Pretty Palomino's by Chelsea McKay

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Pretty Palomino’s Chelsea McKay


Table of Contents Characteristics…………….3-­‐4 Habitat………………………..5-­‐6 Personality & Recreation…………………..7-­‐8 Facts…………………………9-­‐10 2

Characteristics What does a palomino look like? Color: Palomino’s range in color from dark gold to light taffy. They always have a cream or white mane and tail. An all white Palomino can be called an Isabella or a Cremello. A dark colored Palomino is called a Chocolate Palomino. 3

Size: Palomino’s have an average height of 17 hands, which is close to six feet! Can you name the different parts of a palomino?


Habitat Palominos live all throughout the United States. They prefer to live in grassy and sandy areas with a lot of water, where they enjoy eating grain and hay. They also enjoy living on farms!


Would this be a good place for a Palomino to live? 6

Personality & Recreation Palominos are known for how versatile and agile they are. They are great for trail riding, showing, jumping, recreation riding, and make excellent ranch horses. When treated well, Palominos love affection from the people they are around. They are very alert 7

and curious and can easily be trained to do tricks. This Palomino loves his home on the farm!


Fun Facts • Palomino is actually the name of a color instead of a breed. • The word Palomino is Spanish, meaning ‘young pigeon.’ • Palominos with dark-­‐ skinned coats turn white in the winter, 9

while light-­‐skinned coats stay a golden color year round. Put your knowledge of Palominos to the test with this true/false chart!

Palominos always have a dark colored mane and tail Palominos have an average height of 17 hands Palominos can be easily trained Palominos like to live on beaches


False √

√ 10

Works Referenced (2007). Burke’s Backyard > Fact Sheets > Palomino. Retrieved May 6, 2014, from < ts/Horses/Palomino/358>

(2013). Horse breed: Palomino – Critters 360. Retrieved May 6, 2014, from <­‐ about-­‐the-­‐palomino-­‐horse-­‐13690/> *All images were public domain or my own photos.


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