1960 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 58 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 199

Gary Hudelson David Landon Frank Lyons Bill Montgomery Cary Post Tom Smith

Lance Johnson Denny Langdon Randy Litton David iV!unn Chuck Rank Dean Sorensen

LeRoy Johnson Van B. Larson Bruce McCowan Neal Newhouse Tom Ratcliffe Mike Stowe

Delbert Jones Philip Layton Bill McDonald Jon 'ilsson John Remsberg John Turner

Tom Kale Jim Libbey Dennis McLean Jim Okeson Swan Robertson Bob Vervaike

Ron Keely Art Lindenner Lee Miller Larry Parberry Duane Saxton John Walcon

Carl Kelly Bob Livingston Don Modic Robert Parkinson Larry Schoat Skip Ward

Be to The to Pi

Kent Hove Michael Killien Hilmar Lunde cil Modic Jim Paulson Bob Smart Dick Wyatt

The Senator pays a visit


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