3 minute read

The Free Movement Revolution



When Leigh Holford of MOOV Baby had her son in 2016, a friend introduced her to Resources for Infant Educarers (RIE) which was developed by Magda Gerber based on the scientific observations and methods of Dr Emmi Pikler. The free movement philosophy resonated with Leigh and she was drawn to find out more about how it could facilitate her son’s play and physical exploration by helping him gain confidence and independence in his movement.


“I looked for the product in Australia, but the cost was phenomenal as they seemed to be a very niche product. I was a new mum on maternity leave, and I thought if I had been looking for an affordable option surely others would be too. I talked to my parents, who own a timber manufacturing facility in Northern NSW, and within a few months we had created a few product prototypes. We received so many positive comments when people saw the products. As a consumer of my own product I’m happy with how it has transformed my approach to parenting and how I engage with my son during play and movement.” explains Leigh

The MOOV Baby cube weaning  chair/table is a versatile peice for your little love.

The MOOV Baby cube weaning chair/table is a versatile peice for your little love.

Leigh was excited to speak with us and share her passion for free movement:

What is your business philosophy?

“To make products which promote active play and encourage independent gross motor development.”

What is your mission?

“I’m no longer a helicopter mum because I know my son can handle himself after seeing his abilities grow over time using the triangle. Our mission is to give the same confidence to other children and their parents.”

What inspires your product design?

“While Dr. Emmi Pikler’s designs and the Montessori philosophy have been huge influences in the product design we strive to extend the use and interface between the different products to make them multipurpose. Having an extremely active two-anda-half-year-old gives you an invaluable insight into how products are used and how they can be adapted..”

Run us through the development process from concept to prototype.

“We are so fortunate in our family business that we all have different, yet complementary skill sets. I led with the concept, Dad provided the timber business expertise, and Mum contributed observations from her teaching experience. We moved quickly from the technical stage to production because we have an enthusiastic team who were keen to see things come to fruition.”

There aren’t many toys out there that get played with every day for years, but this is exactly the feedback we get.

There aren’t many toys out there that get played with every day for years, but this is exactly the feedback we get.

What is the best feedback you’ve received?

“There aren’t many toys out there that get played with every day for years, but this is exactly the feedback we get. The stories which really make our hearts sing are about the children with gross motor delays or special needs where our products are helping them develop key life skills and contributing to their wellbeing.”

"Infants and toddlers don’t need to be taught how to crawl, walk or climb they just need the opportunity to learn according to their inherent ability."

"Infants and toddlers don’t need to be taught how to crawl, walk or climb they just need the opportunity to learn according to their inherent ability."

What has been your biggest challenge?

“Finding the confidence to give it a try. It’s all new to us and we have been so delighted with the enthusiasm from our wonderful customers.”

What is your five-year plan?

“Our focus remains the same – encouraging free movement for children. As noted by Dr. Emmi Pikler, infants and toddlers don’t need to be taught how to crawl, walk or climb they just need the opportunity to learn according to their inherent ability. Our products play an important part in inspiring more child-led active play and we recently launched some great new designs for people to try.”

The MOOV Baby Rocking Boat/Steps. Trust us- your kids wont get off this one.

The MOOV Baby Rocking Boat/Steps. Trust us- your kids wont get off this one.