Check out Edwin and Andrea Haynes, Jimmy and Cheryl Coleman, Ben Hall and Mayor Annise Parker

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JOIN THE MOVEMENT: The Houston Area Urban League Young Professionals (HAULYP), a premiere Young Professionals’ Organization in the City of Houston. HAULYP is an organization that reaches out to the Community, that is engaged Civically, develops its members Professionally, and excites them Socially. Please visit, and we hope to see you at our next meeting.

Join the YP Movement! The Houston Area Urban League Young Professionals is a diverse group of individuals empowering our communities by heeding the call to action! Through civic engagement, community service and professional development, our network of young professionals works to secure economic selfreliance, power, parity and civil rights to groups in the minority. This is your call to action. Join our extensive network of professionals who impact the communities that we work and live in. Our multi-faceted, “You don’t make growing membership is comprised primarily of young professionals in the age range of 21 – 40 progress by standing that represent various industries and professions on the sidelines…You throughout Houston. General Body Meetings When: 2nd Tuesday of Every Month Time: 6:30PM Location: HAUL Building 1301 Texas Ave, Houston, TX 77002


Houston Business Connections


make progress by implementing ideas.” -- Shirley Chisholm

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