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Qualifying businesses have less than 10 months to ensure their ESOS Phase 3 report is submitted before the 5th of December deadline.

to act fast!

Inspired PLC the UK’s largest energy and sustainability advisor, urges businesses to act now to ensure they meet the looming deadline.

But with changes being made to this phase, what do qualifying businesses need to know and how can they ensure compliance before the deadline?

Inspired PLC’s Director of Compliance Delivery, Rob Leak shares his expert advice to ensure ESOS compliance before the December deadline: “For many businesses who have gone through ESOS compliance before, this phase will follow a similar process. However, with regards to the changes made from the consultation, businesses need to be more diligent, particularly when reporting on transportation which for many has previously fallen within the de-minimis.

“It’s crucial that businesses act quickly to ensure they meet the deadline and benefit from the recommendations made for both their costs and consumption. All of which supports their net zero and carbon reduction commitments.”

Phase 3 Changes

The government conducted a consultation on ESOS which resulted in some changes which include:

• The de-minis rules – The deminis rule will be reduced from

10% to 5% which is likely to bring more transport reporting into play compared to previous phases.

• Inclusion of intensity metrics

– This intends to bring closer alignment of wider reporting schemes to include intensity metrics within an overview section of reports.

• Inclusion of standardised information – Ensuring key information related to ESOS such as organisational structure, route to compliance and other group level information, are included in a standard way for all participants.

• Requirement to share reports with subsidiaries – This helps to ensure that reports are disseminated within an organisational group, providing more awareness and visibility of efficiency opportunities identified.

• Inclusion of an action plan –Publishing a target and action plan is required that will be updated and reported on annually, either within the energy efficiency narrative or SECR or through separate reporting on the ESOS portal.

• Collection of additional data for compliance and reporting

– The expansion of the details being submitted to assist with monitoring and enforcement as part of ESOS compliance reporting.



Make sure as the deadline approaches and pressure increases to complete your reporting requirements, you secure a qualified Lead Assessor to review your ESOS report. Lead Assessors are in high demand so act early to ensure you aren’t left behind.

Measure Your Total Consumption

Take stock of your businesses complete energy consumption and record this in a common unit such as kWh or in pounds sterling. This should include buildings, industrial processes, and transport – both employee and business travel.

Audit Areas Of Significant Consumption

Conducting a through energy audit of all the areas of your business that make up 95% or more of your energy use, you may discover areas of high consumption. These identified areas must be included in your report, although, the energy audit must meet certain criteria to be ESOS compliant.

Improve Efficiency

Efficiency should be a top priority in your ESOS report and businesses will need to create a list of efficiency improvements that include practical suggestions explaining the estimated costs and benefits, reduced cost, consumption and emissions.


Once your Lead Assessor has checked your report to ensure it meets all the requirements, you will need to notify the Environment Agency that your report is now completed.

Meet Your Compliance Requirements With Support From The Experts

ESOS offers your business an opportunity to create longterm energy, cost, and carbon savings ahead of the deadline.

Working with a trusted energy partner can help you go beyond compliance and demonstrate your commitment to carbon reduction for your wider decarbonisation strategy. Inspired PLCs experts have helped save over £96M in identified opportunities in Phase 2 alone.

To get ahead on your ESOS reporting, get in touch with Inspired PLCs experts today on 01772 689250 or email hello@inspiredenergy.co.uk