brand ambassador for 24option (www.alpeshpatel.com/24) and the Head of Marketing just messaged on WhatsApp about catching up so I juggle a few things around. My phone is my desk. I love what they are trying to achieve with customer service and it took a while for them to convince me they were serious. Indeed they found me through Bloomberg and that was the clincher that they were indeed serious to be the best for customers. I want to help them get there. I am a business man and appreciate businesses trying to innovate. 0845: I reply to some of my apprentices on a couple of questions they have. I usually have only 1 or 2 emails because most of the mentoring issues are answered through the training material I created. (www.pipspredator.com and www.tradingchampions.com) I absolutely love being in touch with private investors because they were the people I wrote for in my weekly Financial Times column (‘Diary of an Internet Trader’) before I had my own fund. They were the people my books were addressed for. Part 2 is next week.

Tata Group may buy Air India

The government has been in talks about privatising the beleaguered airline that has been running in losses for over a decade.

Tata Group chairman N Chandrasekaran has reportedly held talks with the Indian government about buying stakes in Air India. The Tata Group, in partnership with Singapore Airlines may be looking at buying the state carrier from the government, and if the deal comes through, it would be a homecoming of sorts for Air India - originally owned by the group before being nationalised in 1953. Chandrasekaran held informal talks with the government, expressing preliminary interest in buying a controlling stake in Air India with 51 per cent equity, a media report said. The government has been in talks about privatising the beleaguered airline that has been run-

ning in losses for over a decade. AI has already received bailout packages worth about £2.40 billion out of a total £3 billion approved. Finance Minister Arun Jaitley had recently said the aviation ministry has to explore all possibilities “as to how the privatisation of Air India can be done”. In 2013, then chairman of Tata Group, Ratan Tata had said the group

Abhishek Sachdev

We recently held a seminar with Mutual Finance Limited, a partner firm focusing on securing finance for real estate clients. Our discussion examined the rise of non-bank lending to corpo-

would be “very happy to look” at AI “as and when it (privatisation) happens”. The conglomerate is already present in the Indian civil aviation space with two of its joint ventures including low-cost carrier AirAsia India in partnership with Malaysia's Air Asia, and full service airline Vistara in partnership with Singapore Airlines.

Sources in Bombay House, the Tata headquarters, said that the group is not particularly keen to acquire AI unless the government significantly reduces the carrier's £5 billion -plus debt. When contacted, a Tata Group spokesperson declined to comment on the matter; senior officials in the civil aviation ministry also chose to remain tightlipped. If the Tatas buy into Air India, the national carrier will return to the original owner. JRD Tata had pioneered aviation in the country with the establishment of Tata Airlines in 1932. Fourteen years later, the carrier was rebranded as Air India and subsequently nationalized in 1953.

Sahara has informed the Supreme Court of India that it has sold off its stake in London Hotel, Grosvener House, to company GH Equity UK for £575 million in order to clear its dues to market regulator Sebi. Senior counsel, Kapil Sibal, representing the firm, informed a bench headed by Justice Dipak Misra that it had sold the Grosvenor House to GH Equity UK and the latter now needs permission to transfer of funds expected to come within 10 working days. He added that over £75 million was being sent to India, and the transaction involved refinancing of funds connected to its interests in two other New York hotels - the Plaza and Dream Downtown Hotels. The SC had accepted Sahara chief Subrata Roy's undertaking to pay £150 million by June 15, after refusing to stop the auction process for sale of Sahara's luxurious 8,900-

acre Aamby Valley City project. He had also promised to pay two other instalments of £55.2 million and £300 million by July 15 and October 30, respectively. The bench also granted an extension of 10 working days to Sahara to pay balance amount of £70.88 million out of the promised £150 million. So far, the company has paid a total of £79.01 million with the Sebi-Sahara account. The bench had warned that if Sahara defaulted in the payment of the balance amount, they will be compelled to send Roy to custody upon failure to honour the payment by July 4.

Defamation suit Sahara Group sells filed against Mistry Grosvenor House

Managing trustee of Tata Trusts, R Venkataraman has filed a criminal defamation suit against former Tata Sons Chairman Cyrus Mistry for allegedly making false statements, seeking £50 million in damages. The suit comes a couple of days before the hearing of the case between Mistry and Tata Sons at the National Company Law Appellate Tribunal. In the complaint filed with the additional chief metropolitan magistrate, Venkat said that Mistry's October 25, 2016 email to Tata Sons directors and trustees of Tata Trusts contained “defamatory statements” about him. A shareholder and director of AirAsia India, he also said that the email, which was subsequently leaked to the media, has caused “irreparable” damages to his reputation among his colleagues, family, friends, and society. Mistry had alleged

Cyrus Mistry

“certain fraudulent transactions of £2.2 million” involving non-existent parties in India and Singapore at AirAsia India, stating that Venkat had considered these transactions as “non-material” and “didn't encourage any further study” of it. Venkat said that Mistry's allegations were “false, malicious, and derogatory” in the filings with the company tribunal in Mumbai. Mistry's filings had stated that Venkat had asked Tata Capital to offer loans to C Sivasankaran, which had turned bad. The complaint, filed through MZM Legal, is listed for hearing on July 3.

Don’t just bank on banks.....

rates, which often goes handin-hand with ‘third-party’ hedging. S o w ha t i s n o n - b a n k property lending? It involves firms securing finance from institutional or professional lenders - but instead of going to a bank, the company will receive a loan from a private equity firm, a hedge fund, an insurance company, a peer-to-peer firm or a family office. Non-bank lending is increasingly prevalent in a market where, following the global financial crisis, banks have become more risk averse


- and thus more reluctant to lend - in general and have cut the size of their real estate portfolios in particular. Indeed, we are seeing from our clients that in the £5m+ debt space, almost half of new loans are being provided by non-banks. This is a staggering rise compared to the pre-credit crunch era. In contrast with the banks’ “don’t lose it” approach aimed at avoiding bad debt at all costs, non-bank lenders adopt a “use it or lose it” approach - they are funded by many sources, all of which are geared towards achieving a

certain rate of return. This provides an impetus for delivering solutions quickly and efficiently, cutting through the red tape and bureaucratic hurdles that often make securing bank loans a lengthy, drawn out process. This is a salient point for many borrowers, who are willing to pay a premium for the guarantee of swift delivery. Wh e r e do e s V e d a n t a Hedging factor into this? Wherever there is debt, there is the potential need to protect that debt from interest rate volatility through hedging. Most non-bank

lenders (and foreign banks) are unable to offer hedging to their clients since they do not have a treasury function; a third party bank therefore needs to be involved to provide interest rate hedging. As the UK’s leading hedging advisory firm for SMEs, Vedanta Hedging is uniquely positioned to provide impartial hedging advice, drawing upon our sophisticated network and years of experience securing the best possible hedging terms for our clients. There are unique and separate challenges for having one lender provide debt and another bank providing the hedging.

Subrata Roy

For example, security will be needed by the hedging bank to underwrite any hedge they provide (other than an interest rate cap). In addition, banks may try to charge extra/ hidden spreads compared to if they were also the lending bank. We have assisted several mid-sized property firms to enter into new hedging in the last 12 months. In fact, we have increasingly seen clients asking to hedge, rather than just banks requiring them to hedge.

Tel: 020 7183 2277 www.vedantahedging.com


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Asian Voice | 1st July 2017

Qatar-the new flash point in Middle East Saudi Arabia, along with other Arab countries that cut ties to Qatar have reportedly issued a list of demands to put an end to the major Gulf crisis. The demands include shutting down the Al Jazeera network, close a Turkish military base, and scale down ties with Iran. Media sources obtained the list from unnamed officials from one of the countries involved in the isolation. The 13-point list also demands that Qatar sever all alleged ties with the Muslim Brotherhood, and other groups, including Hezbollah, al-Qaeda and ISIL. Led by Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the UAE, and Bahrain cut ties to Qatar this month, alleging that it funds “terrorism”- accusations that have been strongly denied by the country. The group, in its demands has asked Qatar to refuse to naturalise citizens from the four countries and “revoke Qatari citizenship for existing nationals where such citizenship violates those countries' laws.” The document also said that it must shut down diplomatic posts in Iran, expel any members of Iran's Revolutionary Guard, and only conduct trade and commerce with Iran that complies with US sanctions. If the conditions are complied with, the document asserts that Qatar will be audited once a month for the first year, and then once per quarter

bours. (It's) something to watch.” Qatar is also scheduled to host the Football World Cup 2022. Diplomatic crisis and travel restrictions to the area could pose problems to supplies, workers, and of course, thousands of football fans who plan to visit the country.

Passengers find themselves in soup as Airport authorities scramble to push through cancelled, rerouted, and delayed flights. Many find themselves forced to leave their homes to return to countries they belong.

in the second year after it takes effect. Human cost of the crisis The worst-affected, both - nationals and migrants based in the country face forced uncertainty. People have been flooding into the office of Qatar's national human rights committee. “We've seen 700 people already in the past week. Every night it's been like this,” an official said. Several families of mixed Gulf nationalities face fears of separation, while many have lost jobs or prospects of education. Given the gravity of the situation, Amnesty International warned that the new restrictions are tearing families apart. It documented a Saudi Arabian man living in Doha with his Qatari wife,

unable to visit his ill mother in Saudi. It also described the plight of a newly-wed Qatari woman who was in the process of moving to Bahrain to live with her husband, a Bahraini, when the new rules came into force. The move also prompted utter chaos, and counter-measures were almost immediate. A desert nation that imports over 40 per cent of its food needs through its only land border with Saudi Arabia, Qatar's stock market fell by over 7 per cent. Residents rushed to stock up on essential food items as hundreds of trucks transporting food and construction materials were stopped mid-way. Flights were delayed at the Hamad International

Airport - the country's major transit hub for 37 million passengers a year. Qatar Airways, was forced to reroute Europe-bound flights over Iranian and Turkish airspace. How it affects the rest of the world The smallest of instability in the Middle East directly affects oil prices. While oil and gas markets have been taking all crisis in good balance until now, the latest issue is expected to change the game. Chief Market Strategist at CFD and FZ provider AxiTrader, Greg McKenna said, “Qatar is the world's biggest LNG exporter. It has pipelines in the Gulf and could retaliate but cutting off supplies to its neigh-

Gulf Crisis and India Considering the situation, Indian Minister of External Affairs, Sushma Swaraj said India did not foresee any problem for its own relations in the Gulf as it was “an internal matter of GCC (Gulf Coordination Council)”. She also expressed concern for the 650,000 Indians living in Qatar, now stuck in the crisis. “Our only concern is about Indians there. We are trying to find out if any Indians are stuck there,” Swaraj said. “They (Gulf nations) have done this before, we hope things will get better soon.” According to latest data, over 6,50,000 Indian nationals live and work in Qatar, outnumbering native Qataris by almost 2:1. The situation bodes even worse for South Indian state Kerala. Of the estimated 650,000 Indians currently placed in the country, 300,000 are Keralites. PM Narendra Modi expressed “deep concern” for the safety of the Indians, saying more than

half belonged to his state. “As you are aware millions of Indians are working in countries in the Middle East and therefore the geo-political developments in the region has raised deep concerns among the people in the state since each family has at least one family member or a relative in the region.” Was it really necessary? More or less like the supply of oil in the region, the Middle East is really not short on crisis. Syria is suffering the worst humanitarian disaster since World War II. There are 18.8 million people in need of serious aid in Yemen, with 100,000 suffering from cholera. Two million Palestinians have less than four hours of electricity a day, with Israel looking forward to an increasing possibility of another war. Also, thousands of people are currently displaced, placing a new human rights record, and Libya has three governments. With so much going on in the region, the additional crisis has only taken away focus from the main issues. Qatar has been bombarded with several allegations, most of which are not backed by any credible evidence. Saudi accusing Qatar of funding extremist groups and intolerant ideologies reek heavily of hypocrisy.

157 killed as oil tanker US declares Salahuddin catches fire in Pakistan global terrorist

Islamabad: At least 157 people were burnt alive and around 200 injured when an overturned oil tanker caught fire and exploded in Bahawalpur district of Pakistan's Punjab province on Sunday. The tanker, carrying around 50,000 litres of oil, was on its way from Karachi to Lahore, when it slipped off the road and overturned while taking a sharp turn near Ahmedpur Sharqia. Senior police officer Raja Riffat said when the tanker turned over, residents of nearby villages rushed to the site with

buckets, pots, jars and water coolers to collect the spilling fuel. A large number of people came on motorcycles, he said, adding that it was not clear how the fire started. “Police tried to keep people away from the tanker but they continued filling their containers with fuel,” said Imran Shah, an officer with highway police. Eyewitnesses said the driver too was shouting for people to stay away as the petrol could catch fire any time, but no one listened. Media reports said some people were

smoking at the scene and a cigarette butt might have sparked the fire. As the tanker exploded, a huge ball of fire engulfed the people in close vicinity. A doctor said more than 100 people were brought to the hospital with 80% burns and about 90 of them were rushed to larger hospitals in Multan and Bahawalpur in army helicopters. “Most of those taken to hospitals got 70% burn injuries,” said Dr Rizwan Naseer, director of Punjab provincial rescue services. He said 50 bodies were burned beyond recognition.

Washington: The US has designated Syed Salahuddin, the head of Kashmiri militant group Hizbul Mujahideen, as a specially designated global terrorist, a move welcomed by India which said it underlines quite strongly that both the countries face threat of terrorism. The move by the State Department comes just hours before the meeting between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and US President Donald Trump at the White House. As a consequence of this designation, US citizens are generally prohibited from engaging in transactions with Salahuddin and all of Salahuddin's property and interests in property subject to United States jurisdiction are blocked. As a senior leader of Hizbul Mujahideen (HM), the State Department said in September, 2016, Salahuddin, also known as Syed Mohammed Yusuf Shah, vowed to block any

peaceful resolution to the Kashmir conflict, threatened to train more Kashmiri suicide bombers, and vowed to turn the Kashmir valley “into a graveyard for Indian forces.” “Under Salahuddin's tenure as senior HM leader, HM has claimed responsibility for several attacks, including the April 2014 explosives attack in Indian administered Jammu and Kashmir, which injured 17 people,”

the State Department said. Following the designation of Salahuddin, the State Department in a notification said he has committed, or poses a significant risk of committing, acts of terrorism. “India welcomes this notification. It underlines also quite strongly that both India and the US face threat of terrorism,” Ministry of External Affairs spokesperson Gopal Baglay said.



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Asian Voice | 1st July 2017


South Africans turn against Gupta brothers

Billionaire brothers Ajay and Atul Gupta, along with South African President Jacob Zuma's son Duduzane, were among the first key witnesses identified by MPs relating to the alleged state capture at Eskom. The Parliament warned that it could widen its probe into the case, followed by MPs in the portfolio committee agreeing to call the three to explain their alleged involvement. Acting chairperson of the committee, Zukiswa Rantho said the inquiry, scheduled to begin in August, would probe coal

India-born South African businessmen brothers, Atul, Rajesh and Ajay Rajesh Gupta

contracts at Eskom, including issues related to the Tegeta and Optimum mines. She said they may call witnesses to give evi-

dence. “The committee may monitor, investigate or inquire of any organ of state. In this regard, the rules empower the com-

mittee to initiate an inquiry into Eskom.” The infamous Gupta brothers, Ajay, Atul, and Tony, have for years milked their connections in the country for their benefit. Inquiries, leaked emails, and journalistic investigations have found them guilty of pulling state businesses towards themselves. Strong ties to the President, Gupta brothers first met Jacob Zuma over 10 years ago, when he was the deputy president. They had arrived in South Africa in 1993, to run the local arm of their family com-

puter company, and employed one of Zuma's wives as a communications officer, and one of his daughters as a director. The President is accused of allowing members of the family to wield influence over the cabinet, with fresh revelations pouring in almost every week. Email leaks alleged one of the brothers tried to smuggle a 36kg suitcase of diamonds out of the country, they helped Zuma's son Duduzane handle a sex scandal, buy a £1 million Dubai apartment, pay council tax bills, and deal

US Supreme Court partially okays Trump's travel ban The US Supreme Court has partially reinstated President Donald Trump's controversial travel ban targeting citizens from six predominantly Muslim countries, before examining the case in full this autumn. The Trump administration's ban - put on hold by lower court rulings - can be enforced for travellers from the targeted countries “who lack any bona fide relationship with a person or entity in the United States,” until the court hears the case in October, the judges ruled. The court tempered its ruling by saying the ban could not be implemented for now against people who have personal links to the United States, citing the examples of foreign nationals wishing to visit family or students accepted to attend a university. But the Supreme Court's decision nonetheless marks a win for the Republican leader, who has insisted the ban is necessary for national security, despite criticism that it singles out Muslims in violation of the US constitution. Trump had suffered a

Donald Trump

series of stinging judicial setbacks over the ban, with two federal appeals courts maintaining injunctions on it. Those courts had argued the president had overstepped his authority, and that his executive order discriminated against travellers based on their nationality. Omar Jadwat, director of the American Civil Liberties Union's Immigrants' Rights Project who argued one of the appellate cases brought against the ban, said he hoped the court's decision would mark a step towards ending an “indefensible and discriminatory ban.” “The Supreme Court now has a chance to perma-

nently strike it down,” Jadwat said in a statement. Trump's revised measure, announced in March, seeks to bar from US entry travellers from Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen for 90 days, as well as suspend the entry of refugees for 120 days. The original measure, issued by executive order in January and almost immediately blocked by the courts, also included Iraq on the list of targeted countries and had imposed an indefinite ban on Syrian refugees. In an ruling earlier this month, the three justices of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals said that “immigration, even for the president, is not a one-person show.” “National security is not a 'talismanic incantation' that, once invoked, can support any and all exercise of executive power,” they added. The Supreme Court narrowed the scope of the injunctions on the ban, saying the government could enforce its measure against “foreign nationals unconnected to the United States”

Rishi Shah, Indian-American self-made billionaire Indian-American Rishi Shah is the newest addition to the long list of tech billionaires. The 31 year founder of healthcare tech company Outcome Health, is now valued at a whopping $5.6 billion. The Indian American left college 10 years ago to satiate his entrepreneurial bug. Talking about his startup, Shah said his source of inspiration was his sister who has Type 1 diabetes. “If she gets on an insulin pump and she is able to achieve better blood sugar control and she is checking her blood sugar more effectively, the device manufacturer wins, the insulin manufacturer wins, the blood glu-

Rishi Shah

cometer wins, the doctor wins, but the payer wins most of all. And she wins personally,” he said. That is how the idea of a company that provides content to

doctor's offices clicked. The company's official website says that Outcome Health's digital place-based media networks and mobile media offerings impact hundreds of millions of patient visit over 10,000 hospital and health systems. The firm's clients include 33 of the 35 largest life science manufacturers. In a statement, Shah said, “Outcome Health and its investors share a commitment to activate the best health outcome possible for every person in the world. We believe achieving this at scale will require building a ubiquitous network that brings together all sides of

without causing injury to the parties who filed suit. Trump's travel ban's legal woes had left in limbo a key campaign promise by the Republican to crack down on immigration from Muslim countries. The countries targeted were on a list from the previous Obama administration of places where the governments had very poor data on their own citizens, making it difficult to vet the identities of visa applicants. The Trump administration says the ban is needed to prevent terror attacks in the country, and that it needs the time allowed by the ban to evaluate existing screening protocols and set new ones. But courts ruled that because it applied selectively to mainly Muslim countries, the ban violated the US Constitution's ban on religious discrimination. While the ban itself did not single out Muslims, the judges cited Trump's repeated statements during last year's presidential race that he intended to ban Muslims from entering the United States. healthcare to support patients and healthcare providers whenever, wherever and however they make critical healthcare decision.” His journey to the top was, however, not easy. While many doctors didn't realise the worth of digital education, others who did, wanted to see revenue. “We had to build a profitable business, or at least a breakeven business, from scratch,” Shah said. “We are grateful to have been entrusted to realize this vision by so many important stakeholders. Together, we have the opportunity to create the exam room of the future, physically and digitally, and evolve healthcare decision making from the currency of information to the currency of intelligence,” he said.

with a fatal car crashing involving his Porsche. Pressure is mounting and angry South Africans have taken to the streets to protest, saying that the friendship is turning SA into a “mafia state”. Several officials have resigned or been sacked in the past month, a prime example of Zuma's lack of competence. While the brothers have denied all claims against them as “fake news”, the opposition remains adamant on making them the pallbearers to Zuma's political funeral.

China asks Pak to improve ties with Afghanistan China has asked Pakistan to control terrorists in Afghanistan. Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi travelled between Kabul and Islamabad in an attempt to mend fences between the two warring neighbours. Wang Yi said, “China sincerely wishes for Afghanistan and Pakistan to Chinese foriegn minister Wang Yi improve relaTaliban and would ask tions, rebuild mutual the country to use its trust, strengthen influence on the cooperation, achieve Taliban,” a statement mutual safety and from Ghani's office mutual development.” quoted the Chinese “As Afghanistan FM as saying in a and Pakistan's mutual meeting at the presifriend, China encourdential palace. ages them to establish “Pakistan has a crisis prevention and showed willingness in management mechathis regard and we nism as soon as possiwould call for practical ble, to properly deal steps,” Wang said. If with any kind of sudWang Yi had strictures den occurance. With a to deliver in Pakistan, string of horrific terror the official readout did attacks in Afghanistan not have them. this summer, many of Instead, the statewhich have been ments focused on the traced back to the importance of CPEC, Taliban and Haqqani China's flagship fornetwork, both supeign policy project. ported by Pakistan, As the Trump the resultant instabiliadministration ty and bad blood appears to be taking a between Pakistan and harder line against Afghanistan could Pak-sponsored terrorprove a growing chalism, China's official lenge to China's forsupport counts for a eign policy in the lot inside Pakistan. region, particularly India would have with the Chinanothing to complain if Pakistan Economic China can get Pakistan Corridor (CPEC) runand Afghanistan to be ning through on the same page. New Pakistan's unstable Delhi would be wary regions. about two things According to Chinese efforts to Afghan media reports, bring Pakistan and Wang Yi reportedly Afghanistan together told Afghan President painting India as the Ashraf Ghani that he villain of the piece in would urge Pakistan to Afghanistan and pre“control the Taliban vailing on Pakistan to and the Haqqani ease up on the Afghan Network so they do border while continunot launch attacks on ing its terror tactics civilians. Pakistan has against India. influence on the


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Asian Voice | 1st July 2017

300,000 people perform yoga in Ahmedabad A new world record was set in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, on International Yoga Day, when nearly 300,000 people led by Baba Ramdev turned up at GMDC ground to perform asanas. Also present at the venue were BJP president Amit Shah, Gujarat Chief Minister Vjay Rupani, Deputy Chief Minister Nitin Patel, former chief minister Anandiben Patel, political leaders, IPS and IAS officers, high court judges and other dignitaries. Baba Ramdev claimed that the event has made it to the Guinness World Records book, after the one-and-a-half long session. Shah thanked Modi for making yoga popular across the world. “Though India was trying hard to make yoga popular across the globe since 2011, we got success after the United Nations accepted Modiji's proposal in 2014 and declared June 21 as the World Yoga Day. Since then, the popularity of yoga is increasing across the world rapidly,” Shah said. Prime Minister Narendra Modi himself led a gathering of over 50,000 yoga enthusiasts at the Ramabai Ambedkar Maidan in UP

CM Vijay Rupani, Amit Shah and Baba Ramdev perfroming Yoga in Ahmedabad

on the third International Yoga Day, where Governor Ram Naik and Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath and other cabinet ministers were also present. Addressing the gathering, Modi said yoga's immense popularity outside India is high and has connected the world with India. “I am glad to see several yoga institutes take shape over the last three years. Demand for Yoga teachers is increasing,” he said. Yoga mats were rolled out across the world as enthusiasts performed various asanas at events organised by Indian missions, or local bodies, in different countries. People

stretched and bowed in various postures at events held in the UK, US, Japan, China, Pakistan, and other countries. Hundreds of people gathered at the historic National Mall in Washington on June 21. Indian Ambassador to the US, Navtej Sarna said it was a moving sight to see people turning up in large numbers at the heart of the US capital for the event. He said it was neither a political movement, nor an economic movement. “This is something which is only for the benefit of all humanity at both an individual level and a macro level, because ultimately all societies in all countries are made up

President’s poll: Meira Kumar to take on NDA's Kovind The Congress-led Opposition's Presidential candidate Meira Kumar termed her upcoming contest with the ruling party's nominee Ram Nath Kovind, a “fight of ideologies”. Addressing the media ahead of filing her papers for the election on Wednesday, in the presence of top Opposition leaders, Meira, who is selected as the joint candidate of 17 Opposition parties, said the unity is based on “their firm ideological positions- democratic values, inclusiveness, social justice, freedom of press, transparency, end of poverty, destruction of caste structure- as some of those cherished values, which form an important component of this

Meira Kumar

ideology.” She thanked the Opposition parties for unanimously selecting her as their candidate to contest the July 17 presidential election, she stressed that this ideology “is very close to my heart”. Meira, former Lok Sabha speaker, will most likely begin her campaign from June 30, from the Sabarmati Ashram in Gujarat. She pointed out

of human beings,” he said. The Indian High Commission in Pakistan also marked the day, with large number of people performing different asanas in an event led by Indian High Commissioner Gautam Bambawale. Yoga fever gripped China, as thousands of Chinese enthusiasts gathered in Wenzhou, which became the sixth city in the Communist nation to host the celebrations. Scores of events across country were planned, with Chinese officials saying it will make it the second-biggest celebrations of the day in the world after India. While yoga originated in India, it has

PM Narendra Modi performing yoga become Yoga along with 50,000Japan enthusiasts at the Ramabai Ambedkar Maidan in at UP the celebrated the day immensely popular over

Indian Ambassador to the US, Navtej Sarna performing Yoga with others at Washington

the years in China. It had also backed India's move in the UN to make June 21 as International Yoga Day. The Indian Embassy in

Taimei Elementary School in Tokyo. The event began with an inaugural address of Indian Ambassador to Japan, Sujan Chinoy.

r e w o P r u o Y #Fuel

Ram Nath Kovind

that in the previous presidential elections, caste was never discussed. “But when Dalits contest, their caste is being discussed and their virtues become subordinate. So I can clearly see how society is thinking in 2017. I want that we should wrap caste and bury it deep inside the ground, and our society should move forward.”

List of former Presidents Pranab Mukherjee Term of Office: 25 July 2012 Pratibha Devisingh Patil Term of Office: 25 July 2007 to 25 July 2012 DR. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Term of Office: 25 July 2002 to 25 July 2007 K. R. Narayanan Term of Office: 25 July 1997 to 25 July 2002 Dr Shankar Dayal Sharma Term of Office: 25 July 1992 to 25 July 1997 R Venkataraman Term of Office: 25 July 1987 to 25 July 1992 Giani Zail Singh Term of Office: 25 July 1982 to 25 July 1987

Neelam Sanjiva Reddy Term of Office: 25 July 1977 to 25 July 1982 Dr. Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed Term of Office: 24 August 1974 to 11 February 1977 Varahagiri Venkata Giri Term of Office: 3 May 1969 to 20 July 1969 and 24 August 1969 to 24 August 1974 Dr. Zakir Husain Term of Office: 13 May 1967 to 3 May 1969 Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Term of Office: 13 May 1962 to 13 May 1967 Dr. Rajendra Prasad Term of Office: 26 Jan’ 1950 to 13 May 1962

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Asian Voice | 1st July 2017


AIADMK factions to support Kovind The AIADMK factions in Tamil Nadu have decided to support NDA candidate Ram Nath Kovind in the presidential election boosting his chances of winning the race. CHENNAI: Tamil Nadu's ruling AIADMK faction has announced its support for Ram Nath Kovind, the NDA candidate for the presidential election, boosting his chances of winning. The decision was announced by Chief Minister E Palaniswamy, amid efforts from opposition parties, led by the Congress, to put up former Lok Sabha Speaker Meira Kumar as the unified candidate against Kovind. Even rival faction, AIADMK (Amma) extended support as O Panneerselvam said BJP President Amit Shah had sought support from him and the topic was discussed with senior functionaries of the faction on June 22, along with MPs and MLAs owing allegiance to him. “Based on that and heeding to Shah's request, it has been unanimously decid-

Ram Nath Kovind

ed to back Kovind,” OPS told reporters in Chennai. He added that an “opportunity” was being provided to a member of the Dalit community to be elected to the President's Office, and “for providing

Karnataka waives farm loans of up to Rs 50,000 BENGALURU: Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah announced a waiver of crop loans and short-term loans of up to Rs 50,000 availed from agricultural cooperative banks across the state. He has now joined the only three states- Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra and Punjab, to announce waivers in a bid to offer some relief to distressed farmers following a crash in prices of farm produce. The CM said, “While some farmers have obtained interest-free loans to the tune of Rs 25,000, others have availed up to Rs 300,000. We'll waive off loans up to Rs 50,000, irrespective of the total loan amount.” Speaking in the legislative assembly, he said, “I want the Centre to waive off farmer loans availed from nationalised and commercial banks.” Siddaramaiah said Karnataka was the first state in the country to transfer input subsidies directly to bank accounts of farmers. The loan waiver is

believed to benefit 22,27,506 farmers who have taken loans worth £1.07 billion from cooperative banks. “Consecutive droughts have pushed the farmers into a distress situation. The burden of repayment of loans is becoming unbearable for the farming community and we need to respond. We know it will impact our finances, but we are going ahead with it.” Karnataka's move assumes significance as it comes in the backdrop of two political developments: One, Union finance minister Arun Jaitley's statement that the Centre wouldn't fund any waiver of farm loans by states; Two, Congress vicepresident Rahul Gandhi expressing his solidarity with the farming community by demanding Prime Minister Narendra Modi waive farm loans. Seen as a favour to the agricultural community, the move is also expected to win the farmers' goodwill towards the Congress government which is heading towards elections.

Punjab allows liquor sale near national highways

CHANDIGARH: Punjab is first state in India to brush off the Supreme Court order and resorted to the Excise Act amendment route to allow the sale of booze near highways. The state government amended the Punjab Excise Act, making it legal for hotels, restaurants and clubs situated within 500 metres of highways to serve alcohol. It said the move will help “secure livelihood” of a major segment of the population. However, the restriction on opening of liquor vends within 500 metres of highways will stay according the directions of the SC. A senior government official said, “With this new amendment, all ambiguities pertaining to serving of liquor at hotels, restaurants and clubs near the highways would be removed.” The amendment Bill 2017 was

tabled in the ongoing Budget session of the assembly for enactment. The Cabinet cleared the draft amendment Bill, 2017, on June 19, changing Section 26(A) of the Act. “The bill aims to ensure that hotels, restaurants, clubs and other notified places are allowed to serve alcohol only for consumption within their premises to secure the livelihood of a large segment of the state's population,” the amendment says. The bill states that restaurants and hotels are a part of the hospitality and tourism industry which “generates substantial employment in the state.” “Absence of liquor in hotels, restaurants, clubs, etc., has seriously affected their existence and even their partial closure may create substantial unemployment in the state.”

that opportunity, we have decided to support him.” When asked if the faction was supporting Kovind because he hails from the Dalit community, OPS said the presidential nominee was an MP twice, besides having served as Governor of Bihar, and was therefore, “experienced”. “We are confident he will perform as a good administrator.” There is no reason for the BJP to fret as there is a virtual certainty of Kovind's win, considering the support from other NDA parties including Shiv Sena. “After holding discussions with our party leaders, we have decided to back the NDA presidential candidate Ram Nath Kovind. After our support, I do not think it will be difficult for the BJP to get him elected,” Shiv Sena chief Uday Thackeray said.

Holding discussions on joining politics: Rajinikanth CHENNAI: South superstar and the one and only Thalaivar said he was currently discussing the prospects of joining active politics with leaders and would make an announcement once a decision was made. Speaking to reporters at the Chennai airport, Rajinikanth said, “I have not denied it. We are discussing it and yet to take a decision. Once I take a decision, I will inform you.” The veteran actor met a delegation of 16 farmers last week, led by P Ayyakannu, and supported their request to interlink rivers. He pledged £100,000 for the cause and told them that he would forward their request to Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Rajini had prompted speculations of him joining active politics last week, during an interactive session with his fans in Chennai. He told them to “prepare for war.” Anna had said, “When a

Karnataka assembly jails 2 journalists for defamation

BENGALURU: For the first time in the history of Karnataka, the legislature passed a resolution seeking to put two journalists in jail and a fine of Rs 10,000, for allegedly making defamatory statements against some lawmakers, including the Speaker. The journalists are Ravi Belagere of 'Hi Bangalore' and Anil Raj of 'Yelahanka Voice' both Kannada tabloids. The move came after complaints were filed against the journalists by a group of lawmakers cutting across party lines. Reacting to the decision, Amnesty International said that journalists should have the freedom to write critical articles and politicians must be able to tolerate criticism.

Bengaluru firm delivers diesel at home


war comes, they will come to the rescue of their motherland. I have a profession, work, duty and so do you. Go to your places, do your duty and take care of your vocation. Let us face the war when it comes.” BJP leaders in Tamil Nadu were quick to invite him to join the party after he made the statements. Party President Amit Shah had said it was up to Rajinikanth to decide. The 66-year-old south superstar also said that he would meet his fans in October.

Woman gang-raped, thrown out of car

NOIDA (HARYANA): In yet another case of atrocity on women, a woman was gangraped and thrown out of a car in Greater Noida. Haryana police have launched an investigation, but no arrests have been made so far. The victim said she was kidnapped by three men, and was gang-raped in the moving car, to be later left out in Kasna area of Greater Noida. Gautam Budh Nagar SSP Love Kumar said, “She has been sent for medical examination. One of our teams have been rushed to the spot in Haryana's Sohna.” While it was initially believed that the woman was abducted from Sohna, the police later clarified that she was picked near Gurgaon's MG Road Metro station and taken to Noida, then Greater Noida. The incident yet again draws light the lack of female safety in the national capital and areas around it. Gurgaon

Karnataka CM to act in movie

BENGALURU: Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah is all set to play himself in an upcoming film 'Summer Holidays'. Noted filmmaker Kavitha Lankesh said Siddaramaiah had agreed to act in the movie as the chief minister of Karnataka on certain conditions. “We have explained him the storyline and he has finally agreed to face the camera for the movie. About 80 per cent of the shooting is already over. The moment Chief Minister gives time, we will shoot his part and complete the movie.”

Police Commissioner Sandeep Khirwar, Deputy Commissioner of Police (Crime) Sumit Kuhar, and DCP (East) Deepak Saharan were present at the Sector 29 police station when the victim recorded her statement in the presence of a woman lawyer. She said the men took turns to rape her in the moving car and after driving through Delhi, they reached Greater Noida where they threw her out in a dark spot before escaping. Suniti, Noida Superintendent of Police (Rural), said, “The victim has claimed that she was picked up at around 8.30 pm. She was allegedly raped in the car while the accused were driving around. A senior police officer said, “Some beer bottles were also found from the spot which indicates that the accused persons were inebriated at the time.”

BENGALURU: Bengaluru has become India's first city to have fuel delivered at one's doorstep. Start up company, Mypetrolpump conducted a soft launch on June 15 with three delivery vehicles with an individual capacity of 950 litres. The firm has already delivered over 5,000 litres of diesel, at the day's running price with a fixed delivery charge. Founder of Mypetrolpump, Ashish Kumar Gupta, 32, said, “We've been in touch with the petroleum ministry since September 2016. After having convinced the officials, we had two meetings with the minister, Dharmendra Pradhan, who appreciated our innovation.”

Removal of turban triggers ruckus

CHANDIGARH: Chaos prevailed inside the Punjab state assembly after a Sikh legislator from the Aam Aadmi Party alleged that his turban was pulled off as marshalls manhandled his party legislators and pushed them out of the house. Pirmal Singh Dhaula walked out of the house with his turban in his hand and his hair open. “This is the worst situation for democracy. We have not witnessed such manhandling. The Congress government is to blame for it,” Dhaula said. “I will urge the Akal Takht to take the cognizance of this incident and initiate action against those responsible for this.”

Sikh woman becomes SC judge in Canada

NEW WESTMINSTER: Indian-origin Sikh human rights advocate Palbinder Kaur Shergill has become the first turbaned Sikh woman to be appointed a judge of the Supreme Court of British Columbia in New Westminster. Palbinder has been a leading human rights advocate, and has been rather instrumental in helping shape human rights and religious accommodation law in Canada through her work as general legal counsel for the WSO since 1991. She is said to have extensive trial and appellate experience and has appeared before courts and tribunals across the country, including the Supreme Court of Canada.

Robbery at Jallianwala Bagh Martyr's Well

AMRITSAR: Thieves stole nearly Rs 3,000 from the Jallianwala Bagh Martyrs' Well, where over hundreds had jumped to escape firing by British Troops in 1919. It is believed they used a rope to climb down into the 15-feet deep well, and entered it by breaking the grill-mesh of its window. One person has been detained in connection with the theft. It is suspected that two petty thieves were involved in the incident. They stole about Rs 3000, mainly in coins, from inside the well. Visitors put coins and notes through the mesh as obeisance to all those who lost their lives in the firing ordered by British Col. Reginald Dyer on April 12, 1919.


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Asian Voice | 1st July 2017

Dr. Hari Desai

Cooch Behar Princely State, Then and Now

“Cooch Behar had an area of 1,318 square miles and a population of about 6.5 lakhs. It was founded over three centuries ago.

The Princess of Baroda refused to marry Gwalior, opted for Jit Gayatri Devi fell in love with Maharaja at 16 to be his 3rd Queen

Mamata Banerjee is ruling over West Bengal, the Chief Minister has not only refused to support the creation of Greater Cooch Behar state but has tried to suppress the movement, allege the leaders of GCPA. A Princely State governed by a succession of 21 kings known as Koch rulers since the beginning of the 16th century, Cooch Behar merged with India in September 1949. The movement – citing a clause in the merger signed by the government of India and the last independent king, Maharaja Jagddipendra Narayan-fought for statehood for nearly two decades. The Gorakhas in Darjeeling are also agitating for Gorkhaland. All eyes are now set on West Bengal since the movements are on for the creation of two states i.e. Gorakhaland and Cooch Behar. Next Column: When Jinnah agreed to Jodhpur’s demands


f one wants to locate Cooch Behar in the Indian map, it would not be so easy. A tiny former Princely State on the border of Bangladesh, West Bengal and Assam was better known as Kamarupa. According to Francoise Pommaret, a French research fellow, “Kamarupa, or Kamrup, on the south-eastern border of Bhutan, was a famous and prosperous kingdom since a long time and, in fact, included what would become Cooch Behar in the 16th century.� Cooch Behar is globally famed for her beautiful queens and Princesses even today. The only Princess of Maharaja Sayajirao Gaekwad III of Baroda, Indira Raje(18921968), rebelled to marry her love-bird, the Maharaja of Cooch Behar, Jitendra Narayan Bhup Bahadur(1886-1922) breaking the engagement with the Maharaja of Gwalior, Madho Rao Scindia, which broke the heart of Sayajirao. The Queen-mother of Cooch Behar’s Maharaja, Sunity Devee, refers her darling son in “The Autobiography of an Indian Princess� published from London in 1921 as “Jit�. The Princess of Cooch Behar, Gayatri Devi, one of the five children of Maharaja Jit and Maharani Indira Raje, fell in love with the Maharaja of Jaipur, Mansingh II, at the age of 16 and despite initial opposition from her parents, she married to be the third wife of Maharaja ! Known as one of the ten most beautiful women in the world, Rajmata Gayatri Devi, a Swatantra Party MP, opposed the dictatorial regime of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi along with Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia of Gwalior, a Congress turned Jan Sangh via Swatantra Party MP, even by going to jail during the Emergency of 1975- ’77. Cooch Behar merger agreement was signed by the Maharaja of Cooch Behar, Jagaddipendra Narayan(1915-1970 ), and the Advisor to the Government of India Ministry of States, V.P. Menon. Menon has a para on the State in his book “Integration of the Indian States�, first published in 1956. : “Cooch Behar had an area of 1,318 square miles and a population of about 6.5 lakhs. It was founded over three cen-

The Cooch Behar Palace

turies ago and in 1773 entered into a subsidiary alliance with the East India Company. The present ruler(Jagaddipendra) succeeded his father in 1922 at the age of seven. The State had common boundaries with East Pakistan, West Bengal and Assam. It was decided that until conditions in the border areas became stabilized, the State should be administered as a Chief Commissioner’s province. The ruler signed the agreement on 30 August 1949 and the State was taken over by the Government of India as a Chief Commissioner’s province on 12 September 1949.But in December of the same year, Sardar, after consulting the Premier of West Bengal, decided that Cooch Behar should be merged with that province.

Rajmata Gayatri Devi of Jaipur

The decision took effect from 1 January 1950 by an order issued under section 290A of the Government of India Act of 1935.� In reply to Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, the Sardar writes on 28 December 1949 : “As regards consulting the people of Cooch Behar, I have already stated that the local Congress has approved of the merger. There is a local Hitasadhini Sabha, which is partly Muslim with its sympathies definitely with the neighbouring area of East Pakistan and partly consisting of some members of hill tribes who are looking to Sikkim, Nepal and Bhutan for the formation of an ‘Uttarakhand

Pradesh’. I feel that we should do nothing to encourage this kind of organization in its mischievous tendencies.� In the same letter the Deputy Prime Minister adds, “Bengalees would never have allowed Cooch Behar to remain away from them for long. Cooch Behar itself is a Bengali area. Assam’s attention towards Cooch Behar was directed only because, on account of its geographical isolation from the main area of West Bengal, I had to entrust the supervision over its administration to the Governor of Assam. Otherwise, they have never bothered about it. In any case, organizationally, in regard to Cooch Behar, we have to be guided by what the Cooch Behar Congress rather than what the Assam Congress tells us to do.� On the “great and historic day of Indian Independence�, the Maharaja writes to Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, expressing “my wholehearted cooperation and best wishes� in a communication dated 12 August 1947. The Sardar, in his reply dated 17 August 1947, expresses satisfaction about the Rulers of States joining the Dominion and specially mentions: “I should like to take this opportunity of thanking Your Highness for so readily agreeing to accede to the Indian Dominion. Along with Assam and West Bengal, your State occupies a difficult position, but I have no doubt that in concert and unity we shall be able to meet all eventualities.�Cooch Behar Kingdom was merged with India on 28 August 1949. It was initially accorded the status of “C� category state before becoming a district of West Bengal. Nearly after half a century, the scenario has been changed. In 1998, the Greater Cooch Bihar People’s Association (GCPA), an organization striving to create a separate ‘Greater Cooch Behar ‘ state out of areas presently parts of the state of West

Bengal, was formed. Under the leadership of Bangshi Badan Burman, who was an activist of the leftist Students Federation of India, the ‘Greater Cooch Behar’ movement was launched in 2005. When the movement turned violent; killing three policemen including an additional Superintendent of Police and some agitators, Burman was arrested and spent nearly a decade in the jail. When he was imprisoned, the organization had a new set of leadership. Maharaj Anant Ray, a member from the royal family and even the

Maharaja Jitendra Narayan Bhup Bahadur

Trinamool Congress and BJP leaders supported the demand for Greater Cooch Behar state. Even the United Liberation Front of Assam(ULFA), a banned terrorist organization, was also accused of supporting Greater Cooch Behar state movement by the CPI-M led West Bengal government. But now since 2011, the Trinamool Congress government headed by

(The writer is a Sociopolitical Historian. E-mail: haridesai@gmail.com)

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Asian Voice | 1st July 2017


The lynching of Mohammed Ayub Pandith, a Deputy Superintendent of Police, has shaken the very core of Kashmir Valley, a region that has for ever remained controversial and rife with violence

“Is this the azadi (freedom) we are fighting for that we have begun lynching people? What shall we do with such Azadi?” asked an aggrieved relative of Mohammed Ayub Pandith, a Deputy Superintendent of Police who was brutally lynched by a mob outside Srinagar's Grand Mosque last week. The incident has shaken the very core of the Kashmir Valley, a region that has for ever remained controversial and rife with violence. After decades of hatred, unshakeable hostility, aggressive movements from jihadis, and separatists, resistance from the locals, and reported Army atrocities, it took a police officer's life for Kashmir to finally take a break, and a good look at itself. The gory incident ironically took place during the Lailat-ul-Qadr or Shab-eQadr, the night believed to be when the first verses of the Quran were revealed to Prophet Muhammad. It was the holy month of Ramadan, and Kashmir impenitently sacrificed yet another person for its whims. A special investigation team has been formed by the government to probe Pandith's lynching, and the Jammu and Kashmir police picked up three more accused, arresting a total of

five people in the case. Director General of Police (DGP) SP Vaid ordered the transfer of Superintendent of Police (North Srinagar) Sajad Khaliq Bhat, as the incident took place under his jurisdiction. Authorities said the mob attacked Pandith after spotting him behaving suspiciously outside Jamia Masjid in Nowhatta locality during congregational prayers. Witnesses said three people were injured after the deceased officer began to shoot at them with his pistol as the mob tried to catch him. They are believed to have stripped him naked before beating and stoning him to death. Vaid said, “People should understand the difference between good and bad. They killed someone who was on duty to protect

them.” The attack was followed by a call of protest from Kashmiri separatist leaders against the death of a civilian in clashed in Pulwama district, where local residents confronted security forces after three suspected Lashkar-e-Taiba militants were killed in an encounter. Meanwhile, Pandith's service revolver is missing, and since he wasn't in his uniform during the attack, it took hours before he was identified. Lynched officer deserted by partners? As leaders condemn the incident, and social media fights with each other over moral wrongs and rights, initial investigation revealed the killing was a major lapse of security. Several questions were

raised over the lack of police officers coming in aid to protect Pandith from the mob. Officials looking into the case believe that the victim was not provided any cover by any of the personnel when he was overpowered. “The officer was with 12 people from the security wing who were on duty at the mosque. It was a security team deployed for security duty. He (Pandith) just went to see when the people went out of mosque raising slogans probably to receive Moulvi Umer Farooq. He went out to see what led to this kind of commotion. We are investigating why people became suspicious and why they suddenly attacked him and killed him. Rest of the things is part of the investigation and police are on the job to probe the incident,”

Additional Director General of Police (ADGP), Security, Dilbagh Singh said. “It is unfortunate, however, that the people for whose security he was deployed turned out to be his killers. There was also the deployment of armed police inside the mosque for the security and the entire matter is under investigation.” Officials said there was no immediate reaction from the other personnel who were deployed on duty to rescue the DSP. An official confirmed that it was a major security lapse as two other policemen who were part of the security duty fled from the scene when Pandith was being beaten. Another said there was no immediate reaction either from the armed deployment which was inside the mosque or any of the police personnel deployed from the security wing of the police. Local community heads, and women question the death of one their own Intelligence reports received by the army on the communication between local terrorists of Hizbul Mujahideen and the Lashkar-e-Taiba publicised that common people are expressing resent over the brutal killings of their own

people by militant groups. Local community heads, particularly women, are questioning the “spilling of blood of own people” in the fight with the government. A source said, “The women are questioning local terrorists on this issue as a large number of Kashmiris are working in the police force, the army and other governmental services, and this can lead to a blood bath in the future.” It is indicated that Pandith and Lieutenant Ummer Fayaz - who was kidnapped from his own wedding by militants, and murdered, could most probably be one of the consequences of the ongoing feud amongst different factions of terror groups. Kashmiris now sense insecurities and have taken both the murders as an attack on their own people. Security has been boosted, and the region's police force has been asked to keep a check on the incidents of terrorists attending funerals of militants. Additional forces are being rushed and existing ones are being redeployed at several places. Local media reports said 62 people, including civilians, militants, and armed forces personnel were been killed in the first 26 days of the holy month of Ramadan.

Gujarat locks Narmada Floodgates

In a move boosting Narmada waters, Gujarat government has ordered the locking of 30 sluice gates at the Sardar Sarovar dam, prompting more submergence in the upstream areas of Gujarat, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh. The move will allow the storage of an additional 3.48 Million Acre Feet (MAC) of water to parched areas of the state. Chief Minister Vijay Rupani, deputy Chief Minister Nitin Patel, and a handful of senior ministers and bureaucrats visited the site to offer prayers and order closure of the gates, “It is a historic day for Gujarat and will open gates of development in the state. Narmada is Gujarat's lifeline. Prime Minister Modi has turned the vision of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel into reality,” Rupani said. The government received permission from the Narmada Control Authority to close all the radial gates, raising the dam height from the existing 121.92 metres to 138.68 metres, late on June 16. With state elections in the offing, the move is

expected to provide the BJP with a head start as it attempts to battle unrest among farmers. The revered Narmada project saw massive support from then chief minister Narendra Modi and his Bharatiya Janta Party as they pulled all stops for the completion of the dam project ahead of the 2017 elections. The state has agreed to foot the additional £55.8 million bill for rehabilitating oustees in MP and Maharashtra to meet the Supreme Court's July 31 deadline to complete Relief and

Chief Minister Vijay Rupani, deputy Chief Minister Nitin Patel, and a handful of senior ministers and bureaucrats visited the site

Rehabilitation work, mandated by the SC to allow closure of dam gates. Overall, 46,840 Project Affected Families (PAFs) in

244 villages across the three states have been resettled. Meanwhile, Narmada water finally reached Aji-I

dam in Rajkot as the irrigation department continued to pump water from Machhu-I dam through SAUNI (Saurashtra Narmada Avataran Irrigation) pipeline for the third consecutive day. Modi is scheduled to formally welcome the water to Rajkot, on June 29. After overflowing six dams along its course from Tramba village, 16 km away from the city, Narmada water finally merged with the dead water of Aji-I dam, a major source of drinking water for Rajkot. An engineer of Rajkot irri-

gation circle said, “The water has finally hit the bed of the Aji-I dam and began merging with the dead water. We have dug a special channel so that Narmada water doesn't spread on the bed of the dam right now and directly merges with dead water. As the level of the water will rise, water will start spreading on the bed of the dam.” Machhu dam gets water from Narmada, from Dholi Dhaja Dam near Surendranagar, while Dholi Dhaja is fed by Saurashtra Branch Canal of Narmada project. The engineer added, “We shall continue pumping water at this rate further till there is another government order. We have no order as of now to pump water till PM arrives on June 29 or stop it after he leaves.” The SAUNI is Gujarat state government's ambitious project that aims to divert one million acre feet of floodwaters of Narmada dam to 115 reservoirs of Saurashtra through an extensive network of pipelines and augment irrigation facilities in the semiarid region.




health lifestyle

Tackle Air Pollution And Strengthen Respiratory System With These Foods Air pollution is one of the biggest threats to human health, triggering numerous ailments including breathing disorders. It causes the respiratory system to weaken and fall prey to allergies and ailments like asthma. According to WHO, pollution is responsible for exacerbation of asthma and increase in respiratory infections. Increased morbidity and mortality, due to cardiovascular diseases including stroke, chronic respiratory diseases and cancers have been attributed to air pollution. The polluted air we inhale introduces nitrogen, ozone, nitrogen oxide, diesel exhaust particles, et al. While it is imperative to do your bit to avoid causing as much air pollution to keep safe, it is also important to eat healthy to escape from the serious hazards caused by pollution. As per expert Nutritionist, Dr. Rupali Dutta, "The protective antioxidants present in the lining of our lungs fight it out till they are outnumbered, thereafter the pollutants start attack-

ing the immune and body cells producing free radicals and causing inflammation. The antioxidants from the food you eat can provide protection to your body from harmful effects caused by air pollutants." Here are foods that will help you build a stronger immunity against pollution and further strengthen your respiratory system. n Vitamin C is touted as one of the most important antioxidants that has the ability to repair and aid tissue growth. This water soluble vitamin is present throughout our body and eradicates the effects of free radicals. Consuming sufficient amount of vitamin C per day is actually crucial for maintaining its level in the lungs and helps strengthen it. Foods like dark leafy greens, citrus fruits, berries, papayas, bell peppers and tomatoes among others. n Vitamin E creates a defense mechanism against injury to human tissues. Making it a part of your daily diet will help fight against the damage of tissues and eventually build a stronger immunity. Vitamin E diet may

include dry fruits like almonds, fish like salmon, eel and roe fish and various spices and herbs like chili powder, oregano, basil, parsley and cloves. Adding them to your diet will help build a better defense mechanism. n Beta Carotene is full of antioxidants and plays a key role in controlling inflammation. Vitamin A is known to convert from beta-carotene which is generally found in leafy vegetables, pumpkins, carrots, spinach, radish, broccoli and coriander seeds. If you aren't already adding these veggies in your diet, it is time to do so. n Omega-3 Fatty acids generally help the body

against the harmful effects of air pollution on one's heart health and lipid profile. Some important foods include nuts and seeds like walnuts, chia seeds and flax seeds which can be easily included your daily diet. Other foods may include mustard seeds, methi seeds, green leafy vegetables, kala chana and rajma. n Magnesium is a mineral that helps boost your natural defenses and relaxes your lungs from the excessive pressure. The magnesium rich foods include nuts, seeds especially pumpkin seeds and legumes, spinach, yogurt, avocado, figs and magnesium among others.

Breastfeeding Mothers Have 10 Per Cent Lower Risk of Heart Attack

A woman gets on a bus with her baby. The driver says, “Ugh! That’s the ugliest baby I’ve ever seen.” The woman stalks off to the rear of the bus and sits down. She turns to the man sitting next to her and says, “The driver just insulted me!” The man says, “You go and give him a telling off. I’ll hold your monkey for you.” *** A young blonde woman is distraught because she fears her husband is having an affair, so she goes to a gun shop and buys a handgun. The next day she comes home to find her husband in bed with a beautiful redhead. She grabs the gun and holds it to her own head. The husband jumps out of bed, begging and pleading with her not to shoot herself. Hysterically the blonde responds to the husband, ”Shut up…you’re next!” *** A woman has twins, and gives them up for adoption. One of them goes to a family in Egypt and is named ‘Amal.’ The other goes to a family in Spain, they name him Juan’. Years later; Juan sends a picture of himself to his mum. Upon receiving the picture, she tells her husband that she wished she also had a picture of Amal. Her husband responds, ”But they are twins. If you’ve seen Juan, you’ve seen Amal.” *** When NASA started sending up astronauts, they quickly discovered that ballpoint pens would not work at zero gravity. To combat the problem, NASA scientists spent a decade and $12 billion developing a pen that wrote at zero gravity, upside down, underwater, on almost any surface including glass and at temperatures ranging from below freezing to 300C. The Russians used a pencil.

Asian Voice | 1st July 2017


To Our Readers

We are publishing these items in good faith, kindly consult your Doctor before you try to implement any advice. We do not hold any responsibility for its efficacy...

Workplace Stress May Make You Eat Unhealthy, Proper Sleep Can Help Undo the Damage Undeniably, stress and junk food consumption have long been linked. Experts believe that stress can alter body's response and processes in a way that makes us take dietary decisions accordingly. A recent study conducted by the experts at the Michigan State University, US notes that stress at workplace may lead to making unhealthy food choices and may trigger a host of lifestyle issues including obesity. However, proper sleep schedule can help in patching up the damage done. "We found that employees who have a stressful workday tend to bring their negative feelings from the workplace to the dinner

table, as manifested in eating more than usual and opting for more junk food instead of healthy food," said study co-author Chu-Hsiang Chang, Associate Professor of Psychology at Michigan State University in the US.

There are multiple ways in which one can deal with workplace stress. Minor tweaks in your lifestyle and routine can help you feel better and be at top of your game. Keep the following tips handy: - Take small breaks. Go for a short walk and quit using the elevator. - Think positive and do not panic about workload. Take one task at a time, be at it and, finish and move on to the other. - Try and cut down on caffeine as much as you can. Go for buttermilk, coconut water or freshly made lemonade or fruit juices, instead. - Avoid eating at your desk. - Practice time management and try to be as productive during work hours as possible in order to avoid taking work home.

ASIAN FUNERAL DIRECTORS Breast milk is said to contain a number of benefits for the baby’s health. It contains a variety of nutrients essential for the newborn’s well-being, and also includes antibodies which cannot be medically engineered. However, there are also several advantages for the breastfeeding m o t h e r . Breastfeeding may reduce a mother's heart attack and stroke risk later in life, according to new research. The study, published in the Journal of the American Heart Association

showed that women who breastfed their babies had about a 10 percent lower risk of developing heart disease or stroke later in life.


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Asian Voice | 1st July 2017


Dhanshika goes multilingual T

amil actress Sai Dhansika has made a mark ever since she debuted in 'Peraanmai'. Featuring in major projects like 'Aravaan', 'Paradesi', and 'Kabali', Sai's most recent 'Engamma Rani' and 'Uru' grabbed huge appreciation from both, the critics and audiences alike. After establishing herself in Kollywood, Sai made her debuts in other languages, with high profile cast and crew. Her first Malayalam movie, 'Solo' will see her play a blind girl opposite hit actor Dulquer Salman. Her Telugu debut 'Vaalujada' will again see her sharing screen space with Dulquer, who will play a pivotal role, while Naveen Sanjay plays the lead.


A drama/thriller featuring Sridevi, watch a mother fight for her daughter's love, despite the consequences it will bear.

Shooting for Mohanlal's 'Villain' wrapped up

Surprise! Vijay as a Jallikattu Veeran in 'Mersal'


he first look posters of Ilayathalapathy Vijay's 61st film 'Mersal' is out and shows him in a rustic avatar with a thick moustache. With the topic of Jallikattu garnering major attention this year, the film runs along the line of the controversial sport. Vijay can be seen with a decorated bull in the background of the poster, and our best guess is that the film has a scene in which the actor plays the sport. In the second look, it is quite evident that the 'Theri' actor will play a magician in the film. The actor's look has created waves on the internet, with fans tweeting about the film relentlessly. Made on a massive budget, 'Mersal' will feature Vijay in three roles, across three heroines - Kajal Aggarwal, Samantha, and Nithya Menen. SJ Suryah and Sathyraj will be seen in pivotal roles.

Shooting for Mohanlal's upcoming Malayalam film 'Villain' has been wrapped up. The announcement was made by director B Unnikrishnan along with actor Vishal, through his Facebook live video. Lalettan will essay the role of Mathew Manjooran, an ex-cop, while Manju Warrier will play his wife. The investigative thriller boasts a star-studded cast with Kollywood actors Vishal and Hansika, along with Telugu actors Srikanth, and Raashi Khanna in pivotal roles.

Vanamgan' gets a big pre-release boost

Jayam Ravi's 'Vanamgan' first scored a clean U certificate from the Censor Board and then the Tamil Nadu state government granted 30 per cent Entertainment Tax exemption for the film. Directed and produced by Vijay under his Think Big Studios banner, the film will mark the 50th for music director Harris Jayaraj. 'Vanamgan' will also mark the Kollywood debut of Sayeesha Saigal, grand-niece of Bollywood veteran Dilip Kumar. 'Vanamagan' will be one of the last few Tamil films to get the entertainment tax exemption granted by TN Government. From the 1st of July, the Goods and Services Tax will be rolled out and that will be common for the entire nation. Hence there won't be any tax exemption granted by the state governments.

Replacement for Shruti Haasan


EO of Sri Thenandal Studios, Hema Rukmini confirmed that they have found a replacement for Shruti Haasan for their ambitious mega budget project 'Sangamithra'. Before the confirmation, she clarified the actress' exit from the project. “She (Shruti) did not opt out. We decided that we could not work together. It is very profes-

sional decision and we wish her well. It's just that we had to part ways.” She said they have found the perfect replacement for Haasan and are “waiting for the right time to announce it”. Addressing rumours that Nayanthara will feature in the film, Rukmini said, “We have worked with Nayan before and she is an amazing artist. As

'Sangamithra', we all have read the script, at least I have. I know what a dream it would be to do that role. We have an image of 'Sangamithra' in our minds and we are sure we will find the right replacement immediately.” About the script, she said director Sundar C has written a “brilliant script” in which “you can envision everything and this is something that would relate (even) to sensibilities of people who've never come to India, who don't know Indian mythology, and it will attract them. I think it's a very global script.”



Alia to play Pak army officer's wife AsianVoiceNews



adrinath Ki Dulhania' actress Alia Bhatt will be seen in Meghna Gulzar's directorial next, 'Raazi', based on Harinder Sikka's novel 'Calling Sehmat'. The 23 year old will play a Kashmiri girl married to an army officer across the border. “I am trying to do something in a new space, recreating India and Pakistan of the '70s on sets and real locations. A lot of research has gone into getting the period and dialect right. There are some action pieces too. Its work in

progress with workshops and reading sessions,” Meghna said. Priti Shahani, president of Junglee Pictures which will co-produce the film with Dharma Productions, said, “We are very excited with the entire team that has come together with us to tell the story. It's the first time we are collaborating with Karan Johar (Dharma) who has a very keen understanding of connecting stories with the audience and brings immense creative value to storytelling.” Shahani added, “Alia has showcased her acting

Asian Voice | 1st July 2017

Dream come true for Sridevi

prowess in every film and right from start we saw her as our Sehmat. As for Meghna, it's like homecoming for us post 'Talvar' and she is the perfect person to tell this story.” Meghna said Alia has landed a challenging role and at the risk of sounding cliched, a character unlike any she's playing before. About the film title, she said, “It's only when you agree to something that you eventually end up doing it and live with the consequences. 'Raazi' is a synonym of 'Sehmat' which also means agreeable.”


PeeCee kicks off second H-Wood film A

fter spending a week in Prague, where she met with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, (and managed to miff several bhakts with her choice of clothes), Priyanka Chopra is back in New York and has already kicked off her second Hollywood film, 'A Kid Like Jake'. Based on the celebrated Lincoln Centre play of the same name, by Daniel Pearle, the transgender drama follows Alex and Greg, a Brooklyn couple trying to get their four year old son Jake into a top private school in NY. A normal family story, you say? Well, Jake prefers princesses over GI Joe. PeeCee will play Amal, a close friend of the couple

and a single - mother trying to balance her love life and work. The 'Quantico' actress looked radiant in orange as she was seen shooting with Big Bang Theory-star Jim Parsons and Emmy-winning actress Claire Dane in a small park in Brooklyn. She is expected to be filming for the next 40 days and has moved out of her Upper East Side apartment into another place closer to the set.

Tiger Shroff to pay tribute to Michael Jackson


Shraddha Kapoor

to play mother of four


hraddha Kapoor's look from her upcoming film 'Haseena Parkar' has shaken the internet. The poster for the film shows her in a crime lord avatar, a massive change from the usual bubbly-cute characters she chooses to do. Shraddha will be seen portraying Haseena, gangster Dawood Ibrahim's sister, from age 17 to late 40s. In a recent interview, director Apoorva Lakhia was all praises for the actress' efforts towards pushing boundaries. He said the 30 year old has been very patient in dealing with Haseena's role and has given her best to the character. He said, “There was a scene which was extended when we

saw Shraddha cradle her screen kids to stop the crying. She is really patient and mature for her age. I remember her reading pregnancy books and paying attention to details like the way expectant mothers hold their backs.” Lakhia added, “I ensured that they (kids) arrived twothree hours before shooting commenced and hung out together with Shraddha and Ankur Bhatia, playing and talking to each other. We also instructed the real parents to not be around during the shoot.”

ollywood actress Sridevi said her dream to work with double Oscar-winning composer AR Rahman was finally completed in her upcoming Hindi suspense drama 'Mom'. Speaking to the press, the 'English Vinglish' actress said, “When Ravi and I started working on the project, we felt it'd be nice to have Rahman on board. We were blessed to work with him because it has been a long-time dream. I'd forever be grateful to him for being part of this film.” The veteran actress has been 50 years in the industry, making her debut at the young age of three. After years of delivering super hits, the 53 year old admitted she still feels like a newcomer. “I don't realise it's been 50 years. Even today, I still feel like a newcomer before the release of my film.” Sridevi also revealed she did not really plan to do the project. “After 'English Vinglish', I got busy with my daughters. I really didn't plan to do more films. I have never planned things. When Boney (Kapoor) told me a line of the story, it really got me excited. It took nearly two years to develop the story and start this project.” She added, “As a mother of two daughters, I could relate with the story so well. I was moved by the story when I heard it. It's a very important film for teenagers and even for mothers.”


iger Shroff is a die-hard Michael Jackson fan. The 'Baaghi' actor will reportedly pay a tribute to the King of Pop in Pune, at a concert dedicated to him. On Jackson's eighth death anniversary on June 25, Sunday, Tiger, along with his 'Munna Michael' co-star, debutante Niddhi Aggerwal, will perform to a medley of songs. “It's going to be a very special day for me. This concert is our humble way to pay tribute to my biggest inspiration. I hope he's watching over us all the time,” the 27 year old said. While Tiger has often paid tributes to his idol, this would be the first time for Niddhi to dance to Jackson's hits on a public platform. “I'm really excited to pay a tribute to the King of Pop. I'm looking forward to matching steps with Tiger, who is probably the biggest MJ fan I've come across.”

Ranbir admits cyber- stalking

agga Jasoos' actor Ranbir Kapoor is known to maintain a good distance from social media. However, as godly as he looks, he is a mere mortal like us all and indulges in the occasional petty c y b e r- s t a l k i n g . Member of Bollywood's first family, the Kapoors, Ranbir revealed that he has several anonymous accounts on social media platforms, and regularly keeps a tab on the lives and works of his contemporaries. In fact, he also stalks his ex-girlfriend Katrina Kaif. “I am active on the photo-sharing site. I am a stalker, constantly aware of all that's happening in the industry. In fact, I was Katrina's third follower when she joined Instagram,” Ranbir said. He added that some of the pictures the actress posted, were his suggestions. “I told her which photos to post, but she refuses to give me credit. After every post, I call her and discuss the purpose of sharing it. I make sure Katrina takes social media seriously. I am also sure I would do a better job than her if I ever got onto social media.”



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Asian Voice | 1st July 2017

Artists to improvise live to mark 70 years since partition of India and Pakistan 2017 marks the 70th anniversary of the Partition of India 1947 into India and Pakistan (including what later became Bangladesh). Imagined Homeland Symposium will discuss the historical journeys that formed the largest mass migration in human history, dividing the country into a nationalist struggle with mass abduction and savage sexual violence. It had a huge impact on contemporary South Asian communities, as well as its international diasporas, and how global communities continue to be fractured by the recent refugee crisis of the 21st Century. The symposium will bring some of the most imaginative speakers of our time, and will feature

artists, historians and award winning novelists and writers like Professor Yasmin Khan, Dilip Hiro, Balraj Khanna, Navtej Purewal, Shezad Dawood and with local poetic respondents including Yandass Ndlovu, Elmi Ali, and Isaiah Hull. Imagined Homeland Symposium is a trailblazer of Asia Triennial Manchester 2018, Manchester Metropolitan University. This event is funded by

MMU and supported by Manchester International Festival 2017 and HOME. This novel approach to memory and commemoration is designed to provoke

a different reaction to the historical event of Partition, and challenge the audience into considering how the events of 70 years ago are still pertinent today. Keynote speaker for the event is Professor Yasmin Khan, Associate Professor in British History at the University of Oxford, whose work focuses on the history of the British in India, South Asian decolonization and the aftermath of empire.

Neighbours in Harrow street commemorate MP Jo Cox

Coming Events

l Krtajnata - an evening of Hindustani classical and devotional music, on July 1, Saturday, from 7.30 pm, at Chinmaya Kirti, 2 Egerton Gardens, Hendon NW4 4BA l Vivekananda Festival 2017 and 150th Birthday Celebration of Sister Nivedita on July 2, 11.00 am onwards, at Logan Hall, Russell Square, London. l London Sevashram Sangha invites all to the celebration of Guru Purnima, on July 9, Sunday, 7 pm onwards, at 99A Devonport Road, London W12 8PB. l Sree Sree Thakur Anukulchandra's Satsang, on July 1, Saturday, 6.30 pm onwards, at Reading Hindu Temple,112 Whitley Street, Reading RG2 0EQ l Leicester Friends of Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies presents talk by Anuradha Dooney on Animals and Hinduism, from 6.30 – 9.00 pm, at Belgrave Neighbourhood Centre, Rothley St Leicester LE4 6LF

Sneh Joshi

ARIES Mar 21 - Apr 20 You will probably have little

cause to complain this week. However, underneath this positive surface you may be plagued by a feeling of restlessness. Try to strike a balance between material and emotional affairs ! It is now time to take stock, consolidate and plan ahead. Do not rush into anything without first thinking about the consequences.

TAURUS Apr 21 - May 21

You will feel energetic and confident as the week begins. Although the very practical affairs of life continue to be highlighted, this does not mean that there will be all work and no play. In fact, you will be very much in demand socially. The accent’s very much on relationships. Your ruling planet Venus in your sign promotes all good things in life.

GEMINI May 22 - June 22 Avoid get-rich-quick schemes and be cautious about other people's enthusiasm which is likely to be misplaced. Although there are very intense amorous energies indicated in your chart, the trouble is that these are likely to be marred by feelings of uncertainty. Existing emotional differences can be sorted out now with a bit of diplomacy.

CANCER Jun 22 - Jul 22

Your energy levels will be high and you will find much scope for taking fresh initiatives and getting fast results. Your communications are well lit up but you have to ensure that you do not upset people around you. Efforts to restructure and transform your lifestyle are more likely to meet with success. Experience you have built up in the past will now stand you in good stead.

Neighbours in a Harrow street enjoyed a street party this weekend in memory of murdered MP Jo Cox. On June 18, residents in Sandringham Crescent, south Harrow, joined in with a nationwide campaign, The Great Get-Together, which is a joint venture between the Jo Cox Foundation and community initiative The Big Lunch. The event was organised by another resident, Harpreet Castleton,

whose enthusiasm, Mr Marshall said, spread to other people in the crescent. The campaign across the country saw neighbours and families come together for a street party, picnic or other event to commemorate the death of MP Jo Cox, who was murdered on June 16 last year. Neighbours in Sandringham Crescent also held a street party last year to celebrate the Queen’s 90th birthday.


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The UK’s leading Vedic writer and TV personality

Try and work out where you want to make changes in your life. Once you know, don't hesitate to implement it. The planetary activity in your chart signals a time of mixed emotions as well as personal issues to be dealt with. Facets of your life that have been a source of restriction and dissatisfaction will begin to loosen their hold.

LEO Jul 23 - Aug 23

An inspiring boost to matters of communication but make sure your curiosity on a range of topics does not lead to a scattering of mental energy. Focus on essentials and establish a solid foundation, so that you feel secure. The outlook remains optimistic and bring you a sense of real achievement. At home be calm and stay away from arguments.

VIRGO Aug 24 - Sep 23

LIBRA Sep 24 - Oct 23

Much enthusiasm goes into professional ambitions right now, but you need to be your own boss in many ways. Circumstances will make you more determined to place your lifestyle on a foundation of greater security. Farreaching change begins to gather momentum. Do not miss out on ways to better yourself in the coming weeks.

SCORPIO Oct 24- Nov 22 Relationships look great as Venus and Mars help to enhance your personal magnetism and put you in a gregarious mood. For some, a good time to get engaged or get married. There are subtle transformations taking shape in you life and a feeling of helpful influences in the background. There is much to suggest that you are in tune with your inner self.

Mars and Saturn placement in your chart sets a rather challenging theme. Although this gives increased potential for tension and conflict with other people, it is also a time for retrospection. Unpredictable energies continue to influence your health sector, bringing erratic highs and lows. The key for you as always is to remain calm and collected.

SAGITTARIUS Nov 23 - Dec 21

CAPRICORN Dec 22 - Jan 20 Relationships need to be scrutinised carefully. Of course, there are still challenging issues on both a personal and practical level. To get here you may have overcome obstacles by making important decision and choices. You will achieve a lot more, especially when you're motivated by your own desires. Sometimes it is a good idea to stand back and re-assess life.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 - Feb 19 Try not to be drawn into a contest of wills. Cooperation is the key to success in any dealings, be it personal or monetary. Job concerns may get you down a bit, but agreements will be reached with patience and diplomacy. Once you get going there is no stopping you. Try and take up some healthy regimes, be it diet or gym.

PISCES Feb 20 - Mar 20 You will be feeling a bit edgy as the week begins. You will need to guard against the possibility of injury due to dashing first and looking later. Everyone is a bit sensitive now. Either you or someone you're dealing with may over-react - be calm ! Give yourself plenty of physical outlets to calm you down mentally.

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3 Indians in ICC Champions Trophy 2017 team The International Cricket Council (ICC) has announced the Team of the Champions Trophy 2017. The team features three Indians, Virat Kohli, Shikhar Dhawan and Bhuvneshwar Kumar, four Pakistanis, three Englishmen and one Bangladeshi. The team includes players from five of the eight participating sides. Apparently, Sarfraz Ahmed, the winning team Pakistan’s Sarfraz Ahmed has been named as captain. Virat Kohli, Shikhar Dhawan and Bhuvneshwar were the only Indians included in the Champions Trophy 2017 Team. “The side was selected by a jury of cricket experts, which included former captains Michael Atherton of England, India’s Sourav Ganguly, Ramiz Raja of Pakistan as well as Lawrence Booth (Editor, Wisden Almanack and cricket writer, The Mail) and Julian Guyer (cricket correspondent, Agence France-Presse), with ICC General Manager – Cricket, Geoff Allardice, as chairman,” read ICC media statement. The jury was tasked with picking a balanced side on the basis of performances in the tournament. Statistics were used, but were not the sole basis for selection. Kane Williamson of New Zealand has been selected as the 12th man.

Murray remains on top of ATP rankings Britain's Andy Murray continued to lead the men's Association of Tennis Professionals world singles rankings, while Croatian Marin Cilic climbed to sixth place. Murray kept his place on top in spite of an Andy Murray early elimination from round of 32 of the Queen's Club Championships by World No.86, Australian Jordan Thompson. Cilic climbed one place up to the sixth position in the rankings after reaching the final of Queen's, which he lost to Spaniard Feliciano Lopez. Canadian Milos Raonic fell one spot to 7th place after also being eliminated from Queen's round of 32 by Australian Thanasi Kokkinakis.

Paes warms up with title win Indian tennis star Leander Paes warmed up for the Wimbledon championships by winning the Aegon Ilkley Challenger trophy with Canadian partner Adil Shamasdin, against Brydan Klien and Joe Leander Paes Salisbury, at Ilkley (Great Britain) on Saturday. Top seeded Paes and Shamasdin beat the local wild card pair 2-6, 6-2, 10-8 in the summit clash of the Euro 127,000 grass court event. Interestingly, both the teams broke each other twice and won 52 points each in the 66 minute match. It is third title of the season for Paes on the ATP Challenger Tour and second with Shamasdin. He had won the Tallahassee Challenger with American partner Scott Lipksy in April. His first title of the season had come in Leon, with Shamasdin in March.

Federer wins ninth Halle Open title Roger Federer beat Alexander Zverev 6-1, 6-3 and clinched his ninth Halle Open title. From the beginning Federer applied pressure to establish a 4-0 lead while local hero Zverev was unable to gain a foothold into the first set. Thus, the 18time Grand Slam champion sealed the first set 61 in just 22 minutes. Zverev grabbed a better start into the second set yet the German was unable to break through Federer's faultless service despite one chance in the opening game. The former World No 1 continued powerfully and made use of break chances in the 6th game to ensure the 4-2 lead in the second set. Zverev failed to stop Federer's momentum as the Swiss sewed up the match on his first match ball to reap his 92nd career title. With this result, Federer won, for the first time in his career, one tournament nine times. The match was the quickest final in the history of the Halle Open.




Asian Voice | 1st July 2017

Kidambi Srikanth becomes the first Indian shuttler to win back-to-back Super Series titles Kidambi Srikanth has turned out to be the golden boy of Indian badminton. On Sunday last he became the first Indian to win back-toback Super Series titles. Srikanth brushed aside Olympic champion Chen Long 22-20, 21-16 to clinch the Australian Open in Sydney. This followed his triumph in the Indonesia Open crown a week earlier. Srikanth, who is now world no11, is set to break into the top 10 when the rankings are next announced. For Srikanth it proved to be the sixth time lucky. Breaking the frustrating sequence of five defeats ina-row against Chen Long in the last three years, the Indian finally got over the line with a crushing victory over his nemesis to emerge champion in the Australian Open Super Series. Contrary to expectations, the 46minute summit clash failed to rise to great heights as Srikanth notched up a straight games 22-20, 21-16 win and broke the jinx

against the tall Chinese. With his maiden triumph Down Under, Srikanth is now the first Indian to win backto-back Super Series titles. At Jakarta, the 24-year-old had pocketed the Indonesian Open Premier title. He finished runner-up at Singapore to Sai Praneeth in April. Srikanth, who conceded just one game en route to the title, against World No. 1 Wan Ho Son, in the second round on Thursday, played like a man on a mission at the Sydney Olympic Park. He

looked determined as he stepped on to the court and had the self-belief to turn the tables on the reigning Olympic champion. Prior to Sunday's encounter, Srikanth had won just one game against the Rio Games gold medallist and that too came way back in November 2014. However, the World No 11 avenged those five losses with a sparkling display of controlled aggression and astute tactics, which floored the two-time All England champion. By outgunning the World No 6, Srikanth has

now registered his tenth successive win after the loss against compatriot Sai Praneeth in the Singapore Super Series final. In fact, it was Srikanth's 14th win in the last 16 international matches after the early defeat he suffered at the India Open Super Series in New Delhi. The Guntur lad, a semifinalist in the last edition at Sydney, was the first one to get off the blocks and raced to a 10-6 lead against his rival who seemed a tad sluggish. Long gathered himself and fought back to make it 11-11, but Srikanth did not let the momentum slip and earned his first game point at 20-19. The two-time World Champion managed to save that with a powerful down the line smash, but Srikanth's perseverance fetched him another at 21-20 when the Chinese was foxed by a low backhand return. This time, Srikanth made no mistake and captured the first game, which lasted for 23 minutes.

ICC grants test status to Ireland, Afghanistan The International Cricket Council (ICC) has decided to give full membership to Afghanistan and Ireland, thereby granting them Test status as the 11th and 12th nations respectively, at its annual conference in London last week. The last time the world of Test cricket welcomed two new entrants simultaneously was in the 1930s. The Indian hand in Afghanistan's rapid rise is too significant to be ignored. Two players from the war-torn country took part in the IPL for the first time this year, with legspinner Rashid Khan stealing the limelight with his deceptive googlies while bowling for Sunrisers Hyderabad. Recently, he took 7-18 as Afghanistan stunned the West Indies by drawing an away series 1-1. For the last one year, their

Ireland & Afghanistan cricket teams

coach is former Mumbai and India opener Lalchand Rajput. Due to the tough conditions at home, Afghanistan's home base is at Greater Noida near New Delhi. “India's supported us at every step, which we really appreciate. Today too, India, like everyone else, supported our case. We can't thank them enough,” an elated Afghanistan Cricket Board (ACB) chairman Atif Mashal said. “It's the greatest day in

Afghanistan's history. Everyone back home is so excited, I'm receiving so many messages from our ministers and so many other people back home. People are coming out on the streets and celebrating. We've suffered too many tragedies, and this comes as the best piece of news to us at this time. It's taken us merely 12 years to complete this journey (when they played in the ICC's fifth division of the World Cricket League). It's taken a collec-

tive effort from everyone, from our government, cricket board, players and the coach to get us here,” said Mashal. He claimed that Afghanistan, who've become the fifth Asian country in the Test-playing club, will be able to stand against the `big boys' of Test cricket. “We've the talent to play at the highest level. Cricket is hugely popular in Afghanistan, and we've got a good domestic cricket structure in place. We won't stop our efforts to get better. We're spending a lot of money in infrastructure. Inshallah, we will play a Test in Kabul someday. It's too early to say this, but we hope to play a Test in India too,” he hoped. Afghanistan are likely to play their first Test against fellow newcomers Ireland in Bangladesh sometime later this year.

Netherlands win final; India finish lowly 6th An inconsistent India wasted a number of chances to finish a disappointing sixth in the Hero Hockey World League semifinals after being stunned 2-3 by lowly Canada in London on Sunday. Meanwhile, Valentin Verga scored a brace as the Netherlands stormed to a 61 victory over Argentina in the final. Further strikes from Thijs Van Dam, Robbert Kemperman, Mirco Pruijser and Thierry Brinkmann rounded off an

impressive performance from the Dutch who controlled the game from start to finish. It was India's second defeat against a lowerranked side in the tournament after having lost to

Malaysia in the quarterfinals. By virtue of this win, Canada not only finished fifth in the tournament but also qualified for next year's World Cup, to be held in the Indian city of Bhubaneswar. The loss, although, didn't deter sixth-ranked India's qualification to the Hockey World League Final, to be held later this year, and the World Cup as they are already assured of places in both the events by virtue of being the hosts. However, it

definitely counts for a morale shattering outing. India started the encounter as the overwhelming favourites having defeated the same opponents 3-0 in the pool stages, but the script panned out to be completely different as, with a World Cup berth at stake, Canada played with great determination and gave their higher-ranked rivals a run for their money. Canada surprised their rivals when it mattered the most with some great counterattacks.

Sport 32


Asian Voice | 1st July 2017




Durham appoint two new directors to the Board of Directors Durham County Cricket Club is delighted to announce the appointment of two new directors as part of the Club’s restructuring. respected Highly Paul businessmen Woolston and Naynesh Desai have joined the board following a detailed selection proNaynesh Desai by supported cess Newcastle based independent employment consultants NRG. Paul retired from leading accountancy firm PwC in 2014, after 25 years of service. At the time of his retirement Paul was Senior Partner at the Newcastle Office and led the company’s UK Public Services Assurance Practise. He has a Master of Business Science from Manchester Business School and is a CIPFA accountant and will bring a wealth of local private and public-sector experience. Previously, Paul was the lead partner with the Audit Commission for 15 years and also worked with HMRC. He is also the former Chair of the North East Local Enterprise Partnership and works with a number of charities. Paul has a long association with Durham County Cricket Club and led on the business plan that led to the Club gaining first class status in 1991. Paul will be joined on the board by Naynesh Desai, a senior partner with DDO Solicitors, based in Mayfair, London. Commercial lawyer Naynesh is a long term advisor to Sir Ian Botham and will bring considerable legal expertise and London -based connections to the Club. Paul and Naynesh will join current board members, Club Chairman Sir Ian Botham, Chief Executive David Harker, Phil Collins and Bob Jackson.

Indian cricketers - both men and women - showed their class by beating West Indies and England in the 50-over match last week

Indian cricketers – both men and women- showed their prowess last week. While the Indian women's cricket team launched their campaign in the ICC Women's World Cup with a comfortable 35-run win over England on Saturday, Indian men showed a dominating batting display to pile up 310 for 5 and beat West Indies by 105 runs in their second one-dayer at Port of Spain on Sunday. No other team has scored as many 300-odd runs as India – a total of 96. Ajinkya Rahane got his third ODI century, Shikhar Dhawan's run continued with yet another half-century and Virat Kohli knocked off an effortless 87 off 66. For West Indies Shai Hope scored 81. Early morning rain had left the pitch damp and the atmosphere heavy, ideal bowling conditions that prompted the hosts to invite India to bat. The conditions eventually didn't turn out to be as treacherous as expected, but it didn't help that West Indies' new-ball bowlers never got their length right. They were either too short or too full, getting cut and pulled or driven with ease. There was also more intent from the India openers, who as a partnership have the best average among all pairs who have added at least 1,500 runs together. India's 63 in the first 10 overs was about 14 more than what has been their average since the 2015 World Cup. The busy scoring continued, especially given that Devendra Bishoo, who bowled well in the first match, struggled with his length. In Bishoo's third over, Rahane picked up two boundaries to get into the 40s. He lost Dhawan immediately after, stumped off the offspin of Ashley Nurse for 63 off 59, but took over the dominant role as Kohli settled down. From 36 off 45, Rahane scored the next 50 runs in 40 balls, but slowed down near the hundred. Kohli, though, didn't let the wickets slow India down. His acceleration was dramatic. He scored his final 50 runs in 25 balls. He was struggling physically because of the high humidity. He didn't over-hit any of his four sixes, but hit them so clean that he didn't need to look up to see where they went. In the end, that lack of power did him in when he lofted an Alzarri Joseph slower ball to long-on in the penultimate over of the innings. If there were any doubts about India getting the 300, Holder put paid to them by bowling three beamers and a foot-fault no-ball in his last two overs. The extra deliveries and runs took India over, making it 99 runs in the last nine overs. The next 99 runs

would take more than half the length of West Indies' innings, and three wickets to boot. Bhuvneshwar Kumar started off bowling in areas where batsmen's mistakes hurt them, taking two wickets in his first two overs. In the fourth over, Hope steered Umesh Yadav to score the first run off the bat. By the time he hit the first boundary of the innings, in the sixth over, the asking rate had crossed eight. Hope showed the promise he carries with a composed innings, but he alone was never going to be able to make up for the disastrous and a struggling Evin Lewis at the other end. One of the final acts of the match belonged to a man bowling for the first time in ODIs: Kuldeep Yadav had Lewis stumped off a wrong run, and Hope lbw on the sweep moments after the batsman had hit him for a six over long-off. He later came back to have Holder stumped off another wrong run to stamp out the last bit of resistance. Mandhana, Raj guide India to win

imposing 281 for three after being asked to bat. Mandhana forged a 144run opening wicket stand with Punam Raut (86 off 134) before skipper Mithali Raj (71) completed an unprecedented seventh consecutive half century in ODIs. India then returned to dismiss England for 246 with 15 balls to spare to make a resounding start to their World Cup campaign at the County Ground in Derby. It is India's first win over England in five years as they had all lost all six previous matches to the hosts. Chasing 282 to win, England failed to build partnership with middle-order batswoman Fran Wilson (81 off 102) emerging as the highest scorer. Her run out proved turning point of the game since England looked cruising when she was at the crease. Off-spinner Deepti Sharma took three wickets for 47 runs. Tammy Beaumont (14) and Sarah Taylor (22) gave England a decent start adding 33 in 8 overs but Shikha Pandey removed the openers and Deepti Sharma dismissed Natalie

British tennis player tests positive for cocaine

Dan Evans

India women's cricket team launched their campaign at the ICC Women's World Cup with a comfortable 35-run win over England, riding on superb batting display by the top-order on Saturday. Smriti Mandhana struck 90 off 72 balls as India posted an

The career of Dan Evans, British No 3 tennis player, is in danger following his testing positive for cocaine. He now faces the maximum of a four-year ban. At 27, the very future of his career will be in danger. At a press conference, Evans managed to read out a 90-second statement regarding his drug-related problem before fleeing the scene. Questions were not invited. “This is a very difficult day for me,� said Evans. “It is really important that you know this was taken out of competition and the context completely unrelated to tennis. I made a mistake and I must face up to it.�

Sciver (18) as England slipped to 67 for 3 in the 18th over. Heather Knight (46) and Wilson took the team across the 100-mark. But Knight was back into the pavilion in the 32nd over after being run out by Harmanpreet Kaur.



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