JACK BRYANT Guard 6'2", 209 lb., Sr. STEVE BURATTO Center 6', 210 lb., Sr. JERRY CAMPBEll linebacker 6', 205 lb., Sr.
JOE CHAPMAN End 6' , 180 lb., Sr. PAT DAILY Wingback 5'9", 177 lb., Sr. CHARLIE JENKINS Deep Back 6', 203 lb., Jr.
RON PORTER linebacker 6'3", 219 lb., Jr. DAVE TR IPLEIT Guard 6', 207 lb., Sr. JOHN WHITNEY End 6'4", 210 lb., Sr.
IDAHO Washington
Idaho Statistics Washington 12 .......... .. ... ......................... First Downs .............................................. 12 95 ............ . .. Rushing Yardage ........ ···- ············· .......... 78 121 ......... .•. . Pa ssing Yard age ......................................... 62 14-28 ..... . ........... ... .. ....... Passes .....•................................. .... 11-16 2 ... . ................. Pa sses Intercepted By .......................... .......... 2 6-38.3 .............. Punts .. .. ..........................••.. 6-38.7 3 ........ .. ..... Fumbles l ost ..............•••........................... 2 73 .... •..... ...... ............... Yards Penalized ......... ·················-·············· 45
Coach Steve Musseau's Vandals opened the 1965 gridiron season in Seattle, losing 14-9 to the University of Washington Huskies. The Vandals battled hard through the first three quarters to hold a 9-7 lead only to have the Huskies pull out a win with a last-qua rter touchdown. Despite the opening loss, the Vandals displayed themselves well by gaining more yardage than the Huskies both on the ground and in the air. 186
Tim Lavens, Idaho's setback, gains ya rdage against University of Wash ing· ton. Although the Vandals came out short on the scoreboard, they exce ll ed the Hu skies in rushing and passing yardage.