2 minute read

Erik Rozing | State of Denial

Orig. Title: Staat van ontkenning Orig. Language: Dutch Orig. Publisher: Meulenhoff 416 pp. | January 2022 Territory: World excl. Dutch

MATERIAL AVAILABLE Dutch MS English sample


State of Denial

Sea levels are rising rapidly, causing major damage to the coastline and dividing the population. Failing climate policies cause desperation amongst the younger generation as they decide to take matters into their own hands.

Astrid Franken must step up to turn the tide after a minister is killed in a terrorist attack. As deputy prime minister, she is trying to keep the country and her family together.

Her husband Victor, a brilliant and controversial scientist, has a secret that is weighing on their marriage. And her teenage son, Adam, seems to know more about the terrorist attack than he is letting on.

As the threat of the sea increases, Astrid must do whatever she can to save a country that is in danger of falling apart, just like her unusual family.

Erik Rozing

Erik Rozing studied medicine at the University of Maastricht and specialized in psychiatry at Leiden University. He has been living in Amsterdam for the last few years. As a psychiatrist, his focus is on patients, trauma, and personality disorders. His debut novel, The Psychiatrist and the Girl, was shortlisted for the Hebban Debut prize.


Orig. Title: De psychiater en het meisje 448 pp. | 2016 # OF COPIES SOLD 15,000+ AWARDS Hebban Debut Prize for Fiction (shortlisted)

The Psychiatrist and the Girl

The Rosie Project meets Girl, Interrupted meets The Shock of the Fall, set in the psychiatric department of a general hospital. Life could have been easier for young doctor Edgar Simons at the moment. His girlfriend has broken up him and after making a fatal judgment error, he’s been put under heavy scrutiny in the hospital where he works as an intern. Edgar himself is not free of mental issues either. Then he gets to treat a new patient: Stella. She utterly fascinates him. He’s getting obsessed and knows he should keep her at arm’s length, but how?

The Best for Everyone

Stella is a clever, lively, sharp-witted young woman, but she also suffers from Borderline Personality Disorder. At twenty-seven, she turns to Ender, an organisation that would help her obtain deadly drugs.

Orig. Title: Het beste voor iedereen 352 pp. | 2019

English sample available There, she meets Milou, a young filmmaker who wants to make a documentary about Stella’s decision to end her life. In the weeks leading up to Stella’s planned suicide, Milou encourages her to tell her story.