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Show & Tell | Amanda Fraser

Leading show rider Amanda Fraser is one of the friendliest faces around the showing circuit. She has every reason to be proud of her achievements, and has had some amazing adventures over the years.

WORDS Ashleigh Henwood PHOTOS Show Circuit Magazine

Amanda and Harry pictured after winning Supreme Saddle Hunter of the Year 2015


Amanda’s superstar King of Hearts, known as Harry, started out his life with the Fraser family as her husband Johnny’s hunter. “Harry has a fantastic bold, honest jump but he needed some schooling on the flat. I had lost my pride and joy, Mr. Inquisitive, to a paddock accident so I took over the ride on Harry,” Amanda recalls. “This all happened quite late in the season last year, so by the time we got to Horse of the Year we had only done three shows!”

With his huge presence and fabulous canter and gallop, the pair were soon very competitive in the show ring. “I entered Horse of the Year for mileage…and the rest is history!”

Amanda and Harry not only took out the 2015 Rising Star Saddle Hunter title, but went on to win Supreme Saddle Hunter of the Year, giving them the invitation to compete at the Australian National Showing Championships in Werribee. Amanda admits to feeling a little crazy taking a horse with limited showing experience to compete in Werribee, but the opportunity to wear the silver fern doesn’t come around very often, so she leapt at the chance.

“Harry definitely rose to the occasion and I couldn’t be prouder of how far he has come in such a short time,” she beams. “He was a fabulous horse to take to Aussie - the flying and the new environment didn’t faze him at all. He loved the indoor arena and the atmosphere that was put in front of us. I’m so excited to be riding this lovely big horse, as he has the kindest of temperaments and will give anything a go.”

She describes the whole experience as being amazing, with an extremely well-run show and outstanding facilities. “I was grateful that we chose to go a week early to accommodate the horses. We got them into routines and had the opportunity to ride in the indoor prior to show day, which was great preparation,” she says. “It was amazing to watch the best of the best of the Aussie horses and ponies. Their turnout was outstanding, and talking to the people in the different barns about their ways of doing things was very interesting. It really is a true profession over there - not like me riding out of a farmyard! I had to pinch myself and say “Yeeha - we are doing this, Harry! Do you realise you are in Australia?!”

When the combination returned from Australia their first show was the New Zealand National Horse and Pony Show, where they were awarded New Zealand National Champion Saddle Hunter, backing up their work they had put in to get to Australia.


Amanda and Harry pictured during their workout that saw them finish 3rd in Saddle Hunter of the Year 2016


Before Amanda turned her focus to showing, she thrived on the polo field. She only moved into the show ring when she was at university, because she only had time to put work into one horse, not six polo ponies. “I’ve always had the competitive bug so showing was a great option, plus it’s a great way to meet people and see your mates every weekend,” she explains.

Her love for polo took her all around the world and eventually led to a job with Prince Charles, grooming at Buckingham Palace. “The coolest place I have ever competed was at Guards Polo Club – that was an amazing experience. Grooming for Prince Charles was very cool and the stables at Buckingham Palace are out of this world. Another great time was competing in Hawaii with Sylvester Stallone! He was a great host and a brilliant polo player,” she reminisces. “I’ve had some huge highlights over the years - travelling all around the world with the polo ponies, fox hunting in Middleburg, Virginia and following the Show Hunter circuit over there. I even won the USA Groom’s Award, which was amazing!”


Aside from her recent achievements with Harry, Amanda has had countless victories in the show ring with the numerous horses she has produced over the years. Point Clear was Reserve Working Hunter and Saddle Hunter at Horse of the Year 2004; My Distraction was Reserve Saddle Hunter at Nationals; and her beautiful Mr. Inquisitive won many Champion and Reserve Champion ribbons throughout his showing career - the highlights being Champion Riding Horse at North Island Premier Show, Reserve Riding Horse at Nationals and being placed in the top six at Horse of the Year for six years in a row.

“All of these horses started as novices in the show ring, and I brought them through to the open classes,” Amanda explains. “It is such a thrill to ride something you have started yourself, and qualifying with Harry to compete in Australia was just the icing on the cake.”

To add to her accolades in 2015, she also won the Senior Female Sportsperson of the Year at the Central Hawke’s Bay Sports Awards. “It was a huge honour to win and a great recognition to equestrian sport. I have since been presented with an Award of Excellence from our local Mayor for equestrian within our community. I love helping people.” C