1964 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 62 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 281

The \'andal ba~eball team. under the supen ision of Coach \\'a,ne \n derson. experieticed a highly suctessful sea~on despite a ;,low stan . .\1 though th e Vandals bega n the season with a seco nd place in Ba nana Bell competition , the y im proved during the season to come ba ck to a 10-0 record in Big Sky play and won the Big Sky crown by stopping ~ccond -placc Weber College in th e conference plawfh. Outstanding perform ances we re turned in hy Jeff )lcQueen) . Tom Hoagland. ;md Gary Peters. i\lcQueeny, a ca tcher from Texas City, Texas, finished the season in first place in the battiug department with a .372 average. Hoagland followed closely with a .3 10 and Peters finished th e season at the .2i6 mark. VA:'IID.-\L l'rl C II ERS R ow One: Gaq Pe ters, Frank R eberger. Ron " 'atson, Bill Stonema n. Row Two: )like l.amh, Ro n Bogue, .\ lil. e G lenn.

Baseball PI TCH ING Name


G ar y Peters .............. 14 ~ l ike Glenn .............. 15 Bill StOneman ........ 14 i\l ike Lamb ...... ...... .11 Ron Bogue ............. 6


77 79 49 32 25



6() 35 70 3 1 '12 2 1 29 14 23 13





2.70 2.43 2.52 2.16 2.88

66 85 57 8 15

28 7 3 27 7 4 18 5 路1 5 3 0 14

:'\a me


Frank Reberger ...... Gary Luce ............. John Bardelli .......... T erry Van Slate ......




8 2 2 2

13 6 4


8 l



8 6 0 4


so nn

4.59 3.96 .00

16 7

3 2



9 0 I 0 0 0 l 0 0 2 0 0

BIG KY CONFERENCE CH AMPIONS: Row One: Bill Stoneman, Chuck J oh nson, Fred Thomas, Bob Connan, Terry Van Slate, j ohn llardelli. Row T wo: Bob Blessinger, John Blessinger, Mike Everett, J eff :\lcQuecn), ' I om Ho agland, J im Cannichael, Dick Knapp, R on Watson, Coach Wayne Anderson. Row Three: Carr Luce, Bob Erickson, :\like Lamb, Ron Bogue, Frank R cberger. Bill H ui~inga , Mike Glenn, Carr Pe ters, Cary Kaat1.

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