February 2015

Page 44




ack arrived a few minutes early for his blind date with Hannah. While he waited for her to arrive, the host of that evening’s comedy show, Casey Kustak, joked, “Wouldn’t it be funny if she didn’t show up?” Zack laughed it off, but grew a bit more nervous with each passing minute. “I’m glad she showed up,” he said. “She was 10 minutes late, so I was like, ‘Oh god, is this going to happen?’” Zack, who works as a producer for KSFY TV, said he first noticed her smile. Hannah, a project coordinator for ad agency Fresh Produce, liked that he appeared friendly and approachable. Hannah apologized for her tardiness and the pair was sat in the comedy club. The show

wouldn’t start for nearly an hour, so they began the standard first date back-and-forth. Although the conversation started out a little awkward, they embraced the situation and learned they had a lot in common. “We found out that we work about a block away from each other,” she said. “We talked about downtown Sioux Falls and some of our mutual people we’ve discovered along the way.” They also found out that they have a favorite watering hole in common. “She asked me what my favorite bar is in Sioux Falls,” Zack recalled. “I told her I like the little speakeasy in Lucky’s and she said, ‘Wow, that’s my favorite.’” She added, laughing, “And we’re the only one in our friend groups that like going down there. I guess we’re both antisocial. We just like cold, dark places.” The pair settled into conversation, but the awkward-

ness was just beginning. They ordered food, and as the tables filled up around them, fellow patrons were only ordering drinks. Their wrap and burger arrived just minutes before the comedy show started. Having barely touched their dinner when the host appeared onstage to warm up the audience, their front row seats put them squarely in the spotlight. “I remember looking at Zack and being like, ‘I’m going to eat this. I know it’s going to be awkward, because everyone’s going to be looking at us. But I’m hungry, so I’m going to eat this.’ I just made that known,” said Hannah. “We just kept eating,” said Zack. “We weren’t going to not eat our food.”

Both said they enjoyed the comedy show, but regretted that it caused the conversation to end. “I think a comedy club would be better for second or third date. On a first date, you need time to make conversation and get to know them. At a comedy club, you’re in each other’s presence, but you’re not doing a whole lot of talking.” Hannah added, “I guess you can find out what their sense of humor is by what they’re laughing at.” “She has a really great laugh,” said Zack. When the show ended, the pair parted ways. “We just kind of said goodbye,” said Zack. “I messaged her afterward on Facebook to say thanks and wish her a good night.” “He said that he had a good time and he actually apologized for being nervous,” said Hannah. “I was like, ‘No need. We both knew it was going to be weird going into this.’” Verdict: Both say they’re ready to plan date number two.

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