Coach B. S. (University of Iowa, 1901); Physical Director and In~tructor in Science (Simpson College, t!)Ot-o2); Athletic Director and Instructor in Science (University of Idaho, 1!)02路 07); Athletics Coach (University of Iowa, 1907-10); Coach of Football, Basketball and Baseball (University of Idaho, 1910). "Pink" Griffith was captain of the University of Iowa team which in 1900 won the Western championship, defeating Chicago, Minnesota and other large schools. He coached Idaho's Northwest championship team in 1905 and the team in tgo6, which won everything exce1>ting the U. of W.-Idaho game (score 12-10).
THORNTON Jimmy played his last this year, as the four-year rule disqualifies him from now on. He played halfback in all the games except the \Vhitman game, in which he was switched to end. He was the only man of the Idaho squad to make the All-Northwest team, being chosen for end. He is fast on his feet and is the best man. in a broken field, that Idaho had. His loss next season will be ft>lt severely.
.T. 0. OHl P'fo'TTTT, Conch
J.\S. L'HOnNTON, Ca!ltnln