1967 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 65 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 24

Governor Donald W. Samuelson Donald W. Samuelson, who strode purposefully out of the North, became Idaho's leading gentleman by winning election as the twenty-fifth governor of the state. His stewardship in the years to come will determine his place in Idaho history. Perhaps no governor of a Western state has more complex responsi hili ties. Idaho is big. Economic interests of its people are as varied as its climate and topography. Idaho holds much promise, but it is still in the developing stage. The big job for the big man now in the Governor's Chair: To help bring the state nearer to the fulfillment that its resources promise.

University of Idaho President,1Dr. Ernest W. Hartung, meets with Governor Don Samuelson, and Dr. David D. Kendrick, newly elected President of the North Idalfo Chamber of Commerce. Dr. Hartung talked with Samuelson and Dean Kendrick at the Chamber of Commerce meeting on the campus.


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