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This app is designed to be a health and wellbeing journal that allows users to track symptoms and feelings. The user-friendly app also makes it easy to track and study factors that influence how you feel giving a better understanding of how different things affect your mood and sense of wellbeing. The ability to easily keep track of symptoms can help users when they have an appointment with a doctor or healthcare professional as it will assist them to demonstrate when their symptoms are occurring, the regularity of the symptoms and how they are affecting their daily life.


Download from the App store. SympleApp.com

This free app is very simple and easy to use, making it ideal for all users, no matter their tech comfort level. Just as the name suggests, this app is designed to guide users through breathing exercises to help promote a calming state and reduce anxiety. They explain that the app is inspired by “resonance” which they explain as “the scientific name that describes what happens when our heart rate, heart rate variability, blood pressure, and brainwave function come into a coherent frequency.” Many studies have been done on resonant breathing and have shown a range of benefits, including: reduction of inflammation, reduction of stress, improved sleep, improved resiliency and strengthening of cardiovascular function. This could be a great free app to recommend to patients as a way to reduce stress and anxiety, or as something to introduce to their daily routine.

Download from the App store or Google Play.

Follow on Instagram @TheBreathingApp

This is an adult colouring app and it has been praised by users for offering the ability to actually colour in, rather than the standard “tap-to-fill” method that most colouring apps offer. It does include the “tap-to-fill” option but users can also choose what they want to colour with, whether that be pencil, pen, paint strokes or more. The great thing about this app is that users can also choose their own colour palette for use, and there are over 2,200 different illustrations to choose from with more being added every day. Colouring is a therapeutic and calming activity that can be done anywhere, this app could be a great relaxation tool for many.

Download from the App store or Google Play.


This app is the ideal companion to help keep your patients hydrated throughout the day. The health benefits of drinking plenty of water are well-known, from improving organ function to relieving fatigue and aiding digestion, keeping hydrated is an important part of our daily lives. However, drinking water is something that is easily forgotten by many due to other responsibilities, stressors, or illness. This app will send scheduled reminders to encourage users to drink water during the day. It will set a recommended water intake goal based on the user’s gender, height, weight and activity, and the amount of water consumed can be logged, giving users an overall view of their water intake for the day. It’s a great tool for people living with dementia to ensure they stay hydrated, but it can be beneficial for everyone.

Download from the App store or Google Play.

AqualertApp.com your device. When you download this app you just select “no Fitbit yet” and it will set up the mobile tracker on your device. This app is ideal for anyone looking to increase their exercise through walking or running, this may be to improve heart health, lose weight, or improve mental health. Whatever the reason, it is always great to see your own personal progress on paper (or screen), this can also encourage users to keep going, increase activity levels and as a result improve health and improve wellbeing. Getting out more for walks can also often increase social interactions for users which is a great benefit as we are all naturally social beings.

Download from the App store or Google Play.
